Scenario:Beatrix - Unbeatable Cooking

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Unbeatable Cooking

The crew is taking a break when Zeta and Beatrix ask to travel somewhere. Before they set out, Beatrix offers to cook everyone breakfast. Reactions are mixed to her overly sweet cooking, so Beatrix offers to fix normal food next.

Gentle rays of sunlight pierce the morning air.
No version of Zeta in crew

The crew are resting aboard the Grandcypher when Zeta makes an unannounced appearance.
Zeta: It's been a while! How have you been, Bea?
Beatrix: Um… Fine… But you sure came out of nowhere…
Lyria: How did you know we'd be here?
Zeta: Hehe. That's a trade secret. The higher-ups would get angry at me if I told you.
Vyrn: Eep! R-really? What'd you come here for anyway, Red?
Zeta: I'm on vacation, so I thought I'd come kill some time with Bea.
Beatrix: Great. Now go back.
Lyria: Don't be like that. We were thinking of relaxing as well, so why don't we spend the day together?
Beatrix: Well… Fine, whatever…
Go to "Continue 1"

Any version of Zeta is a crew member

(Captain) decides to give the crew the day off so they can recuperate from weeks of adventuring.
(Captain) is loafing around with Vyrn and Lyria when Zeta and Beatrix come up to them.
Beatrix: Hey, (Captain). We're not searching for primal beasts today, right? So why don't we go somewhere?
Zeta: Yeah, we've got time off, so it'd be a shame to waste it doing nothing.
Lyria: You've got a point! Let's go somewhere, (Captain)!

Continue 1

Zeta: Then it's settled! Where should we go?
Vyrn: Whoa, hold up. We haven't even had breakfast yet!
Lyria: Now you mention it, I am feeling pretty hungry…
Beatrix: I'll whip up something then. It'll be super tasty, so don't you worry.
Zeta: Huh?
Beatrix: Hehe… Just trust me.
Puffing out her chest in pride, the confident Beatrix heads to the galley.
Vyrn: Hey, Red. You seemed surprised just now. Is Blue's cooking really that bad?
Zeta: Not at all. She's actually a great cook.
Zeta: Hehe… Well, let's just say you'll understand my reaction after you've had a taste.
Beatrix: All right, they're done! My special sandwiches! Hehe… You'll love these!
Lyria: Thank you!
Wow! They're so tasty!
Vyrn: S-sure… But the flavor's crazy sweet…
Zeta: Hehe… Tastes like cake or something, right?
Vyrn: Yeah, it's totally like eating dessert! What are these?
Beatrix: Oh, you don't like them?
Vyrn: I wouldn't say that… It's just that I was sort of expecting to eat some normal food.
Zeta: I'll go make something simple, then.
Beatrix: Wait a sec! Hold on!
Beatrix: I'll make it, Zeta! Something normal, right? I'm on it!
Vyrn: No sweet stuff, okay?
Beatrix: I know! I can make regular food, too. No sweat! Do you have any requests?
Lyria: How about some fish? I haven't had any in a while!
Beatrix: G-t it. Fish it is! Let's head to the Sea of North Vast and catch something fresh!
Vyrn: North Vast? You mean there's a sea on that frozen lump of an island?
Beatrix: I caught a glimpse of it last time I was there. The fish were pretty small, but I bet they taste delicious when fried!
Beatrix: Now let's go! Just watch me! I'll catch some tasty fish and cook 'em for you!
Though Beatrix's boasting worries the crew, they set out for the Sea of North Vast anyway.

Unbeatable Cooking: Scene 2

Beatrix manages to make a delicious fish dish—but it's still sweet enough to be a dessert. For her next recipe, she promises to make something more savory and convinces the crew to head to Fertyl Island to procure sweetcap mushrooms.

After reaching the Sea of North Vast, Beatrix is able to catch a respectable amount of fish.
The crew returns to the airship with her haul.
Vyrn: Whoa, you caught some pretty big fish! I'm lookin' forward to this.
What's the matter, Blue?
Beatrix: Well… I was just thinking that they kind of stink…
Zeta: Don't tell me… Is this the first time you've done this? Do you know how to prepare them?
Beatrix: First time? Of course not! I'm perfectly used to this kind of thing. One tasty fish dish coming right up!
Lyria: Hehe… I can't wait!
Vyrn: That makes one of us…
Beatrix soon returns carrying plates of crisply fried fish.
Lyria: Wow! It looks so yummy!
Beatrix: Hehe. Told you so. It's going to be delicious. Now eat it up quick, before it gets cold!
(Captain) practically drools at the sight of the fried fish. After a bite, (Captain)'s eyes widen—the flavor is amazing.
Zeta: I'm shocked. Bea, this is great stuff.
Beatrix: Hehe. I know, right? Delicious, huh?
Vyrn: Yeah it's really good… The sugar works great; the sweetness really pleases the palette just like…
Vyrn: Just like cake! This tastes exactly like a dessert again! How did you manage that?
Beatrix: Wha? That's impossible!
The flustered Beatrix samples some of the food herself, growing speechless.
Beatrix: It's so sweet…
Zeta: Haha. Guess I'll go make something after all.
Beatrix: Wait! This is… um… the appetizer!
Zeta: You're serving a sweet dish as the starter course? So what were the sandwiches supposed to be?
Beatrix: They were… um…
Beatrix: Anyway! The next course will be super tasty! So what would you guys like this time?
Having happily consumed the tasty but sweet, Lyria smiles innocently.
Lyria: I'd like some kind of wild mountain vegetable. Like mushrooms or something…
Beatrix: Mushrooms? Oh, I've got it! The sweetcap!
Zeta: The sweetcap mushroom? Isn't that, like, a five star gourmet ingredient?
Beatrix: Yep, you've got it! Let's go pick one!
Lyria: Hehe, I can't wait!
Zeta: Can you really find a sweetcap this time of year?
Beatrix: Where there's a will, there's a way! I'll find an extra tasty one too! Come on, (Captain)!
Harboring more than a little doubt, the crew heads to the mountains of Fertyl Island in search of the sweetcap mushroom.

Unbeatable Cooking: Scene 3

While Beatrix is cooking the sweetcap mushrooms, Zeta explains Beatrix's obsession with being successful. Beatrix comes back with a prepared dish, which to no one's surprise is still too sweet. Her determination stronger than ever, she announces she'll make a salad next.

Miraculously, Beatrix succeeds in obtaining a sweetcap mushroom.
Zeta: I-I… I can't believe you actually found one…
Beatrix: Yeah… But geez, mushrooms sure are weird…
Vyrn: Huh? Blue, don't tell me… Is this your first time seeing a mushroom?
Zeta: You're kidding me! Can you really cook this, Bea? You sure you don't want me to do it?
Beatrix: Nah. I don't need your help, Zeta! I'll manage on my own… probably.
Vyrn: What? Probably?
Beatrix: I didn't say that! This'll be no problem! I'll go make it, so just shut up and wait!
Zeta: Sigh… She always was a sore loser…
Vyrn: Oh, you mean she's always acting tough 'cause she hates losing to you, Red?
Zeta: I don't think it's only me. She doesn't like losing to anyone.
Lyria: What do you mean?
Zeta: …Well, no one likes to admit their weaknesses.
Zeta: And that girl's obsessed with glory.
Vyrn: Now that you mention it, she does always seem strangely excited about hunting primals beasts and finding success.
Vyrn: We've always wondered why that is…
(Captain) nods at Vyrn's words.
Zeta: When Bea was young, everything was taken from her by enemies of the Society.
Lyria: Everything?
Zeta: That’s right. Everything. Her social status, her family… and pretty much anything else you can think of.
Lyria: That's awful…
Zeta: Bea was originally from a noble family. And after she survived her loss, she was teased for falling from nobility.
Zeta: But instead of resenting those who bullied her, she turned her anger on those who took everything from her and swore revenge.
Zeta: It was after that that she came to hate losing and started acting tough.
Zeta: To show those who snubbed her how wrong they were, she grew up strong and willful.
Vyrn: I see now… You sure know a lot about her, Red.
Zeta: Hehe… I've known Bea singe before we joined the Society, so you could say we're familiar.
Zeta: And yet, all by herself, she's still trying to…
Just as (Captain) starts to ask about the meaning behind Zeta's words, the door opens, and a fragrant aroma wafts in.
Beatrix: All done! Eat 'em while they're hot!
Beatrix offers the party dishes of sliced and roasted sweetcap mushroom.
Zeta: Oh, that's a nice smell! That's definitely sweetcap mushroom… I was worried, but seems like it turned out okay.
Lyria: Yay! Let's eat!
Vyrn: Whoa… This is…
Beatrix: Well? Is it tasty? Tell me!
Zeta: Bea, you really are a skilled cook. These are just great.
Zeta: With every bite I take, my mouth is filled with the deliciously mellow, sweet…
Zeta: Flavor of cake! Wait, is this a starter too? Just how many appetizers are you planning to serve to us?
Beatrix: Wha? There's just no way!
The flustered Beatrix tries a piece of the sliced sweetcap mushroom.
Beatrix: It's sweet… But how could this be?
Vyrn: That's what we wanna know.
Lyria: But it was really delicious! Even if it tasted and smelled like cake, I've never tasted anything like it!
Beatrix: Ugh… This is, you know… to ready your palates, so… so you'll get the full impact of the next dish I'm going to make!
Zeta: Haha… We know this was no appetizer. Do you still have the energy to make more?
Beatrix: Of course! Hey, Lyria! What do you feel like next?
Lyria: Um… Oh, I know! How about some regular vegetables… like in a salad?
Vyrn: Yeah! I'm up for that… Something plain, with no dressing!
Beatrix: Got it! All right, let's go pick some fresh vegetables!
Thus the crew sets off in the airship in search of fresh produce.

Unbeatable Cooking: Scene 4

Beatrix's salad ends up tasting like honest-to-goodness salad. On the other hand, her soup tastes as sweet as almost everything else she makes. Beatrix is upset by this, so Zeta gently offers to help her with her cooking.

After obtaining some fresh vegetables, Beatrix prepares the salad in the galley and then serves it to the crew.
Beatrix: Here's the salad! Hehe. Now dig in!
Vyrn: Hey, Red… You took a peek just now, right? Are we all clear?
Zeta: Yeah… I think we're safe. All Bea did was put the vegetables on the plates.
Beatrix: What are you two whispering about?
Vyrn: Nothing! Let's eat up!
With a stoic expression, (Captain) cautiously tastes one of the vegetables.
Lyria: Oh!
Vyrn: It… It tastes…
Lyria: These vegetables taste just like they're supposed to!
Zeta: It's true! This tastes like a proper salad! Bea, you've done it! Now this is a true starter!
Beatrix: Hehe. Of course it is. Nothing could be easier than making salad!
In spite of her confident words, Beatrix looks relieved.
Seeing her feel better, (Captain) cracks a smile.
Vyrn: Aaaah… that salad was really refreshing and delicious. Good goin', Blue!
Lyria: It was great! But now I'm craving something kind of warm…
Beatrix: I thought you'd say that! So I went ahead and made some soup! Hehe… See how considerate I am?
Lyria: Wow! Thanks so much!
Vyrn: This is normal soup, right?
Beatrix: Well of course! I just made it with the salad leftovers!
Vyrn: Okay… I guess there's nothing to fear then.
Thinking the same, (Captain) gives Beatrix's soup a taste.
Vyrn: Hmm… What a nice, mild flavor. And this sweet aroma… It's…
Vyrn: …Sweet! Seriously?
Beatrix: What?
Vyrn: What's the big idea? I mean, you made the salad just fine!
Beatrix: Ugh… I… I wish I knew…
Zeta: Haha! No more! I just can't take it anymore! Hahahaha!
Zeta: Haha… How do you do it every single time? Why is everything you make so sweet?
Zeta: I guess this is another one of your appetizers, huh? So what was that salad? And just when is the main course coming? Haha!
Lyria: Hehe… It really is a little funny…
Beatrix: Ugh… Don't laugh… Why is this happening?
Zeta: Hehe… You never change, do you? You're still trying to fight your battles by yourself.
Beatrix: Where'd that come from all of a sudden?
Zeta: There's nothing sudden about it. This cooking is just one more example of something you should have let us help you with.
Zeta: And I could say the same about battles and everything else. You're taking on too much alone.
Zeta: Stop trying to act so strong. You're not alone, so why don't you work with everyone more?
Beatrix: Yeah… I guess you're right. I suppose I was being a little headstrong. Just a tiny bit.
Beatrix: My cooking today, battles, and everything else that lies ahead… I'm always trying to take all of it on by myself.
Beatrix: I'm sorry.
Vyrn: There's nothing to apologize for! Let's just work together from now on, okay?
Lyria: That's right! You're part of the crew! We should always help each other out!
(Captain) emphatically agrees with Vyrn and Lyria.
Beatrix: Thanks. In that case… let's all work together, guys.
Lyria: Sure! And please cook for us again, okay?
Beatrix: But, my cooking… It all tastes sweet. Remember?
Vyrn: Well, I admit don't really get that part, but it all tastes delicious! Maybe better than anything I've ever had!
Beatrix: Really?
Lyria: Yeah! It was all so tasty! I'd love to have some more sometime!
Beatrix: Hehe… Of course you would! So I guess I'll make—
As Beatrix starts to boast again, Zeta raps her on the head.
Beatrix: Ouch! What was that for?
Zeta: Don't get carried away. You were about to launch right back into your shenanigans…
Zeta: Look, I'll teach you how to make regular food. Come here.
Beatrix: Thanks…
As Zeta and Beatrix head for the galley, the rest of the crew follows behind, smiling supportively.
Altough she occasionally shows frustration, Beatrix earnestly studies the art of cooking under Zeta.
Under her tutor's watchful eye, she comes to learn a little humility.
But, as it turns out, after several hours of instruction not even Zeta's expertise can rid Beatrix's food of its trademark sweetness.