Scenario:Flesselles - Attention Lover

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Attention Lover

An old man warns the crew not to go into the mountains, but they hasten to do so anyway. There, Vyrn and Lyria run into a mysterious young boy called Flesselles, who, with tearful eyes, tells the party the story of his lonely circumstances.

(Captain) and the crew have stopped at a small village to handle a request.
They finish that request and are about to hurry off, when someone stops them.
Village Chief: Wait. You mustn't enter the mountains.
Vyrn: Um, what?
Lyria: Erm... Why shouldn't we go into the mountains, sir?
Village Chief: You mustn't. Simply mustn't. The mountain god is stirring now, you see. So you mustn't go. Mustn't go...
Katalina: We appreciate the advice, sir, but we have to get back to our ship as soon as possible.
(Captain) and the crew bid the chief a light nod of recognition and take the shortest route into the mountains.
With the words of the village chief weighing on their minds, the crew hurries along the path back to the ship.
Rackam is the first to notice that something seems strange.
Rackam: Something's off. It feels like we're going around in circles...
Eugen: I was thinkin' the same. Katalina, we're lost, ain't we?
Katalina: I don't think so. This is the same road we took to get to the village, and we didn't get lost then.
Rackam: Hehe, but what about the curse of the mountain god the village geezer mentioned?
Katalina: Sigh... Don't be ridiculous. That's nothing but a silly superstition.
Katalina: Right, Lyria? Huh? Where'd Lyria and Vyrn go?
Vyrn and Lyria have lost sight of the crew and are wandering helplessly through the mountains.
Lyria: Oh, this is bad. Vyrn, what should we do?
Vyrn: Whoa, check this out. There's animal bones sticking out of this tree. What do you think it means, Lyria?
Lyria: It means it's scary! It must be some kind of black magic curse!
Vyrn: And what do you think these tall piles of stones are for?
Lyria: Also scary! They must be graves... and they're everywhere!
Vyrn: What about those creepy howls we keep hearing?
Lyria: Eek! It's a ghost! The ghost of the mountain god!
Vyrn: Aw, I'm just messin' with you, Lyria. Besides—
A large, ominous shadow flies at Vyrn from the thicket.
Vyrn: Bwah?
Lyria: Eeek!
???: Waaugh!
Lyria: Aaaah! Are you a ghost? An actual ghost?
???: Whoaa! A girl? A real live girl?
Lyria: Huh?
???: Huh?
Lyria: On second thought, you're not very ghostlike...
Flesselles: You've got it all wrong! My name's Flesselles. I'm a hunter who wanders these mountains.
Camaro: Bow-wow!
Vyrn: Hee hee, quit it! Easy there! Hey, not the tail!
Camaro: Bow-wow!
Slobber, slobber, slobber...
Hearing the hound's bark, (Captain) and the crew finally rejoin Lyria and Vyrn.
The boy introduces himself as Flesselles to the rest of the crew. He speaks excitedly, eyes shining with enthusiasm.
Flesselles: Hehehe, you thought I was a ghost? That's real funny, Lyria!
Lyria: I'm sorry. We saw trees with bones in them everywhere. I thought it might be some kind of curse, so I got scared.
Flesselles: Hehehe, that's no curse! It's hunting season in the mountains right now, and the bones are there to warn others of danger.
Lyria: Oh, I see. What about the pebble graves?
Flesselles: Those aren't graves. They're markers that let my buddies know I'm hunting here.
Lyria: Then what about the ghostly wails?
Flesselles: Hahaha! Ghostly wails? You better apologize to my buddy Camaro here!
Camaro: Bow-wow! Slobber, slobber, slobber...
Vyrn: Hee hee! Hey, enough with the licking! That tickles!
Flesselles: Hehehe, it's always good to make new friends! Camaro seems to have taken a liking to Vyrn too!
Katalina: Hm... Piecing it all together, that means the mountain god is—
Flesselles: Yep. Me.
Flesselles: We mountain Erunes used to be known as the mountain hunters a long time ago.
Flesselles: But that somehow got corrupted into some mountain god nonsense.
Katalina: Sigh. That old man isn't doing you any favors spreading it around.
Eugen: Bwahaha! Just let it go. Why embarrass the old guy? Let's hurry up and get through these mountains already!
(Captain) and the crew rise to their feet in order to climb the mountain once more.
Lyria: Let's hurry! Bye, Flesselles! Bye, Camaro!
Flesselles: Righty-oh! See ya!
Camaro: Bow-wow! Slobber, slobber, slobber...
Vyrn: Heheh... Wait, why are you still following us?
Flesselles: Huh? You mean we can't follow you? Doesn't it feel lonely? Let's keep talking a little longer.
Vyrn: Whoa. When'd you get so clingy?
Lyria: Hee hee, do you like being at the center of attention, Flesselles?
Lyria innocently teases Flesselles, who begins telling a teary-eyed story.
Flesselles: We're from a tribe of archers. Our rite of passage involves leaving our families and living alone in the mountains.
Flesselles: But I get lonely easily, so that lifestyle is no good for me. All I think about is my family...
Flesselles: And then you guys came along, chatting and laughing... It reminded me of my parents.
Flesselles: Sob... I'm so lonely... Father... Mother... Sob...
Vyrn: Well, I guess there's only one thing to do. Whaddya say, (Captain)? Can he come with us?
Lyria: Oh? That's not like you, Vyrn. You don't make requests like that very often.
Vyrn: Hmm... I guess you could say I can't leave a sad hunter in the woods.
Camaro: Bow-wow! Slobber, slobber, slobber...
Vyrn: Haha! I wasn't talking about you! Hahaha! Hey, quit it!
  1. I really want to hear more of your stories.
  2. We can't turn down a friend of Vyrn's!

Choose: I really want to hear more of your stories.

Flesselles: Huh? Are you sure? Then I'll tell you all sorts of stuff about the mountains!
Vyrn: Heheh... I can't wait! This is gonna be fun, (Captain).
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: We can't turn down a friend of Vyrn's!

Flesselles: Thanks, Camaaaro! It's all thanks to you that we get to stay with these guys!
Camaro: Bow-wow!

Continue 1

Lyria: Yay! Now you won't be lonely anymore!
Despite coming from a hunting tribe that lives in the mountains, Flesselles doesn't handle solitude very well.
Although he seems undependable, he's not a kid who's looking to be coddled.
One day this mysterious archer is going to help the crew in its time of need. But that's a story for another time.