Scenario:Joel - King of the Skies' Seas

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King of the Skies' Seas

After the crew arrives in Auguste, Joel splits off to travel to his hometown. (Captain), in low spirits, joins Lyria, Anna, and Sara on a tour boat adventure. The girls do their best to cheer the captain up, and before long, the group is enjoying the beautiful scenery. However, a pair of rising sunfish interrupt the peace, and the crew is forced to defend the boat.

After they find there is no ocean at the bottom of the sky, (Captain) worries Joel will leave the crew as he has lost his reason for traveling with them.
Those fears are solidified when Joel declares that he will go home during the crew's annual summer vacation.
Joel: Make sure you wake up on time every day, (Captain). And don't stay up too late.
Joel: I know it's tempting since you'll be on vacation, But ignore your bio clock, and your body will pay the price. You have to be fully rested if you want the energy to play hard.
Joel: Hey, are you listening?
(Captain) manages a slow nod at what might be the last lecture Joel gives on the Grandcypher.
Joel: Good. It's just... I'd be devastated if anything happened to you.
Joel: Well, I best be on my way—
Anna: (Captain)... Joel... Hello.
Joel: Anna and Nightmare! Guess you're done changing. Are you going to ride the tour boat now?
Anna: Yeah. Thanks for letting us know that we'd get splashed. We were about to go in our regular clothes.
Anna: Sara's joining us as well, since she's not meeting with Kaz until tomorrow.
Nightmare: (Captain), you should come too! Lyria's going to be there! Let's ride that tour boat!
(Captain) hesitates to agree, wishing to see Joel off properly.
Joel: (Captain), go with them.
Joel: You're a captain. You should be making new memories with your crew. And, well... I'm leaving soon.
Anna: Oh... Your hometown is in Auguste, isn't it?
Joel: Yeah, that's where I'm headed to. See you, (Captain).
With a carefree wave, Joel departs from the beach house.
Nightmare: Come on! Tour boat! Let's go!
Nightmare grabs onto (Captain)'s sleeve. Faced with no choice, (Captain) follows Anna to where Lyria and Sara are waiting.
Lyria: Mmm! The breeze feels amazing!
Anna: It is pretty nice... But...
While Lyria, Anna, and Sara are gathered excitedly at the edge of the boat, (Captain) stands silently off to the side. The three girls sneak concerned looks at their sullen captain.
Sara: (Captain) doesn't seem very happy... Do you think something bad happened?
Anna: Hmm... Maybe it's because Joel had to go home... and (Captain)'s feeling lonely?
Gran is the Main Character

Anna: There aren't a lot of boys his age in the crew, after all.
Lyria: Yeah... Joel always looks after us, so it's kind of lonely without him around...
Lyria: But it's not every day that we get to ride on a tour boat, so we should all make the most of it!
Anna: Yeah... And to do that, we have to cheer (Captain) up first.
The three girls move to join (Captain) and begin to point out the sights passing by the boat.
Sara: Oh... That white line in the water! That's a bonito trail, right?
Lyria: I think so!
Oh! Those shadows in the water... They might be migrating sea urkin!
Anna: We've sure learned a lot about the marine life in Auguste, haven't we?
Nightmare: Sheesh... No surprise after all the run-ins we had!
Nightmare's quip about their past summer adventures draws a smile from (Captain).
Anna: Eep! Wh-what just made that huge spray?
Sailor: That's what we call a whale. They love to spray seawater around! Watch!
Lyria: Wow... All the droplets made a rainbow!
Sara: Look, (Captain)! Isn't it so pretty?
Transfixed by the array of enchanting colors, (Captain) joins the others in their excitement.
The gloomy air clears as (Captain) becomes absorbed in the natural scenery, but the cheer is quickly interrupted.
Sara: Eep! Wh-what just happened?
Lyria: L-look!
Rising Sunfish: ...!
Anna: A rising sunfish? W-wait. There's another one! Are they fighting?
Sara: From what I remember, sunfish are very territorial...
(Captain) watches the sunfish carefully, having been sunk by the sea creatures once before and not wishing to repeat the experience.
Sailor: Hey, you folks! Get inside the boat! We're gonna deal with these sunfish, so you best take cover!
Lyria: Are you sure? Two sunfish seems like an awful lot for one crew...
(Captain) offers the group's help, intent on dealing with the situation as quickly as possible.
Sailor: You all are skyfarers? Well, if you've got firepower to lend, we aren't in a position to refuse!
Anna: We'll be fine! We've handled sunfish before...
Sara: Me and Graphos are ready! We'll draw it away from the boat.
(Captain) nods at Sara. The crew closes in on one fish, leaving the other to the sailors.
Rising Sunfish: ...!

King of the Skies' Seas: Scene 2

The crew successfully drives one sunfish away, but the victory is short lived as (Captain) is dragged beneath the waves. Before the situation turns dire, Joel swoops in and saves the captain. Relieved to see that Joel had only gone home for a quick visit and not abandoned the crew, (Captain) admits as much to the shocked lifeguard. Joel, hurt at the revelation, is speechless.

Rising Sunfish: ...!
Lyria: It's swimming away!
Sara: Thank goodness... Do you think the sailors are all right?
Nightmare: Let's give them a hand!
The group hastens to where the sailors are keeping the other sunfish at bay.
Lyria: Eek!
Sara: Lyria!
The second Lyria takes a step forward, the boat lurches to one side and sends her flying to the edge of the deck.
Lyria: (Captain)!
Diving forward, (Captain) yanks Lyria back, but the momentum carries the captain overboard instead.
Anna: Wh-what do we do! (Captain)'s fallen off!
(Captain) swims to the surface and makes for the boat. But before the captain can climb back on, a new trouble rears its ugly head.
Monster: ...!
Anna: Oh no... I think the rampaging sunfish angered all the nearby monsters!
Sara: (Captain), swim away!
(Captain) shoots away, but the aquatic monster moves faster.
Monster: ...!
With its tentacles firmly around (Captain)'s body, the monster drags the captain toward the bottom of the ocean.
Lyria: Ahhh! It's got (Captain)!
Sara: What do we do? I can't take Graphos into the water!
Anna: Th-there has to be something...
Monster: ...!
???: ...
Lyria: Ah! Is that...
Joel: ...
Sara: Joel!
Joel: Give us space! I have to get the water out of (Captain)'s lungs!
Anna: O-okay!
Joel: Breathing's weak... But I'm getting some respiratory murmur... Sounds like we won't need CPR.
Joel holds (Captain)'s mouth open, letting the water flow out.
Joel: (Captain), can you hear me?
Anna: Oh... (Captain)'s eyes are opening! Th-thank goodness...
Taking in the captain's unfocused gaze, Joel calmly assesses what to do next.
Joel: Weakness... Dizziness... Looks like decompression sickness. Don't think too much water got into your system though.
Joel: The symptoms should pass soon, but...
After (Captain)'s breathing stabilizes, Joel picks the captain up in his arms.
Joel: We need to keep (Captain) warm. Should be blankets on the boat somewhere...
Sara: I'll go find them!
Lyria: Sniff... I'm really glad everything turned out okay... Thank you so much, Joel.
Anna: I'm confused though... Weren't you supposed to be at home?
Joel: I was. But I just dropped in to say hi..
Joel: It's not like I was gone for a long time. I mean, we visit Auguste every year.
Joel: And, well, (Captain)'s been out of it lately. So I rushed back because I was worried.
The captain stirs, still wrapped in Joel's warm arms.
Lyria: (Captain)! You shouldn't move around yet!
Joel: She's right. Just relax.
What was that?
Joel: Huh?
Joel: You thought I quit the crew and went home... for good?
Joel: What... are you saying? Are you still not fully awake?
Confused, Joel listens to all of (Captain)'s concerns.
Joel: You were worried I was going to leave because we reached the bottom of the sky and didn't find what I was searching for...
Anna: So that's why you looked so down...
Joel: But I never said a single word about walking away.
Lyria: That's true. Even if Joel wanted to leave, he would have spoken to us first.
Joel: And anyway, why would I stop journeying with you?
Joel: There are still oceans in other skydoms I dream of swimming in. And sure, we saw the bottom of the sky, but we haven't set foot in it.
Joel: An ocean might still be waiting somewhere down there. Am I wrong, (Captain)?
Joel's voice is cold. With a shock, the captain realizes how cruel it was to believe Joel would just disappear.
Joel: You really think I'm the sort of guy that would abandon the crew? Without a word?
Joel: I can't believe you...
Anna: I-I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding. We just saw the Crimson Horizon, and then you started talking about going home, so...
Joel: Did you forget I visit my family every year?
(Captain) looks away instead of answering.
Anna: Well... It's hard to ask about something if you're afraid of the answer, right? I know what that's like...
Joel: ...
Sara: I've got the blankets! Oh! I'm glad you're awake, (Captain).
Sara: Um... Joel? You look kind of angry...
Joel: ...
Joel: Thanks, Sara. Lyria, I'll leave the rest to you.
Lyria: O-okay!
Wrapping (Captain) in the blanket, Joel sets the captain down by Lyria.
Though relieved that Joel won't be leaving the crew, (Captain) can do nothing but watch him silently walk away.

King of the Skies' Seas: Scene 3

Later in the evening, Joel takes (Captain) for a walk on the beach. They sit down on a rock and search for seven shooting stars in the sky. Upon spotting the seventh one, Joel suddenly stands and exclaims his wish to journey with (Captain) until the end of time. With a new dream ahead of the swimmer, (Captain) realizes that Joel will continue to be an invaluable member of the crew no matter what changes lie ahead.

Though (Captain) appears to be healthy, the sailors arrange for a doctor's appointment just in case and bring the crew back to shore.
Joel: The doctor said we should keep an eye out for half a day, but... I'm glad she didn't find anything to be concerned about.
Anna: She was really impressed... Said you did all the right things.
Lyria: Take it easy for today, okay, (Captain)?
With a nod, (Captain) turns to speak to Joel.
Joel: ...
But Joel turns his head away.
Vyrn: Hey, Lyria... Did something happen between those two?
Vyrn: They've been real quiet this whole time. And Joel's lookin' like he sucked on a lemon or something.
Lyria: Ahaha... Well, Joel can't leave, because he has to make sure (Captain)'s okay.
Lyria: But he's... um, not quite mad... pouting, I guess? Over that misunderstanding.
Vyrn: Say what? That's it? They should just apologize and get this thing over with.
Hearing Vyrn, (Captain) glances over at Joel.
Joel: ...
Joel: Sigh...
Joel: (Captain). Can I ask a favor?
Joel: And afterwards... we'll be cool again. All right?
(Captain) accepts without hesitation, happy that Joel took the first step towards forgiveness.
That night, Joel brings (Captain) to the beach for a stroll.
Joel: Let's walk to those rocks over there. Follow me.
With the moon over their heads and the tide at their feet, the two quietly proceed.
Joel: (Captain).
Joel: When you said you thought I was leaving... it hurt.
Joel: It hurt knowing that you saw me as someone who'd desert you. Just like that.
Joel: But it was probably my fault.
Joel: I should've told you how much I respect you... How much you mean to me...
Joel: No wonder you didn't trust me.
Before (Captain) can apologize and tell Joel just how much he's trusted, the two reach their destination.
Joel: Clear skies tonight... Perfect.
Joel: So, about that favor... I want to spot seven shooting stars. Together.
Joel: Let's sit on this rock.
Joel climbs the boulder first, then helps (Captain) onto it.
Joel: I'll watch the right side. You take the left.
Joel: Oh... One just flew by.
The pair gaze at the twinkling night sky, searching for trails of light.
Joel: They're pretty rare, huh?
Joel: ...!
There goes another one!
Time passes, and eventually they count six shooting stars. And right as (Captain) sees the seventh one, Joel jumps to his feet.
Joel: ...!
Joel: I wish to journey with (Captain) forever and ever!
Joel's words echo in the night as the star fades into the dark sky.
Joel: Phew...
Joel: I think I made it. Probably. Definitely.
Joel: Hm? Why do you look so surprised?
Joel: Oh, did I not tell you?
The captain nods, and Joel forms a somewhat puzzled expression.
Joel: Sorry. I need to learn to communicate properly.
Joel: My grandmother once told me that if I stood on this rock and wished on the seventh shooting star I found, my wish would come true.
Joel: She did the same thing, you know—many, many years ago, with my grandfather. And her wish came true.
Joel: That's why I wanted to look for shooting stars with you.
Joel: Before, I wished to swim in a big ocean at the bottom of the sky.
Joel: But now... things are different. I mean, I still want to swim in that ocean and explore the depths of the sky.
Joel: I want to see sights I never could've dreamed of if I was stuck in Auguste my whole life. But more than anything...
Joel: I want to see them with you.
Joel: (Captain)... I'm not a lifeguard anymore.
Joel: I'm a skyfarer—a member of your crew.
Joel: And that's that.
After a moment of stunned silence, (Captain) agrees with a sunny smile.
Now the captain knows that though their dreams and wishes may change with time, their bond will always remain strong.