Scenario:Pavidus - Save My Betters!

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Save My Betters!

Pavidus notices that his animal superiors are out of sorts, apparently due to their new environment. The crew agrees to his request to temporarily return to the mountain where the animals used to live.

One day, not long after Pavidus has joined the crew...
Chick: Cheep...
Bird: Caw...
Pavidus's superiors aren't quite as energetic as usual.
Lyria: Hmm... What do you think is wrong with them?
Pavidus: Are you okay, my animal friends? Or is something wrong?
Pavidus: Wait... Is it because of your new living environment?
Bird: Caw! (Stop your blabbering! That's just ridiculous!)
Chick: Cheep! Cheep! (There's nothing wrong with us!)
Pavidus: You need to be honest! It's my job to make sure you're comfortable!
Pavidus: If you're suffering, I can't just ignore it!
Boar: Oink... (Heh... So you finally learned to speak your mind.)
Boar: Oink... (We're definitely not doing well right now. It's due to the shift in our environment, just like you said.)
Pavidus: I knew it... Let's try heading back to the mountain for a while.
Bird: Caw... (Yes, that might lift our spirits a little...)
Pavidus: That settles it then.
Vyrn: What are you guys talking about?
Pavidus: My animal friends were saying they might feel better if we go home to the mountain for a while.
Pavidus: So do you think we could go back there for a bit?
Pavidus: I really want to help them!
Chick: Cheep... (Pavi...)
Rackam: Sounds like it can't be helped... Set a course for Pavidus's mountain!
Pavidus: Thank you! Try to tough it out a little longer, my friends.
Thus the crew heads for the mountain where Pavidus used to live.

Save My Betters!: Scene 2

Bandits have taken up residence in Pavidus's mountain home. His enraged birds attack them but are driven back, which impels him to leap into the fray. Pavidus beats them down, and they try to escape only to be surrounded by his animal superiors. The crew prepares to teach the bandits a lesson.

The crew reaches the mountains, but Pavidus and his animal companions wear grim expressions on their faces.
Pavidus: The forest... This silence is deafening...
Lyria: What does it mean?
Chick: Cheep! (What's going on here? Something's wrong...)
Pavidus: I don't hear any animals, which is never good. We better be careful, (Captain).
The crew cautiously proceeds through the mountain and eventually reaches Pavidus's house.
But some bandits have taken up residence there.
Bandit: Hey! What are you guys doin' here? This is our hideout, got it?
Chick: Cheep! (I don't think so! This nest belongs to Pavi and the rest of us!)
Pavidus: That's right! This is no place for the likes of you! This is our home!
Bandit: Are you dumb or what? It's not our fault you left this nice house vacant. Heh-heh.
Pavidus: And what about my superiors? What have you done with them?
Bandit: Huh? Your what?
Rackam: He's asking what you did with all the animals that used to live here.
Bandit: Oh, those beasts? They kept attacking us, so we drove them away.
Bandit: But they put up quite a fight. We had to cook a few up for dinner!
Lyria: How could you? You're evil...
Pavidus: You won't get away with this!
Pavidus: I'll be the one who drives you away this time!
Bandit: Yeah? You and what army?
Pavidus: Why you... You...
Bandit: Well? Let's see you drive us out of here then! Bring it on!
Bird: Caw! Caw! (Stand firm, Pavi! We'll lead the attack!)
Rising from behind Pavidus, the birds spread their wings and swoop down on the bandits.
Bandit: Ugh... What's with these birds!
The birds attack the bandits but are gradually repelled.
Bird: Caw... (Of all the wayward winds... They're just too strong...)
Bandit: Ha! Is that all you've got?
Bird: Caw... (Argh...)
Rackam: All right, that's enough fun and games!
Rackam turns his gun on the bandits.
But another group of bandits suddenly appears and surrounds Rackam and (Captain).
Bandit: Heh... You guys take care of them!
Rackam: Great...
Bandit: I'll teach you to mess with us!
Bird: Caw... (Ugh...)
Pavidus: Stop! Leave my friends alone!
Pavidus bellows as he lunges into the crowd of bandits, recklessly swinging his dagger in all directions.
Bandit: Argh!
Bandit: Whoa! There's obviously something off about this guy! Retreat!
Boar: Oink. (I'm afraid it's a little too late for that.)
Bandit: Eek! A boar? It's huge!
Pavidus: I'm sure glad to see you!
Boar: Oink. (Not bad, Pavi. I see you're giving this everything you've got...)
Boar: Oink! (But that's no excuse for us to sit on our haunches! Hold the line, you lot!)
The boar lets out an bellowing roar, and a veritable deluge of birds and beasts comes surging out of the forest.
Bandit: Eek! Grab your weapons! Who knows what they'll do to us!
Boar: Oink! (Let's see how tough these bandits act once we've trampled them into the mud!)
The boar looks at (Captain) and lets out an enormous snort.
Rackam: Heh-heh... Well, I think we all understand what that meant. Let's give these dunderheads a beating they won't forget, (Captain)!

Save My Betters!: Scene 3

Once Pavidus and the crew drive out the bandits, his animal superiors praise him for his deed. Pavidus is pleased by the praise but is immediately ordered by the animals to go find some food. And yet he still looks stronger than usual to (Captain).

Together with their animal army, (Captain) and the crew beat down the bandits and send them fleeing away from the mountain.
Bird: Caw! (And don't come back, you nincompoops!)
Pavidus: Are you injured, my friends?
Bird: Caw... (My feathers are a little ruffled, but I'll be all right.)
Pavidus: Oh, that's a relief...
Vyrn: Ha-ha... You really gave it to them, Pavidus!
Rackam: Yeah, I could hardly believe it when you started mowing 'em down... You're surprisingly strong, huh?
Pavidus: I wouldn't say that... If it weren't for the boar, I doubt I'd be standing right now.
Pavidus: Thank you so much, my animal friends... Once again you have saved me...
Pavidus bows deeply to the boar. Just then the animals swarm around Pavidus and start to peck and prod him.
Pavidus: Ouch! Ow!
Bird: Caw! (Stop talking such garbage! You fought right along with us!)
Bird: Caw... (Without you, that might have been it for me.!)
Bird: Caw! (Thanks!)
Boar: Oink. (You've gotten a lot stronger. You did yourself proud out there.)
Pavidus: My friends!
Lyria: Hmm... I'm not sure what they're talking about, but Pavidus sure looks pleased.
Vyrn: Heh-heh... I bet they're praising him!
Chick: Cheep! (Hey! How long are you going to stand around grinning? We haven't been here in forever, so go get us some grub!)
Pavidus: Yes sir!
With a smile plastered across his face, Pavidus heads toward an area where lots of berries grow.
Lyria: Are you going to gather food for the animals? Hee-hee... We'll help! Right, (Captain)?
(Captain) nods and follows Pavidus.
As Pavidus presses ahead to gather berries, he looks just a little stronger than usual to (Captain).