Scenario:Mary - Flower of the Night Sky

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Flower of the Night Sky

(Captain) and company find a large crowd while walking on the beach. The tourists are here for the Brilliance Festival, but this year's festival is in danger of being canceled due to monster attacks.

While the crew strolls through the resort, people begin to gather.
Girl: They're not going to hold the festival? Why?
Mother: Sigh, and we came all this way too. What a pity.
Pyrotechnician: I'm sorry, but with so many monsters around, we can't prepare for the festival in peace. No Brilliance Festival this year, I'm afraid.
Mary: Wow, look at this crowd!
Ngh, sorry! Excuse me! Coming through!
Mary: Hey, what are you all gathered here for? What's this about the Brilliance Festival?
Pyrotechnician: Hm? You tourists? The Brilliance Festival is famous in these parts. It's a traditional festival that we pyrotechnicians manage.
Mary: Pyrotechnicians? Wait, you're a pyrotechnician for the Brilliance Festival? Wow! That's amazing!
Pyrotechnician: Uh... Y-yeah. You know what pyrotechnicians are?
Mary: Of course! Pyrotechnicians use gunpowder that gives off a special light and they shoot it into the night sky to create flowers of light!
Mary: Every year, skilled pyrotechnicians from all over are selected to go on tour here for the Brilliance Festival.
Pyrotechnician: Oh? You seem to know a lot about pyrotechnicians for someone so young!
Mary: Hehe! I used to go to the Brilliance Festival with my family. That's when I learned about them.
Vyrn: A festival of flowers made of light? Seems pretty cool! I want to check it out!
Lyria: Wow! Me too!
Pyrotechnician: And we'd love to hold the festival too. Sadly, due to the increase in monsters around here, we have to cancel this year.
Mother: Ahh! I-it's a monster!
Monster: Gwooaargh!
Mary: Geez! And we were right in the middle of a conversation too! Let's get this over with, (Captain)!

Flower of the Night Sky: Scene 2

(Captain) and company are asked by the festival hosts to protect them from the monsters. The crew happily accepts, and then defeats the monsters so the festival can proceed.

Pyrotechnician: What? H-how'd you take all those monsters out so fast?
Mary: Heh heh! That was nothing for us!
Pyrotechnician: Ha ha ha! You got a lot of grit! Hm... With you around, maybe we can hold the Brilliance Festival after all.
Pyrotechnician: Say! Think you can protect us from the monsters during the Brilliance Festival?
Pyrotechnician: Don't worry! We won't ask you to do it for free! Once the show begins, you can watch it from the best seats on the house!
Mary: Really? Hooray! You got a deal!
Girl: Wow! Thank you, miss!
Mother: Yes, thank you.
Mary: Ha ha. Leave it to us!
Pyrotechnician: Good! Preparations are complete! We're going to launch the fireworks soon—
Monster: Gwoooaaargh!
Mary: Oh, geez! Just when the show was about to start!
Pyrotechnician: Oh no! We have to protect the launch pad! We need your help here!
Girl: Sniff, please protect our festival!
Mary: Sure! Leave it to me! Let's do this, (Captain)!

Flower of the Night Sky: Scene 3

The monsters are chased off, but the main pyrotechnician is injured. Thankfully, under the pyrotechnician's instruction, Mary is able to light the flowers in the sky.

Pyrotechnician: Ngh... Can't believe I got hurt even with you guys around to protect us.
Vyrn: Hey! You okay? Guess this means the festival's canceled after all.
Mary: It's too bad, but it's not like there's only one pyrotechnician.
Girl: I wanna see the festival! Sniff... Waaah!
Mother: Now, now. We can't trouble (Captain) and the others any more than we have. Okay, dearie?
Mary: All right! Hey, mister! I'm used to handling gunpowder.
Mary: Why don't you show me what do you? I'm sure I can do it better than some amateur!
Pyrotechnician: Wha? I see... Maybe you can do it. All right! Listen carefully to what I'm about to tell you!
Under the guidance of the pyrotechnician, Mary sets up the launch pad.
While the pyrotechnician and audience count down, Mary lights the fuses.
Lyria: Wow! It's so beautiful... I've never seen anything like it!
Girl: Hooray! Thank you, miss! It's so pretty!
Mother: Ha ha, it sure is! Mary, thank you so much for doing this for us!
Pyrotechnician: Ha ha ha! I can't believe that was your first time! You got talent! Why don't you become my apprentice?
Mary: Huh? Me? An apprentice of a pyrotechnician?
Lyria: That's amazing, Mary! If he's impressed, you must have what it takes to be a pyrotechnician!
Mary: Mister. Thank you for the offer, but I'll have to pass. I'm only interested in treasure!
Vyrn: Yeah, and it would be bad for us if Mary left the party! Right, (Captain)?
Thanks to Mary, the Brilliance Festival comes to a successful close.
Though she does not obtain material treasure, her memories of that night are every bit as real.