Scenario:Manamel - Say Hello to Manamel

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Say Hello to Manamel

During their job to exterminate monsters, (Captain) and company meet Manamel, a girl fixated on being cute who is on a search for her long-lost sister. When her extremely capable dagger, Vegalta, suddenly stops moving, Manamel finds herself helpless without her trusty aide. The crew invite Manamel to travel with them until Vegalta recovers.

One day, (Captain) and the crew receive a request to exterminate monsters from a forest.
The client asks them to find and work with a certain fencer who is already on their way to the forest.
Lyria: We've been walking through the forest for a while, but there's still no sign of the fencer...
Vyrn: What should we do, (Captain)? We're gettin' pretty close to where the monsters are.
(Captain) looks thoughtfully at the dense thicket around them when, suddenly, the crew hears a voice.
Woman's Cry: Oh em geeee!
Lyria: ...! The voice came from over there!
Vyrn: Is someone gettin' attacked by a monster? We gotta go help 'em!
Young Woman: Rrgh...
Vyrn: Hey, you okay?
Young Woman: Of course I'm not. There's mud all over my clothes!
Vyrn: Huh?
Young Woman: Oh no... Do you think some cleansing oil will get it off?
The Erune looks tearfully at the dirtied hem of her dress.
Lyria: Cleansing oil? Like, the kind you use to remove makeup? I'm not sure that will work...
Vyrn: You lost me, but at least there aren't any monsters botherin' ya. Glad everything's okay!
Young Woman: Everything is not okay! This is so not cute!
Young Woman: Oh em gee... My sister-boo better not see me like this.
Despite the girl's cries, the crew breathes a sigh of relief, glad to see the stranger safe.
Monsters: Groooar!
Vyrn: Wha!
Suddenly, monsters leap at them from the trees above.
In the blink of an eye, the captain's sword is out and at the ready—but the number of monsters is overwhelming.
Young Woman: Vega.
Dagger: ...
In response to the girl's call, a dagger gently floats up, hovering in midair.
Before the crew can react, all the monsters fall to the ground unconscious.
Vyrn: Wh-what the! Did the dagger just fly up by itself?
Young Woman: Vega moves on its own a lot, so try not to get in its way.
Young Woman: Wait a minute... Is that a twig stuck in my hair?
Vyrn: You serious? We ain't got time for that!
Dagger: ...
Lyria: Wow! It really does move by itself!
Astonished, (Captain) fights alongside the floating dagger, dodging between its swings.
After the monsters have all been knocked out, the crew turns back to the mysterious young lady.
Vyrn: Whew, thanks for saving us back there!
Young Woman: No prob. I'm here for a job anyway—supposed to take care of some monsters.
Lyria: Oh! Could it be that you're the fencer we're looking for?
Young Woman: Uh, what? Are you trying to scout me or something? That's so sus.
Vyrn: We're not scouting anyone! We came 'cause we were asked to for a job.
(Captain) and company explain that they are skyfarers who were asked to work with a fencer in the area.
Young Woman: Oh? But I told them that I like to fly solo...
Manamel: Well, whatever. My name's Manamel. I'm traveling on my own.
Vyrn: Nice to meetcha, Manamel!
Manamel: You don't really have to go out of your way to remember my name. It's not like I'm gonna see you again after this.
Manamel whips out a small mirror and looks into it, distracted.
Manamel: Oh em gee... My makeup's starting to come off.
Manamel: Vega.
Dagger: ...
The dagger rummages through the girl's pouch, hooks an item with its blade, and extends it toward Manamel.
Vyrn: Whoa, your dagger does that too? That's crazy!
Vyrn: What do ya need to fix your makeup for though? We're in the middle of a forest...
Manamel: Are you kidding? What if my sister-boo sees me when I'm not looking my super cutest?
Lyria: Sister... boo?
Manamel: Yep. My goddess!
Manamel: She's like the most beautiful, kindest, strongest older sister ever!
Manamel: We got separated, and now it's pretty much my point in life to find her again.
Lyria: I see! So you're on a journey to find your sister.
Manamel: That's right. And I could literally bump into her, like, anywhere, right?
Manamel: So I gotta look my super cutest at all time, in case I happen to run into her when I least expect it.
Manamel says this firmly, then smiles at her reflection in the mirror, satisfied with her looks.
Manamel: Perfecto. I look great, and I managed to hide the stain on my clothes with powder and sheer willpower.
Manamel: Hehe, my sister-boo's gonna love me so much, she won't be able to stop patting me on the head.
Once Manamel finishes touching up her face, she and the crew head for the town where their client is waiting for them.
Dagger: ...
As they walk through the forest, Manamel's dagger drifts ahead of them, flicking away the pebbles and stray branches in their path.
Lyria: Wow, now we don't have to worry about tripping!
Manamel: Uh-huh...
Manamel: Wait a sec! You're skyfarers, right? Do you, like, happen to know my sister-boo?
Vyrn: Hmm. I mean, we've run into a lotta people while travelin', so it's possible that we've met her before.
Manamel tells the crew her sister's name, eyes sparkling with anticipation. However, the crew has no recollection of having ever met anyone with the name.
Lyria: What is your sister like? Maybe a hint or two will help us remember something.
Manamel: Let's see... I don't really remember what she looks like to be honest.
Manamel: We got separated when I was pretty young. I've got, like, a million amazing stories to tell about her though.
Manamel: I mean, she's kinda like me. An Erune, born in...
But even the name of their hometown doesn't ring a bell for the crew.
Manamel: Oh, okay... Well, I guess that's only to be expected...
Manamel: But I'm not gonna give up. I refuse to believe that I live in a world where we won't be able to meet ever again!
Seeing Manamel's determined expression, the crew look at one another.
Vyrn: Hey, Manamel. Isn't it hard lookin' for your sister all by yourself?
  1. Would you like to come with us?

Choose: Would you like to come with us?

(Captain) invites Manamel to join them on their journey as she continues looking for her older sister.
Manamel: No thanks, I'm good. The way I fight makes it kinda dangerous to have other people with me. And besides, I'm only interested in my sister-boo.
Lyria: B-but...
Manamel: Don't worry, I can take care of myself.
Dagger: ...
Just then, Manamel's dagger drops to the ground without warning.
Manamel: Huh?
Vyrn: What's wrong with it? Did it run outta magic?
Manamel: No! Vega—I mean, Vegalta doesn't run on magic.
Manamel bends over to pick up the dagger. She gently strokes it and puts an ear to its body.
Manamel: I-it's unconscious!
Manamel: This has literally never happened before! Did it catch a cold or something?
Lyria: U-um, Manamel, are you all right?
Manamel: Meh, I'm fine. I'm an independent woman, after all...
Manamel: Gyah!
Without her dagger to clear the way, Manamel walks straight into a branch jutting out onto the path.
She staggers backwards and trips over a rock behind her, falling onto the ground with a loud thud.
Lyria: Oh no! Are you okay?
Manamel: Oh em gee! My nose! It's bleeding!
(Captain) walks over to Manamel and offers a hand to help her up.
Manamel: ...
Manamel: Just a second. I'm trying to remember how to get up.
Vyrn: What? Don't tell me... you can't even get up without Vegalta?
Manamel: That is completely untrue. I can totally get up by myself. Just watch.
Manamel: Hrrrgh! It's the footing, okay? Super unstable.
  1. Can't be helped.

Choose: Can't be helped.

Unable to bear the sight of Manamel struggling by herself, the captain slips an arm around the girl and lifts her up.
(Captain) promptly stops Manamel's nosebleed, wipes the dirt off her clothes, and helps her pick up all of her belongings scattered across the ground.
Manamel: Thanks, I guess.
Vyrn: What's with the pout? If we weren't here, you woulda been in trouble.
Manamel: Pfft, I was on the verge of discovering a new way to get up. And wipe my nose. And stuff.
Vyrn: So you couldn't remember? Just how long has Vegalta been babysitting you?
  1. We can't leave you by yourself.

Choose: We can't leave you by yourself.

Lyria: That's right! You might find yourself in trouble again if you continue traveling all by yourself!
Manamel: I'll be fine.
Worried about the strangely calm Manamel, (Captain) suggests that she travel with them at least until Vegalta recovers.
Manamel: Hm... All right, you have a point. I guess I could go with you—for now, anyway.
Lyria: You'll come with us? Yay, thank you!
Vyrn: (Won't say I wasn't worried about her, but who should be thankin' who here?)
Manamel: So... looking forward to traveling together, (Captain).
And so the self-proclaimed queen of cute joins the crew on their journey as she continues to search for her sister.
(Captain) and company do their best to clear the branches and rocks in their path so their new friend won't trip again.
Though their encounter was a chaotic one, the crew are certain that Manamel's honest heart will bring a new breeze to their sails—someday.