Scenario:Robertina - Tuba God of the Sacred Peaks

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Tuba God of the Sacred Peaks

Robertina is driven by Nobiyo to recall the emotions that led her to become a musician. With the help of the crew, Robertinta heads for the sacred mountain in her hometown.

(Captain) and company once again visit the concert hall to watch the orchestra rehearse.
The crew and Narita watch the proceedings from the auditorium seats.
Novei: All right, let's give it our all today, everyone.
Cecile: (Ugh, my head hurts. I should've gone to bed earlier...)
Augusta: (Haha, yesterday was a blast!)
Robertina: (Ouch, my muscles are still sore. I must've strained myself...)
Pamela: (All that practice came in handy and I'll show it today!)
Nobiyo appears before the orchestra members.
Novei: Good morning.
Nobiyo: Morning.
Novei: We've finished warming up. We can begin at any moment.
Nobiyo: Good, thanks.
Nobiyo stands on the podium, and after taking a long look at all the faces onstage, begins speaking.
Nobiyo: All of you seated here today possess extraordinary talent.
Nobiyo: You were chosen because you are the cream of the crop.
Nobiyo: But you know, music is a strange thing. Even if the performance is awful, it can still touch the hearts of the listeners.
Nobiyo: Why do you think that is?
Nobiyo gazes into the eyes of each member in the orchestra.
Nobiyo: It all comes down to emotion. There's emotion in every beat of music, and that is what touches us.
Nobiyo: I believe that when it all comes together as an unrelenting cascade of emotion...
Nobiyo: That, is when the most sublime of music is born.
Nobiyo: Which is why I'm going to ask you all to try to remember the emotions that led you on to the path of a musician.
Nobiyo: I want you all to seize the emotions that exist in each and every one of you, and create the most magnificent music you possibly can.
An ineffable silence fills the concert hall.
Nobiyo: I'm sorry to throw this on you so soon before the tour.
Nobiyo: But I get the feeling this is precisely what we're in need of right now.
Novei: ...
Augusta: ...
Robertina: ...
Pamela: ...
Cecile: ...
Nobiyo: Well, that's it for today's rehearsal.
Nobiyo: Narita, I'll leave the rest to you.
Narita: Of course!
Nobiyo bows to (Captain) and company on his way out.
Nobiyo: I'm sorry to drag you guys into this, but...
Nobiyo: If it's not too much to ask, will you support them in this endeavor?
(Captain) nods reassuringly.
Nobiyo: Thank you.
Nobiyo continues his way out of the concert hall.
The orchestra members are bewildered at the sudden development.
Novei: ...
Narita: I'll send everyone further details as we go on, but you're dismissed for now.
Narita: And I need the section leaders to gather backstage.
Novei: Okay, let's clear the stage!
A weighty atmosphere fills the room backstage as the section leaders enter.
Novei: The emotions we felt when we first decided to pursue this path?
Cecile: So basically, we just have to remember and seize whatever that was?
Cecile: Seems like a hassle, but we'll just have to step it up.
Augusta: I'll have to visit my parents at their shop.
Pamela: I want to see what my parents think too...
Cecile: So you two are going to see your parents. Come to think of it, I got into music through my family too...
Robertina: Then I'm going to go meet the gods.
Cecile: The gods? What's that supposed to mean?
Robertina: Heehee, I just need to meet the tuba god.
Robertina speaks with a fearless smile.
Cecile: Heh, I dunno about that. It sounds like something you'd say though.
Cecile: As for me, I suppose I'll be taking a trip back to the countryside.
Cecile: I'm sure you've got a plan, Novei.
Novei: Yes, there's a place I'll have to visit too. Thank you, Cecile.
Cecile: Nah, I didn't do anything special.
Cecile: It's just that I'd hate it if I wasn't able to help any of you succeed.
Cecile: Here's the deal: failure is not an option. Always get back up if you fall. That's what I believe.
Cecile: It's all-or-nothing, girls.
The others smile at Cecile's little motivational speech.
Meanwhile, an apologetic Narita appears before the crew.
Narita: I hate to ask for so many favors, but I have to stay here to handle preparations for the concert tour.
Narita: (Captain), would it be possible for you to help the girls on their journey?
Vyrn: You bet! We travel everywhere and we'll have no trouble getting them around!
Novei: Thank you so much, (Captain).
Lyria: Let's go then, (Captain)!
The crew accompanies the girls on their journey.
Robertina: All right! Let's get going!
Vyrn: Huh? Where to?
Robertina: We were talking about what got me into music, right?
Robertina: So obviously we're going to visit the tuba god.
Vyrn: How is that going to help?
Robertina: Truth be told, I haven't really felt at home with the sound of my tuba lately.
Robertina: If I meet with the tuba god again, it might reinvigorate my tuba energies.
Lyria: Really? Let's go meet up with him, then!
Vyrn: Where can we find this tuba god, anyway?
Robertina: In a sacred mountain not too far from my hometown!
Lyria: Okay! Let's get going, (Captain)!
Vyrn: Woo-hoo! Time to head out!
The crew steers the Grandcypher toward Robertina's hometown. They have a tuba god to meet.

Tuba God of the Sacred Peaks: Scene 2

When a giant roc at the sacred mountain causes trouble for Robertina, she whacks it with her tuba. Snacks come flying out of the instrument, explaining why the tuba hadn't been sounding quite right. Robertina puts it down to the providence of the tuba god.

Robertina and the crew land on a perilous, sacred mountain.
Robertina: Whew... Just like I remember it.
Lyria: Wow, Miss Tina! These steep cliffs really give off a sacred mountain vibe!
Robertina: If you say so. I used to play around here when I was younger.
Vyrn: (So this is where Robertina built up her physical fitness...)
Vyrn: Where exactly did you meet this tuba god?
Robertina: Follow me.
Robertina leads the way.
After a long walk, they arrive at a small hilltop with a beautiful view.
Robertina: We're here. Ah, this brings back memories.
Robertina looks at the skies nostalgically.
Robertina: I was trying to see how loud I could get my voice to echo.
Robertina: That's when a tuba suddenly fell from the skies.
Lyria: Why don't you see how loud your echo is now, Miss Tina?
Robertina gives Lyria a thumbs-up.
Then she takes a deep breath and yells as loud as she can.
Robertina: Yodel-ay-hee-hooooo!
Vyrn: Agh!
Lyria: Eep!
Her shout causes the earth around them to tremble.
Robertina: Wooooo-hoooo!
Beasts in the surrounding mountains roar. Flocks of birds begin to soar.
In the next instant, a black shadow suddenly dwarfs the crew.
Roc: Kaww!
Vyrn: Hoo boy!
Lyria: Wh-wh-what is that?
Robertina is at a loss for words.
Robertina: A bird fell from the sky this time?
Roc: Skrawwk!
Robertina: ...!
The roc picks up Robertina with its beak and flies away.
Robertina: This must be the tuba god guiding me...
Vyrn: Oh my gosh! That roc just took Robertina away!
Lyria: We have to go after her before it's too late, (Captain)!
The crew desperately chases after the roc and arrives at a cave that's been turned into a bird's nest.
Vyrn: Gulp... They should be in here, but...
Lyria: Eek!
Lyria trips on some rubble, but (Captain) leaps to the rescue.
Lyria: T-thanks! There sure is a lot of shiny stuff lying around here.
The crew finally catches up with Robertina in the depths of the cave.
Roc: Skraww!
Robertina: Aha! I get it now! You must be a messenger of the tuba god.
Robertina: I've gotten really good! Here, let me play you a song!
The roc begins pecking at Robertina's head accessory.
Robertina: Hey, stop that!
Robertina: That tickles!
The crew gets the mistaken impression that Robertina is under attack and rushes to her aid.
Vyrn: Stop right there and give us Robertina back!
Lyria: If you hurt Miss Tina, you'll regret it!
Robertina: Oh, it's you guys!
Roc: Skrawwk!
The roc, thinking the crew to be invaders, suddenly turns hostile.
Roc: Kaww!
Robertina: Watch out!
Robertina quickly swings her tuba at the roc.
Roc: Kaw...
Robertina: Oh no, I'm so sorry! I hope that didn't hurt too much!
Robertina's swing leaves the roc unconscious. At that moment, something flies out of the tuba and into Lyria's hands.
Lyria: Ah! Is this what I think it is?
Vyrn: Hm, what's that?
Lyria looks curiously at the familiar object.
Lyria: It's one of your favorite snacks, Miss Tina!
Robertina: You're kidding!
Vyrn: Well, I guess that explains why your tuba sounded off.
Robertina: So that's what happened...
Robertina: I knew I was right to follow the guidance of the tuba god!
Vyrn: (Sigh, all you had to do was give that thing a good cleaning...)
Robertina: Let's see...
Robertina affectionately blows into the tuba.
Lyria: Wow...
Vyrn: Ooh...
A melodious sound fills the caves with an endearing warmth.
Roc: Kaw kaw!
Even the recovered roc squawks in peace.
Robertina: Hehe...
Robertina: This is surely a decree from the tuba god. He wants me to continue performing.
Robertina plays the tuba as happily as she did the first time she picked it up all those years ago.
Her journey has restored the tuba to its original glory.
With newfound confidence, Robertina excitedly returns for the concert tour.

Tuba God of the Sacred Peaks: Scene 3

All members of the Sky Philharmonic Orchestra return from their mini-adventures just in time for opening day of the 100th anniversary concert tour. They each perform with renewed passion, signifying a rebirth of the orchestra.

It's a full house on the opening day of the Sky Philharmonic Orchestra's 100th anniversary concert tour.
Narita: We're about to start and our section leaders have not returned. This is unprecedented!
Nobiyo: Oh relax. It'll be fine, since it's those kids.
Narita: How can you say it's fine! There's only ten minutes left!
Nobiyo: If worst comes to worst, we'll just have to step in and keep the crowd entertained.
Narita: What? But we've never prepared for anything like that!
Nobiyo: Well, I did kind of lord it over them.
Nobiyo: It's only fair that I take some responsibility, you know?
Narita: Sigh, I just hope this doesn't backfire.
Nobiyo: Well then, shall we get in there and warm up the crowd with an impromptu act?
Narita: We have our hands full with conducting; how are we going to pull off an impromptu act!
Just as Nobiyo tries to drag Narita onstage, a clamor suddenly arises from the crowd.
The two look out into the audience to see the orchestra section leaders and the crew, out of breath, cutting across the auditorium seats.
Novei: Sorry, passing through!
Augusta: Hey, hey! Make way, please!
Robertina: Phew, I'm tired from running.
Augusta: How about I carry you there, Tina?
Robertina: No thanks. I'm not a kid, you know.
Pamela: Ah! Tina, you dropped your snacks!
Pamela: Eek!
Cecile: Pamela! Are you okay?
Cecile immediately lifts Pamela up in her arms.
Pamela: Thanks, Cecile...
Vyrn: Go, go, go, the stage is right there! We can do this!
Lyria: I wonder if it was okay for us to come along like this, (Captain).
(Captain) grabs her arm and leaps on to the stage.
Nobiyo: Hahaha, this is too good!
Nobiyo: It's as if we've already reached the crescendo!
Narita: Whew, talk about a close one! I guess I was worried for nothing.
The section leaders find their seats.
(Captain) and company spot Nobiyo and Narita on the stage wing and rush over to them.
Narita: (Captain)! How is everyone?
Lyria: They're ready to go!
Nobiyo: Haha, I could already tell from your faces!
Vyrn: They did their best out there! You'll hear it in their performances!
The crew has felt for themselves the emotions that led the section leaders down the path of music.
They wish for the audience to experience those very same emotions.
Nobiyo: Well, it looks like they've finished tuning. I'd better get up there.
Narita: We've kept the fans waiting long enough!
Narita: Go get 'em, Nobiyo!
Nobiyo: Well, let's get this show on the road!
A thunderous applause shakes the concert hall the moment Nobiyo appears onstage.
Narita looks on with admiration at the world-renowned Nobiyo.
Vyrn: Hey, Narita. Why did you decide to study under Nobiyo?
Narita: Hmm, well...
Narita chooses his words carefully.
Narita: I guess it's because Nobiyo is someone who truly believes music can change the world for the better.
Lyria: Hm, change the world with music...?
Narita: Yes. Anyone who's ever attended a performance conducted by Nobiyo would say the same thing.
Narita: Music transports us to another world—it takes us on an unforgettable journey that stays with us.
Narita: Even when we return to our normal lives, we find ourselves more optimistic than before.
Narita: It's almost like a magic spell that never wears off.
Lyria: How fantastic! He's like a wizard of music!
On stage, Nobiyo makes eye contact with each member of the orchestra.
Nobiyo: (Well then, are we ready to play the most incredible music the audience has ever heard?)
Novei: (Absolutely! Let's do this, everyone!)
Pamela: (I'm ready to go!)
Augusta: (100th anniversaries don't come all that often. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts!)
Robertina: (I'm gonna party all night with snacks when this is over.)
Cecile: (I was born ready! Let's totally knock their socks off!)
Nobiyo gets into position on the podium and checks with Novei.
Novei lets out a deep breath and begins playing at the exact moment Nobiyo begins waving his baton.
The entire orchestra begins playing in perfect unison, enveloping the audience in a glorious homophony.
The indescribably transcendent music stirs emotions deep within the audience.
Individual undertones from each member begin to stand out, filling the concert hall with a dreamlike quality.
On this day, the Sky Philharmonic Orchestra is reborn upon the stage.