Scenario:Farrah and Juri - Like Sword and Shield

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Like Sword and Shield

Farrah and Juri spar together to test out their new gear. Taking a break, the two recall their time as trainees in the empire's army and remember the day that Juri pushed himself without properly eating and eventually collapsed. Farrah chided him on the importance of balancing work and self-care—a lesson that he took to heart.

Juri: Haaah!
Farrah: Take this!
Having donned the new gear, Farrah and Juri are putting it to the test with a spar.
Juri: Pant, pant... You've gotten better, Farrah!
Farrah: You too... Lot tougher than before!
Juri: Haha... We're not done yet. But we should take a short break first. Not here to push ourselves and accidentally get injured, after all.
Farrah: Agreed. I'm pretty thirsty too...
Juri: I made sure to bring an extra canteen. Here you go.
Farrah: Oh, good thinking ahead! Thanks!
Farrah: Gulp, gulp, gulp... Whew! That hit the spot!
Farrah: What do you think of the new armor? It's so light, I might've moved around too much and exhausted myself.
Juri: Yeah, I don't think any adjustments are going to be necessary. Been a while since I've worked up a sweat like this...
Juri: Reminds me of our trainee days back when we served the empire.
Farrah: We used to compete over everything. Remember the training runs?
Juri: Yeah, as much as I wish I didn't. Those were certainly some times.
Farrah: I'll never forget the way you looked, wheezing, "Can't move..."
Juri: I-I never sounded like that!
Juri: Though... you're not wrong that I did struggle.
A specific memory resurfaces—one day among many spent learning under the Erste Empire's command.
Juri: ...
After a morning of training, Juri sits down with a book in one hand and food in the other.
Farrah: Juri, more reading? Why am I not surprised.
Farrah: Mind if I sit here?
Juri: Go ahead.
Farrah takes a seat on the opposite side of the table, bringing her own food tray.
Juri: ...
Farrah: Kinda bad manners to read while you eat, don't you think? Maybe you should pick one or the other.
Juri: A good soldier spends every single second on self-improvement!
Farrah: Is that right? Well, your life, your choices.
Juri: Glad you understand.
Conversation dying off, they both consume in silence for a short while.
Farrah: Juri? You still alive there?
Juri: What? I'm trying to focus on this book—
Farrah: Just thought you'd like to know lunch time's almost over.
Juri: Huh?
Checking the time, Juri panics. He slams his book shut and attempts to shovel the remainder of his meal into his mouth.
Juri: (Oh no... A good soldier would never be late for afternoon meetings!)
Juri: Need to eat as much as I can beforehand!
Farrah: Lemme help! Nom!
Juri: Hey! Who said you could—at least leave me dessert!
Farrah: Be rude to waste food, sooo...
Juri: Guh...
They swallow as much as they can before rushing out.
Juri, like always, gives his best attempt at the afternoon training runs, but the result is less than impressive.
Juri: Pant... Wheeze...
Juri: I can't... move anymore... So... hungry...
Juri: A soldier should be ready to face any situation... But to think that neglecting sustenance would result in this...
Farrah: Huh? Oh! Hey, Juri! Bye, Juri!
Juri: Ah...
Full of energy, Farrah rushes past. The sight is enough to bring another surge of motivation to Juri.
Juri: Curses! I refuse... to lose!
Farrah: Oh? See you've still got some fight in you. But don't think that's enough to beat me!
Juri: I won't let you!
Farrah: Raaaaghhh!
Juri: Euraaaagh!
The two hotheads sprint off, completely forgetting that they're supposed to be training.
By the time training finishes for the day, Farrah and Juri are sprawled limply on the ground.
Farrah: Ugh... I'm gonna be sick...
Juri: Haven't been tired like this... in ages...
Farrah: Looks like it's nearly sunset. The professors'll be mad if we don't head back soon.
Farrah forces herself up and staggers to her feet.
Juri: ...
Farrah: What're you doing? Come on, get up.
Juri: Can't...
Farrah: Huh? What was that?
Juri: Can't move...
Farrah: Sigh... Guess there's no helping it.
Farrah: Sling your arm around my shoulder. I'm only ever doing this once, you hear?
Juri: Sorry...
Juri: Haah...
Juri: Pathetic... I would've been dead if that was a battlefield.
Farrah: That's what you get for pushing yourself so hard and not eating properly.
Farrah: Sure, it's important to do your best, but you need breaks too! Balance, you know?
Juri: That's what the handbook said too. Guess I shouldn't have ignored it.
Farrah: It was in the handbook? Huh. Does seem like a handbook-y thing to write.
Juri: Wait. Have you not read it?
Farrah: Sitting down and studying is not my thing.
Juri: Not even going to deny it...
Farrah: No one likes being forced to do things they can't do. That's probably why the military's split up into different branches.
Juri: Again with the pointless talk...
Juri: (But maybe she has a point... Pushing myself past my limits did more harm than good.)
Juri: (Been too stubborn this whole time.)
Farrah: Gonna start walking now. A shoulder's all you're getting, got it? I'm not about to carry you the whole way back.
Juri: Okay, all right. Just keep the pace slow, will you?
Despite the exhaustion weighing them down, the two head back to their lodgings with satisfied smiles.

Like Sword and Shield: Scene 2

Recalling various events that shaped their lives, Farrah and Juri come upon the subject of Yodarha and consider how he has greatly changed since they first met him. The conversation is interrupted by Juri's growling stomach, and the two head for the kitchen to make lunch.

Farrah: What a nostalgia trip. You were way more of a straightlaced hardhead back then.
Juri: Excuse me?
Juri: I suppose... I was a little too caught up in my ambitions.
Farrah: After that run though, you loosened up a smidge.
Juri: Your point hit home: it's counterproductive to push myself to the point of failure. And sometimes, you have to reassess what you're aiming for.
Juri: Not that I ever expected to leave the army and take up traversing through the skies.
Farrah: True that. I totally thought you and me were gonna be soldiers for life.
Juri: Definitely started out that way.
Juri: But meeting (Captain) made me question what I was aiming for... Changed my goals, even.
Juri: Since then I've never once regretted or questioned my decision to leave the army.
Juri: My only regret is when we fought the archangels and I nearly died—I was so weak. So frustrated I'd have to leave the rest to (Captain) and everyone else.
Farrah: That sure was one crazy fight.
Farrah: I still remember all your screaming. "You're not gonna get me, you laughable halo!"
Farrah: "You think I'm going to perish in this obscure place? What kind of way to go out is that?"
Juri: C-cut it out! I was panicking, okay? I'd like to see how you do when death's knocking at your door!
Farrah: Well, I can't say I don't know what it's like to be under pressure. Reminds me of when I went foraging for greatshrooms with the crew.
Farrah: We fought huge mushrooms, chased after the master of the mountain, then the locals started hunting us...
Farrah: Anyway, we ran all over that mountain. Felt like we didn't have a moment to breathe.
Juri: Sounds like it was a mess...
Farrah: It was a fun one, at least. Master used the whole adventure to help teach us some cool tricks.
Juri: Master... You're referring to Yodarha, right? The elderly man in white.
Farrah: Yeah, why?
Juri: It's just... He sounds like a completely different person in your story.
Juri: When I see him, he's like a ghost drifting along, surrounded by a deadly aura...
Farrah: I mean... He's changed since then.
Farrah: I dunno what happened. Nobody'll tell me a thing, even though (Captain) and Rhens seem like they know what's going on.
Juri: ...
Farrah: Hm... You don't have any ideas, do you?
Juri: Ah, no, I'm as much in the dark as you are. I was just remembering the situation with my father and Lieutenant Galston.
Juri: Finding out they knew each other after my father passed away... It was hard to learn everything after the fact.
Farrah: I can imagine. If anything happened to Master, I'd probably feel the same.
Farrah: But he's not my master for no reason. He'll be fine without me worrying after him... I'm sure of it.
Juri: At the very least, it shouldn't be necessary for you to interfere.
Farrah: Hey! Are you underestimating me?
Juri: No! I only meant that—
Juri: Ugh... That was my stomach.
Farrah: Roared as loud as a beast.
Farrah: Makes sense. It's lunchtime, and I'm feeling hungry myself.
Farrah: All right, let's get some grub! Can't do much on an empty stomach!
Spurred on by their hunger, the two head to the kitchen to make lunch.

Like Sword and Shield: Scene 3

Farrah and Juri decide to make curry for the whole base, as thanks for everyone's help in creating their new armor. The base gathers to enjoy the meal together, savoring the respite before the operation reaches its main stage. Once lunch is over, Mahira requests Farrah and Juri's help with carrying cargo, and the two eagerly oblige.

Farrah & Juri: ...!
Farrah: Haha! Yes! I peeled thirty-five carrots faster than you! I win!
Juri: Gah... First the potatoes, now even the carrots?
Farrah: The honor of fetching water and doing dishes is all yours!
Juri: How could I have let this happen...
Farrah: Come on, you just need to bring some water and sit tight for a while. I'll be doing the rest.
As Farrah begins to cook, the air is filled with her carefree humming and the pleasant aroma of food.
Farrah: Mmm, hmm-hmm!
Ilsa: This smell... Making curry?
Farrah: You betcha. The perfect meal after a good workout!
After running into Ilsa on their way to the kitchen, Farrah and Juri now prepare lunch for everyone on base, as thanks for helping with the new gear.
Ilsa: My troops will certainly appreciate the grub. Sorry for the extra work.
Farrah: Hehe, don't worry about it!
Ilsa: Then I'll go gather everyone for the meal. See you in a bit.
Farrah: Juri, it's about time to serve—
Juri: ...
Farrah: You starving to death there, pal? Remember, there's only enough for two servings per person.
Juri: I know. You won't catch me eating as much as Cassius does.
Farrah: Be hard to find anyone who eats like him, especially the feedback he gives: "There's a certain depth to the flavor, and none of the nutritional value has been lost."
Juri: That's a pretty big compliment, coming from him.
Farrah: Then he could at least say it's delicious or something! How's a normal person supposed to know otherwise?
Juri: Now, now. You can lodge a complaint once he's back with us.
Farrah: Good idea. I'll beat some manners into him, just like my mom did for me.
Juri: Then we better make sure his rescue is a success.
Farrah: Of course! That's why we gotta eat and recharge right now!
The table is soon set. Not long after, crewmates and Society members crowd the dining area.
Ilsa: Don't forget to wash your dishes and put them away once you're done!
Society Soldiers: Yes, ma'am!
Ilsa: You never know which meal will be your last! So show your appreciation! Farrah! Juri!
Ilsa: Thank you for the meal!
Society Soldiers: Thank you for the meal!
Farrah: Ahaha... It's just some curry...
Ilsa: Perhaps that was a little much. But your food provides important relief for us, and you should be properly thanked for it.
Juri: It's an honor to be of service.
Mahira: Smells amazing. I can't get enough of the spices.
Juri: Munch... Mhmm, that's tasty! I'm already starting to feel reenergized!
Mahira: The balance between sweet and spicy is superb.
Mahira: I'm also feeling reinvigorated enough to tackle the afternoon.
Juri: Building the ship must be tough. How fares your progress?
Mahira: According to plan for the most part. I refuse to be the cause behind any delays.
Juri: Remember what we promised? You need any help, we'll be there. Just let us know.
Mahira: In that case... I was actually thinking of asking you to help carry cargo around.
Mahira: The newest shipment of components just arrived, and I'm going to need some assistance to move it all.
Mahira: With the shortage of labor around here, you'd be doing me a big service.
Juri: We'd be happy to do it! Two cargo-carrying pros, at your command!
Farrah: It's the least we can do, considering the awesome armor you made for us!
Mahira: Thank you both. I really appreciate it.
Juri: All right, Farrah! Let's see who can move the most boxes! You may have won the peeling contest, but you won't beat me here!
Farrah: You're on!
With little time left before the rescue operation, Farrah and Juri enjoy what peace they can.
They proceed with battle preparations, alongside trusted comrades.