Scenario:Ippatsu - The Ramen Way

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The Ramen Way

(Captain) and company return to the Knickknack Shack after completing a mission, but Ippatsu isn't his usual lively self. He needs more ramen, so they hurry to a neighboring town to get it.

After finishing a mission, (Captain) and company head back to the Knickknack Shack.
Sierokarte: Excellent work, everyone. So good to see you back safe and sound!
Ippatsu: Oh... Ugh...
Sierokarte: Oh my. It would seem that not all of you are sound after all.
Lyria: Well, he just seemed to run out of energy on the way back. Ippatsu, are you all right? Are you hurt anywhere?
Ippatsu: Ugh... Ra...
Ippatsu: R-ramen! My body... It craves nothing but ramen!
Vyrn: Um... You mean you're hungry, right?
Ippatsu: Nothing but ramen can satiate this hunger!
Ippatsu: Ramen is my very life essence, that which binds me together!
Lyria: Ah! Ippatsu's going to collapse!
Supporting the staggering Ippatsu, (Captain) asks Sierokarte where the nearest ramen shop can be found.
Sierokarte: Well, ramen's not very common, so I don't think you can find it in this town...
Sierokarte: Oh! Wait a second! There is one place in the neighboring town that serves it!
Ippatsu: R-really? Let's go! Now!
Vyrn: Oh... Looks like he regained some strength at the mere mention of ramen.
Vyrn: All right, let's go check out this place in the next town, (Captain)!
Ippatsu: Oh! An encounter with an as yet untasted ramen... This swelling in my chest... Surely this must be love!
Ippatsu: Ah, dearest ramen... I come to you now!

The Ramen Way: Scene 2

(Captain) and company go to a so-called ramen restaurant, but the ramen turns out to be a pale imitation of the real thing. When Ippatsu hears that the chef needs spring water to make actual ramen noodles, he hurries to the nearby mountains to get it.

Lyria: Thank goodness we made it here all right! Now let's see... Where was the ramen place?
Ippatsu: Oh, it is my eternal regret that I cannot hear the call of the ramen...
Vyrn: Call of the ramen? What's he talking about?
Lyria: Hmm... According to the map Siero drew for us, it should be this way. Let's go!
Lyria: Um... It just looks like a regular fast food place. Do you really think they serve ramen here?
Ippatsu: Oh... Ugh...
Lyria: Oh! Hold on, Ippatsu!
Chef: Hey, is that guy okay?
Vyrn: Hey there, can we get ramen at this place?
Chef: Huh? Well, we do serve it, but that guy hardly looks like he's in any state to be eating.
Ippatsu: No! A bowl of ramen is the only medicine I need!
Chef: Um... If you say so. Well then, just give me a second.
Ippatsu: Ah... I wonder what marvelous manner of ramen it will be!
Lyria: Hee-hee. I'm so glad you're feeling better, Ippatsu!
Chef: Sorry for the wait, everyone. This ramen is made with stock from my dad's special recipe.
Ippatsu: Oh! The clarity of this soup... My heart throbs!
Ippatsu: Slurp... Ah. This refreshing sensation... Like a rooster crowing at dawn!
Ippatsu: And these noodles, golden as the rising sun in the morning, coaxing one into... Huh? A rude awakening!
Ippatsu: Hmm... The noodles are flavorsome and piquant, and the ingredients are sublime.
Ippatsu: But with this degree of firmness, the noodles fail to release the passionate flavors of the soup.
Ippatsu: What we have here in other words is nothing more than soup with pasta thrown in!
Ippatsu: This, my good sir, is no ramen!
Vyrn: Say what?
Vyrn: I mean, isn't that exactly what ramen is? Soup with noodles?
Ippatsu: Oh, so innocent! So green! Greener than the seaweed that garnished my last dish.
Vyrn: Huh? Am I?
Ippatsu: You are indeed.
Ippatsu: But I can forgive a ramen novice such as Vyrn.
You, on the other hand!
Chef: Eek!
Ippatsu: How dare you serve this as ramen? However good the taste may be, this is unforgivable!
Ippatsu: This is truly deserving of the term outrageous! And you call yourself a chef?
Chef: I'm very sorry... The truth is that ramen was a specialty where my father grew up, and it was his signature dish.
Chef: But he passed away too soon, before I had the chance to learn the art from him.
Chef: I've been trying as hard as I can to reproduce the dish to his standard, but I guess I really am no good.
Ippatsu: ...
Ippatsu: I see. I suppose that explains it.
Ippatsu: The soup stock and soy sauce mixture are done very well. The issue I have is with the noodles, you see.
Ippatsu: It's a crying shame that such a delicious soup isn't embraced by a softer complement of noodles.
Chef: Ah... I see...
Ippatsu: Hmm... When your father made the noodles, can you remember him adding anything to them?
Chef: Hmm.. Well, not especially... Oh! But he did often go to the mountains to draw water from a spring.
Ippatsu: That's it! Let's go get some of that water! Quickly!
Vyrn: Oh! Hey! Hold up!
Chef: Oh no! For the past few years, the mountains near here have been infested by packs of monsters. They're incredibly dangerous!
Lyria: Let's go, (Captain)! We have to catch up with him fast!

The Ramen Way: Scene 3

(Captain) and company defeat some monsters and obtain the spring water, which turns out to be just the missing ingredient the ramen chef needs. The chef insists on thanking Ippatsu, so Ippatsu asks for a second helping of ramen.

Clearing the monsters out of his way with feverish zeal, Ippatsu leads (Captain)'s crew to the source of the spring.
Lyria: Um... This just looks like normal water to me.
Ippatsu: Glug... Glugh... Gulp. Oh, this is it!
After tasting the spring water, Ippatsu smiles and scoops it into a container he has with him.
Ippatsu: All right, let's head back to the restaurant. Now we can eat real ramen!
Lyria: ...?
Whether the monsters were completely eliminated or simply scared off by Ippatsu, (Captain) and company make it back without incident.
They soon find themselves before the ramen chef.
Ippatsu: This is from the spring! Try making the noodles with this!
Chef: Hmm... But how will merely adding water make a difference?
Ippatsu: Trust in your elders! Now get on with it!
Chef: Well, if you insist...
The chef uses the spring water to make the noodles and serves the ramen once again.
Lyria: It looks delicious!
Ippatsu: The moment of truth! Slurp... Ah! So good!
Vyrn: Whoa! He's right! These tender noodles fit the soup great!
Chef: What? How could the water make such a difference?
Ippatsu: Phew... That was fantastic!
Ippatsu: You see, water with specific characteristics is necessary for the preparation of ramen noodles.
Ippatsu: After leaving home, your father probably chose this location for its access to suitable water.
Chef: I see... How blind I've been to never notice it before.
Chef: But thank you! Now I can finally make good ramen.
Ippatsu: No need to thank me. I'm guided by the obstinacy of my appetite.
Chef: Hmm... Still, I could improve on the noodles further. Maybe I should use a different wheat. Or perhaps...
Ippatsu: Ahem. I actually have a small favor to ask of you.
Chef: Oh? What is it? Anything is fine! I'm indebted to you after all.
Ippatsu: Thank you kindly. In that case...
Ippatsu: Another bowl of ramen, if you please!
Ippatsu truly does love ramen above all else.
As famous as he is for his love of ramen, perhaps his passion will become renowned even to the edge of the sky.