Scenario:Luna - Luna's Outing

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Luna's Outing

Bored of the ship, Luna heads to a nearby town with her parents. While looking for something sweet to eat, she tries to kill an imperial soldier after he agrees to go on her adventure.

(Captain), Luna, and the rest of the crew have stopped on an island to buy supplies.
Luna and her parents debark from the docked Grandcypher and proceed into town.
Luna: It's so nice and bright out here. It feels great!
Luna: Mother! Father! What do you wanna do today?
Luna's Father: Let's do whatever you want to do!
Luna's Mother: We'll have plenty of fun!
Luna: Yay! Let's go, Mother and Father.
Before long, Luna reaches the main street of the town.
Luna: Whoa, there are so many people! It looks so fun.
Luna: ...
Luna: Hee-hee! We walked really far, and now I'm hungry!
Luna's Father: We should take a break soon.
Luna's Mother: Do you want to have some cake?
Luna: Yeah! But, uh, where is it?
Imperial Soldier: Hey, is something wrong, miss?
Luna: Who are you?
Imperial Soldier: Hm? You looked confused, so I had to help. Is there something you're looking for?
Luna: I want cake!
Imperial Soldier: Oh! Then I know just the shop for you. Let me show you the way!
Luna: Really! You want to come with me?
Imperial Soldier: Yeah, of course.
Luna: Ha-ha-ha! Yeah, you should come with me. Come on my adventure!
Imperial Soldier: Sure, miss, however you want to think about it.
Luna: All right! Well, I think you're gonna die now!
Imperial Soldier: What in the name of!
Luna: C'mon, this is part of the adventure. The part where you die!

Luna's Outing: Scene 2

Other soldiers surround Luna, but a stranger rescues her and introduces her to his wife. The couple treats Luna as if their departed daughter had returned, but imperial forces soon arrive in pursuit.

Imperial Soldier: Aaaah! Help! Please, anybody!
The soldier's cry attracts other soldiers.
Luna: Huh? Who are you guys?
Imperial Soldier: Huff, huff. Don't—don't get any closer!
Luna: Why are you running away? I thought you wanted to come on my adventure.
Imperial Soldier: Aah! Someone catch that little hellion!
The soldiers encircle Luna.
Luna: What are you doing? Are you gonna be mean to me?
Imperial Soldier: That little girl is a monster. Do something about her this instant!
Luna: Hey, how come? You said you'd come on my adventure.
As Luna knocks the soldier to the ground, someone grabs Luna's arm.
Luna: Eek! Who are you!
???: This way! I'm here to help, so follow me!
Luna: Mother! Father! What should I do? Is he a good guy?
Luna's Father: I'm sure he is. He helped you when the bad men were hurting you, didn't he?
Luna's Mother: He seems like a very nice man.
???: C'mon, miss! After me!
Luna: Okay! I'll be right behind you!
Luna and the man come to a house in an alleyway.
???: Phew, looks like we managed to shake them off! You aren't hurt, are you, miss?
Luna: I'm fine. I knew you were a good guy!
???: That's good to hear. I tell you, those imperials... What are they thinking?
Wife: Oh? That girl, is she—is she really...
Husband: It was perfect timing. The imperials were just about to snatch her up as I was passing through town.
Wife: I see... But don't you—
Husband: Ah. So you think so too?
The couple begins gazing at Luna.
Luna: Hey, what is it?
Husband: You're the spitting image of her. I couldn't help but save you.
Luna: Spitting image?
Wife: You look just like our little girl. See? She's sitting right over there.
Daughter: ...
Luna: Oh yeah!
Daughter: ...
Luna: Hey, why isn't she moving?
Husband: Well, that's only a doll. A doll that looks just like our little girl.
Luna: A doll?
Wife: She's—our little girl is gone now. She was just about your age.
Husband: Ever since she passed away we've kept this doll in her place.
Luna: Oh, you mean she's dead.
Luna: Good! My parents are dead and they don't care at all.
Wife: ...
Husband: In a way you're right, Luna. At least our daughter is at peace.
Husband: Even so, we still miss her terribly.
Wife: All of our baby's friends are grown-ups now. They're too busy to visit us anymore.
Wife: Thank you, Luna.
Luna: Mother? Father? Am I being a good girl?
Luna's Father: You are, Luna.
Luna's Mother: You're a very good girl.
Luna speaks to her parents, and the couple watches on.
Husband: Mother? Father? Luna, did you by chance—
Wife: Did you just call the two of us Mother and Father? That was so kind of you.
Luna: Huh? What do you mean?
Husband: Luna, you don't need to leave us today. Feel free to stay here as long as you'd like.
Wife: Yes. Just keep calling us Mother and Father.
Luna: Huh?
A commotion is audible outside the house's entryway. The clash of footsteps follows, and soldiers flood in.
Husband: You—you're from the empire. You followed us here!
Imperial Soldier: Enough! Out of the way!
Husband: Aaah!
The imperial soldier knocks the man into the doll. The doll falls to the ground and is damaged.
Wife: Aaaah! Our baby! Our little girl!
Imperial Soldier: Heh, what? Shut your mouth!
The soldier turns his cold, steely eyes to the doll splayed on the ground.
Imperial Soldier: Tsk! Is that piece of junk supposed to matter?
Wife: Please, that's enough! Stay away from our little girl!
Imperial Soldier: Oh, that's your daughter, huh? Well, she's wasted enough of my time!
The imperial soldier stomps on the doll and crushes it.
Wife: Aaaah! How could you!
Husband: Our little girl!
Imperial Soldier: Two adults crying over a little dolly, huh? Couple of freaks!
The imperial soldier then plants his foot into the husband's belly.
Husband: Cough!
Imperial Soldier: Damn it, hurry up and hand over the girl!
Husband: Not to a... brute like you! R-run, Luna!
Luna: Mother? Father? Those are bad guys, aren't they?
Husband: Gasp!
Wife: Luna!
Luna's Father: Yes. They do seem bad.
Luna's Mother: They're doing something very bad. Of course they're bad.
Luna: Yeah, you're right. Okay then!
Imperial Soldier: Oh now? You gonna try something, brat?
Luna: I hate bad guys! I hope you die!

Luna's Outing: Scene 3

After Luna defeats the soldiers, the couple are overcome with emotion for their deceased daughter. Luna admonishes them for thinking death is a final parting, causing the image of their daughter to materialize in the room. The crew find Luna at the house and together they return to the Grandcypher.

Imperial Soldier: Aaagh! I knew she was a monster!
Realizing they can't contend with Luna, the imperial soldiers scatter and flee.
Husband: Huff, huff. We tried to save you, but look how that turned out. You ended up saving us.
Husband: I'm so sorry.
Luna: Huh? Why are you saying sorry?
Husband: If I hadn't gotten involved then you... then our baby...
The man's eyes come to rest on the shattered doll.
Luna: Your doll broke.
Husband: ...
Wife: ...
Luna: Huh? Why are you crying?
Husband: Our baby—that doll—she's what kept us hanging on.
Husband: Maybe it was strange to treat a doll like our daughter. But still...
Wife: Once someone dies, that's it. I know that much. But I just couldn't accept it.
Luna: When someone dies, that's it? How come?
Wife: Because once someone dies, you can never hear their voice. You can never see them again, can you?
Luna: Huh? Yes you can!
Husband: Thank you, Luna. That's enough.
Husband: Maybe it's time for us to let go of our daughter's memory—to forget and move on.
Wife: Dear...
Luna: Huh? Why forget?
Husband: Because she's not with us anymore.
Luna: How come? All she did was die.
Husband: Yes, Luna, she died. She's not with us any more.
Luna: ...!
After hearing the man speak, Luna narrows her eyes.
Luna: No! No! What are you saying?
Wife: Luna...
Luna: People don't go away when they die! Why forget! Why are you saying that!
Luna: I told you it's fine to die! My parents are dead and they're happy.
Husband: But, Luna...
Luna: Stop talking! Stop! Stop! Stop lying!
An image of the couple's daughter materializes above the shattered doll.
Smiling softly, the image turns to the couple and begins to speak.
Husband: Huh! Am I dreaming?
Wife: Or is this... Luna, did you...
Luna: See? Dead people don't go away!
Luna: You were lying. And you lied when you said you'd forget.
Husband: Luna, you....
Vyrn: Ah, so this is where you've been hiding!
Lyria: Are you ready to go home?
(Captain) steps inside and listens to what happened to Luna while she was away.
Luna: Ooh, it's the lizard puppet!
Vyrn: We take our eyes off you for one second, and you get into trouble! We oughta head back to the ship now.
Luna: Yeah! See you, you guys! Oh, and you too!
After waving good-bye to the couple and their late daughter, Luna begins to return to the ship.
Vyrn: C'mon! How many times have I told you not to go wandering off on your own!
Lyria: Yeah, we were all so worried about you, Luna.
Luna: Huh? How come?
Vyrn: You've gotta be kidding. We're a family now—of course we worry about you.
Luna: Huh. I don't get it but whatever!
Vyrn: Eh... Uh... What! You really don't understand, do you! You're not even a little sorry!
Lyria: Hee-hee! It looks like Vyrn and Luna have gotten off to a great start!
Lyria and (Captain) watch them and smile.
After Luna leaves, the husband and wife lean against each other.
Husband: Thank you, Luna. Our little girl was always right here with us, wasn't she?
Wife: We're family, dear. We have to give each other the strength to go on.
The couple give their doll a proper burial and resolve to begin their lives anew.
Empowered by the memory of their daughter, they are sure to live rich lives in the days to come.