Scenario:Societte - The Best Big Sisters

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The Best Big Sisters

When Societte and Yuel get into a fight one day, Kou and You go to (Captain) and the others for help. As it turns out, the two younger Erunes had wanted to go into town to buy a surprise present for their big sisters. But when they asked for permission to go out by themselves, Yuel agreed while Societte insisted they need supervision. As a result of this conflict, Societte and Yuel decide to have a competition to see who is the better big sister.

It's a bright and sunny afternoon.
(Captain) and company are going about their day in their own way.
You: (Captain)!
Lyria: Eep! What is it, You?
Lyria: What's the big rush?
You: Me and Bro Kou can't handle this on our own! Please help us!
Vyrn: Whoa there, slow down. Help with what?
You: Just come with me, and you'll see! Hurry, everyone!
The young girl then drags (Captain) out the room by the arm.
Societte: They can't, Yuel. What if something happens to them?
Yuel: Kou and You used to travel on their own all the time. They'll be fine!
Societte: That's so irresponsible, Yuel...
Yuel: Wha-wha? I can't believe you'd say that about me! Well, you're too overprotective!
Kou: Hey, could you both please calm down?
It seems Yuel and Societte are arguing over something and neither woman intends to back down.
Kou is trying to act as an intermediary.
You: Bro Kou! I brought (Captain) and the others!
Kou: Thanks! Great job.
Vyrn: It's not every day you see Yuel and Societte goin' at each other.
  1. What's the fight about?

Choose: What's the fight about?

Kou: The two of us, You and I, asked if we could go into town to do some shopping.
Kou: That's what kicked it off...
Societte: It's too dangerous. As the big sisters, we should go with them.
Yuel: They'll be fine. After all, Kou is a big boy!
Yuel: But the main point is they want to go by themselves.
Yuel: Shouldn't we as big sisters respect their wishes?
Societte: Then how come every time I want to go somewhere by myself you automatically start to worry?
Yuel: Well, that's 'cause it's you...
Societte: What's that supposed to mean!
Yuel: Hey, I'm jus' sayin' kids gotta leave the nest eventually, right?
Societte: I know that, but what if there's something they can't deal with... We have to protect them!
Yuel: You're way past being kind. More like a supreme worrywart.
Societte: Well, that makes you a supreme slacker.
Lyria: That's why they're arguing with each other.
Kou: Yeah...
Vyrn: That's it? I was expectin' something bigger. Got me worried for nothin'.
Vyrn: Like, can we even call this a fight?
Lyria: Ahaha... Fight or not, making peace is still better, right?
Lyria: But how come Kou and You want to go shopping by themselves?
Vyrn: Oh, yeah. I'd like to know why too.
Kou: Erm...
You: Keep this a secret, okay?
Kou and You huddle in close to (Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn.
Kou: The town sells one of Yuel and Societte's favorite snacks.
You: I like it too. It's this gourmet fried manju! Mm, so yummy...
Lyria: Gosh, that sounds fancy.
Vyrn: Can you afford it?
You: We took all kinds of jobs and saved up enough rupies for three boxes!
Lyria: Sounds like you've been busy...
Kou: Yuel and Societte always take good care of us.
Kou: Least we can do is get them a present to show our thanks.
You: And to make it even better, it has to be a surprise.
Vyrn: Okay, I gotcha. Obviously Yuel and Societte can't tag along on your shopping trip if you wanna keep it a secret.
Kou: Right, but thanks to that, now they're arguing with each other.
(Captain) and the others glance over at the still bickering Erunes.
You: I'll try to talk to them.
You: Um, I don't think there's anything to worry about, Sis Societte! Kou's really strong!
Societte: I'm not worried about monsters, but what if a bad person tries to trick you? You don't want to fall for lies like I do, do you?
Yuel: I'm tellin' ya, Kou can handle it!
Yuel: And what kinda person admits to bein' an easy mark? It's no wonder I worry about ya, Societte!
Yuel: Those two have more street smarts if you ask me. They'll have no trouble out there.
Yuel & Societte: Hmph!
You: Calm down! Me and Bro Kou—
Yuel: Not now, You. This is a matter of big sister pride!
Societte: I'm not backing down either!
You: Oh...
  1. Can I go now?
  2. Shows how much they love you.

Choose: Can I go now?

Kou: Wh-what! Don't abandon us!
Vyrn: I mean, this is kind of a nothingburger as far as fights go...
Vyrn: Now, if they were throwin' punches or something, that'd be a different story.
You: But this is a big deal! They're arguing with each other!
Kou: They'd probably be more willing to listen to what you guys have to say.
Kou: Could you please step in and smooth things over?
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Shows how much they love you.

You: Geez, that sounds so sappy... But I do think you're right.
You: Societte and Yuel are super nice...
You: So I hate to see them fighting over us.

Continue 1

Vyrn: Sigh... Might be easier just to have a competition to see who's the better big sister.
Kou: A competition? I don't think that's—
Yuel: I like it!
Yuel: And Kou and You can be the judges!
Societte: Fine! Sounds good to me!
Kou: Great... I'm not sure this solves anything...
You: It wasn't supposed to be like this...
(Captain) also expresses bewilderment at the increasingly complicated situation.

The Best Big Sisters: Scene 2

The showdown between Societte and Yuel begins, with Kou, You, and (Captain) as the judges. The two older sisters shower Kou and You with affection as they oversee everything, from their younger siblings' meals to their bath time. The others watch on fondly from afar.

Who's the better sister for Kou and You?
Societte and Yuel go up against each other in a competition to answer that question.
The actual details of said competition were unknown... Until now.
Yuel: Gather round, people! It's the Supportive Sister Super Showdown!
Vyrn: ...
Vyrn: What?
Kou: Don't ask me...
Lyria: What are the rules?
Yuel: Everyone knows a big sis's job is to take care of the younger siblings.
Yuel: So we're gonna see who does a better job of doting on Kou and You!
Vyrn: Sounds pretty straightforward. What was the fanfare for?
Yuel: Over the next few days, we'll tend to Kou and You, and then they'll vote on who's the better sister.
Societte: I'm okay with that.
You: Oh, that's it? As long as you're not beating each other up, fine by me.
You: Sounds kinda interesting.
Kou: Maybe for you... I've got a bad feeling about this... Like reeeally bad.
Yuel: Oh yeah, you're joining in too, (Captain). We need a tiebreaker.
A shiver runs down (Captain)'s spine at being dragged into this imbroglio.
Yuel: You're just like family to us too. So no weaslin' out by sayin' ya got nothin' to do with us!
Societte: No complaints!
Lyria: Ahaha... Good luck.
Yuel: (Captain) will watch and vote as an outside third judge.
  1. All righty.
  2. Am I getting the sister treatment too?

Choose: All righty.

Yuel: Thanks, (Captain).
Yuel: For your participation, I'm awardin' ya ten Yuel points! Stay tuned for more prizes to come!
Societte: What? I-I want points too...
Yuel: And at the conclusion of this competition, I'll give ya 10,000 points, (Captain)!
Vyrn: What kind of scaling is that! Can't even tell how much the points are actually worth.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Am I getting the sister treatment too?

Yuel: Oho, ya want some pamperin' too, eh?
Societte: Yuel and I can take care of you after the showdown.
Societte: You're always working so hard that you deserve to be spoiled by me!
Yuel: No, me!
Lyria: Erm... That's my job!
Societte: Then the three of us will take care of (Captain)!
Kou: Yuel, Societte, and Lyria all at once?
You: Kahaha! Look who's jealous!
Kou: Oh, um, yeah. Good luck, (Captain).

Continue 1

Societte: Yuel. I'm not gonna lose!
Yuel: Took the words outta my mouth! I'll show ya why I'm the better sister!
Lyria: Ahaha... This competition feels so wholesome.
Vyrn: The way Kou's eye keeps twitching worries me a bit, but... Eh. Whatever happens, happens.
Societte: Open wide, Kou.
Kou: I'm old enough to feed myself...
Societte: Oh... Sorry. You don't like being fed?
Kou: It's not that I don't like it, I just...
Societte: That's okay. You don't have to explain yourself. I understand.
Kou: Gulp... On second thought... C-could you... feed me...
Societte: Really? Sure! Say "aah."
Kou: A-aah...
Societte: How is it, Kou? Yummy?
Kou: Yeah, very.
Kou: (Oh man, this is so embarrassing. But I can't stand seeing her look sad...)
Societte: Okay, here comes another spoonful.
Kou: (She seems so happy that I'm letting her feed me.)
Kou: (Now I can't say no to her anymore... Scary...)
Yuel: C'mon, You. Gotta finish yer veggies.
You: I don't like these vegetables. They smell too... green.
Yuel: Give 'em a chance! Look, the veggies love ya! Incoming! Wheeoo... kaboom!
You: Hey, don't stuff them in my mouth—mmblegh!
Vyrn: Sigh... I thought this was supposed to be a competition. This isn't different from any other day.
Lyria: H-hey, (Captain)! Say "aah"!
Vyrn: Wait, what are you doing?
Lyria: Well, I saw Societte feeding Kou, and I sorta wanted to try it too... Ehehe...
Vyrn: Sigh...
Societte: You, your tail fur is clumpy. Have you been combing them properly?
You: I-it's not easy brushing 'em by myself. And I'm still not good at taking baths...
Societte: We can always bathe together at any time. Just say the word.
You: Really? Okay! I'll come find you every day then!
Societte: Sure. But before we climb into the water, let's see what we can do about your tails.
Societte takes out a comb and carefully, but firmly, straightens out the tangles.
You: Oh, will Bro Kou join us too?
Societte: I asked him, but he prefers to bathe alone.
Societte: Hm... I don't know why he doesn't want to join me.
Societte: Even though he sometimes takes baths with Yuel.
You: That's not really by choice. Sis Yuel drags him in there.
You: He tries to escape right before bath time. It's too much work. He should just give up.
Societte: Yeah...
Yuel: I caught ya, Kou! No running away today! Yuel bear hug!
Kou: Wait a minute! I keep telling you over and over again.
Kou: I'm a guy! We're not allowed to take baths together!
Yuel: Yeah, you say that, but I clearly remember ya taking a bath with me before.
Kou: That's because You was there too! That was a special case!
Yuel: Nah, that's not important. Who cares about special cases. C'mon, off, off. No clothes in the tub.
Kou: Eeep, Yuel! Let go of my shirt!
Yuel: Since ya screamed like a girl, that makes ya one too, yeah? Problem solved.
Kou: You know that's not true! Help me, (Captain)!
Societte: Oh, Yuel... Haha. She never changes.
Societte: Wow, that lightning was pretty close... Kind of scary...
Societte: I wonder if Yuel's okay...
A knock at the door puzzles Societte, who isn't expecting visitors at this hour.
Societte: Yuel?
You: Sis Societte... Can I come in?
Societte: Oh, You? Sure, come in.
Societte: What's wrong? It's late—
You: Yaaah!
You yelps at the sudden boom of thunder, and she starts to shake.
Societte: Ah, the thunder is scary, isn't it?
Societte: Why don't you stay with me tonight?
You: C-can I?
Societte: Mm-hm. Climb in.
Societte unfurls the covers, and You slips into the bed.
You: Mm... Sis Societte's bed is nice and toasty.
You: Eeek!
Societte: It's okay. You're safe with me.
You: Huh?
Societte wraps her arms around You and pulls her close.
Thump-thump, thump-thump, goes the gentle rhythm of the older Erune's pulse.
The younger girl's racing heartbeat begins to slow, matching the calm, steady beat of Societte's heart.
Societte: Feeling better?
You: Mm-hm...
Societte: My mom used to hold me like this. It helped me sleep like a baby.
You: Mm... Like a baby...
Societte: ...
You: Yawn...
You: Snore...
Societte: Nighty-night, You.
Stroking her little sister's head nestled in her bosom, Societte herself drifts off into blissful sleep.

The Best Big Sisters: Scene 3

Several days later, Societte and Yuel ask the three judges for their decision on the winner. However, the three agree that both of them are equally great sisters. When Kou and You tell the two that they are both very special to them, Societte and Yuel get emotional and finally make up with each other. With the feud over, everyone gathers together for a snack. Societte smiles, happy to be surrounded by her precious family.

A few days have passed since the start of the sister showdown.
Societte and Yuel gather everyone together so that a winner can be declared.
Kou: ...
Lyria: K-Kou? Are you feeling okay? Those are some dark circles under your eyes...
Kou: Let's just say... a bunch of things happened.
Vyrn: Guess he got the works...
Kou: Was bathing and sleeping on my own too much to ask? Yawn...
Societte: Feeling sleepy? You can rest your head on my lap later.
Kou: Er, thanks, but my bed will do fine.
Societte: Aw...
Kou: Ngh... W-well, I guess I wouldn't mind...
Societte: Hehehe, sleep for as long as you like.
Vyrn: He's a total pushover when he's sleep-deprived.
Lyria: Ahaha... Kou's such a good boy.
Once everyone settles down, Yuel claps her hands together.
Yuel: All righty! And now for the moment we've been waiting for! Time to announce the final results!
Yuel: Who will win the Supportive Sister Super Showdown?
Yuel: It's up to our three judges: Kou, You, and (Captain). Don't keep us in suspense now.
Yuel: Between me and Societte, who makes fer the better big sister?
The three judges look at each other, and then nod in unison after a brief pause.
  1. You're equally great sisters.

Choose: You're equally great sisters.

Yuel: What? Whaaaat! Talk about a cop-out. We—
You: Sis Yuel and Sis Societte are both really special to us, so it's impossible to choose only one.
Kou: I feel the same way. We don't want to pick sides.
Kou: We're happy to be with both of you. That's what matters to us.
Societte: Kou! You!
Societte swells with emotion upon hearing those words, and she gives Kou and You a big hug.
Societte: I'm so glad you see it that way. I couldn't ask for anything more.
Yuel: Sigh... Now that's sly.
Yuel: Of course when ya put it that way, doin' this competition makes us look like straight-up fools.
Societte: We're their big sisters.
Societte: It wasn't right asking them which of us they loved more.
Societte: Sorry, you two, for dragging you into our silly little tiff.
Yuel: Yeah, super sorry.
Kou: It's all right, so long as this is done with.
You: Now that you two've made up, we have a special present!
You whips out a fancy-looking box and hoists it over her head.
You: Ta-daaaa!
Societte: A gift for us?
Kou: We wanted to show our appreciation, so we bought a little something we knew you'd like.
Yuel: Yahooo! Fried manju! Nothin' little about this!
Societte: This is so fancy. It must've been expensive. I hope it wasn't too much trouble.
Kou: Nah. Although we did have to wait until you guys were done fighting...
You: Good thing everything worked out before these expired!
You: Any later and I'd have scarfed them all myself!
Kou: It didn't make sense to ignore you guys and sneak off into town in the middle of the competition.
Lyria: We went with them and ate lots of manju!
Vyrn: They didn't need to know that last part...
Lyria: Ehehe...
Societte: Oh, so that's why you asked to go into town.
Societte: What great kids...
The heartwarming scene brings a mix of relief and amusement to the crew.
Vyrn: I think we can call this case closed.
Lyria: Mm-hm. But there is one little thing...
Lyria trails off while smiling at Societte.
Societte: Hm? What is it, Lyria?
Lyria: Oh, nothing. Watching you guys together, I got more of a mommy feeling than a big sister feeling.
Societte: We're like moms? Really? Ehehe... I kind of like the sound of that.
Vyrn: Hehe, that reminds me. Hey, You.
You: What?
Vyrn flies over to the confused girl and whispers in her ear.
You: Will that make Sis Societte happy?
Vyrn: I'm sure of it. Give it a go.
You: Okay...
The girl timidly walks up to Societte and takes hold of the older Erune's sleeve.
Societte: What is it, You?
You: Um... M-Mommy...
Societte: ...!
Societte's eyes widen. She bends down and clutches You by the shoulders.
Societte: Y-You? Can you say that one more time for me? Just one more time?
Yuel: Hey, that ain't fair! You, I want a taste too!
You: No, I can't do it! This is really awkward. I don't wanna say it again.
Yuel: Like a dagger to my heart... Kou, you're my only hope!
Kou: No way am I saying that.
  1. You really do act like a family.

Choose: You really do act like a family.

Societte: Because we are a big special family. Yuel, Kou, You, (Captain), and everyone in the crew.
Societte: Ehehe. We'll always be together!
Everyone is all smiles as they look at Societte.
But her smile is perhaps the biggest of them all.