Scenario:Carmelina - Breaking the Revolt

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Breaking the Revolt

(Captain) and company stop in a mountain village for some rest. Carmelina notices the villagers looking gloomy and decides to entertain them with a show. As she's preparing, the crew hears that monsters have invaded the village.

While on the way through some mountains, the crew stops in a village for a little rest, but something seems to be amiss.
Vyrn: What a gloomy place... Even the air feels heavy here.
Katalina: And the residents seem so down. What's going on?
Carmelina: This place is so bleak! I bet there's nothing fun to do around here at all!
Katalina: Um... You might want to keep your voice down.
Carmelina: But just look at this place... I bet they never cut loose at any festivals or anything.
Carmelina: If you don't have some fun once in a while, this is what happens.
Lyria: You sure look excited, Carmelina!
Carmelina: Is it that obvious? It's times like this that an entertainer can truly shine!
Carmelina: I want to surprise all these exhausted people with an incredible performance!
Vyrn: Oh? Looks like you're all pumped up! I guess we'll get ready to watch the show too!
Carmelina: Watch? Why don't you and Lyria help me this time?
Lyria: What? I don't know about that...
Vyrn: Maybe another time...
Carmelina: Come on, come on! Just think of it like practice as usual, Lyria!
Carmelina: Okay, repeat after me! Astral projection!
Lyria: A-astral projection...
Lyria summons Yggdrasil while reciting her line.
Yggdrasil: ...
Carmelina: But wait—there's more!
Lyria: Flowers, flowers, everywhere!
Carmelina: Hahaha! You're both sooo cute!
Yggdrasil: ...
Lyria: Urgh... This is embarrassing...
Vyrn: Haha! That should get their attention!
Carmelina: Nope. Doing that is your job as the first act, Vyrn.
Vyrn: No way! I never agreed to that!
Carmelina: Hehe... Stuff like this happens all the time in the entertainment business!
Carmelina: This is the perfect time for your debut as a performer! I'm sure they'll love it!
Vyrn: Ugh... My stomach is starting to hurt...
Lyria: Oh... Me too...
Monster: Groar!
Ruffian: Monsters! Evacuate, everyone!
Vyrn: What? But we just got here!
Carmelina: I guess we can't start our performance yet... but the show must go on!

Breaking the Revolt: Scene 2

The monsters were released by village workers intent on starting an uprising to protest the harsh working conditions. Carmelina watches the managers and workers argue, and she decides to perform to calm them down.

Carmelina: Hehe. I really showed those monsters the ol' slicey-dicey with my Moon Halo.
Ruffian: Yeah... Thanks. I almost got eaten there.
Carmelina: Always happy to be of service, big guy!
Vyrn: What happened here? Those monsters seemed really angry.
Ruffian: Well...
Ruffian: Those guys did it! They provoked the monsters and led them to our village!
Villager: Yeah, well! We had every right to!
Ruffian: And there you go admitting it! You'll pay for this little stunt!
Villager: But you guys started it! We've been working with barely any sleep!
Ruffian: You ungrateful little—we've got quotas to meet! Who do you think gave you your jobs?
Ruffian: You should have just shut up and done as you were told!
Carmelina: Come on, mister! There's no need to get so riled up!
Ruffian: Excuse me? Stay out of our business, outsider!
Vyrn: Hey now... Don't you realize she just saved you?
Ruffian: Shut up! This has nothing to do with you! Stay out of it or else!
Carmelina: As I thought, this is all because there's no entertainment in this village. Don't you think so too, mister?
Ruffian: Didn't I just tell you to keep your mouth—
Carmelina: You're all so grumpy because there's nothing fun to do here!
Carmelina: Let me show you something to get excited about!
Carmelina: Watch my show and be amazed! Surprises, delights, and big smiles are in store for you!
Ruffian: Are you even hearing me?
Ruffian: You keep blabbing on and on... If you can't keep your mouth shut, I'll shut it for you!
Carmelina: Whoa! Slow down there, big guy! We're not supposed to start the show until everyone gets here!

Breaking the Revolt: Scene 3

As Carmelina fluidly dances around the villagers, some knights appear. They blame the manager there for not preventing the disturbance, which results in the manager and villagers growing increasingly combative. Before things get ugly, however, Carmelina again gets their attention with her acrobatics.

Ruffian: Crap... I can't get anywhere near her...
Carmelina: Hehe! That was just a preview of my moves!
Ruffian: If we don't get this settled soon, they're going to come down here. And that would be bad.
Knight: Who's this they you speak of?
Carmelina: Oh, goody! More spectators!
Ruffian: Ugh... The lord must have sent you...
Knight: Indeed. We're here to settle this little disturbance.
Ruffian: Oh... Heh-heh... Disturbance? I wouldn't exactly call it that.
Knight: We've heard that the villagers released monsters here, but what happened after that?
Knight: Actually... never mind. It's clear that nothing's been settled yet. We were foolish to leave the management of workers to the likes of you.
Ruffian: Don't give me that! You scumbags have been taking a cut from our pay!
Ruffian: You've got some nerve acting all high and mighty! Don't act like you've done nothing wrong!
Knight: You dare to defy us? How amusing. In that case, we'd be glad to—
Carmelina: Hold on just a minute! Attention, everyone!
Ruffian: Huh? You again?
Knight: What is your business here? And what makes you think an outsider like you has a say?
Carmelina: Hehe! There's no need to fight!
Knight: Fight? Nonsense! I am merely punishing a negligent manager!
Ruffian: Me? I'm not the negligent one here!
Carmelina: Stop! Stooop!
Carmelina: Don't you guys know who the real bad guy is here?
Villager: It's obvious! The managers!
Ruffian: Huh? It's the employers and the workers!
Knight: You've got a lot of nerve...
Carmelina: Nope. The answer is... the village itself!
Carmelina: There's no entertainment here! It's no wonder you're all so stressed out!
Carmelina: But it won't be fun for anyone if you get in a fight and hurt yourselves. So why don't we take a little break?
Carmelina gives her trademark smile to the agitated crowd; the tension in the air eases a little.
Then, with a chuckle, she throws her chakram high into the air to begin her show.

Breaking the Revolt: Scene 4

Carmelina's audience soon forgets about their quarrel. She promises to return for another show if everyone gets along, and thus restores peace to the village while gaining a few fans.

The spectators can't believe their eyes as Carmelina gracefully leaps between the villagers.
And they're even more surprised when they realize that she has somehow disarmed all of them during her performance.
Carmelina: But we're just getting started! Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for Vyrn!
Carmelina: Come on, Vyrn! Introduce yourself!
Vyrn: Huh? It's my turn already?
Vyrn: Umm... Uh... I, uh, I ain't no lizard!
Villager: No way! That lizard's talking!
Vyrn: Hey! I just said I ain't no lizard!
Carmelina: Coming up next, let's hear a warm welcome for... Lyria!
Lyria: Astral projection!
Ruffian: Aaah! Where did that thing come from!
Knight: Aaah!
Carmelina: But wait—there's more!
Lyria: Flowers, flowers, everywhere!
Woman 1: Wow... They're beautiful!
Woman 2: Incredible!
Lyria: Hehe... We really surprised them!
Lyria: It's fun getting to see their happy faces.
Yggdrasil: ...
Carmelina: And now it's time for my performance! Don't blink, or you might miss it!
Carmelina: Here I go!
Carmelina strikes a pose and then captivates the crowd with her incredibly graceful movements.
By the time she finishes, the people are too busy applauding to remember that they were quarreling.
Spectators: Woooo! We love you, Carmelina!
Carmelina: Hehe! That's the end of today's show!
Carmelina: How was it, everyone?
Spectators: Yeeeaaah! Carmeliiina!
Carmelina: Would you like me to come back and perform again?
Spectators: Yeeeaaah! Carmeliiina!
Carmelina: But you won't be able to enjoy my show if you fight each other and get hurt, right?
Spectators: ...
Carmelina: So... everyone play nice until we come back.
Carmelina: Okay?
Villager: Sure!
Carmelina: You too!
Ruffian: All right! Of course!
Carmelina: And you?
Knight: Yes! We will! We'll make sure to keep this village and its people safe!
Carmelina: Thank you, everyone! Peace!
Spectators: Peace!
Spectators: Yeeeaaah! Carmeliiina!
After that, Carmelina and the rest of the crew are rewarded with the warm hospitality of the villagers, finally getting a chance to rest.
Although Lyria and Vyrn were thrown into the show without so much as a rehearsal, they sleep easy that night, proud that their performance had been well received.