Scenario:Rackam - Good Ol' Rackam

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Good Ol' Rackam

A fierce battle in the Nalhegrande Skydom has knocked out the Grandcypher's engine. Noa recommends putting in the engine of the Grandsleuth, sister ship of the Grandcypher. Rackam, though hesitant at first, is moved by Noa's words as the primal shipwright of both vessels and decides to go through with the engine transfer.

Youngster: Whoa!
Several hundred years after the conclusion of the War, an airship ravaged by said conflict survived until present day. One sunny morning, it has a chance encounter with a curious boy.
Youngster: This is too cool! I've never seen such a beautiful airship before!
Despite the airship being greatly weathered and severely damaged, the boy looks on in wonder.
Youngster: Hey! What's your name?
Like a curious puppy, he runs to and fro, checking every nook and cranny of the vessel before his eyes stop on a rust-covered nameplate.
Youngster: Grand... cy... pher...
The boy attempts to read the name while carefully chipping off some of the rust.
Rackam: Nice to meetcha, Grandcypher! I'll be your captain from now on! You can call me Rackam!
For nearly twenty years now, the boy and ship have shared a special bond.
Intent on seeing the Grandcypher take to the skies once more, he never ceased repairs on the vessel, despite stumbling every now and then. The boy eventually matured into a full-fledged adult.
Their chance encounter shifted each of their fates greatly.
The Grandcypher was finally able to take flight once more. Together they saved the whole of the Port Breeze Archipelago and the primal beast Tiamat.
That's when the long-retired airship's journey began anew, traveling to distant islands and even traversing the perilous Grim Basin that divides skydoms.
The path has been paved with countless hardships. With its seasoned helmsman at the wheel, the Grandcypher managed to come out of events no less harrowing than the bygone War in one piece.
Rackam: Tch... Let's get out of here!
Rackam: Otherwise we'll be buried alive in a shower of broken wall chunks!
Rackam: We've got holes everywhere. The wings, the ballonet, the deck, you name it...
Eugen: Forget about flying. We ain't even stayin' afloat for much longer.
This battle of epic proportions ended with the Grandcypher losing the ability to fly.
It was by pure coincidence that they crash-landed on the Angads Highlands, where the ship and boy had first met.
Noa: ...
The primal Noa, creator of the great vessel, attempted repairs using his special powers.
Rackam: How's it look?
Noa: Let's see here...
Noa: The engine is beyond repair. Even for a shipwright primal beast like myself.
Though there is no way to restore the Grandcypher's engine, in essence its very heart, the crew is not at a complete loss.
Rackam: So long as we get a new engine in there, the Grandcypher's days in the sky aren't over yet, eh?
Noa: Although engines generally don't work across different airships...
Noa: The Grandsleuth's a special case, what with it being the Grandcypher's sister ship.
Rackam: Sister ship, eh? You know, hearing you call it a legendary vessel really gives it some sparkle.
Noa: Hehe. Its basic design and functionality actually aren't too different from the Grandcypher's.
Noa: Shall we go see the engine for ourselves? I'm fairly certain it'll work fine, but it wouldn't hurt to check in person.
Rackam: Wow, you're not kidding when you say sister ship... It looks nearly identical inside. Is there any reason why they were made to look alike?
Noa: Hm... Care to take a guess at it, Rackam?
Rackam: Huh? Well, let's see...
Rackam: Airships are generally one of a kind, right? Meaning you probably wouldn't think to make a copy as a spare or for its parts. So...
Noa: Do let me know when you think you've figured it out.
Rackam: Heh, you're always such a tease.
Noa: Haha. You know how I am, Rackam.
Noa: Next up is the bridge.
Rackam: ...!
True to his nature as one who steers his way across the clear blue skies, Rackam's expression brightens upon seeing Noa's hand on the door to the bridge.
Rackam: Hm...
Rackam: It sure is strange how even though the ship's barely any different from ours, it feels like something else entirely.
Noa: The voyage a ship's undertaken becomes a part of the aura that it gives off.
Noa: But as I mentioned earlier, the basic blueprint remains the same.
Noa: Now let's see if it'll power on okay. Can you do the honors, Rackam?
Rackam: Sure.
Rackam flips a few familiar-looking levers and turns on the engine.
The Grandsleuth powers on without a hitch.
Rackam: Sweet. Working like a charm so far.
Noa: I wouldn't be surprised if the Grandsleuth has been waiting for you.
Rackam: You think so?
Rackam finds the rumble of this engine to be a tad bit deeper than what he's used to hearing.
Rackam: Mind if I rev it up a bit?
Noa: Not in the least. I've tweaked the settings to differ slightly from the Grandcypher, so make sure you do it slowly.
Rackam: Gotcha.
Rackam: What the!
Startled by how rapidly the engine is suddenly spinning, he quickly turns the lever back.
Rackam: Whew, too close for comfort! Guess I turned it up too many notches too soon... That's a heck of a tuning job you did, Noa.
Noa: The Grandsleuth has had more than its fair share of air battles. I modified it to allow for rapid shifts in speed and altitude, prioritizing its evasion capabilities.
Rackam: Hoo boy... Keeping a steady speed's not gonna be easy...
Rackam closes his eyes and visualizes the superior mobility of the Grandsleuth, outpacing and outmaneuvering the enemy at every turn like an eagle born to soar up high.
Rackam: The fluid mobility to weave through even a wave of cannon fire... I'm sure this was one heck of a ship.
Noa: Hearing you say that just makes my day.
Rackam: ...
Rackam knits his eyebrows, unsure of the next step to take.
Noa: Rackam?
Rackam: ...!
The bemused helmsman knocks his forehead with his knuckles, outwardly displaying his uncertainty.
Noa: What's wrong?
Rackam: Ripping her engine out somehow just feels wrong...
Noa: Hehe, I thought you might say that. I appreciate the consideration, but there's no need to hesitate.
Rackam: Still though...
Noa: I know exactly how you feel from losing your ship, Rackam. That's one part of you that's never changed since you were a child.
Rackam: Haha, you got that right. I couldn't stop talking about the Grandcypher as a kid.
Noa: ...
Rackam: Everything okay?
Noa: It's nothing really, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised you forgot since it happened so long ago.
Rackam: What do you mean?
Noa: It's no big deal. Anyhow, as the shipwright of both vessels, I'd like you to transfer the engine.
Noa: If the ships could speak, I'm sure they'd say the same.
Rackam: Even if it means the Grandsleuth won't ever take flight again?
Noa: It's already fulfilled its role. That's why it went into slumber.
Noa: But a great power still rests inside it.
Rackam: ...
Noa: Accept the Grandsleuth's engine and take your ship to the skies once more, Rackam.
Noa: Lest all the time, care, and love you put into repairing the Grandcypher should go to waste.
Rackam: ...
Rackam grips and turns the wheel, its weighty feel calling to mind what it must have been like for the helmsman of yore.
Rackam: All right, Noa. Sorry for pussyfooting at the last second.
Noa: Your hesitation is exactly why I know you're the right person to entrust the matter to.
Rackam: Heh... You saw right through me from the get-go, eh?
Noa: You really haven't changed in the slightest since you were but a child.
Noa: Should we get started then? I'll set the engine output to your preference, Rackam.
Rackam: Good to know.
Rackam: We'll make darn good use of your heart, Grandsleuth... You can count on it!
The helmsman who had dedicated his entire youth to a single airship accepts the legacy of its sister ship, ready to sail the skies once more.

Good Ol' Rackam: Scene 2

Rackam and Noa enlist the help of many Golonzo mechanics—who are eager to work on the famous Grandcypher—for the engine transfer. Upon successful completion of the task, Rackam holds a launching ceremony.

Rackam: All right! Let's do this!
Mechanics: Ahoy!
Rackam: Nice to see you guys so pumped up about it... I might've put it lightly when I mentioned transferring the engine, but I hope you know it won't be cakewalk.
Mechanic 1: Getting the chance to work on the Grandcypher is like a dream come true. You bet we're pumped!
Mechanic 2: To be blessed with the opportunity to mend the wings of heroes is a thrill I won't soon forget! You can count on us to do whatever it takes!
Rackam: Glad to hear it. First order of business is taking the Grandsleuth apart.
And thus begins the engine-transfer operation.
Both vessels are lined up side by side at a wharf, with specially-made rails placed between them for ease of moving the entire engine over at once.
Rackam: The outer cover and bolts are all off! We can get started on the engine!
They elevate the engine with countless floor jacks, then use a crane to transfer it to a cart set atop the rails.
Rackam: What's that sound?
Rackam: Stop! Something's stuck!
Noa: Pipes three and twenty-eighty are in the way... We might have to get rid of pipe number three.
Engine transfer is not something that the airships were designed in mind with, making it all the more taxing.
Rackam: Whew... Moving it a step forward takes way too much time even with the help of all these Golonzo mechanics...
Noa: Are we giving up already?
Rackam: Not a chance. You know how many years I spent fixing her into working condition?
Noa: Hehe. I actually do know the exact number.
With much trial and error, they somehow manage to swap the two airships' engines. Even after the transfer succeeds, however, problems persist.
Rackam: Now we don't have enough gears in place?
Noa: The settings for that are different on both ships...
Noa: ...
Noa: The specially-forged gears in that warehouse would make for a suitable replacement.
Noa's advice allows them to progress, slowly but steadily.
Word of this effort to revive the Grandcypher spreads far, and hundreds of mechanics join the effort in only a matter of days.
Rackam: With this many people helpin' out, I'm not sure who to thank when it's all over and done with.
Noa: All it takes is for one person to hear that the great helmsman Rackam needs help, and everyone comes scrambling to breathe life back into his beloved Grandcypher.
Rackam: Haha... I guess you could say we've risen to greatness, eh?
Hooligan 1: We heard all about it, Rackam!
Hooligan 2: Hope ya don't mind us takin' a whack at it!
Rackam: Sure. Always glad for the help...
Noa: ...
Rackam: What's wrong, Noa?
Noa: The Grandcypher certainly has risen to fame...
Rackam: Yep. It's a funny feeling, isn't it?
Noa: ...
A look of suspicion crosses Noa's face every now and then. However, progress on the effort continues.
Rackam: This is it, guys! The final stretch! Go for it!
Rackam & Help: Hrgh!
The three simultaneously try to screw a giant bolt into place.
The wrench makes a squeaking sound, indicating the bolt is on as tight as it can be.
Rackam: Whew, I'm beat. How 'bout it, Noa? You think that's the end of it?
Noa: Haha. Fine work, Rackam. Allow me to go over it.
Noa begins a final inspection.
Noa: ...
Noa touches every part of the Grandcypher, as if speaking to it.
He takes his time, careful to scrutinize even the smallest imperfections in each nail.
Noa: A splendid job indeed. We really have to give it up for Golonzo's mechanics.
Having earned Noa's seal of approval, Rackam and the mechanics gather before the steering wheel, ready to start up the newly-installed engine.
Rackam: ...
Rackam finds himself hesitating, his hands frozen on the activation switch.
Rackam: Haha... I always get tense at the last moment.
Rackam: Okay then... Here goes!
His resolve finally taking hold, Rackam flips the lever.
The Grandcypher rumbles and its engine purrs. Its wings begin to rotate in force, causing the anchored ship to lift off the ground slightly.
Rackam: Well, Noa?
Noa: Congrats, Rackam. The Grandcypher can soar the skies once more.
Rackam & Help: Whoo-hoo-hoo!
All present slap high fives at each other, raucous cheers filling the air.
While cleaning up the rails and other materials, Rackam thanks the mechanics for their help.
Mechanic 1: Hey, Rackam. You guys'll be taking off soon, right? Might as well get this over with now!
The mechanic takes out a fancy bottle of wine. Rackam pauses upon accepting it.
Rackam: ...
Noa: What is it?
Rackam: I just remembered how things were such a jumble when I first flew the Grandcypher that I never got to do this...
Rackam pops open the cork, takes a sip, and flips the bottle over.
Rackam: Hngh!
He proudly smashes the bottle on the bow of the Grandcypher, its glass fragments and droplets scattering to the skies.
Mechanics: Whoo!
Rackam: That's another dream knocked off the list. Finally got the chance to do the Grandcypher Launching Ceremony.
Noa: Hehe... Thanks, Rackam.
Rackam: Hey, I should be the one to thank you.
Noa: Nuh-uh. As the Grandcypher's shipwright, I couldn't be more happy to see it loved by so many people.
Rackam: Likewise. If she'd never come into my life, I wouldn't be who I am today.
The two trade smiles.
The moment in which the Grandcypher takes to the skies once more draws ever closer.

Good Ol' Rackam: Scene 3

As Rackam and Noa make preparations to meet up with the crew in Valtz, they realize the ship has been hijacked by knaves posing as mechanics. Noa takes a gun called Benedia out of the Grandcypher's storage and hands it to Rackam so that they can reclaim the ship.

Rackam: So we put the Grandcypher's engine in the Grandsleuth and cleaned everything up. It's all done.
Rackam looks warmly at the Grandsleuth, situated beside the Grandcypher at the wharf.
Rackam: So, Noa.
Noa: Yes, Rackam?
Rackam: You think that ship's ever gonna find its place in the skies again?
Noa: Why... do you ask?
Rackam: It's just this funny feeling I get. The Grandsleuth doesn't feel any different from before our work here started.
Rackam: When you've spent as much time with airships as I have, you start to develop a sense of their life force.
Rackam: Who knows? Maybe one day, these two can fly side by side like the sister ships they are. My gut tells me it could happen...
Noa: Haha... Looks like you've developed a better sense for these things than I, a primal shipwright.
Rackam: Oh, I'm definitely not trying to compete with you. Haha...
Rackam listens in on the Grandcypher's pulse while preparing for departure to Valtz, where (Captain) and company had ventured off to.
The Grandcypher's wings begin to turn and shift with a rumble, taking off from Golonzo.
Rackam, however, is more than a bit surprised as the Grandcypher continues ascending upward at a rapid speed.
Rackam: Gaaah!
Rackam clings to the rope ladder tied to the ship's exterior.
Rackam: Doggone it! Why would the Grandcypher just take off on its own!
Rackam: Noa! Please tell me this isn't one of your pranks!
Noa is right beneath Rackam on the rope ladder.
Noa: No, I haven't done anything. Although...
Man 1: Hehehe... Too easy.
Man 2: With that many mechanics goin' in and out, sneakin' onboard was a cakewalk.
Man 1: A ship this famous oughta fetch us some real nice coin.
Men: Gyahahaha!
Noa: It looks like a few knaves slipped in with the mechanics.
Rackam: Hell no! No one steers my ship without me knowing!
While being blasted by fierce winds, Rackam desperately reaches out for the next rung over his head.
Rackam: This ship!
Rackam: Is!
Rackam: Mine!
Seething with rage, Rackam climbs the ladder one step at a time.
Rackam: Ow! Damn it, thought I was a goner for a sec!
Rackam crashes into the storage room from the window and makes preparations to take back the Grandcypher.
Rackam: Noa, how many are there?
Noa: From here, I can tell there are at least ten of them. Each fully armed.
Rackam: Hm, I guess going out there empty-handed wouldn't make for a warm welcome. Problem is, I left all my weaponry in Golonzo...
Rackam turns the storage room inside out, grumbling to himself all the while.
Rackam: Whoa! This brings back memories!
Rackam: Get a load of my old getup.
Rackam: As for weapons... Looks like all I've got are a flare gun and a few shots to go with it...
Rackam: Woo-hoo. With these big guns, not even the Holy Erste Empire can take me on.
Rackam: Ahahaha... Hah... Sigh. What do I do...
Rackam clutches his head with a dry laugh.
Noa: You know, Rackam... The Grandcypher has emergency systems in place to deal with these sorts of situations.
Rackam: Huh?
Keeping Rackam's puzzled face in his peripheral vision, Noa places a hand on the wall. As he does so, he pulls away a panel to reveal the gleaming form of a gun.
Rackam: Whoa, was that hidden panel there this whole time? And what's with the gun? Don't think I've ever seen it before.
Noa: It's called the Benedia. I'm sure you'll make good use of it.
Rackam accepts the gun and accompanying ammunition from Noa, gazing at the weapon in awe.
Rackam: From your tone, I take it this is a piece from the War?
Noa: Correct. As old as it may be, the special preservation method should have kept its form and function intact.
Seeing that its contents are empty, Rackam cocks the hammer and pulls the trigger. The response is astoundingly smooth.
Rackam: No kidding. The precision on this baby's lookin' real fine too. I could get used to this.
Rackam peers through the sights and then gazes at the full length of the piece, a satisfied smile crossing his lips.
Noa: I'm glad you like the Benedia. It's yours now.
Rackam: Haha, this is gonna be great.
Rackam: All right then... Time to take back the Grandcypher!
With the Benedia in hand, Rackam leaps out of the storage room.
Noa: Rackam, you really haven't changed at all.
Noa sees him off with a grin.
Young Rackam: This is mine after all!
Noa: From the time you were a child...
Noa reminisces of the days when Rackam was but a youth and the two had just met.