Scenario:Diantha - Bonfire Ballet

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Bonfire Ballet

Vyrn scouts out the island, confirming that the town has transformed into a forest and that neither people nor the Grandcypher are anywhere to be seen. As the crew awaits the dawn, a strange woman appears before their campfire.

The crew has come to an unfamiliar island, gilded in ore. The maidens are to perform here, but the town—and their audience along with it—has vanished.
It is as if someone rewound time, turning the wooden houses back into trees. In this strange and unkind wood, the crew awaits the dawn.
Diantha: Wow, (Captain)... You got a fire going in seconds. With only a few sticks!
Linaria: Now that we have light, things aren't so scary anymore.
Harie: Just imagine. If it'd been the five of us... we'd be so lost.
Diola: Mm... S'mores sound good right about now...
Canna: Hey, (Captain)! How'd you do that? Teach me!
Lyria: You want to try, Canna?
Canna: Yeah! Thought it be cool! Just think... Things get dark, when... bam! I bust a fire out of nowhere!
Lyria: It's not easy. I tried once, but all I did was hurt my hands...
Canna: Please... My middle name is "challenge."
Canna: (Captain), could you pass me the tools?
(Captain) loops a stick into the string of a makeshift bow, before handing it off to Canna.
Canna drives the stick into a fireboard. With sawing motions, she moves the bow back and forth, turning the drill.
Canna: Grr...
Chorus of Four: ...
Diola: You can do it!
Canna: Grrr!
The crew gathers around Canna, whose face has turned red with exertion.
Canna: Gr... Ugh!
Canna: Nope, not gonna happen. Heh... Couldn't even get a little wisp of smoke.
  1. Practice makes perfect.
  2. Well, you're energetic.

Choose: Practice makes perfect.

Canna: Yeah. If you think I'm giving up, you've got another thing coming! Once we get home, I'm going to practice like no one's practiced before.
Canna: Wonder what I got wrong though... Probably not putting enough strength in. Then there's speed and the angle of the stick...
Canna: Let me try again!
Harie: Oh, no you don't. You'll tire yourself out.
Linaria: And you'll get scrapes and splinters... How will you wave to the fans like that?
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Well, you're energetic.

Canna: Heck yeah! If you've got energy, you can power through anything.
Canna: But the second you run out of steam, it's game over.
Canna: It's, uh... Oh! It's like starting a fire! You keep it burning, 'cause once the fire goes out, it's ain't easy to bring back.
Canna: Same with people. You've got to keep energy levels high! 'Specially when things get bleak.

Continue 1

The blaze dances among the silent trees, and the crew gazes into it as they speak. Moments later, there is a rustle. Vyrn, who has been out scouting, flutters down.
Vyrn: Man, was I glad to see this fire. Almost got lost.
Harie: Sorry, Vyrn. We shouldn't have made you go alone.
Vyrn: Nah, I offered! Besides, it's safer if y'all stick together.
Vyrn: Anyways, I wasn't up there too long, but...
Vyrn: Pretty sure the Grandcypher's gone. Along with the town.
Lyria: Oh no...
Vyrn: I get the feeling the island's uninhabited. But I did see some shifty shadows runnin' around in these woods.
Vyrn: Don't know what they are, but we best keep an eye out for trouble.
(Captain) asks, but it appears the shades were not drawing towards the fire. An ambush, then, seems unlikely.
The captain guesses they are no more than woodland creatures, flitting aimlessly between the trees.
  1. Let's wait until dawn.

Choose: Let's wait until dawn.

Vyrn: So... you're saying we should stay put? Yeah, makes sense. Better than wandering out there in the dark.
Lyria: Then I'll take first watch. (Captain), get some rest, okay?
Lyria's eagerness brings a smile to (Captain)'s face. The captain nods and sinks onto the ground.
Soon, the glade is quiet, save for the crackling of firewood and the whispering of leaves.
Lyria: Mm... Zzz...
Diantha: ...
Harie: Guess they were all tired.
One by one, the crew have succumbed to sleep. Soon, only Harie and (Captain) are awake, seeking the dawn in the velvet skies above.
Harie: What about you? Aren't you going to rest?
Harie: I'll watch the fire... I don't think I can fall asleep.
  1. Are you okay?
  2. You should try anyways.

Choose: Are you okay?

Harie: Heh... Well, to be honest, I'm scared.
Harie: We don't know where we are or why we're here. And if anything were to happen to one of you... I can't get these dark thoughts out of my head.
Harie: But you know... I think things will turn out in the end. I really do. Xolotl is watching over us, and well, you're right here...
Harie: Sorry. I didn't mean to get so morbid. It all kind of... spilled out.
Go to "Continue 2"

Choose: You should try anyways.

Harie: Yeah, you're right... I heard it helps to close your eyes, even if you can't drift off.
Harie: And I did try, you know. But then all these thoughts started swirling in my head, and... I just feel safer, looking at the fire.
Lyria: Mm...
Lyria sleeps with her head on (Captain)'s lap. She stirs slightly, but soon her breathing grows deep and even again.
Harie: Hehe. She looks so peaceful. It must be because she trusts you.
Harie: She must believe, from the bottom of her heart, that as long as you're here, nothing can happen to her.
Harie: Oh. I trust you too, of course.
Harie: But I was always the big sister, you know? I spent so long taking care of people that I guess... I forgot how to be taken care of.
Harie: Heh... Listen to me, going on about myself.

Continue 2

Harie: But talking to you like this... it makes me feel secure.
Harie: I hope we return home safely...
(Captain) looks at Harie, and the light and shadows cast onto her face by the fire.
At that moment...
Harie: What? Did you hear that?
There is a sound that is neither the shushing of wind or the susurration of leaves. It is a sharp crack, as of a twig being trodden underfoot.
Sword in hand, (Captain) rises up.
Harie: ...
Harie: Do you think it's the shadows? That Vyrn was talking about?
???: Do you dwell in the sky?
Harie: Gasp!
Harie: Ahhh!

Bonfire Ballet: Scene 2

The woman introduces herself as Citlali and leads them to a hidden camp. There they speak to a girl named Leere and learn they have traveled to the age of the War.

Vyrn: Wha? What happened?
Harie: Ah... Ah?
???: ...?
The crew leap to their feat at Harie's scream. They scramble to put campfire between them and the intruder.
(Captain)'s heart thumps, like a scared animal trying to escape a cage. How had this woman crept so close, neither stirring the air or making a sound?
???: Ah... Ahem.
???: I am not the enemy. We are the same; we dwell all in the sky.
This speaker of strange tongues smiles and spreads her hands.
Citlali: My name is Citlali Yaotl. You will call me Citlali.
Citlali: Come now. We will go to a safe place, which Tabane has made.
Chorus of Five: ...
Vyrn & Lyria: ...
Harie: Um... Are you saying... there's other people?
Citlali: There are, but none are the enemy. We dwell all in the sky.
The crew look at each other, each of their expressions hovering between hope and fear.
Vyrn: So... what do you want to do? Way I see it, we don't got much choice, but...
Diola: Hm...
Citlali: Will you come?
Diola: Hmm... Sniff, sniff...
Citlali: Haha! Are you a dog? You greet not with the tongue but with the nose?
Diola: Do you like dogs?
Citlali: Yes.
Diola: I think she's all right. Smells clean too.
Citlali: Haha! Mark me with your noses all, if you must. Yet I say again, I dwell in the sky.
It is as Diola says. Citlali laughs and smiles freely, and she does not smell hostile or like a liar.
The crew decides to follow her.
Citlali: ...
Diola: Hmm...
Diola watches Citlali's back in front of her, her eyes glinting in the dark.
  1. Something wrong?
  2. So, what'd she smell like?

Choose: Something wrong?

Diola: Wrong? Not really, but...
Diola: I can't tear my eyes away.
Perhaps Citlali is a warrior. The muscles in her back ripple like waves in an ocean. The captain senses that though she is calm now, there is potential for a great storm.
Diola: There's something about her...
Diola: Oof.
Citlali: Come again to mark my back? You are a dog! Come, lend me your head!
Citlali: Haha! Take that!
Diola: Oh, my hair...
Citlali catches Diola under one arm and, with her free hand, musses her hair.
A few seconds later, Diola staggers away, balancing what looks like a bird's nest on top of her head.
Diola: Lost my train of thought... I was on to something too.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: So, what'd she smell like?

Diola: Hm... Kind of sweaty, but in a sexy, sultry way...
Diola: Reminded me of someone... Think it was you, (Captain)...
Diola: Sniff...
Diola: It was. The scent's completely different... but there's some quality that's the same...

Continue 1

Diola: I can feel it, but I can't say it... Guess I don't have the lingo...
Citlali: Lingo? I do not know the word. Is it a tree? Brother of the linden, maybe?
Diola: No. Lingo means unfamiliar speech.
Citlali: I see. You teach me new words in your tongue. I thank you.
Diantha: Um... So this isn't your first language?
Citlali: Yes. My tongue, I learned from my mother. Your tongue, I learned from Tabane and Leere. Two rivers of words run within me.
Citlali: You will meet them soon, Tabane and Leere. We draw near the camp.
Citlali says something beneath her breath. And in the twinkling of an eye...
Linaria: Wha... What! Where are we?
Citlali: The camp of Tabane. Tabane cannot fight, nor can he fell trees. Yet he commands art of a different kind.
Girl: Citlali... Who are they?
Citlali: Folk who dwell in the sky. Leere, lead them to the others. I go to seek my friend.
Leere: All right.
Citlali bounds away and is soon lost to sight. Leere turns to regard the crew.
Leere: Your clothes... they aren't travel-worn. I suppose you haven't been on the run for long. So there are still islands that haven't been hit.
Vyrn: Hit? By what?
Leere: ...?
Weren't you forced to flee here?
Leere: Follow me. Citlali spoke of Tabane. He's our leader. I'll take you to him.
The crew follows Leere deeper into the cave.
Silent Folk: ...
Silent crowds watch them pass by. They are stained by travel and bowed with weariness.
Canna: Looks like they've been through a lot...
Leere: They were fugitives for months before our leader found them. You were lucky.
Silent Folk: ...
Not one of the silent folk is left standing. They sit and lie motionless, as if carven from the rock. Their eyes glint like ore.
Harie: Um, Leere. Might I ask... what is everyone running from?
Leere: ...?
Leere's eyes are as troubled as the crew's.
Harie: Okay. I can see that my question seems... strange to you. But we need to get on the same page here.
Harie: You're in danger, right? And multiple islands are being evacuated. But where we come from, it's peaceful.
Leere: How is that possible? Are you from a different skydom? Then how did you reach Phantagrande?
Diantha: Harie... Do you think...
Harie: Yeah... I think I've figured it out. Leere, I'm going to ask you one more time.
Harie: What are you running from?
Leere: Astrals and primal beasts.
Lyria: Wha... What?
Vyrn: Nothing special 'bout primal beasts... but Astrals?
Leere: They're everywhere. But our leader keeps us hidden with magic.
Vyrn: No way... Astrals haven't been around for...
The pieces are starting to come together to form a very strange whole.
Diantha: I must be dreaming... 'cause that would mean both Leere and Citlali are...
Diola: From a different age? Yep. But it's the most plausible explanation.
Linaria: Wait a minute. Diantha, Diola... what do you mean, a different age?
Linaria: (Captain)? When is this?
(Captain) stares at Linaria for a second, swallowing hard. One more time, the captain evaluates the situation.
Gran is the Main Character

Right now, terror sweeps like wildfire across the skies. People left and right flee like helpless woodland creatures from Astrals, who should have vanished generations ago.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Right now, terror sweeps like wildfire across the skies. People left and right flee like helpless woodland creatures... from Astrals, who should have vanished generations ago.
There is only one way to explain this, one answer to Linaria's question. The crew is in the time of...

    Vyrn: What?
    Leere: The... War?
    Leere asks how "a war" can be an age.
    She does not know that the War is what historians call the period of strife between the Astrals and the skydwellers.
    And that is because, the captain realizes, she is living in the midst of it, before the War ever had a name...

    Bonfire Ballet: Scene 3

    Leere reveals to Diantha that she is in love with the camp's leader. However, because she is not an exceptional warrior like Citlali, she fears he will never look her way. Suddenly they are interrupted by bells warning of a primal beast attack.

    Chorus of Five: ...
    Vyrn & Lyria: ...
    Urged on by Xolotl's prophecy, the crew has sailed the skies to a far away land.
    What they did not expect, however, was to sail the years to a far away time—to when Phantagrande was swept up in the winds of the War.
    Linaria: We're living through the War? Right now? What's going to happen to us? What do we do?
    Canna: Hm... How about...
    Canna: Nothing!
    Harie: Haha... Then we won't get anywhere.
    Canna: I meant, let's think first! Figure out what we should be doing... Then we can do it!
    Leere: ...
    Diantha: More than should... is there anything we can do?
    Diola: I think there is. My gut's telling me that this is all "according to plan."
    Canna: Let's start by figuring out the plan then!
    Canna: Right now, we've got no direction. So we should just sit tight and wait for a sign. Better than running around blind.
    Leere: You're very optimistic. Being lost is a scary thing, you know?
    Canna: Haha... I know. And I know we're in a lot of danger right now. But let's say things do take turn for the worse. Best to be calm, right?
    Leere: Right... Logically speaking...
    Leere stops suddenly. The crew looks up at a blank wall.
    Leere: Permission to report, sir.
    Leader: Erm... And you are? A new recruit, perhaps?
    A man's voice sounds from the charmed rock, resonating in the chamber.
    Leere: My name is Leere. I joined this camp long ago.
    Leader: Ah... Yes, yes. I apologize. I'm not good with names and faces. And your report?
    Leere: Several skydwellers have joined our forces.
    Leader: Ah. So they are the new recruits. And what can you do? Girl with the chestnut locks. You will speak for the group.
    Diantha: Huh... Me?
    Diantha: Well... the five of us can sing and dance...
    Leader: Good. Quite a useful skill. Keeps morale up. And your names are easy to remember.
    Leere: ...
    Leader: Just out of curiosity, would any of you happen to be the bard of the Nine-Realm Harp? Well... I suppose not. Rumors say he's an old man.
    Leader: In any case, allow me to formally welcome you to our camp. You will be safe here. Please, stay as long as you wish.
    Leere: All right. We can go now.
    Leader: Oh, just a minute. Erm... You, the one I thought was a new recruit.
    Leere: Sir.
    Leader: Is Citlali around?
    Leere: She's gone to look for her companion.
    Leader: Yes... She often does, doesn't she? But she is crucial to this camp. Please, tell her not to stray too often or too far.
    Leere: Understood.
    Leere: Will I ever find it?
    Leere speaks in a small voice, glancing back towards the chamber.
    Diantha: Hm?
    Leere: My place, my role. Right now, I'm useless, but if I wait... will a sign come for me too?
    Diantha: Useless? You guided us through the caves, Leere. You helped us.
    Leere: It's not enough. You saw what just happened. Our leader doesn't even recognize me. I am a nobody.
    Leere: But you and your crew... You're different. From me, from everyone in this camp... I thought you might have some answers.
    Diantha: Different in what way?
    Leere: How you think, how you feel? I don't know... You're from a different world, right? But you seem so... unfazed by everything.
    Diantha: Mm...
    Diantha: We think... we were called here for a reason.
    Diantha: You know, ever since I was young, I would just go where life took me. I did what it asked of me and accepted what it gave me... And one day, it led me to a very special someone.
    Leere: ...
    Diantha: It's tough being like a fish out of water, not knowing how or why you're here. But I believe good things come to those who wait.
    Diantha: I can't say why, but I really think things will turn out all right.
    Leere: I see...
    Leere: I also have a special someone. I'd lost my home and all direction in life... when he saved me.
    Leere: He's my hero. I want to repay his kindness... but with what? I have nothing.
    Leere: I can't properly wield a sword or spear. My magic is nothing out of the ordinary... I am nothing out of the ordinary. I'll never earn a name like Citlali Yaotl... like Star Warrior.
    Vyrn: Is that what her name means? Star Warrior...
    Leere: Yes. Citlali is powerful. Her strength rivals that of the stars. Even primal beasts are no match. That's why our leader remembers her.
    Leere: And I... will always be a shadow with no name...
    Diantha: ...
    Diantha leans in and speaks quietly.
    Diantha: Are you in love?
    Leere: Yes.
    Diantha: So am I. And when you're in love, Leere, you could give them the sun and the moon, and it will still feel like you owe them.
    Diantha: I... don't know if this will make you feel better, but can I pray for you?
    Leere: ...?
    Of course.
    Diantha walks shoulder-to-shoulder with Leere and takes her hand.
    Diantha: I pray that the future will be full of great things.
    I raise my voice on high and sing...
    Leere: Was that your prayer?
    Diantha: Yes. The five of us, we're the maidens of Xochitl Island. We pray for the people through song and dance.
    Leere: Xochitl? The island of flowers?
    Diantha: What? Is that what Xochitl means? But how did you know...
    Leere: Citlali told me.
    Diantha opens her mouth again, but before words can form, she is interrupted.
    Lyria: Oh!
    Vyrn: Huh? What's wrong, Lyria?
    Lyria: Something's coming... A primal beast!
    Lyria's eyes are distant, as if she can see through the rock to somewhere far, far away.
    Suddenly, a bell sounds within the cave. Its frantic tolling beats against the walls.
    Leere: It's the alarm! The enemy's found us!
    Vyrn: Oh, heck no! Hey, (Captain)!
    There is a ring as the captain's sword is unsheathed.
    Lyria: Right now, I sense only one primal beast. But it's extremely powerful...
    (Captain) orders the crew to evacuate.
    Then the captain turns to join the flow of warriors rushing to the entrance of the cave.
    Lyria: Wait! Don't! Stay close to (Captain)!
    Diantha: Huh?
    Lyria: I-it's coming through the wall!
    Lyria points, and the crew looks.
    It starts as an imperceptible tremble. But the tremors grow more and more violent, and dust begins to spew from the rock walls like fumes off a waterfall.
    Primal Beast: Grr...
    The rocks shattered. The night air streams in, and the crew can see the forest, swathed all in darkness except for one pair of glowing eyes.
    Chorus of Five: Eep!
    (Captain) steps between the beast and the maidens.
    Primal Beast: Grrr...
    Diantha: ((Captain)! Please, Xolotl. Protect our captain!)
    Primal Beast: Roooar!
    Golden blades whirring, the primal beast bears down on (Captain).

    Bonfire Ballet: Scene 4

    (Captain) defeats the primal with the help of Citlali and her dear friend—a colossal dog named Xolotl. After they wake to find themselves back at the inn, the maidens recall the legend of Xolotl and his ill-fated battle against Citlali... and hope that their performance will help them make amends.

    Primal Beast: Roooar!
    (Captain) struggles to control the raging tide of battle.
    (Captain): ...!
    But the foe has both hide harder than all the minerals of the earth...
    And agility greater than even the smallest insect, darting in and out of shadows to strike at the captain's weak points.
    Primal Beast: Grawr!
    Diantha: (Captain)!
    Its power rivals that of the greatest primal beasts. And (Captain) remembers...
    That this is the height of the War.
    Silent Folk: ...
    Silent Folk: ...
    To skydwellers of this era, primal beasts are very close, very solid, and very real. They are like a blade hanging over the neck.
    The fear of them is thus thick and full of energy—palpable enough for the beasts to drink so it courses through their bodies, filling them with strength.
    Diantha: ...
    Diantha: (Xolotl! Hear me! If there's a reason why we're here... if there's some role for us to play... then please, protect (Captain)!)
    Diantha prays for Xolotl to take shape, to shield the captain from the withering blows.
    Diantha: (We need (Captain)! Please!)
    Nothing happens.
    Diantha: Why can't... I reach him? Because we're in... a different age?
    Shock and despair has sucked all the life from Diantha's voice.
    Hope shrivels from her heart, and her prayers become wild, desperate begging...
    For someone... anyone...
    Citlali: Haaah!
    Citlali flies in like a cannonball out of the dark.
    Primal Beast: ...!
    The captain takes a deep breath and slides back into a fighting stance.
    Citlali: (Captain)! I see you too are a Star Warrior! You fought well!
    Citlali lifts her head. Putting two fingers in her mouth, she sends forth a piercing whistle.
    In response, there comes a rhythmic thudding, like the sprinting of giant paws.
    ???: ...!
    Diantha: Oh no... What now...?
    Diola: Don't worry. Seems your prayers got through after all.
    Diantha: Huh?
    Citlali: My friend is come! We will win!
    ???: Groar!
    Primal Beast: ...!
    A great beast bursts through the trees. Its bared fangs gleam like swords.
    Linaria: Diantha! Are you seeing this?
    Diantha: A giant dog? It can't be!
    Citlali: Come, (Captain)! Let us overwhelm the stars!
    Citlali leaps astride the great dog. They charge at their foe, (Captain) flying like an arrow alongside them.
    Primal Beast: ...!
    All three deliver a blow at the same time. The primal beast crumples...
    Primal Beast: ...
    There is a moment of silence.
    Then one voice after another is heard as the once-silent folk spill into the glade, cheering the miraculous victory.
    Leader: Citlali, where were you? We were in grave peril.
    Citlali: I have found my friend. He will save us from peril, twice over.
    Citlali: Xolo! Fetch our store!
    The great dog comes between the young man and woman, laying at their feet game and fruit of the forest.
    Citlali: We bring food!
    Clamoring Folk: Hurrah!
    Leader: Hahaha! So you do. Starvation no longer stands at our door. Citlali, you are a hero to us all!
    Citlali: Well! There is great love between us! Now I will light a fire. Come, Tabane! Eat until you are full!
    Leere: ...
    Soon the smell of roasting meat wafts lazily through the air, and the people begin to feast.
    Diantha: The dog that's with her... Is that Xolotl?
    Citlali: Yes. Xolo is Xolotl. My dear friend!
    Diantha: Oh!
    Citlali: It seems your name has spread, my friend. How mighty you are! Come! Let me pet you!
    Citlali buries her face and hands in the fur that grows like tall grass on Xolotl's stomach.
    Citlali: Ah. There was one among you who was like a dog, yes? I shall pet you too!
    Diola: Oof...
    Citlali: Hahaha!
    Diola: My hair... It's all tangled now.
    Diantha: I'd heard Xolotl was strong, but... actually seeing the legend... is a completely different experience.
    Citlali: Indeed. Xolotl is powerful. He has saved us many times. And he will continue to do so!
    Diantha: And the champion who fought alongside Xolotl... that's—
    Citlali: Now! Tabane tells me you can dance and sing! Well? It is a feast! Let us have a song to brighten the spirits!
    Clamoring Folk: Hurrah!
    Diantha: Wait. Here? Now?
    Citlali: We had our victory, and we have our feast. All we need now is a song to make the hour more sweet!
    Diantha: Um, it's all so sudden. What do you guys think?
    Diola: Why not? It's what the prophecy wanted, right?
    Harie: Haha... I guess. We're a few epochs off, but it's still the same island.
    Linaria: I say we do it. Show them how darling we are, and give them a taste of heaven.
    Canna: Me too! Something tells me we aren't going to get another chance to perform during the War!
    Diantha: Haha... Well, you aren't wrong there...
    The people look up from clean plates and half-eaten fruit with bright eyes, like hopeful children.
    Diantha sweeps her eyes over the glade, before meeting Xolotl's gaze. And in those deep eyes, she finds the courage she needs.
    Diantha: Okay... Let's do it!
    Chorus of Four: Yeah!
    There is some hasty preparation, but soon enough, the maidens are lined up before the campfire, skin glowing softly in the light.
    The Maidens: Ti Icniuhtli Xolotl!
    Citlali: ...!
    Xolotl: ...?
    Citlali: Those words ring similar to my mother tongue. I believe they call you their friend, Xolo. Heh.
    Citlali: Yes. You are a great friend. Not only to me, but to us all.
    Citlali: Ti Mocniuhuan Mo Xolotl...
    The Maidens: This is a fairy tale.

    In a world where people have forgotten how to believe,

    We've descended as stars of hope—
    Leere: She also has a gift. She moves hearts with her voice.
    The Maidens: I pray that the future will be full of great things.
    I raise my voice on high and sing...
    Leere: And I pray... to meet that special someone.
    Leere turns her eyes to Citlali and Tabane. They sit side-by-side against Xolotl, lulled by the soft rise and fall of his flanks.
    Leere: It doesn't have to be now. It doesn't have to be the way I always dreamed it would be... But someday... I want to feel like I mean something.
    The Maidens: Thank you for everything!

    You are my most cherished treasure.

    One, two, three—I love you.
    Diantha: Mm... Mph...
    Diantha: Yawn...
    Diantha: What? I'm... back.
    Diantha sits up. She can feel a springy mattress beneath her and cotton sheets bundling on her lap. She looks around her, and the wooden walls of the inn look back.
    Diantha: Wait. Was that all a dream? But it felt so real...
    Diantha stumbles to the lobby, trying to sort out the thoughts in her head. She turns a corner and sees four pairs of eyes staring at her.
    Diantha: Oh. Good morning, everyone.
    Wide-Eyed Girls: ...
    Wide-Eyed Girls: ...
    Diantha: Wait. Don't tell me...
    All the girls sit or stand in a daze. The coincidence is too strong to overlook.
    Diantha: Did you all have a weird dream?
    Linaria: Yes, you could call it weird... Vivid might be a better word though. So you too, huh, Diantha?
    Diantha: Yeah. Xolotl was in it and two women named Citlali and Leere...
    Linaria: Thought so.
    They start trading conjectures.
    Harie: The reason Xolotl chose this island was probably because it was important to him...
    Diantha: Yeah... I think so too.
    Canna: And that "special something..." it was the time he spent with Citlali.
    Linaria: Hey. You think her descendants are here? Citlali's. Or Leere's.
    Diola: That would make the island all the more special. Remember?
    Old Woman: The dog's best friend was a skydweller warrior, and together they fought bravely and even defeated primal beasts.
    Old Woman: But dogs are loyal to their packs, and he was no exception. He longed to go back home.
    Old Woman: So the dog used his own power to twist fate and escape the Astrals' clutches. He finally made it home to his best friend, but...
    Old Woman: His friend was frightened by the dog's new form, and she drew her sword on her loyal companion.
    Diola: Citlali's descendants may not know who Xolotl is. But if we can perform for them and convert them into ichnia...
    Canna: Then they can be friends with Xolotl again!
    Diantha: All right. Let's do this.
    Diantha: You know, I was scared and anxious because the Head Priestess isn't here. But now that I know why I'm singing, I'm feeling pretty motivated.
    Chorus of Four: Yeah!
    Diantha: Oh, (Captain)! Good morning! Hey, did you happen to have a strange dream last night...
    They get to talking about the dream again, that little slip through time, and whether it was all planned by some weaver of songs and love.
    Either way, the dip into the past—into the time of the War—has washed away Diantha's worries and given her new direction.
    She and the maidens crisscross the island, preparing for their second performance and hoping against hope that, this time, they can give Xolotl the happily ever after that he deserves...