Scenario:Sara - Kind World

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Kind World

(Captain) and company go shopping in a large shopping district and then visit a local restaurant. They hear about a shrine dedicated to a spirit that protects the town and decide to pay it a visit, but they end up pursuing a man who tries to run without paying for his meal.

(Captain) and company reach a town with a large shopping district.
Sara: Wow! There are so many people and shops!
Sara: Um... Is there some sort of festival going on today?
Vyrn: No, I heard it's always like this here! This town is the trading hub for all the surrounding islands.
Sara: So it's always this lively? Wow!
Lyria: Sara, let's check out the shops together!
Lyria: Oh! Those sweets look really good...
Sara: Wait, Lyria! (Captain), Vyrn. Let's go!
Lyria: Wow, this ribbon is so pretty. Ah, but it's expensive.
Sara: Hehe. This hair ornament would look really cute on you.
Lyria: Oh, which one?
Lyria and Sara have fun looking around the shopping district.
The crew gets tired of walking before long and heads to a nearby restaurant for a break.
Lyria: Whew, that was so fun!
Sara: After all that looking around, I can't believe we haven't even seen half the shops yet!
Sara: Hehe. There's just so much to do here. Right, Graphos?
Graphos: ...!
Vyrn: Glad you're having fun, Sara!
Lyria: Yeah! Graphos seems to be having fun too. I'm so glad.
Clerk: Thank you for waiting. Here's your tea and sweets. Ours are the best around here!
Sara: Wow! I've never seen treats like these before!
Clerk: Haha, is that so? Please, enjoy!
Lyria: Yum! So sweet! This is delicious!
Sara: Munch... Wow. It's so good!
Lyria: Here, Sara. Have some more! Open your mouth and say ah!
Sara: Wha! Okay... Ah.
Lyria: Hehe... It's nice to finally be able to do this together.
Lyria: I've always wanted us to hang out like this. What a fun day!
Sara: Lyria...
Lyria: Thanks for bringing us here, (Captain)!
Sara: I'd like to thank you as well... Oh! (Captain), you open your mouth too!
Lyria: Hey, no fair Sara! I want to feed the captain too! Here! Say ah, (Captain)!
(Captain) and company enjoy their time at the restaurant.
Lyria: Whew, I'm stuffed!
Vyrn: Let's do some more shopping after we rest a bit!
Lyria: Yes, there are still a lot of shops to check out!
Clerk: Oh, are you tourists? If so, you should stop by the shrine at the end of the shopping district.
Sara: The shrine?
Clerk: Yes. It's dedicated to the spirit that protects our town. It may be small, but it's splendid.
Sara: I see! Then maybe we ought to go pay our respects. What do you think, (Captain)?
???: ...
Clerk: Sir, your bill... Huh? He ran away? Th-thief!
Sara: Wha? Oh no! Let's go after him, (Captain)!
Sara: Stop! You shouldn't run away without paying!
Lyria: Yeah! You're causing a lot of trouble for that clerk!
Food Thief: Damn it! Leave me alone! All right, that's it!
Sara: ...!
Graphos, lend me your power!

Kind World: Scene 2

The spirit that protects the town begins rampaging, causing a sudden tremor. Sara learns from Graphos that the spirit is furious because its shrine was destroyed, so (Captain) and company battle it to calm it down.

Food Thief: Ugh! What's with these brats? Bunch of cheaters!
Sara: Food doesn't come easily. There are people who grow the ingredients, people who transport them, and people who prepare the food.
Sara: So many people have to work before the food finally reaches our plates.
Sara: That's why you have to show some gratitude and pay what you owe!
Food Thief: Why don't you make me!
Lyria: Hmm... So he won't listen to reason. That's too bad.
Vyrn: Yep. Let's just hand him over to the guards and let them deal with it!
The store clerk thanks (Captain) and company for turning in the food thief and lets them stay the night for free as a show of gratitude.
Vyrn: Whoa, I know you're trying to thank us, but it's awfully generous treating us to dinner too!
Clerk: Nonsense! You've been a great help. This is nothing!
Lyria: Wow! This dinner looks as good as the sweets!
Sara: Hehe. I'll dish out the food, Lyria.
Just as (Captain) and the others are about to happily begin their meal, they feel a sudden tremor.
Sara: Huh? What's happening?
Lyria: Such a strong tremor! And this presence... Could it be the spirit?
Vyrn: What's going on? We better go outside and check, (Captain)!
Spirit: ...!
Lyria: Oh! It really is the spirit!
Spirit: ...!
Sara: Why's it so angry? I thought the spirit protected this town.
Graphos: ...
Sara: Huh? Someone destroyed the spirit's shrine? No wonder it's gone berserk.
Sara: That's awful. Who would do such a thing?
Sara: (Captain). Graphos says we need to fight that spirit.
Sara: Once it vents its rage, it should calm down.
Vyrn: The town will be rubble and dust if we don't do something! We've got no choice, (Captain)!

Kind World: Scene 3

Sara and Graphos save a boy from falling debris. The food thief from earlier boasts that he destroyed the shrine because he hates the crew and the people of the town, so Sara decides to teach him a lesson.

Spirit: ...
Sara: It calmed down? Thank heavens.
Lyria: There was a lot of damage done to the town...
Sara: Yeah...
Boy: Sob...
The crew hears the crying voice of a boy who was injured during the spirit's rampage.
He doesn't seem to notice that the crumbling roof above him is about to collapse.
Sara: Oh no! Graphos!
Graphos: ...!
Graphos and Sara manage to shield the boy just before the debris comes crashing down.
Sara: It's okay now. Come on, let's go somewhere safe.
Boy: Sob... Th-thank you! I was so scared!
Lyria: Whew... I'm glad Sara and Graphos got there in time!
Food Thief: Damn! Still in one piece, huh?
Sara: You're that food thief from earlier!
Food Thief: Duh! Thanks to you idiots, I had to pay a fine!
Lyria: Grrr! Idiots? You're the one who was wrong!
Food Thief: Shut your mouth! I'm sick of you idiots and everyone in this shopping district!
Food Thief: That's why I smashed their precious little shrine. You shoulda seen how angry the spirit was!
Food Thief: I was sure it'd crush all of you morons, but you're all okay? Forget that!
Vyrn: Wha? You destroyed the shrine? What's wrong with you?
Sara: So you caused trouble for the townspeople, destroyed the shrine, and enraged the spirit... What do you have to say for yourself?
Food Thief: Nothing, kid! And you're not the only one with friends! We're gonna finish what the spirit started!

Kind World: Scene 4

The chairman thanks (Captain) and company for pacifying the spirit and for saving the boy, who turns out to be his son. When Sara learns that the chairman is not especially bothered by Graphos, she realizes that she has a lot to learn about the world.

(Captain) and company defeat the food thief, and the guards lock him up this time.
The chairman approaches (Captain) and company to thank them for stopping the food thief twice and calming the spirit.
Chairman: I don't know how to thank you... We never could have pacified the spirit on our own.
Vyrn: Really? Glad we happened to be in town!
Sara: But maybe if we hadn't been here, that food thief wouldn't have gotten angry enough to destroy the shrine...
Chairman: No, that guy was like a ticking time bomb. It's not your fault.
Sara: Are you sure?
Chairman: I'm certain of it! By the way, you saved a boy in the middle of all that commotion, right?
Chairman: He's actually my son. My wife and I were both working late that day... We owe you our deepest gratitude.
Sara: ...!
I see. I'm glad he was okay.
Lyria: Sara's the one who saved him!
Sara: Lyria! You don't have to tell him that!
Chairman: My goodness. Is this true, young lady?
Sara: Um... You see... Uh...
Graphos: ...
Sara: Aahh! G-Graphos, no! You'll startle them!
Chairman: Oh, so you helped this young lady save my son? You're a lifesaver. Thank you so much.
Sara: Um... Aren't you afraid of Graphos?
Chairman: Haha! Of course not! Trade is prosperous on this island.
Chairman: We get a lot of different folks here, so I'm used to unusual sights.
Sara: Really?
Chairman: It seems you have great power. I'm glad you happen to be so kindhearted.
Sara: ...!
Chairman: Now if you'll excuse me, I still have some tidying up to do in the town. I'll be back later with your reward. See you then!
Sara: ...
Lyria: Sara? What's with the blank expression?
Sara: Um... It's hard to explain. I guess I just realized that, even though I left my island, I've still been living in a pretty small world.
Sara: No one back home would accept me, so I thought no one outside ever would either.
Sara: But I see now that I was wrong. There are a lot of people in this world capable of accepting me.
Sara: I finally realize that I don't have to be scared. It's like my eyes are open at last.
Lyria: Sara...
Sara: Sorry, Lyria... I know you, (Captain), and the others accepted me from the beginning...
Sara: But I didn't see it until now!
Lyria: Sara.
Sara: Yeah?
Lyria: When I was locked up before, Katalina used to talk about how blue the skies were, but I didn't get it at all.
Lyria: I only understood how wide and blue the skies were when I stepped outside myself. Just like you, Sara!
Sara: Lyria...
Sara: Thank you, Lyria. And you too, (Captain)!
Sara: Thank you so much... for showing me the outside world!
Ever since departing on her journey with (Captain) and company, Sara's tightly locked heart has been opening up little by little.
Her little feet have carried her out into a big world waiting to accept her with open arms.