Scenario:Ezecrain - An Old Map's Temptation

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An Old Map's Temptation

(Captain) and company arrive at the forest on Ezecrain's supposed treasure map. Ezecrain warns them that the lost never escape this forest. Suddenly the crew hears a scream and rushes to help.

Vyrn: Hey, what exactly did you steal from Drang?
Ezecrain: Drang? You must mean that imbecile Erune.
With that, Ezecrain takes out the map he stole and spreads it out in front of the crew.
Vyrn: Could this be... a treasure map?
Ezecrain: Hmm...
Shall we find out?
Lyria: Wow! A real life treasure hunt! This is so exciting! Right, (Captain)?
The crew sets out for the dense forest marked on the map with high hopes.
Vyrn: What's up with this? There's no treasure anywhere!
Ezecrain: I do not recall saying this was a treasure map. So presumptuous...
Vyrn: Then what's the map lead to?
Ezecrain: Unfortunately, this only takes us to a place of historic interest.
Ezecrain: In any event, this map is of little value to us now.
Vyrn: And we came all this way... But wait, isn't this the map Drang had?
Vyrn: Maybe the treasure's hidden deeper in the forest...
Ezecrain: This forest is extremely complex, almost as though it's intended to protect the historic site. No one who gets lost here ever returns.
Vyrn: Then it's a good thing we have the map!
Ezecrain: I don't have time to waste with your little games.
Vyrn: Wait up, Mr. No-Brows!
Monster: Graooh!
???: Aaah! Save me!
Vyrn: Uh-oh! Did you hear that, (Captain)? It came from deep in the forest!
Ezecrain: ...
Lyria: Ezecrain! Wait for us!
Vyrn: Mr. No-Brows likes to act all mean, but deep down he's a softie.
Vyrn: All right! Let's get a move on it, (Captain)!

An Old Map's Temptation: Scene 2

(Captain) and crew help Drang who is being attacked by monsters. Afterwards, Drang demands Ezecrain return his treasure map, but Ezecrain declares the treasure liberated.

Vyrn: Phew... Was that the last of the monsters?
Drang: Bravo! Just as strong as I remember!
Vyrn: Hey! What are you doing here?
Drang: What a coincidence! I'm so glad you've come to save me! Lady Luck must be on my side today!
Vyrn: You're such a pain. Can't you handle a few monsters on your own?
Drang: What's with the cold shoulder? I thought we were friends?
Vyrn: Whoa there! We're not friends!
Drang: Oh? And who's that with you? Well, if it isn't Ezecrain, the map thief!
Drang: Thanks to the little kindness you did me, I'm utterly and hopelessly lost now.
Ezecrain: Tch... Why do the fools multiply?
Drang: Why don't you give me back my treasure map? I'm sorta stuck here without it.
Ezecrain: Treasure? Unfortunately for you, there is nothing to be found in these ruins.
Drang: What! You've got to be kidding me! What did you do with my spoils?
Ezecrain: Enough with the theatrics. I know you hid the stolen goods...
Ezecrain: But I have already recovered it all. Coming here was effort wasted.
Drang: No way! How could you? Gimme my treasure!
Monster: Grroar!
Lyria: Ahhh! Monsters! They're all around us...
Drang: Eek! Looks like you guys are up! Go get 'em, tigers!

An Old Map's Temptation: Scene 3

Drang uses the map to leave the forest while the crew fights monsters. To escape the labyrinthine woods, Ezecrain is forced to seek guidance from his amethysts.

Vyrn: Whoa! Nice job defeating all those monsters, Browless Wonder!
Lyria: Yeah! You and (Captain) were so awesome!
Lyria: You know, we're pretty deep inside the forest... I wonder where the exit is.
Vyrn: I'll lead the way! The map says... Huh?
Vyrn: Hey! The map's gone!
Lyria: Umm... Drang said something about holding onto the map earlier...
Vyrn: I can't believe it! He just took it and ran!
Vyrn: Ugh! Why would he leave us here!
Ezecrain: Are the problems you all cause
Ezecrain: We do not have other options... Follow me.
Ezecrain: Amethysts... Guide us!
Lyria: Wow! That's amazing! Amethysts can give directions?
Ezecrain: Yes, but they can't recover stolen maps...
Ezecrain: Monsters may be lurking nearby. Do not fall behind.

An Old Map's Temptation: Scene 4

As word of Ezecrain's willingness to recover stolen goods becomes known, requests come flooding in for him. One of them includes information on the group he seeks, and the crew decides to help him.

Vyrn: Phew... I'm glad we escaped the forest in one piece.
Lyria: We owe that to Ezecrain!
Ezecrain: Don't ever make me use the amethysts in such a way again!
Ezecrain: I won't be a part of any frivolous adventures again... Do you understand me?
Vyrn: Sorry...
Sierokarte: Hey, guys! I know you haven't had a moment's rest, but...
Sierokarte: There are actually lots of requests being sent to you, Ezecrain!
Lyria: Wow! Look at all these!
Sierokarte: Word's gotten out that you'll retrieve stolen treasure.
Vyrn: I get it! So that's what you did with the treasure you took from Drang!
Ezecrain: So what if I did? What I do always serves my own interests.
Vyrn: Look! Your amethysts are reacting to something again! What's going on?
Lyria: Maybe there's some information you need among the requests.
Ezecrain: This one...
Ezecrain: It appears there's a group of scam artists in the western skies. Victims have come forward.
Vyrn: Say what! Maybe they're enemies of your family!
Ezecrain: ...
Vyrn: Hey! You're gonna go check it out, right?
Ezecrain: Of course. I go wherever my amethysts guide me.
Vyrn: All right! Then leave it to (Captain)!
Vyrn: We'll help you achieve your goal!
Ezecrain: Sigh...
You all love playing the role of hero...
Ezecrain: Do what you want. Just don't get in my way.
Shouldering the fate of his family, Ezecrain moves as his amethysts direct.
His new allies watch over him as Ezecrain's path to redemption begins.