Scenario:Shion - In Unsalted Waters

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In Unsalted Waters

Shion has come to a lake on Groz Island to practice an underwater Bonsai art described in Samurai Handbook: Extra, a tome she dug up from the ground. Halfway through training she starts daydreaming about relaxing with Mirin, only to be awoken by a giant octopus.

Bamboo Tube: ...
From the surface of a quiet lake near the river mouth, a bamboo tube is sticking out.
Bird: Chirp...
A bird lands on it, hoping for a moment of respite.
Curious as to the nature of this perch, the bird sticks its head into the tube and pokes away with its beak.
???: Mnnng!
Bird: Chirp!
Any version of Shion is a crew member

Shion: Pwaaah!
Huff... Huff...
Shion: What a surprise... I didn't expect a bird to block the other end while I was down there...
Shion gets up from the lake with a splash, bamboo tube in hand.
Go to "Continue 1"

No version of Shion in crew

???: Pwaaah!
Huff... Huff...
???: What a surprise... I didn't expect a bird to block the other end while I was down there...
She gets up from the lake with a splash, bamboo tube in hand.
Her name is Shion. She is a traveling swordswoman seeking a way to the far east in order to learn more about samurai culture.
While taking on a bodyguard job in the midst of her travels, she crossed paths with the crew and her childhood friend Mirin.
It was then that she brought a certain matter to the attention of (Captain) and company.
Shion: Samurai culture hails from a nation far to the east.
Shion: Although I may be from there originally, I moved elsewhere at a young age.
Shion: That is why my mannerisms may not be entirely accurate to my birthplace, and why I consider myself a false samurai in many ways.
Various setbacks during Shion's journey led to her running out of travel funds.
Seeing the plight she was in, (Captain) invited her to join the crew. They've been traveling together ever since.

Continue 1

Shion: I suppose I've met my goal for now...
The sand in the hourglass by the lakeside has fallen completely, indicating that Shion was able to stay underwater for quite a while.
She takes the dog-eared book next to the hourglass into her hands and flips through its pages.
Shion: Now that I have the breathing-underwater part down, maybe I can start practicing underwater sword techniques as well.
Shion: Whatever it takes, I'm going to master this.
This is how it all began...
The crew follows the Divine Generals to a campground on Groz Island.
Mirin and Shion accompany them, hoping to join in on the fun.
Upon seeing the still, blue waters of the placid lake, Shion expresses a desire to focus on practicing a particular technique.
Vyrn: An underwater Bonsai art?
Shion: Indeed. Take a look at this manual.
Lyria: Hm... "Samurai Handbook: Extra," it's called.
Mirin: Let's see... "The ultimate underwater technique where you control the flow of water, forming an aqueous layer around your katana..."
Mirin: You're trying to master something this difficult? I'm impressed, Shion!
Vyrn: A lake's got depth, but it's not so bad that you'll have to worry about being swept away by the waves.
Vyrn: Still though, I dunno about this. The handwriting looks like a kid wrote it; the binding's kinda shoddy too.
Shion: Well, as the manual's title suggests, it's an "extra." It's bound to be different from your typical publication.
Shion: I followed a rumor that led to a plot of land in a remote village, where I found this secret tome. I have no doubt of its authenticity.
Lyria: You had to dig it out of the ground? This book is starting to sound more and more incredible!
Mirin: Gozaru! It's the same idea with fossils—gotta dig them out of the ground!
Vyrn: Aren't old books usually tucked away in some kinda storage vault though? Why would anyone bury a book in the ground?
Vyrn: The special move it teaches seems kinda flaky too. "Form a platform by pressing water together, then leap off of it"? "Utilize the constant motion of water to immobilize the enemy"?
Shion: Every move Master Bonsai devised seems impossible at first glance.
Shion: But only after you've mastered those moves can you call yourself a samurai. Simply donning a kimono and brandishing a katana does not make one a samurai.
Mirin: Gozaru! You're so cool, Shion!
Mirin: And you make a good point. I can't call myself a samurai either just by looking the part.
Mirin: There's so much more to it—like your frame of mind and how you wield your katana!
Shion: Indeed. That is why I must master the technique inscribed in this manual.
It is clear that Mirin had been hoping to take this chance to spend time with her childhood playmate.
However, Shion ultimately decides to focus on training instead and moves to a secluded area along the lake.
Shion: (Curl up your toes in the shape of a sickle, then press water together as if forming a mud dumpling. Once a platform has been created, leap off of it and—)
Shion: Bwah!
Shion: (Ngh, it's not working... I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to go about this...)
Unable to make much progress, Shion lies on her back, floating on the lake's surface.
Shion: Sigh... Mirin must be having a great time with the crew right now.
Shion: I came alone because I was afraid that I would do nothing more than play if I was with Mirin...
Shion: But oh, how much fun that would have been...
Mirin: Ahaha! The cold lake water feels so good!
Shion: It most certainly does.
Shion: Ah... A rainbow-colored fish is swimming down there!
Mirin: It's beeaauutiful! I love how its translucent body sparkles in the sun!
Shion: The fish is swimming that way! Let us go after it!
Mirin: Gozaru! How did you do that just now, Shion? That's a really creative way to swim.
Shion: The sidestroke? It's not that difficult. If you'd like, I can teach you.
Mirin: Really? You mean it? I'd love to train under you!
Shion: Haha...
Wait. Did you say... "train"?
Shion: Ah! I'm supposed to be training!
Jolted back to reality from her pleasant daydream, Shion raises her upper body.
After floating in a supine position for longer than anticipated, the water has carried her quite a distance away from the shore.
Shion: For shame... To think that I would get lost in Mirin's cheery disposition even in a daydream...
Shion: I'll have to get back first... Huh?
Giant Monster: ...
Shion: ...
Shion: Eeeep!
A giant sea monster had made its way behind Shion.
Completion of her underwater training within the day is starting to seem less and less likely.