Scenario:Caim - Cusp of a New Dawn
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Cusp of a New Dawn
With the battle concluded, Caim explains that the battlefield stemmed from a primal's memory of the War. By repeating this memory, the primal plans to destroy the world of the skies and create a new world in its place. (Captain) and company learn that their participation in the memory is the key to preventing such a calamity, and so they accept a card from Caim.
Vyrn: Whoa... We're back?
Their battle over, the crew members find themselves back on the Grandcypher.
Caim: Welcome back.
Lyria: Oh, hello, Caim!
Caim: I'm very happy to see that you're all safe.
Vyrn: What was that all about anyway?
Vyrn: It was like we got transported to some kind of battlefield back there.
Caim: You deserve a full explanation. And some thanks before that.
Caim: Despite the abrupt nature of the situation, you delivered exactly the results I had hoped for.
Caim: I knew you were the right choice for the job.
Vyrn: So we did good back there?
Caim: Yes. More than sufficient for your first go at it.
Lyria: Then we're not done yet?
Caim: I'll explain everything in due time.
Caim: The world you were transported to existed within the memory of a primal beast. One from the War, to be precise.
Vyrn: From the War? Are you saying we were transported to the past?
Caim: No. I said it was a memory, did I not?
Caim: Think of it as the ruminations of a primal beast. Memories that you enter into as they tumble around inside the beast's mind.
Lyria: Um... I'm not sure I understand.
Caim: You'll begin to understand soon enough. (Captain), can I see that card I gave you earlier?
(Captain) hands over the card, sensing a strange presence from it all the while.
Caim: This card is the key to thwarting one particular primal beast's foul schemes.
Vyrn: Whaddya mean by that?
Caim: He trawls through collective memories amassed from the time of the world's creation up to the present.
Caim: As you might imagine, the memory from the War is one of particular relevance to his goals.
Vyrn: Um, you said something about him collecting data?
Caim: Correct. The War was a major branching point in the history of this world.
Caim: And so the primal beast simulates the vast possibilities within that time period.
Lyria: I'm not sure I follow...
Vyrn: I don't know what's going on either, but hang in there, Lyria.
Caim: Whatever the case, your complete understanding is not required.
Caim: I explain all of this only in the sincere interest of engendering cooperation.
Vyrn: Hey, are you following any of this, (Captain)?
Lyria: Thank goodness we're on the same page, (Captain)!
Vyrn: That means none of us have any idea what's going on, Lyria!
Vyrn: Really?
Lyria: (Captain) can answer any questions if we get confused, then!
Continue 1
Caim: Whatever the case, the most pressing matter is his goal.
Caim: They're trying to create a new world.
Lyria: Wait, a new world? Like... the world we're in now, but different?
Vyrn: They can do that?
Caim: For him, little is impossible.
Lyria: I can't even imagine...
Vyrn: So let me get this straight. They're collecting info from throughout history to create a new world?
Caim: Precisely. That's what I want your crew to interfere with.
Vyrn: So what should we do exactly?
Caim: I want you to disrupt the primal beast's simulations of history.
Caim: To wit, you will enter its memories and fight, as you did just now.
Lyria: That's all we need to do to get in the way of it making a new world?
Caim: Yes. You're outsiders in the simulation. An unknown factor.
Caim: If the simulation doesn't proceed correctly, the primal beast won't be able to collect the necessary data for world creation.
Lyria: I see. I think I've got it now!
Vyrn: If that's what you need, count us in!
Caim: So you'll accept?
Vyrn: Yup! Just leave it to us!
Lyria: Oh, but what happens if the primal beast manages to create a new world?
Caim: One possibility is that the aftershocks of the creation process will obliterate the world we currently inhabit.
Vyrn: No way! You're serious?
Caim: Another possibility is that this world will survive, but with the Arcarum reigning over their newly created realm.
Caim: A catastrophe as grave as the War would likely occur again.
Vyrn: Tell me there's a third option here!
Caim: There is. You'll assist me in preventing such a catastrophe from happening in the first place.
Vyrn: Doesn't sound like this is going to be something we can just sleepwalk through.
Caim: I'm counting on you. Take this card, (Captain).
Caim gives the card to (Captain) once again.
Caim: This card is the key to interfering within the world of memory.
Lyria: There's something super mysterious about it.
Vyrn: I guess the thing we felt earlier wasn't just our imagination after all.
Caim: You mustn't let your guard down under any circumstances.
Vyrn: We won't! Let's sock it to this primal's memories, (Captain)!
And thus the battle to prevent the creation of a new world begins in earnest.
The key to victory is in (Captain)'s hands.
An eerie presence stares back from the card with a twisted smile.