Scenario:Fraux - The Coming Light
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The Coming Light
The Devil takes the crew to a space where they can see Fraux again. There Fraux explains that the Arcarum were created by The World; the Devil, however, was freed from his bonds and aims to crush his creator's designs for world domination. Moved by the sincere words of Lyria and (Captain), Fraux recovers her brilliant powers and decides of her own accord to travel with the crew.
Some time has passed since the party fought The Devil and parted ways with Fraux.
Vyrn: Lyria, you okay? Is that stuff gettin' too heavy for you?
Lyria: I'm fine!
(Captain) and the others are enjoying their walk back to the ship from a supply run.
Lyria: This is a cinch!
???: Huh? You mean to say that's my destiny?
???: Precisely. Take a look at this card.
Lyria: Card...
Lyria catches sight of a fortune-teller who's reading a customer's fate in a spread of cards.
Fortune-teller: Your past can be seen in this card. It is your present. And it signals your future.
As Lyria watches, her face clouds over.
Lyria: Fraux...
Vyrn: Cards, huh... That sure reminds me of that fight.
Lyria: What could she be doing now...
Vyrn: Lyria... I wonder that too, but anyhow...
Vyrn: Maybe it's like she said, and we'll never understand each other.
Vyrn: I know... I didn't even know what to say back to her after that.
Choose: I know how you feel, Lyria.
Lyria: You can't help but wonder either?
Vyrn: But where's wondering gonna get us?
Continue 1
Lyria: Well, uh...
Client: Huh? Is that what the card means?
As the fortune-teller and client begin speaking again, the party members stop and listen, dumbstruck.
Client: That's not what you'd imagine from the picture.
Fortune-teller: When the card is turned on its head, it means something different.
Client: Huh, really?
Fortune-teller: Yes. It means the polar opposite.
Client: Wow, who would've thought! It's the same card, just upside down!
Fortune-teller: Both meanings are true and valid.
Lyria: An upside-down card...
Lyria: I want to see Fraux again and have a real conversation with her...
Lyria brings up what the fortune-teller said earlier again after returning to the Grandcypher.
Lyria: About the fortune-teller...
Fortune-teller: When the card is turned on its head, it means something different.
Fortune-teller: Both meanings are true and valid.
Lyria: Maybe the way that Fraux feels will be turned on its head. Maybe she could feel some other way.
Vyrn: Cards are cards, and people are people. They can't flip their feelings just like that.
Lyria: I know that, but...
Lyria: When I met Fraux, and when I last said goodbye to her...
Lyria: She was always the same person, but... never quite herself.
Vyrn: Hm? What do you mean?
Lyria: I can't really explain it well... But I want to see her one more time to figure things out.
As Lyria speaks passionately, Vyrn and (Captain) look her in the face.
Vyrn: If you feel that strong, there's gotta be a reason. Something might really be going on here.
Vyrn: But we don't have any way to tell where she is now.
Lyria: Mmph... That's right...
Vyrn: And we don't know a lick about her either...
As the company stands in silence, (Captain) taps Lyria's shoulder and shares an idea.
Lyria: Huh, (Captain)?
Lyria: Oh, The Devil! That's right! If we ask about Fraux, we might be able to learn something.
Vyrn: Oh, wow! That might do it!
Vyrn: But do you think we'll be able to have a real chat?
Lyria: I think it should be fine... I'm going to call him forth now.
The Devil: ...
Vyrn: Ugh, that primal beast is just as spooky as ever...
The Devil: At long last you have summoned me, young skydwellers.
Vyrn: Huh? Whaddaya mean, "at last"?
The Devil: There is no time left...
Lyria: W-what are you talking about? We were trying to ask you about Fraux...
The Devil: The remnants of the pact... Our souls are bonded...
The Devil: Make haste. Follow my lead.
Fraux: Well now. You've all come...
The Devil takes the crew to a space that is simultaneously empty and dreary.
It is vaguely reminiscent of the battlefield that the party saw in the world of the primal beast's memories.
Lyria: Fraux...
Fraux: Heh heh... It's been a while, hasn't it?
Vyrn: We, uh...
Fraux: Huh?
Fraux smiles in the same way she previously did. But her eyes seem lifeless, as if they're not fully registering the surroundings.
This puts (Captain) and all of the others off balance.
Fraux: I don't know how you managed to find this place.
Fraux: Oh... It must have been The Devil who brought you here.
The Devil: ...
Fraux: Didn't I tell you to take care to avoid deception? Are you really going to just believe that beast?
Lyria: But... That's how we were able to find you, Fraux.
Fraux: You're all terribly kind.
Fraux: Let me explain.
Fraux turns toward (Captain) again.
Vyrn: Explain? What do you mean?
Fraux: About the truth of the Arcarum primal beasts.
Lyria: Truth?
She gives a firm nod and begins a calm exposition.
Fraux: The Devil and the other Arcarum were created by another primal beast.
Fraux: That beast was their master, The World.
Lyria: The World...
Fraux: It was none other than The World who attempted to create another cosmos for itself.
Vyrn: So that's who's behind all of this.
Fraux: Yes, I suppose you could say that.
Fraux: What's more, the Arcarum primal beasts can't oppose their creator, The World.
Vyrn: Hey, hold up! So what you're saying is this dude's—
Lyria: Still The World's ally?
Fraux: Exactly.
Lyria: But...
The Devil: That is not so.
Vyrn: Ha-Yikes!
(Captain) and the others recoil at the voice that suddenly booms out.
The Devil: The World can no longer restrain me.
The Devil: The pact we have made has ensured my freedom.
Vyrn: Is that really true?
Vyrn: Aren't you tryin' to make another world together with The World?
The Devil: In my heart there remains only hatred for that being.
Lyria: That being... You mean The World?
The Devil: My form now exists only to mete destruction upon it.
Vyrn: Are you trying to say that you'll help us beat The World?
The Devil: That is my wish.
The voice of The Devil—inscrutable as always—speaks decisively.
(Captain) and the others nod after hearing it.
Lyria: I don't think that's a lie.
Fraux: Oh... So that's why it needs me.
Lyria: Huh? What are you trying to say?
Fraux: If I weren't here, it couldn't keep on existing.
Vyrn: Couldn't keep on existing? What are you trying to say?
Fraux: The Arcarum primal beasts were created by The World.
Fraux: My understanding isn't all that deep, but it seems that they were designed in a way that's slightly special.
Fraux: They weren't the most stable things to begin with, so they need some sort of tangible form in this world—some sort of vessel.
Fraux: We Evokers are the ones who made a pact to fulfill that role.
Lyria: Fraux, you're a vessel of The Devil...
Fraux: Our pact is coming to its end.
Fraux: But since it still holds, we're connected. That's why he hasn't disappeared and how you were able to locate me.
Fraux: After this, well, it's probably just a matter of time though.
Vyrn: You're saying he's gonna disappear...
Fraux: (Captain).
Fraux: You and your friends want to stop The World's grand designs, don't you?
Fraux: I'm sure you can't. I'm going with you.
Vyrn: Huh!
Lyria: Are you sure that's what you want?
Fraux: Yeah. It doesn't matter anyway.
Lyria: Huh? Fraux?
Fraux: I couldn't care less what happens from here on out.
(Captain) and the others are taken aback when they hear Fraux speak these hopeless words so void of emotion.
Lyria: That isn't right!
Fraux: Huh?
Lyria steps close to Fraux and holds her hand tightly.
Lyria: I'm happy we can go together, Fraux.
Lyria: Not to defeat The World or anything like that!
Lyria: But because I want to know more about you, Fraux!
Lyria: I want to be your friend!
Fraux: ...
Lyria: What you said... Is that really how you're feeling?
Lyria: I want to see the real you, Fraux.
Fraux: That's...
Fraux: (Just a bunch of feel-good silliness...)
Fraux's hand brushes up against (Captain)'s as she begins to really speak her mind.
And she squeezes Lyria's hand.
Fraux: (Captain)...
There isn't a hint of agitation in (Captain)'s eyes.
Fraux: (Ah, that's right... Those eyes are a lot like that person's.)
Fraux: ...
Fraux: Lyria, (Captain)...
Lyria: Yes?
Fraux: There's someone that I want to meet once more. But I don't know where they are...
Fraux: There's nobody who's dearer to me.
Fraux: Would you help me look for them?
Lyria: Of course!
Choose: It would be my pleasure.
Fraux: Heh heh... You're so reliable. But it won't be that easy, you know?
Vyrn: Everything will be fine! If we just work together, we'll be able to do anything!
Fraux takes a breath and looks down.
Fraux: Okay. That's right. Together we'll find a way.
Fraux takes a breath and looks down.
Continue 2
Fraux: The real me that you're after... probably doesn't want to give up for anything.
Fraux: That's why...
As she raises her head once again, (Captain) hears the sounds of heavy gears turning somewhere.
Fraux: I won't quit until I can meet that person again. I'll stay with you for as long as it takes!
Lyria: Fraux...
Though Fraux's smile is the same as ever, it seems more beautiful, as if its shimmer is originating from somewhere much deeper than before.
Fraux: Thank you, everyone.
In this way Fraux makes another pact with The Devil, and then goes on to accompany (Captain) and the others.
Her brightly shining fate is sure to be a light that leads the way for (Captain) and the others.