Scenario:Sophie - A Blue Light in the Darkness

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A Blue Light in the Darkness

Sophie is swallowed up by a distortion in the space-time continuum and finds herself in a flower garden, wherein she has a fateful encounter with Io. One night, having decided to join (Captain)'s crew in their travels, Sophie is standing on the deck of the Grandcypher, staring at the sky. Sensing Sophie's unease, Io combs Sophie's hair in her room, the pair of them enjoying the moment together.

Sophie: (So dark...)
Sophie: (I seem to be in complete darkness.)
Sophie: (Even with my eyes open, I can't see anything.)
Sophie: (Even if I cry out, I can't hear anything.)
Sophie: (I can't sense my own body. I'm just floating in darkness.)
Sophie: (I was absentmindedly thinking of Richard.)
Sophie: (I was cut off from Richard, wasn't I?)
Sophie: (What should I do when my friends have made a mistake?)
Suddenly the air around her begins to distort, and her body is enfolded in dazzling light.
Sophie: Wha... My head!
After being sucked into the maelstrom of light, she has the sensation that her body is plunging down through space.
Sophie: Wha? Whaa...
She feels the earth against her skin, and a sweet scent teases her nostrils.
An azure sky spreads out without end while flower petals flutter down.
Sophie: Where... Where am I?
Briefly opening her pale eyes, she slips into unconsciousness, as if falling into a deep sleep.
How many hours has she slept for?
She hears someone's voice calling from far away.
???: Hey, kid. You'd better get inside somewhere before you catch a cold!
Turning around, she feels a warm sensation.
Sophie: Urrrgh...
Slowly opening her eyes, she sees two gem stones sparkling clear blue.
???: It looks like she's awake! Hey, are you okay?
The girl's pale blue eyes meet with Sophie's.
Sophie: Who... are you?
Io: Me? I'm Io.
Sophie: Io...
After meeting Io, Sophie joins (Captain)'s crew on their travels.
Sophie spends quite some time journeying with them.
One day, after the sun has gone down completely, Sophie stands alone on the deck of the Grandcypher.
Sophie: ...
Io: Oh, Sophie. What are you doing in a place like this?
Sophie: Just... looking at the sky.
Io: Right. And does it remind you of something?
Sophie: No. Nothing yet...
Io: I see... Well, there's no rush!
Io: The members of this crew are so kind that you'll soon get used to it here, Sophie!
Sophie: Uh-huh.
Io: Enough of that gloomy look already. Can't you answer more cheerfully?
Sophie: Cheerfully?
Io: For instance, um... A more chic answer.
Sophie: Chic?
Io: Get with the program! I'm talking about the natural manners of a lady!
Io: Never mind. Come here a second!
Grabbing her hand forcefully, Io begins to lead Sophie off somewhere.
Io sits Sophie down in a chair and begins to show her around her room.
Sophie: Io... Are you angry with me?
Io: Huh? Why would I be angry?
Sophie: Well...
Io: The thing is, you've got a good foundation to start from.
Sophie: A good foundation?
Io: Look, I'm saying that it's a shame to have your hair as unkempt as this!
Io stands behind Sophie, unties the two plaits of her long lavender hair, and gently combs them.
Io: How about if you had the same hairstyle as me? And tried looking more ladylike?
Sophie: Okay... Thank you, Io.
Io: Hey! Don't make sudden movements! I don't want to break any strands.
Sophie: Okay, I understand. I won't move from now on.
That evening the voices of the two girls, laughing together just like they were sisters, can be heard from afar.