Scenario:Ms. Miranda - Ms. Miranda's Counseling Office

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Ms. Miranda's Counseling Office

The teachers at the academy are concerned that their students have been looking gloomy as of late. Mr. Bertrand suggests they open a counseling office where the kids can talk openly about their troubles. The teachers agree that Ms. Miranda is the perfect person to fill in the role of counselor. Miranda hurries to clean the classroom that is to be the new counseling office, hiding the fact that she has been using the room as storage space for her costume-making hobby.

The academy halls are quiet now that school has let out.
But for the faculty, a meeting keeps them from going home.
Mr. Bertrand: Let's begin with today's first topic. I'd like to discuss how the students are holding up these days.
Teacher 1: I was hoping you'd bring that up. I don't know if it's fatigue or what, but despite classes getting back on track, the kids seem out of it.
Teacher 2: That's the impression I got too. I've seen more sad faces than before. Something must be getting to them.
Mr. Bertrand: So it wasn't my imagination. Rebuilding the campus is one thing, but depressed teenagers can't be remedied with a fresh coat of paint.
Mr. Bertrand: I wonder if there's anything we can do for them on our end.
Listening to each teacher's concerns, Ms. Miranda considers her own experiences.
Miranda: (Yeah, quite a few of my kids were staring blankly at the clock...)
Miranda: (I think the malaise started just as reconstruction was winding down.)
Teacher 2: We should consider easing up the curriculum.
Teacher 2: There's no way the students, as they are now, can keep up with the original pacing we had in place before the incident.
Teacher 1: My feeling is we need to reestablish the rhythm they were used to.
Teacher 1: Anything to help the kids forget the tragedy that occurred.
Mr. Bertrand: Hm...
Mr. Bertrand: Any thoughts to add, Ms. Miranda?
Miranda: Huh? Oh! I do actually.
Miranda: We can't really pinpoint a definitive cause without speaking to each student individually.
Miranda: Not all problems are equal, right?
Miranda: So a one-size-fits-all approach probably isn't the best answer.
Mr. Bertrand: Hm, that's a good point. It's important to keep in mind that every student has their own needs.
Mr. Bertrand ponders Ms. Miranda's opinion. Suddenly he pounds his fist in his palm.
Mr. Bertrand: Then what do you all think about this? Let's set up a counseling office.
Miranda: That's a wonderful idea! You have my vote!
Mr. Bertrand: Thank you. Of course, a counseling office is only as good as its counselors—
Miranda: Oh! If I may, I'd love to volunteer my time!
Mr. Bertrand: Oh my.
Miranda: Er, but don't let me take anything away from the veteran teachers. I completely understand if you'd rather pick them.
Mr. Bertrand: Actually, you were the one candidate on my list. I'm glad I can put a check next to your name.
Mr. Bertrand: Since you've already built a close rapport with the student body, surely they'll have no trouble opening up to you. What does everyone else say?
The other instructors nod in agreement.
Teacher 1: Yeah, with Ms. Miranda helming this project, I feel like we can get back to some normalcy.
Teacher 2: Absolutely. She's more than qualified for the position considering how easily she relates to the kids.
Mr. Bertrand: It looks like all the staff are onboard.
Miranda: Thank you, everyone.
Mr. Bertrand: Feel free to consult with me if the need arises. Well then, Ms. Miranda, may you guide the students to a better tomorrow.
The warm vote of confidence from Mr. Bertrand causes her to remember what he said to her the previous day.
Mr. Bertrand: Who was it that comforted the wounded? Who spoke with the students and put their minds at ease?
Mr. Bertrand: You have a knack for soothing souls that no one else can replicate.
Miranda: (There are some things that only I can do...)
Miranda: Yeppers! The door to Ms. Miranda's counseling office is always open!
The meeting continues through the rest of the agenda and finally draws to a close.
Before they adjourn, Mr. Bertrand calls out to Ms. Miranda.
Mr. Bertrand: Regarding where to put the counseling office, I'd like to use the room next to your office.
Miranda: Sure! Sounds like a plan—
Miranda: Wait, you mean the empty classroom no one's using?
Mr. Bertrand: Yes. It's a bit dusty in there but nothing we can't fix with mops and gumption.
Miranda: Ah... R-right...
Mr. Bertrand: Ms. Miranda?
Sweat begins to pour down Ms. Miranda's forehead, drawing a quizzical look from Mr. Bertrand.
Miranda: It's not a problem at all!
Miranda: In fact, leave the cleaning to me! I'll take care of everything!
Mr. Bertrand: By yourself? That wasn't what I'd intended...
Miranda: No, no! It's totally fine!
Miranda: I really want to give the counseling office my own flair, you know?
Mr. Bertrand: I see... All right, as long as you're okay with it.
Mr. Bertrand: Grab someone else if it becomes too much of a hassle though.
Miranda: Thank you, Mr. Bertrand! I'll do my best for the school, so please have faith in me!
Thus the meeting officially ends. Ms. Miranda hurries to the empty room that is to be the counseling office.
Miranda: What am I going to do...
The only problem is, the room isn't empty. Instead it's packed with piles of clothing.
They all belong to her, stored here without the school's permission.
Miranda: (With the craziness dying down these days, I finally had time to get back into costume-making again.)
Miranda: (If anyone finds out I've been using this room as an extra closet because mine's full...)
Miranda: I'm going to be in biiiig trouble during my next evaluation!
Miranda: No, stop it, Miranda! If you have time to gripe, then you have time to wipe!
She quickly begins organizing the stacks of garments.
Miranda: I'll whip this room into shape, rap with the students, and get to the bottom of their troubles.
Miranda: Everyone's counting on me, including the faculty!
Ms. Miranda cheerfully cleans away, but after a while she suddenly stops.
Miranda: I don't regret volunteering to be a counselor, but now that I've had a moment to mull it over, I wonder if I'm biting off more than I can chew...
Ms. Miranda's doubts are for her ears only.
She shakes her head wildly in an attempt to dispel her lingering concerns.
Miranda: No, I said I was going to help, and I'm sticking to it.
Miranda: And I'm not about to betray Mr. Bertrand's trust either. Keep fighting, Ms. Miranda.
Miranda: I've gotta get this room sparkling!
With renewed zeal, the teacher attacks the mountains of garments.
Slowly but surely, the counseling office is coming to fruition.

Ms. Miranda's Counseling Office: Scene 2

The next day, students visit the counseling office one after another, including William, Anne, and Grea. Miranda listens to each of their worries and offers some thoughtful advice. Thanks to Miranda's insight, each student is able to leave the office with a smile on their face.

Ms. Miranda spiffies up the room within a day. She eagerly awaits her first visitor.
Miranda: Hm... Where is everyone? I'd sure like to see their faces.
Miranda: In the meantime, I should boil some tea for the kids. That'll help take care of their jitters!
Just as she rises to get a pot, there comes a knock at the door.
???: E-excuse me. Can I come in?
Miranda: Why, yes! Have a seat! Everyone is welcome here.
???: Thanks...
The boy steps into the counseling office.
???: I heard this was the place to come to if I wanted to talk about stuff...
Owen not in crew

His name is William, a mild-mannered lad who excels at sports and schoolwork.
He also has a crush on Hanna, the student council president, but she's completely oblivious.
Miranda: Hey, William! You've come to the right place!
Miranda: Got a question about life in general? Need to discuss something uncomfortable? That's what I'm here for.
Miranda: Everything we talk about stays in this room between you and me. Come on, grab a chair.
William: O-okay. Thanks.
William slumps into the chair. After a short internal debate with himself, he airs out his situation.
William: I wanted to talk about everyone on the student council.
William: I feel like... like there's this heavy gloom that's strangling us.
Miranda: Gosh... When did you notice this feeling?
William: I-I think it was when Hanna... left to go study abroad.
William: When she left, I think we felt like the air got sucked out of the room...
William: And as far as I'm concerned, what's the point in me doing anything if she's not around...
Miranda: Mm-hm, having someone to show off to does wonders for motivation.
William: Ack, I didn't mean to say that out loud! Er, you must've misheard me! Forget what I said!
William: Ahem! As a former member of the school council, I want to do something for the underclassmen!
Miranda: Ah, gotcha. You're right, I must've misheard you the first time.
Miranda: So, about the student council losing their spirit. That is a problem.
William: Y-yeah. Is there any way to lift the mood, even by just a little?
Miranda: Hm... Things were livelier when Hanna was around, so...
Ms. Miranda taps her chin a few times, then readdresses William.
Miranda: I have an idea, but I'm going to need you to play a part as well.
William: Me?
Miranda: Uh-huh. You know more about Hanna than anyone else, right?
William: Wha! Er, I mean, I wasn't, like, trying to follow her around all the time or anything... It was my job as student council VP to be on hand...
Miranda: Haha. And as the former VP, I'm sure you saw how Hanna kept the student council humming.
William: Yeah, guess I did. She was always smiling and being optimistic. She knew just the right things to say too...
Miranda: Do you think you could encourage the others the same way she did?
Miranda: Maybe if she had any slogans or catchphrases, you could shout them out.
Miranda: Words have the power to create an image. We can't see Hanna right now, but her energy can still be felt in her absence.
William: I guess it's possible?
Miranda: What kind of example was Hanna trying to set as the school president?
Miranda: William, you shadowed her long enough to know the answer to that. Why not put it in practice?
Miranda: "The president might be away right now, but she's still in charge." Give the others the motivation to continue their work.
Miranda: And when Hanna finally comes back and sees how well everyone's been doing, she'll be over the moon.
William: I see what you're saying. This is my chance to be a role model for the underclassmen on the student council.
William: Then they'll tell Hanna about what a good job I did, and she might finally see me in a different light!
Miranda: Heehee, got the spark back?
William: Bwuh? Cough, cough... Um, yeah!
William: I'm gonna be the best mentor I can be for the underclassmen! That's right, the—um—underclassmen!
William: I'll look after the school and the council until the day Hanna comes back!
Miranda: Mm-hm. That's the spirit.
Miranda: If you ever need my help, you know where to find me.
William: Yep! Thank you, Ms. Miranda!
Miranda: Phew, I was a little worried there, but William's right as rain.
Watching the student stride jubilantly out of the office, Ms. Miranda breathes a sigh of relief.
Miranda: Nice work, if I do say so myself. Let's keep the good vibes rolling.
Anne: Knock, knock! May I come in, Ms. Miranda?
Anne is a crew member

Shortly after William's visit, Anne is the next student to drop by.
Anne not in crew

Shortly after William's visit, a student named Anne drops by.
She has the ability to command powerful spirits.
Miranda: Welcome in, Anne! So nice to see you!
Miranda: What's troubling you today?
Anne: I don't really know if it's troubling, but maybe you could be the judge of that. It's about me and Grea...
Anne: Am I holding her back from making new friends?
Miranda: Holding her back, you say? How so?
Anne: Grea's been stepping out of her shell and talking to more people at the academy. She's happy with her progress, and so am I.
Miranda: Ooh, that's lovely news!
Miranda: So why do you think you're being a third wheel?
Anne: It's because we're always hanging out together.
Anne: I mean, I get the feeling Grea wants to spend more time with other kids.
Anne: But it's like she thinks she owes it to me to stick around.
Anne: I do want to hang out with her obviously, but still...
Thinking about her good friend, Anne's face falls.
Miranda: Hm, that's a toughie...
Miranda: But perhaps I have a solution.
The teacher flashes Anne a smile.
Miranda: She doesn't have to make friends alone. Why don't you join her too?
Anne: Huh? Me and Grea together?
Miranda: You got it. Who says you can only make friends one-on-one, am I right?
Anne: Hm... That's true.
Miranda: You can have a fun time chatting and building connections with any number of people.
Anne: Me and Grea and whomever else...
Anne: I was making things way harder on myself. I guess I thought she'd have to pick between me and a stranger.
Miranda: Heehee. We all get a bit nervous when things change between friends.
Miranda: Still, there's no reason for you to feel like you're sabotaging Grea.
Miranda: She will always see you as her special friend, and that's never going to change.
Anne: Yeah! Thanks a lot, Ms. Miranda! That's a load off my shoulders.
Miranda: Heehee, happy to help. Come back any time.
Anne leaves the office with a smile, and the counselor is proud of serving another happy student.
Some time later, the office door slowly creaks opens.
Grea: Um... Hello.
Miranda: Hi there, Grea!
No version of Grea in crew

In comes Grea, the girl Anne had just been talking about.
Born of Human and dragon parents, she tends to avoid people due to her immense power.
But thanks to school life at the academy and with Anne's support, she has gradually become more comfortable with socializing.
Miranda: What a pleasant surprise to see you here too.
Grea: Huh? "Too"?
Miranda: Haha, don't worry about it. Sit, sit.
The dragoness timidly takes a seat. She sits there quietly, unable to express her anxiety.
Grea: I'm sorry. I'm having some trouble gathering my thoughts.
Miranda: No problem. Take your time. Here, have some tea, and let it calm your nerves.
Ms. Miranda pours a cup and sets it in front of Grea along with some light snacks.
Grea sips her tea in silence. She slowly relaxes as the minutes tick away.
Grea: This is going to sound strange, but I don't know how to rely on others.
Grea: Anne and (Captain) keep telling me I should lean on their shoulders more often...
Grea: But at the same time, I don't want to be a burden either. How do I ask for help without being annoying?
Grea: I thought maybe you might have some handy tips or something.
Miranda: Mm, I see what you mean. It's hard to know how far to push someone.
Grea: Have you ever faced that kind of problem before, Ms. Miranda?
Miranda: Heehee, I sure have. There were times when I felt like shouting "I need help!" but couldn't bring myself to do it.
Grea: Yeah, same here.
Miranda: It doesn't feel good saddling others with issues, especially not with your own.
Grea: Uh-huh...
Miranda: On the flip side, does it bother you when people ask if they can depend on you?
Grea: Huh? I'm not sure. I haven't really thought about it...
Miranda: Let's say (Captain) asked for piano lessons. How would you react?
Grea: Oh, I'd be more than happy to give them! I love playing the piano, so it's no big deal.
Miranda: Precisely!
Miranda: We as people are excited to share the things we love or are knowledgeable about. I think that's the first step in building up a comfort zone when asking for a favor.
Grea: Does that include Anne and (Captain) too?
Miranda: Of course. At the very least, I know they'd be happy if you asked them for help.
Grea: I could ask Anne about magic. Would that count?
Miranda: Her grades in spells are great, so she'd be perfect. If there's something you don't know, she can fill in the gaps.
Grea: Yeah. I'm having so much trouble understanding some of the recent material that I'm starting to think it's a problem with me...
Miranda: Oh dear, I'm sorry to hear that. But with Anne's help, you'll figure it out in no time.
Miranda: Just be like, "Can we practice together if you're not busy?"
Grea: "Can we practice together if you're not busy?"
Okay. I'll give it a try.
Miranda: You can do it, Grea.
Miranda: If you practice on campus, come find me, and I'll supervise. I'm available at any time.
Grea: Really? Are you sure I wouldn't be bothering you?
Miranda: Haha. It's no trouble at all. I love to teach. And remember what I said about sharing in the things we love?
Grea: Ah, hehe. Thank you, Ms. Miranda.
Grea: Oh, and thanks for the tea. It was delicious.
Miranda: You're always welcome to stop by for a refill—no questions asked.
Grea: Haha, okay. Next time I'll invite Anne too.
Miranda: What great students we have here. Everyone puts their friends first.
Miranda: It warms my heart just listening to their voices.
Ms. Miranda speaks quietly to herself as the door closes behind Grea.
No sooner does the door close when another knock is heard.

Ms. Miranda's Counseling Office: Scene 3

After hours, Miranda is tidying up the office for the day when Mr. Bertrand pays her a visit. During their conversation, Miranda is reminded of how she used to confide in her teachers all the time. Once again, she is determined to fulfill her responsibilities as a teacher and ensure that her students have an enjoyable school life.

Ms. Miranda listens with an open mind to the concerns of student after student.
The hours fly by in a flash, and soon it's time for her to go home.
Miranda: Down goes the sun, which means it's time to lock up for the day!
Miranda: Gee, Ms. Miranda, you put on such a good performance today that I think you deserve to make another costume!
Miranda: No, wait. Haven't I learned anything after all the sorting and cleaning I had to do? Never mind! Phew, that was a close call!
She happily talks to herself as she hastily tidies up the office.
The door opens and Mr. Bertrand walks in.
Mr. Bertrand: Oh ho ho. Quite a busy day, huh? I'd say the counseling office was a rousing success.
Miranda: Evening, Mr. Bertrand. Everything went off without a hitch!
Mr. Bertrand: Yes, I could see a difference in the students' faces.
Mr. Bertrand: They were positively glowing about the guidance you gave them. That's Ms. Miranda for you.
Miranda: Oh, stop. Haha. But I'm happy to hear I got rave reviews.
Miranda: Young minds are impressionable, so I was nervous about giving life-changing advice.
Mr. Bertrand: Your candidness is a breath of fresh air, but try not to go overboard.
Mr. Bertrand: Don't forget that if you need to confide in someone, I and the other teachers are available.
Miranda: Heehee, that takes me back to my own school days.
Ms. Miranda gets a wistful look in her eyes.
Miranda: When I was a student, I used to gab all the time with the teachers.
Miranda: I'd go on and on about my future and what I wanted to do. I'm sure I was just rambling at some points.
Miranda: As soon as I got stuck on something, my first inkling was to go to the teachers!
Mr. Bertrand: You were just as direct back then as you are now. You had a lot of things on your mind.
Mr. Bertrand: But with each obstacle conquered, your path forward became ever clearer.
Miranda: Well, I couldn't have done it without the guidance of the teachers.
Miranda: Fully talking things out helped me realize what was best for me.
Miranda: More importantly, the teachers made me dream of becoming just like them.
Her smile widens.
Miranda: It's only right that I repay the favor by giving back to my students.
Miranda: When I see the difference I've made in their lives, I know it was worth it.
Miranda: I won't stop until this school is rocking with happiness!
Mr. Bertrand: My, my, do I know that feeling as a lifelong educator.
Mr. Bertrand: Appointing you as guidance counselor was the perfect decision.
Miranda: Aw, thanks!
Miranda: If only that were the answer to all our problems—but counseling can only go so far.
Mr. Bertrand: Hm... How do you figure?
Miranda: I'm thinking about the kids who want to come in for a chat, but are too afraid to take the plunge.
Miranda: We should strive to create a fun environment at the academy. That way they can learn and grow without being bogged down.
Mr. Bertrand: Ah, true. The real challenge of rebuilding begins now.
Mr. Bertrand: Let's spare no effort for our students, Ms. Miranda.
Miranda: Yeppers! I'm going full speed ahead!
Speaking with her students and learning more about them has reinvigorated Ms. Miranda with an even stronger sense of purpose.
Her genuine candor and affability are bound to make the Mysteria Academy of Magic a brighter place.