Scenario:Ms. Miranda - A Fine Educator

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A Fine Educator

Reconstruction at the Mysteria Academy of Magic has wrapped up after the incident with the aberrational army. Feeling the limits of her own power from the recent events, Miranda spends night after night in the library studying. Mr. Bertrand drops by one evening and reminds her that she is an excellent teacher whom students are able to confide in. Encouraged by these words, Miranda continues teaching the next day with renewed energy.

When it comes to excellence in magical education, one institution in Phantagrande is well-deserving of its renown: the Mysteria Academy of Magic.
The prestigious school is closed for the night, save for the library where a youthful teacher has yet to leave.
Miranda: Hmm... Hmmmm...
Miranda: I can't wrap my head around any of the spells in this book... It's all gibberish to me.
???: Good evening, Ms. Miranda. You're working late tonight.
Miranda: Eeyagh!
Miranda: G-good evening, Mr. Bertrand! What can I do for you?
Ms. Miranda, whose nose had been buried deep in a book, is startled back to reality by the voice of a fellow faculty member.
Mr. Bertrand: Oh, I was simply passing by, though I have been a little worried about you lately.
Mr. Bertrand: I can't believe you're still burning the midnight oil. I hope this doesn't negatively impact your health in any way.
Miranda: Hm, I think there's been a misunderstanding. My motto is "early to bed, early to rise"!
Miranda: As for today... Well, it's just one of those rare occasions where I'm so immersed in something that I lose track of time.
Mr. Bertrand: Oh ho ho, then I question your definition of "rare." I know I saw you yesterday and the day before.
Mr. Bertrand: After three straight late nights, I figured I ought to check in on you.
Miranda: Is that so...
Ms. Miranda looks away, unable to refute Mr. Bertrand's sympathetic, but astute, observation.
Miranda: Oh well. There's no use in hiding anything from Mr. Bertrand, is there?
Miranda: As you know, the reconstruction work on the academy finally wrapped up not too long ago.
Some months earlier, a group of Mysteria students had unwittingly summoned an army of aberrations to the school.
Luckily, (Captain) happened to be touring the school at the same time, and together with Anne, Grea, and the other students, the incident was resolved without loss of life.
The facilities weren't as lucky, however, and large-scale repairs were ordered afterward.
Miranda: When I look back on the hullabaloo, I realize how little I was actually involved.
Miranda: Anne was the one who decoded the spellbook, and Grea and (Captain) were the ones doing much of the fighting.
Miranda: As a teacher, I should've acted with more oomph and pizzazz.
Miranda: If anything happens again, I want to be ready for it. So it's back to the books for me.
Mr. Bertrand: Haha, you've become a fine educator.
Mr. Bertrand: Just one request, Ms. Miranda. Don't say things like, "I couldn't do anything."
Miranda: Huh?
Mr. Bertrand chuckles when he sees Ms. Miranda's look of surprise.
Mr. Bertrand: Who was it that comforted the wounded? Who spoke with the students and put their minds at ease?
Mr. Bertrand: You have a knack for soothing souls that no one else can replicate.
Miranda: Well, I am proud of my healing magic, but...
Mr. Bertrand: You're more than a walking first aid station. You're someone the kids can confide in; someone who helps them steer clear of depression.
Mr. Bertrand: That's what gave them the courage to come together with others and allowed them to face the adversity in front of them.
Miranda: Is that enough to help my students?
Mr. Bertrand: I know a good teacher when I see one. And she's standing right before my eyes.
Miranda: When you put it like that, it sounds like I actually pulled my weight.
Miranda: Gee, Mr. Bertrand, you always know what to say to fire me up.
The elder mentor sheepishly grins.
Mr. Bertrand: Oh ho ho, I didn't mean to get all preachy.
Mr. Bertrand: We wouldn't want to lose a great instructor because she doesn't know when to rest. Your vigorous smile keeps the student body running.
Miranda: Yeppers. I'll be sure to get enough sleep so that I don't conk out in class.
Mr. Bertrand: Wonderful, please do. Have a nice night.
Miranda: Thanks. Good night, Mr. Bertrand.
Mr. Bertrand: Good night, Ms. Miranda.
Miranda: Okay, up and at 'em! Can't let the students see me yawning!
Miranda: I'll find a good place to stop, catch a few winks, and then I'll be fresh as a daisy for tomorrow's lesson!
The library goes quiet again except for the sounds of humming and flipping pages.
The next morning, the classroom is abuzz with chatty students getting in a few more moments of freedom before class begins.
Miranda: Good morning! Let's settle down, everyone. It sure is nice having class in the old classroom again.
Miranda: Thanks to everyone's hard work, the academy is looking better than ever.
Miranda: Of course, you're going to get the same 110 percent effort from me just like before!
Miranda: So here we go! Please open your books to page fifty-two.
The students dutifully do as they're told. All eyes are on their teacher.
Miranda: (Hehe, look at those eager minds hungering for knowledge. This is what teaching at Mysteria is all about.)
Miranda: I think you're going to enjoy this lesson.
Miranda: Today's workbook problems deal with practical spellcasting. Hard at first, but not too bad once you get the hang of it.
Miranda: Let's tackle them together, and don't forget to have fun!
Ms. Miranda turns to the blackboard and writes down the day's lesson plan.
It's almost as if her enthusiasm is flowing into the chalk itself, and the room echoes with excited tapping.