Scenario:Cagliostro - Creating Cuteness

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Creating Cuteness

The crew decides to take a vacation in Auguste, but Cagliostro is not interested. Until, that is, she realizes she can use the deep-sea water there to remake herself cuter than ever. Wary of venturing into the open sea without having learned to swim, however, she asks (Captain) to teach her.

After completing a long string of missions, the crew aboard the (Captain)dcypher decides to take a break. Everyone spends their time however they want to, for the time being.
Cagliostro: Heh heh heh. Not bad. Not bad at all.
Inside one peculiar room, the sounds of bubbling liquids and Cagliostro's ominous laughter fill the air.
The founder of alchemy is, as always, spending her free time experimenting. Though she has all the time in the world, she doesn't waste a single moment to further her pursuit of knowledge.
Cagliostro: Next, if we mix this...
As Cagliostro prepares to combine a pitch-black liquid with the contents of another vial, the door to her room bursts open.
Lyria: Cagliostro! Guess what?
Cagliostro: Whoa!
Cagliostro: Oh, it's just you guys.
Cagliostro: Didn't I tell you to knock before entering? I do occasionally work with explosive materials, you know.
Lyria: Oh! Sorry...
Vyrn: Our bad... We just got so excited we forgot.
From behind the overeager Lyria and Vyrn, (Captain) peeks in.
Cagliostro: All right. I'll bite. What's going on?
Vyrn: (Captain) said we're gonna go to Auguste!
Lyria: We're taking a vacation after being busy with so many missions! Aren't you excited, Cagliostro?
Cagliostro: Is that what this is all about? You guys must really like the beach.
Vyrn: Hehe! We sure do! But what I really want is a sip of that fruit juice they sell. It's the best!
Lyria: I want some too! Then we can swim and build sand castles and...
Lyria: Oh! Io and Rosetta said that they're going to the spa while we're there!
Vyrn: Hehehe! There's so much stuff to do, we don't have time for it all!
Despite their excitement, Cagliostro makes no effort to hide her disinterest.
Cagliostro: Well, have fun. Don't forget to bring me back a souvenir.
Lyria: Um... Are you not coming?
Cagliostro: Nope. I'm busy with my experiments.
Vyrn: But if you miss out now, we might not be back for a while! Don't you wanna relax a little?
Cagliostro: Alchemy is relaxation for me.
Cagliostro: I appreciate the invitation, but this suits me better.
Cagliostro: Besides... the sun's no good for a girl's skin!
And with that, Cagliostro shoves them out of her room.
Vyrn: Ah! Hey!
Cagliostro: I'll make you guys some special sunscreen if you want.
Cagliostro: But next time, knock. Capiche?
After she shuts the door in (Captain)'s and the others' faces, Cagliostro turns back to her desk.
Cagliostro: Now, where was I?
But before she can start, Vyrn's fading voice echoes through the door.
Vyrn: The tastiest part of the juice is the fruit chunks! If only they'd float instead of sinking to the bottom of the cup.
Lyria: Hehehe. But isn't it fun scooping them out?
The rest of the conversation is lost as they travel further away.
Despite herself, Cagliostro can't get their conversation out of her head.
Cagliostro: (Of course the fruit chunks sink to the bottom. When you think about the density and mass, there's no way they would float.)
Cagliostro: Hm? Wait a second. They sink to the bottom...
With a gasp, she pulls several books off a bookshelf and flips through their pages.
Like an alchemist possessed, she begins to scribble numerous formulas down, and by the time she finishes, a mountain of papers lies atop the desk.
Cagliostro: Just as I thought. My hunch was right.
Cagliostro: Heh heh heh. Well then. A vacation in Auguste may not be such a bad idea after all.
Cagliostro: But now I have to consider...
Her smile changes quickly to a grimace, and she bites her lip.
Cagliostro: Damn... I never thought the day would come when such a problem would present itself before me.
Cagliostro: But where there's a will, there's a way.
Vyrn: Hey, hey! How much longer until we get to Auguste?
Lyria: It looks like we're close. We should get ready—
Cagliostro: Yep, yep! We need our sunscreen and our parasols, and let's not forget our cute-and-stylish sunglasses!
Cagliostro: Ta-da! Enjoy front row seats to Cagliostro's super adorable, beach-ready figure!
Cagliostro: A girl's gotta make sure she's ready for anything on her vacation in Auguste!
Lyria: Wow! That's such a cute swimsuit!
Lyria: Huh? But wait...
Vyrn: Hold up a second. Didn't you say you weren't coming with us?
Cagliostro: Geez! Don't be such a meanie, Mr. Lizard! The past is the past! Let's focus on the here and now.
Slightly dumbfounded, (Captain) and the others stare blankly back at her.
Cagliostro: Well, your stunned reactions are only natural. But there's no way this genius goddess of alchemy could cut corners on something as essential as beachwear.
Cagliostro: Anyways, I'm not here just for a vacation. My true aim is to obtain some of Auguste's deep-sea water.
Vyrn & Lyria: Deep-sea water?
Cagliostro: Yes, the seawater at the depths of the sea. I plan to use it as alchemical material.
Cagliostro: Not only is such water untouched by light and air, but its low temperature makes the water denser than normal. It doesn't mix much with surface water.
Cagliostro: Most importantly...
Cagliostro: The low temperatures and slow currents preserve the water, keeping it clean and pure. In this state, the water remains untouched at the bottom of the sea for long periods.
Cagliostro: Yes... Based on my calculations of the topography and climate, the water should be untouched for roughly a thousand years.
Lyria: Um... So... Why do you want it?
Cagliostro: To put it simply, our bodies are composed mostly of water.
Cagliostro: And deep-sea water is pure, so I'm thinking of using some of Auguste's to make myself a new body.
Cagliostro: Of course, it's all to help me boost my cuteness levels through the roof!
Lyria: Eh? Y-you can do something like that?
Cagliostro: Why are you acting so surprised? Did you forget I made this body here?
Vyrn: I guess if you put it that way...
Cagliostro: I suppose I should thank you guys for helping me figure this out.
Cagliostro: I overheard your conversation about the fruit chunks sinking to the bottom of the cup. It led me to deep-sea water and its potential uses.
Vyrn: Huh. Did we talk about something like that?
Vyrn: I'm still trying to wrap my head around the reason bein' to "boost my cuteness levels."
Cagliostro: For yours truly, nothing's more important in this world than becoming more adorable.
Cagliostro: If it makes it easier to understand though, we can just call this a sort of alchemy-style spa treatment.
Everyone else laughs awkwardly as Cagliostro boldly compares her alchemical goals to a day at the spa.
However, Cagliostro soon closes her mouth and stands troubled before (Captain).
Cagliostro: Actually... I have a favor to ask of you, (Captain).
Cagliostro: I told you about how weak my body was while I was growing up, right?
Born in a poor village with a sickly body, Cagliostro invented alchemy in order to overcome such difficulties. She has since switched bodies countless times.
Cagliostro: I was never able to do proper exercise in that body, let alone run to my heart's content. That's why...
Vyrn: Huh? What are you getting at?
Cagliostro: I understand the principles. But I've never put the knowledge into practice, and knowledge alone isn't quite enough...
Vyrn: ...?
Cagliostro: You understand, right? Or are you just pretending not to know? Are you really going to make me say it?
Cagliostro: Tsk. Fine. So I don't have any experience, which means that...
Vyrn: Are you saying you can't swim?
Cagliostro: No one asked you!
Vyrn: Eep!
Cagliostro: Tsk. Okay. So I've never swum before.
Cagliostro: I'm planning on leaving the actual collection of deep-sea water to a specialized version of Ouroboros modified to dive any depth.
Cagliostro: But before that, I'll have to ride on a boat until I find the deepest part of the sea to procure the water from.
Cagliostro: Just in case anything happens, well, I was thinking...
  1. I'll teach you to swim.
  2. Let's play in the sand instead.

Choose: I'll teach you to swim.

Cagliostro: ...!
Cagliostro: Ehehe! Thanks, (Captain)!
Cagliostro: I'll do my bestest, so treat me gently, okay? Luv ya, (Captain)!
Vyrn: Man, you've really got your work cut out for you, (Captain). But maybe it'll be fun too.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Let's play in the sand instead.

Cagliostro: Hey, were you listening to me? Is this your idea of a joke?
Vyrn: Hehehe! Don't be too mean to her, (Captain)!
(Captain) apologizes and promises to teach Cagliostro how to swim.
Cagliostro: Geez... Nobody else in all the skies would dare try to fool with me. You're one of a kind, you know that?
Cagliostro: Well, anyway... Thanks. I appreciate it.
Lyria: Hehe. We're going to have so much fun!

Continue 1

Their goals set, Cagliostro and the crew prepare themselves for the upcoming dive for alchemical material.
With high hopes and a smidgen of doubt, the founder of alchemy waits impatiently as they draw ever closer to Auguste.