Scenario:Rosetta - Love Eternal

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Love Eternal

Believing the young man's dagger was meant to be a gift for his lover, Rosetta now wonders what to do, as his lover has long since passed away in the span of five hundred years. The crew suggests looking for a descendant of his lover instead, but after much fruitless searching, the group decides to take a lunch break. Curious about a different dagger that Rosetta had previously gifted to (Captain), the captain asks her about it. Rosetta explains that it was a gift from (Captain)'s parents, meant to keep the captain safe.

The crew arrives at the island Rosetta once had a pact with five hundred years ago.
It is a place that evokes painful memories, including her defeat during the War.
Ill at ease in the skydweller town which has completely changed since the War, Rosetta makes her way to the forest she lived in long ago.
There she finds the dagger that a young man had given to her in the midst of a battlefield.
After recalling the experiences that led to her receiving the gift, Rosetta brings it back to town and reunites with the others.
Vyrn: Kinda crazy that it's been five hundred years, but it still shines like it's brand new.
Lyria: You said the man who gave it to you wanted it to go to his beloved, right?
Rosetta: That's right. The day he gave it to me was the day my forest burned, so I never had the opportunity to.
Rosetta: Also... I know this sounds like an excuse, but at the time, I wasn't exactly a big fan of skydwellers. I don't know if I would've done it even if I had the chance to.
Vyrn: Can't say I blame ya. With the war goin' on, it woulda been tough to be friends with your enemies.
Rosetta: True...
Island Youth: Because you're... kind...
Island Youth: The blue wish rose... I wanted to meet my deceased mother, but...
Island Youth: I found you instead... even if we never met face to face...
Rosetta: (He trusted me. That's why he entrusted the dagger to me.)
Rosetta: (But where did such trust come from?)
Vyrn: Hmm, it's been a whole five hundred years though.
Vyrn: His girlfriend is long gone, and I don't think anyone left around here woulda ever met her.
Rosetta: Fair points, which is why I'm not sure what to do. It'd be nice if we could find the right someone to give it to...
  1. What about one of her descendants?
  2. Why don't you just take it?

Choose: What about one of her descendants?

Rosetta: A family member down the line...
Lyria: There's a lot of people on this island. It's possible that some of her family still lives here.
Lyria: Maybe we can find someone by asking around and explaining that it belonged to somebody's ancestor here a long time ago.
Rosetta: Not a bad suggestion. It's better if a relative holds onto it instead of me.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Why don't you just take it?

Rosetta: That is an idea I've thought of already...
Rosetta: But it doesn't sit right with me to take a gift that was meant for someone else, even if that someone has already passed.
Lyria: It would be awkward to take something that meant a lot to another person...
Lyria: Oh! What if we found one of her descendants and gave it to them instead?
Rosetta: A descendent... It's possible one still lives, considering how populated the town is.
Rosetta: The gift will never reach the original recipient, but... It's better than me holding onto it.

Continue 1

Lyria: Then let's get to searching!
The crew stop everyone they can find in town, showing the dagger and explaining who they're looking for.
To anyone curious, they clarify that they're carrying out a client's request and omit Rosetta's true identity.
Town Woman: A dagger from five hundred years ago? Sorry, but I don't know anything about it.
Rosetta: According to our client, the intended recipient lived in this town. Does any of this ring any bells?
Town Woman: Hmm... It's a really ornate dagger. I'm guessing it was meant to be proof of true love.
Vyrn: Whaddya mean by that?
Town Woman: See, this town has an age-old tradition of getting engaged by gifting a dagger, not a ring. Hence why I called it proof of true love.
Town Woman: Used to be that it would be men doing the gifting, but recently women have started doing it too.
Rosetta: A proposal gift... Seems likely that's what our dagger was meant to be.
Town Woman: With how decorated it is, I bet the person who had it commissioned really thought the world of their beloved.
Town Woman: A symbol of love that's lasted five hundred years... It'd be nice if it found its way to the right person.
Lyria: Wouldn't it? Thanks for your help!
The search continues, but without even a name to go off of, the crew runs into dead end after dead end.
After a couple hours of fruitless searching, they decide to stop at a restaurant to eat and recharge.
Vyrn: This is pretty tough. The only clue we got is that it was a Human woman...
Rosetta: I'm sorry, you were meant to be taking an overdue break, but here you are helping me...
Lyria: Don't worry about it! We're always happy to help, especially when we get to learn more about you!
Lyria: It's nice to know that you've always been a kind person, even back then!
Rosetta: Is that so?
Island Youth: Because you're... kind...
Rosetta: I doubt I'm as kind as you think, especially in the past...
Lyria: Huh? Did I say something weird?
Rosetta: No, no. I'm flattered you think that way of me.
Despite her words, Rosetta still wears a troubled frown.
The silence that follows is broken by a question that's been nagging at (Captain)'s mind for a while.
  1. By the way, about this dagger...

Choose: By the way, about this dagger...

Rosetta: Hm? What are you talking about?
(Captain) pulls out a familiar-looking white dagger.
It was previously stolen by a gentleman who sought to take Rosetta for himself, but his plans were swiftly foiled.
When Rosetta reclaimed it, she stated it was (Captain)'s by right and gave it to the captain without any further explanation.
  1. Could you tell me more about it?

Choose: Could you tell me more about it?

Vyrn: That's the one Rosetta gave you, yeah? It kinda reminds me of the dagger we're dealin' with right now.
Lyria: Now that you mention it... Was this dagger also meant to be proof of love?
Rosetta: It was, though I don't think anybody called it that.
  1. What?

Choose: What?

Rosetta: Not surprising that you're confused. I haven't explained anything, after all.
Rosetta: It's about time I revealed the truth anyway.
Taking the dagger out of (Captain)'s hand, Rosetta gazes at it with nostalgia in her eyes.
Rosetta: This was once a gift that your father gave to your mother.
Rosetta: We'd just arrived at an island that had a similar tradition of gifting a dagger to the person you wished to marry...
Rosetta: He secretly commissioned this beautiful dagger and presented it to her with a proclamation of love.
Lyria: Oh my gosh, that's so romantic!
Rosetta: It certainly was. I remember how happy all of us in the crew were for them.
Rosetta: To fall in love, join together, and birth new life... Skydwellers are capable of so much.
Rosetta: I must admit, it fascinated me to view it up close. These were things I had never experienced.
Lyria: Hehe, you really do love skydwellers, don't you?
Rosetta: Somewhere along the line, I truly did grow to like you all.
Rosetta: (My old self could've never imagined it...)
Vyrn: So if that was the old man's gift to (Captain)'s mom, how'd it end up with you?
Rosetta: She gave it to me when (Captain) was still in her stomach.
Rosetta: Asked me to gift it whenever I met (Captain) traveling the world on their own journey.
Rosetta: At that point, she knew she wouldn't be around to do it herself...
Rosetta: Then, as you know, I made my own mistakes, and it ended up being stolen from me.
Vyrn: Huh, so that's what happened. I'm glad we were able to get it back!
Rosetta: Me too.
With a satisfied nod, Rosetta gives the dagger back to (Captain).
Rosetta: It's more than a simple gift. It's intended to ward away evil and keep you safe throughout your long journey.
Rosetta: Your mother wanted to watch over you somehow, even if she couldn't be physically there to do it.
Rosetta: You're free to use it however you like. I only ask that you keep it close and treasure it.
  1. Of course I will!

Choose: Of course I will!

Rosetta: Hehe, good. If she were here now, I know she'd be overjoyed to hear it.
Rosetta smiles at her captain, a gentle warmth in her gaze.

Love Eternal: Scene 2

The sight of (Captain)'s dagger draws out old memories of Rosetta's journey with (Captain)'s father. Throughout her travels with him, Rosetta met many skydwellers who pestered her with their infatuation, but she eventually became fascinated by skydwellers in turn after watching (Captain)'s parents fall in love. Back in the present, the crew wraps up lunch and returns to searching for the right person to give the dagger to.

Rosetta: (Seeing (Captain)'s dagger truly does bring up some old memories.)
Rosetta muses to herself as she idly sips at her drink.
Lyria: The flowers decorating this restaurant are very pretty!
Lyria: Oh! That one over there has petals matching my hair color! What kind of flower do you think it is, (Captain)?
Rosetta: (Hehe, it's adorable how excited she is.)
Rosetta: (Five hundred years ago, I would've never imagined relaxing like this with skydwellers in my everyday life.)
Rosetta: (Everything changed when that man brought me with him on his journey...)
Old memories come to mind as Rosetta watches (Captain) and friends chat with one another.
Rosetta: For instance, I didn't know objects could hold emotional value. Primal beasts have no need for such a practice.
Rosetta: We live forever. A goodbye for now will never be a goodbye forever.
Rosetta: The way skydwellers lived their short lives was a complete mystery to me.
Rosetta: I was especially clueless back when I could only observe them from the darkness of my forest...
Rosetta: But after joining that man's crew, I was able to learn from up close as we traveled across all sorts of islands, sharing our food and living quarters together.
Rosetta: Wow... He goes too much out of his way for others.
Rosetta: Are all skydwellers this meddlesome? Or is he a special case?
Rosetta: Hehe, he really knows how to cause a scene. Life is short for mortals, so why does he live so recklessly?
Rosetta: I could already tell he was strange one, considering he made a primal beast like me a crew member.
Rosetta: But he went beyond even my expectations of strange. He lived to help others, no matter the cost.
Rosetta: Journeying with him was a breath of fresh air. Even observing from the sidelines was entertaining.
Rosetta: Through our adventures, I eventually began to understand why I lost during the war...
Rosetta: That, and the reason behind the yearning and loneliness I had deemed unnecessary.
Rosetta: Exhale... Things are looking a little dicey.
Rosetta: I suppose I should step in. Today's request is a lot tougher than expected.
Rosetta: I was changing, even though primal beasts weren't supposed to. Perhaps he possessed a special power of some kind.
Rosetta: I found myself making up reasons to join even the most mundane jobs, just to be able to travel to different islands and meet different people.
Rosetta: But because I was a primal beast, that presented another sort of problem...
Infatuated Man: My heart hasn't stopped pounding since I laid eyes on you!
Infatuated Man: I beg of you, stay on this island with me! We could—
Rosetta: I'm sorry, but I'm only on this island because my captain invited me aboard his crew. I can't simply abandon him on a whim.
Infatuated Man: Then let me have a chat with him! I'm serious about my feelings for you!
Rosetta: If you're always this eager without considering you're partner's feelings, then I'm afraid you're going to stay single forever.
Rosetta: I'll take my leave now. It's almost time for our departure.
Infatuated Man: Wait, please!
Rosetta: My power attracted skydwellers—they became tempted by a rose without being careful of the thorns underneath.
Rosetta: The countless declarations of love that followed me became a constant source of headache.
Rosetta: It was exhausting, denying each and every infatuated person.
Rosetta: Sigh... Today's annoyance didn't know how to take a hint.
Rosetta: Why does it always end up like this...
Rosetta: I was programmed from the beginning to carry myself with grace and allure. I didn't know any other way to act.
Rosetta: It was a fault I found silly to have, but sometimes it caused me great grief.
Rosetta: For all the downs I had, there were also many ups. Not many can claim they had a front row seat to true love.
Rosetta: Hehe, I didn't think him capable of being classy and emulating an island's tradition of gifting a dagger.
Rosetta: Cheers and celebrations were had throughout the crew that day. I, too, wished their love nothing but the best.
Rosetta: They later married, grew closer than ever before, and created new life—their love given a physical form.
Rosetta: That was probably the moment I realized how much I loved skydwellers.
Rosetta: Looks like many places have customs which place emotional value in objects, including symbols of true love.
Rosetta: (I feel like I've seen something like this before... Someone wishing to give a dagger to a loved one... But I can't quite recall.)
Rosetta: Well, either way... This is probably the first time I've genuinely been this happy for someone else. I didn't think myself capable of it.
At one point, that man actually told me I'd softened up a bit—that I'd become a kinder person.
I was struck again by the realization that kindness wasn't a trait I needed to fulfill my purpose and bend others to my will.
It was surprising to hear, but not upsetting, strangely enough.
Perhaps it was because I finally knew love beyond the infatuation of those countless suitors...
That was when a warmth grew in my heart. I knew I wanted to treasure it forever.
Rosetta: (A lot has happened since then... My journey with that man may have ended, but...)
Rosetta: (I met (Captain), and now I'm traveling once more.)
Rosetta: (I also met Io, a blossoming bud to whom I can teach so much...)
Rosetta: (I've changed so much, haven't I? In small and large ways...)
Rosetta lifts the verdant dagger from the table.
Rosetta: (I wonder what that young man would say if he could see me now.)
Rosetta: (I'll never know, of course...)
Vyrn: Phew... I'm all outta apple juice. Everyone ready to hit the streets again?
Rosetta: I know I am. Hopefully this time, we'll find the descendant we're looking for.
Bellies full and bodies rested, (Captain) and crew leave the restaurant to begin their search once more.

Love Eternal: Scene 3

Rosetta and crew find an elderly woman who explains that, if the dagger is truly from five hundred years ago, there should be an inscription hidden somewhere on it. Sure enough, they discover the name Mother Rosetta engraved under the ornamental rose, meaning it was meant for Rosetta all along. Realizing the young man had foreseen her future companionship with skydwellers, Rosetta keenly feels her affection for her mortal friends once more and resolves to fight with them to the ends of the skies.

In order to find the descendant of the dagger's intended recipient, (Captain) and crew run around town questioning people.
Town Elder: I'm sorry, but considering we don't get many people moving in and out, most everyone in town is related to someone who lived here five hundred years ago.
Town Elder: I'm sure the descendant you're looking for is one of us, but which one of us is not something I can tell you...
Rosetta: I figured as much. It would've been nice to at least have a name, but...
Rosetta: The only clue we have is that she was a Human woman.
Town Elder: Hmm... I see...
Town Elder: Actually, I just remembered something my great-grandmother once told me.
Town Elder: During the chaos of the war, people started giving daggers as protective charms to keep their loved ones safe.
Town Elder: Part of making a dagger work as a charm was engraving the recipient's name somewhere on it.
Lyria: So what you're saying is...
Town Elder: It's possible your dagger has a name on it somewhere, especially since it's from five hundred years ago.
The crew quickly inspect every surface of the dagger.
Vyrn: I don't see nothin' though.
Rosetta: There's nothing beneath the rose ornament either.
Town Elder: Hehehe, they'd never have put it somewhere easy to see, otherwise the engraving could've gotten damaged during the fighting.
Town Elder: Usually, it was somewhere hidden inside.
Town Elder: Would you mind lending me the dagger for a moment?
Rosetta: Not at all.
The elder takes the dagger, then removes a safety pin from a pouch.
One thrust of the pin into a small hole above the rose ornament later, there is a click as something slides out of place.
Crew: ...!
Town Elder: Hehehe, if you'll excuse me...
The elder gently grasps the rose ornament and slides it smoothly off the blade.
Doing so reveals a small engraving where the rose ornament was. Everyone gathers closely to peer at it.
Vyrn: Is it just me... or does this say Mother Rosetta on it?
Rosetta: But why? That would mean...
Town Elder: Seems like it's a familiar name to you. I suppose you'll find your recipient quite quickly now.
Rosetta: I'd like to clarify something. These daggers are meant as a proposal gift, aren't they?
Town Elder: Sure they are. A dagger is meant to be proof of true love in these parts.
Town Elder: But according to my great-grandmother, they used to be less of a serious gift.
Rosetta: What do you mean?
Town Elder: I'm not saying the daggers symbolized anything less than true love back then—only that it could also be gifted to family and close friends.
Town Elder: Judging by the name written on yours, it was probably a gift from a child who was raised by a single mother and wanted to show their appreciation.
Rosetta: A gift from a child to their mother...
Town Elder: Hehehe, whatever the truth is, I'm sure it's a heartwarming story.
Town Elder: You should tell whoever you're giving it to, to treasure it. It's quite a special piece.
The elder hands the dagger back to Rosetta, gives her smile, then turns around to walk slowly away.
Lyria: Um, this Mother Rosetta has to be you, doesn't it?
Rosetta: During the war... I was only known by the name Rose Queen.
Rosetta: I only began to call myself Rosetta once I started traveling with (Captain)'s father.
Rosetta: Rose Queen seemed a bit too imposing to use casually, so I adopted a name that held the meaning of roses.
Vyrn: I can see that.
Rosetta: But... When that man gave this to me, he did call me mother Rosetta.
Rosetta: Probably because I was the mother of roses...
Rosetta: No wonder I thought the name Rosetta sounded familiar, back when I took it for myself. It was because he had called me it first.
Lyria: Sounds to me like the dagger wasn't meant for his beloved... It was for you.
Vyrn: Hold on. You said he handed it to you in the middle of a battlefield, right?
Vyrn: If it was meant for his lover in the first place, wouldn't he have gifted it to her back in town?
Rosetta: Now that you mention it... Why didn't I realize that earlier?
Rosetta: (From the very beginning, the townspeople and I exchanged so much blood.)
Rosetta: (He would've been conflicted with what side to take: mine, or his people?)
Rosetta: (Was this dagger the answer he chose? Is that why he gave it in the middle of a battlefield?)
Rosetta: (If so... I can see why. Skydwellers seem to have a habit of doing crazy things...)
In her hands, Rosetta turns the ornamental rose to-and-fro.
She catches a glimpse of another engraving where the rose normally rests against the blade: Love Eternal.
Rosetta: (A love that lasts forever... One that would stay with me even after he passed on, perhaps?)
Rosetta: (I can't believe he would give something so pure and genuine to someone like me...)
Island Youth: Because you're... kind...
Island Youth: The blue wish rose... I wanted to meet my deceased mother, but...
Island Youth: I found you instead... even if we never met face to face...
Rose Queen: I can't wrap my head around this. You know I'm an enemy of all skydwellers.
Island Youth: No... Surely, in a different century, you—
Rosetta: ...
Rosetta: (You knew before even I did that my future would be spent befriending skydwellers and living among them...)
Rosetta: Hehehe... Sniffle...
Lyria: Rosetta, are you... crying?
Rosetta: Yes, I'm afraid this is all a little emotional for me.
Rosetta: (Will skydwellers never cease overturning expectations?)
Vyrn: Wow, I don't think I've ever seen you look this happy before!
Rosetta: I can't help it. A beautiful gift like this is almost wasted on someone like me...
She returns to the ornamental rose to its place on the dagger and holds it close to her heart.
Rosetta: (Captain).
  1. What is it?

Choose: What is it?

Rosetta: I probably should've said this a lot sooner, but I love you and your crew.
Rosetta: I hope you'll continue to let me fight by your side.
  1. Of course!
  2. I won't forget you said that.

Choose: Of course!

(Captain) shoots Rosetta a grin and holds a hand out.
Rosetta: Thank you. We'll get through whatever challenges lie ahead together.
Rosetta takes the proffered hand and gives it a gentle squeeze.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: I won't forget you said that.

Rosetta: Oh, don't tell me you're still upset that I stayed behind that time to help Yggdrasil.
Rosetta: You have nothing to worry about. I promise I won't recklessly risk my life like that again.
Rosetta: No more standing on the sidelines observing or watching over from afar. I'll be right there fighting alongside you.
Rosetta gives the captain a resolute nod, which (Captain) returns.

Continue 1

In the past five hundred years, she has gone from simple primal beast, to having her world turned upside down and befriending the skydwellers that were once her enemies.
Now on a journey with (Captain) and crew, she knows she'll continue changing and adapting with every new adventure.
In her hands, she carries a symbol of her first bond—one which will remind her that love can bloom no matter what arises to challenge it.