Primal Beast Chrysis (NPC)

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Primal Beast Chrysis
RaceOfficially called "Type" in-game. Primal
GenderGender is a character attribute used for game mechanics. A character's lore, appearance, and other factors do not affect this attribute. Other
Voice Actor Rikiya Koyama
NameJP 星晶獣クリシス
Voice ActorJP 小山力也
ID 3992679000
Release Date 2022-05-14
Final Fantasy XI: Mirage Minstrel
The primal beast of stratagem. During the War, this primal was tasked with analyzing the war effort and devising effective strategies for victory in a certain skydom. Though normally weak-willed, that changed when Chrysis was commandeered by Shinryu. Shinryu's powers allowed the primal beast to create a self-aware entity, which he named Chrys. As Shinryu's influenced invaded Chrysis, the primal focused on using its power of stratagem to devise a plan to defeat Shinryu while creating the pathfinder stone and defending Diella Village. In desperation, he even traveled to the Sky Realm in search of an individual capable of combatting Shinryu. Now that Shinryu has been defeated, Chrysis's power will be used to get the off-worlders back to their own worlds.