Scenario:Seofon - Man in a Million

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Man in a Million

After quelling Orologia's rampage, the Eternals and the crew gather to celebrate. After promising to continue looking into the boundary and imprints, Seofon wonders what the others would be doing had they not become Eternals. Anre, Fif, and Niyon imagine what they could've been instead.

???: Whew! That latest episode was a doozy of a dilemma.
???: I mean, observing simulations and doing battle while wrangling with the power of the boundary?
???: That kinda work isn't for the faint of heart, but you handled it well enough.
???: But as exhausted as you are, you still organized a party to recognize everyone's efforts. That's really something.
???: No, I'm not being sarcastic. Came from the heart.
???: Be honest now. You're tuckered out, aren't you? Just because it doesn't show on your face—
???: Hello? Sheesh... Couldn't hear me, I guess. Or maybe you're only pretending not to hear me...
(Captain), along with many other friends who helped put a halt to Orologia's rampage, have gathered at Wil's Mess.
They make their favorite dishes and kick off the feast with a toast. With the party in full swing, the Eternals look back on the tumultuous events they had taken part in.
Lyria: Let's give everybody another big round of applause for saving the world!
Vyrn: Boy, am I glad we left the ship stuff to you guys. Saved our butts!
Seofon: To be honest, I had no idea how things were going to turn out, but I'm thankful we all survived and that everyone actually managed to show up to this shindig!
Feower: Tch... I stopped by to hang out of my own accord. You're joking if you think I came here 'cause you asked me to.
Seofon: Wh-what did I do, Feower! What's with the attitude?
Feower: Boundary imprint. Power of the boundary. How much did you know about that stuff, and what are you still hiding from us?
Feower: Think hard before you answer, otherwise you might not like the consequences.
Seofon: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let's not do anything we'll regret! I'll talk, I'll talk! I was just waiting for things to calm down a bit!
Tien: Mm... I suppose it wouldn't hurt to hear you out before deciding whether to beat you to death or not.
Seofon: Ack! Even Tien's flashing her scary side!
Seox: Keeping us out of the loop is a habit he's had since day one. I heard we were recruited as Eternals because we possessed strong boundary imprints. Is that right?
Seofon: Hmm... It's more like... When the Revenant weapons were searching for the strongest wielders, that inevitably led to a gathering of individuals with strong imprints.
Seofon: I swear I didn't know anything about the boundary stuff until way after! So it's sort of a "chicken or the egg" paradox if you think about it...
Fif: Grrr! I don't care about chickens or eggs! You were trying to keep us in the dark again!
Anre: If I may, we were facing a danger right on our doorstep that required our fullest attention.
Anre: With that being said, the truth is there was nothing I nor Seofon could have told you about the boundary matter at the time.
Niyon: Anre and Seofon aren't lying.
Tweyen: But a power that can't be controlled is a disaster waiting to happen. I don't want to tap into an unstable power like that.
Seofon: Yes, exactly! Niyon and Tweyen raise great points! I'd always planned on reinvestigating the matter of the imprints and boundary.
Threo: Okay, but can it make us stronger? If the answer is yes, then I don't really care about anything else!
Eahta: Interesting. I shall entertain your idiosyncrasies, provided they lead to the achievement of greater heights.
Seofon: Thanks for the support, Threo! Eahta! I promise I'll grill the Six Dragons some more to learn what they know.
Seofon: I was going to share my findings with everyone as soon as I heard anything, but if you guys are getting antsy, we can go see them together!
Anre: Still, it can't be overstated that we did cause everyone undue anxiety. I failed to take everyone's needs into consideration, and that is inexcusable.
Seofon: Allow me to apologize as well. Sowing the seeds of doubt in my friends is terrible, and for that I'm truly sorry.
Seofon's and Anre's explanations and apologies seem to placate the other Eternals.
Feower: Fine. If the rest of you guys are willing to move on, then I guess that's that.
Feower: (If I stick to my guns, I'm gonna look like the bad guy.)
Tien: I won't stand for secrecy. Don't forget that.
Anre: Thank you, Feower. Tien. I will burn that warning into my head.
Seofon: To switch topics a bit, I'm still amazed by what Orologia told us about simulations.
Seofon: Gathering together and chatting like this has always been a dream of mine.
Seofon: But who could've imagined all the little twists and turns that had to be made in order to arrive at this particular moment?
Seox: Now what are you talking about?
Seofon: Think of it this way. Had I chosen to do this differently or that differently, maybe I could've avoided stressing or pissing you guys off.
Feower: Oh, I get what you're saying. The choice to never talk to us at all was right in front of you, but you just couldn't pull the trigger, hm?
Seofon: Th-that's so harsh!
Tien: I never thought it would be better if I hadn't met Seofon. Not even once.
Seofon: Sniff... You're the best, Tien...
Seofon: That does bring up an interesting question though: if the Eternals never existed, where would we all be now?
They all fall silent as they ponder this hypothetical. Finally someone gets the ball rolling.
Anre: If such a world existed in which we Eternals, the menace of the skies, were unneeded...
Anre: I suppose I would be a humble merchant trying his hand at assorted ventures.
Proprietor: The recent spate of burglaries and robberies keeps me up at night. I can't help but fret about my home and business...
Anre: My firm offers numerous plans to guarantee the safety of our clients and their possessions.
Anre: From a suite of alarm devices that incorporate the latest technologies to swift-response teams of highly trained security personnel rivaling the military's best troops...
Anre: We have it all. In addition, we provide all of our clients with decals to deter incidents.
Proprietor: Decals? What are those?
Anre: It's a sticker you affix to your storefront which signifies that your business uses our award-winning services.
Anre: We firmly believe that prevention is the best medicine. The risk of larceny drops to nearly zero when criminals are aware that someone is watching.
Anre: Furthermore, our firm is dedicated to engaging in social responsibility.
Anre: By eliminating the conditions that give rise to criminals, we create a safe society for all.
Proprietor: I see! Yes, that's certainly one way to promote public safety.
Proprietor: So all that's left is the matter of price. I can't imagine that such a comprehensive package comes cheap...
Anre: Because you were referred to us by a current subscriber, you are eligible for a special discount.
Anre: We'll lock in your rate at below market value, but this offer is only available for a limited time!
Proprietor: ...!
Where do I sign!
Anre: Thank you for choosing our firm!
The thought of Anre as a salesman is a scenario everyone can easily imagine.
Tien: Yes, that seems up Anre's alley.
Fif: Me next! Me next! I wanna try opening up a candy shop!
Fif: Let's see here... One of these, one of these, and some of these. Your total comes to this many rupies!
Customer: Wait, that seems a bit... low? Are you sure you didn't miss something?
Fif: Nope! These candies are some of my favorites! I'm so happy you picked 'em that I'm gonna give them to you for free!
Fif: Oh! Have you tried these? They're yummy too. It's on the house!
Customer: W-wow... Wasn't expecting all the freebies... Thanks a lot!
Threo: Holy cow! I gotta hit up your store!
Feower: Shop won't last a week if she gives her stock away.
Seofon: Yeah... Fif's got the personality for sales, but as far as actually running a business goes, I'm not sure she can handle it on her own...
Fif: Hey! Can too! Tell him, Grampy!
Eahta: Retail is a battle waged not by the sword but by tongue and pen, or so I have heard. As such, I lack wisdom in that field.
Eahta: However, this child has limitless potential. She can accomplish anything she sets her mind to.
Customer: Cool. If you're giving me free stuff, then don't mind if I do. Hehehe...
Eahta: ...
Customer: Yikes!
Fif: C'mon, Grampy! I'm fine! I said you don't have to keep coming in to check on me!
Eahta: ...
Customer: Erm... Uh...
Customer: O-on second thought, I feel bad not paying for all these extras. L-let me grab my wallet...
Seofon: I, uh, think she'll manage just fine.
Seox: So it would seem...
Niyon: As for me, I'd like to travel from island to island and give concerts throughout the skies.
Niyon: I'm standing on the stage of a large concert hall in front of hundreds of people.
Niyon: ...
Niyon: When the music stops, I hope the momentary silence is broken by the sound of applause, even if that might overwhelm me...
Niyon: ...
Niyon: I listen to the melody of their hearts as I peacefully play without restraint.
Niyon: And after I've plucked the final string...
Niyon: I become enveloped in the audience's joyous tune.
Seofon: That sounds amazing. With your talents, you'll receive a standing ovation and calls for an encore.
Niyon: ...!
Niyon: Standing ovations might be a bit... intense for me.
Tien: Seofon's right though. You'd be a big hit in the Sky Realm.
Niyon: That would be nice, yes...
Seofon: Hey, when I'm right, I'm right! No doubt about it! That sounds like a fine way to—
???: Eternal of the cardinal one. He who detests the injustices of the world and believes in exterminating evil with a spear that brims with silent madness.
???: But in another life, he's an ordinary merchant amid countless others, living without blood on his hands.
???: Eternal of the cardinal five. A child prodigy who devotes herself to providing others with aid.
???: But in another life, she's an adorable candy shop owner. You'd never suspect she was ever one of the vaunted Eternals.
???: Eternal of the cardinal nine. Evil clashes with her sensitive heart, and so she hates all forms of malevolence.
???: But in another life, she's a traveling musician, flying throughout the world to satiate those who are starved for a comforting tune.
???: That sounds like a fine way to live one's life. A fantastic permutation, if you will.
???: Sure would've been great if those possibilities had come to pass.

Man in a Million: Scene 2

Continuing on the topic of if the Eternals hadn't become the Eternals, Feower and Tien see themselves going to school, Tweyen envisions the normal, everyday life of an office worker, and Threo would still be surviving in the wild. While everyone is busy discussing these scenarios, Seofon has an inner dialogue with a mysterious person.

The Eternals and (Captain)'s crew continue imagining what it would be like if the Eternals had never been formed.
Vyrn: It's pretty wild thinkin' about what you guys would be doin' instead.
Seofon: Eternal of the cardinal...
Tien: ...
Seofon: Ten.
Lyria: What about you, Tien? What would you be doing?
Tien: Me? I wonder...
Feower: Can't say we orphans did much daydreaming. Right, Sis?
Seofon: As well as the cardinal four...
Tien: Mm...
Tien: I always wondered what it'd be like to go to school.
The Three: School?
Tien: Yes. What about you, Feower? Aren't you curious about school life too?
Feower: School, huh... If that's your thing, I guess I'll tag along.
Feower: Don't know the first thing about what happens at school though...
Tien: Mm... Me neither. It's hard to imagine.
Teacher: And who can tell me the answer to this question?
Tien: I can. The answer is muzzle energy.
Teacher: Correct! I see you've been diligent in your studying! I expected nothing less from the school's star pupil!
As Tien sits back down to the oohs and aahs of her classmates, movement in the tree outside catches her eye, and she turns toward the window.
Feower: Shhh!
Tien: Feower!
Tien yelps in surprise at the sight of her brother in a tree, rendering his desperate attempt to shush her moot.
Teacher: What the... Feower, you hooligan! Are you playing hooky again?
Kitten: Meow...
Tien: Oh. There's a cat up there...
Feower: Guys, shut up for a sec. I can almost reach him...
Teacher: That's enough! Get back to class this instant, you delinquent!
Kitten: Reeoow!
Tien: Look out!
The students crowded around the window gasp in horror as the branch snaps under the kitten. Without a moment's hesitation, Feower leaps after the falling creature.
Feower: Gotcha!
Feower: You okay, little guy?
Kitten: Meow.
Feower lands safely in dramatic style while cradling the unharmed feline, and a mighty cheer erupts from the classroom.
Teacher: Th-that was too reckless! What if you misjudged the landing and fell on your head!
Feower: Gee, maybe you shouldn't have startled the poor thing, forcing me to catch him.
Teacher: Grrr...
Teacher: Fine! You got to play hero! Now scoot your butt back to class!
Feower: Uh-oh! Sorry, Teach! I think the little guy sprained an ankle or something! Gotta rush him to the hospital, stat!
Teacher: Y-you... menace!
Tien: Haha... Oh, that brother of mine...
Seofon: Hiding behind the veneer of lipstick and eye shadow is an ordinary girl...
Feower: ...?
Seofon: And the boy is in many ways like a stiletto. But like how his sister uses makeup as a front, what is he trying to hide from—
Feower: Yo. You've been mumbling to yourself for a while now.
Seofon: Huh? Was I? My bad, my bad! Just lost in my own fantasy world!
Seofon: So how 'bout that school stuff, huh? Sure sounds like a barrel of fun! You two wouldn't be the most typical kids around but still a pair of honor roll students nonetheless!
Lyria: You'd be the most popular kids in the class!
Tien: Maybe... It's hard to say for sure if we'd fit in and thrive.
Feower: But at the very least, standing out from the rest of the student body would be a cinch for Sis and me.
Tien: Mm... On the other hand, I think I'd have a hard time being away from our Stardust Town siblings.
Feower: Right. Can't exactly bring everyone with us to class.
Seox: Then allow me to step in and babysit them while you step away for lessons. Problem solved.
Feower & Tien: Huh?
Anre: That's a great idea, though I never figured you for the good-with-kids type.
Seox: ...
Seofon: Nah, you just don't know the real Seox like I do! He actually relates well with kids. I remember the time he and Ayer—
Seox: Fine! Forget it! Just pretend I didn't say anything!
Feower: Give me a break. Don't go tossing out offers you can't commit to. We can't trust our brothers and sisters to someone with an unproven track record.
Vyrn: (Sheesh, why's he takin' this imaginary stuff so seriously?)
Seox: If there's something you want to learn, you should find ways to make it happen. That's all I'm saying.
Lyria: Seox...
Feower: So it's not so much about wanting to watch over the kids but wanting to pick up new skills for yourself?
Feower: I remember you mentioning wanting to learn how to save people's lives.
Tien: You even have the perfect mentor for that.
Seox: Save lives? A mentor? You mean Nehan?
Seox: As much as I'd like to pick his brain, I can't imagine myself making that leap yet.
Seox: Actually, maybe I'm just making excuses again. The truth is, thanks to (Captain), Nehan and I are still alive.
Seox: And as long as we're still breathing, we'll get our chance to talk to each other sooner or later.
Seox: So instead of pulling my hair out, I ought to patiently wait for that chance to come.
Seox: Assuming he's cool with facing me again, of course.
Tweyen: So by pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, it leads to the opportunity for self-improvement...
Tweyen: You three are inspiring. Makes me want to expand my horizons too.
Niyon: How so, Tweyen?
Tweyen: Hmm... Haha, I'm bound to get funny looks for saying this, but I sort of wish to lead an ordinary life.
Tweyen: Good afternoon. I'm the financial advisor assigned to your account.
Tweyen: That's right. Trading in my bow and arrows for pen and paper.
Tweyen: Gah! The estimate on this exceeds the amount on the application! I'm terribly sorry!
Tweyen: After that my boss called me in and chewed me out...
Tweyen: I'm sure I'd make nothing but mistakes, but at least I'd get to shoot the breeze with my friends and coworkers.
Tweyen: Yeah, you're right! Tomorrow's my day off! Time to drink my mistakes away!
Tweyen: Blurgh... I partied too hardy last night... My head's pounding...
Tweyen: Thank the gods I don't have to go into the office today. Gonna curl up and pass out...
Tweyen: Making mistakes and getting yelled at for it. Just your average everyday life, you know?
Fif: That sounds good to me! I'll come over to your house to play!
Threo: ...
Meanwhile Threo, who seems preoccupied with her thoughts, hasn't said much the entire time.
Threo: Everyone's got such interesting goals... And I've got nothing.
Anre: Threo...
Anre: If you hadn't joined the Eternals, I suppose you'd still be living in that forest.
Threo: That forest, huh...
Monster: Groar!
Threo: Raaawr!
Threo: Sniff, sniff...
Threo: ...?
Monster: ...!
Threo: ...!
Threo: Munch, chomp...
Monster: Pant... Pant...
Threo: Huff... Puff...
Monster: Awooo!
Threo: Awooo!
Threo: Playing, eating, more playing, sleeping...
Anre: That's... probably not all that different from your current routine.
Each new scenario sparks a wave of animated discussion among the crew.
Seofon: Aah, there's no substitute for a life of leisure and tranquility. Yep, peace is awesome.
???: Yeah... Just think of all the run-of-the-mill things they could be enjoying right now.
???: If only you hadn't snatched those possibilities away from them.
Seofon: ...

Man in a Million: Scene 3

The voice in Seofon's head turns out to be an alternate Seofon from a simulated run, one in which the world, Eternals, and (Captain)'s crew were all destroyed. Asking to be called a god, the alternate Seofon plans to intervene in the Sky Realm through Seofon. While Seofon internally vows to shoulder the responsibility alone, he outwardly thanks the Eternals, the crew, and Orologia for all their hard work.

Seofon: ...
Threo: Seofon! Hello? Anyone in there!
Seofon: Huh, wha? What is it?
Tweyen: Haha, ignoring the rest of us while you're off in your own little world again. What would you do differently, Seofon?
It seems the others haven't forgotten that Seofon has yet to share his own thoughts.
Seofon: That is a very good question... Hmm, a real head-scratcher...
Seofon: Honestly, I can't say I'd change much from what I've got going on now.
Seofon: I'd hit the skies to take out bad guys... with a vengeance.
Seofon: (Doesn't matter what timeline I'm in. This is the only lifestyle I'm allowed to have.)
Vyrn: Takin' the law into your own hands without the rep of the Eternals smells like a recipe for disaster...
Tien: Thus the savior becomes the feared. I can totally see that happening.
Niyon: Yes. This is Seofon we're talking about.
Tweyen: How sad...
Seofon: H-hey! Don't twist my words around! How's about looking at it from a positive angle for a change!
Despite the ribbing, Seofon is satisfied to know that his colleagues are having a good time.
He closes his eyes as if to fully savor this moment of fellowship.
???: Ah, hello again. Finally decided to give me the time of day, have you?
???: Considering that the boundary is linked to you, and you can see me, it makes perfect sense that I can see you.
???: Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a certain someone with cheat-level powers who can tinker with causality and create simulations of your world?
???: A "wedge," was it? That one's hard at work trying to eliminate all possibility of the world's demise, a task that seems utterly pointless.
???: I don't know what gives them the right to mess up futures that belong to others, but it sounds narcissistic and frankly uncool.
???: Well, two can play that game. I think I'll insert myself into this world by going through you for a bit.
Seofon: Enough with the grandstanding. Are you going to tell me who or what you are or not?
???: Ah, my bad. I'm long overdue in introducing myself. It's been such a long time since I had the pleasure to speak to a mortal that my loquaciousness took over.
???: Let's just say I'm one of the many possible Seofons that exist.
???: Out of the multitudes of simultaneously running timelines fueled by the boundary, you took a different route, and that became me.
???: My name is... Hm. I forgot what I was called during my mortal days. You may refer to me as a god.
???: Now, my recollection is fuzzy, but I seem to recall that everything that works for you is broken for me.
???: The spear never found. The bow never rescued. The axe hunted down. The dagger and gun left to die. The staff abandoned.
???: The gauntlet removed. The katana dueled to the death. The harp never played.
???: As a result, more things came crashing down. The singularity. The girl in blue. The little red dragon... even myself and the world...
???: While I lose everything, you get to sit in a happy little circle with your companions.
???: In each of our cases, there was never a doubt that we both picked up the sword.
???: Neither of those scenarios is right or wrong. As far as the world is concerned, it treats both cases equally.
Seofon: ...
???: Whoops. Was hoping to keep talking for a spell, but it looks like time's up.
???: At the end of day, you couldn't escape the clutches of your predetermined destiny.
???: I look forward to seeing how you'll decide to struggle against the current.
???: See you later.
Seofon: God or not, he's got a way with words...
Seofon: At least that self-proclaimed god seemed to be enjoying himself.
Somewhere in the background is the din of conversation. As Seofon strains his ears to listen, his consciousness gradually fades.
Seofon: Uh... Where am I...
Feower: It's like your mind was suddenly teleported away. Is something going on with you?
Seofon: No, no. I was just moved by how great this get-together has been! My emotions got the better of me!
Hearing the commotion, Orologia suddenly wanders into the conversation.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Greetings, Eternals. I am so, so sorry for the troubles I've caused.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Greetings, Eternals. I am so, so sorry for the troubles I've caused.
Fif: No worries! Seofon always gives us headaches, so we're used to trouble!
Fif: It was hard on Orololo too, right? It's all good!
Seofon: Oof, thanks for the vote of confidence, Fif! I may not do things the way people like, but I try to do them with everyone's best interest in mind!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Yeah, I recognize a person who's grappling with a ton of internal struggles when I see one.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Yeah, I recognize a person who's grappling with a ton of internal struggles when I see one.
Seofon: Wait, you get me, Orologia? You see this? I do sooo much for others, and they repay me with complaints!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Oh, I know all about your secret efforts! Don't let it get to you, Seofon!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Oh, I know all about your secret efforts! Don't let it get to you, Seofon!
Seofon: Sniff... I appreciate it!
Seofon: The fact that I still have everyone right now is because of you, Orologia.
Seofon: You deserve the biggest thanks in the world!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: S-Seofon... Could you not... squeeze so hard... Can't... breathe...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: S-Seofon... Could you not... squeeze so hard... Can't... breathe...
Seofon, on the verge of tears, profusely thanks Orologia.
As the Eternals look on, dumbfounded by Seofon's behavior, they congratulate him and themselves on a job well done.
???: Mm-hm. No one will probably ever hear of what we accomplished behind the scenes.
???: So go ahead and spread the word—while you still can.