Scenario:Elta and J.J. - Beachside Buddies
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Beachside Buddies
While rapping on the beach one morning, J.J. is captivated by a beautiful melody that turns out to be Elta's singing. Impressed by his musical talent, J.J. invites Elta to try rhyming some bars of his own. As the two bond and jam together, onlookers gather to listen to their musical mash-up.
The morning sun peeks over the ocean waves, painting the beach in soft, golden rays.
A man stands with his toes in the sand freestyling the tightest lyrics with only the rhythm of the waves as his accompanying beat.
J.J.: Yo! Brought the swagger to the beach, living life like a rap beast.
J.J.: Yeah! Rhymes overflowing from my soul, up-out-and-over, watch 'em go!
J.J.: Yeah, word! He's a demon with a punchline, rollin' over the sea and takin' in some sunshine.
J.J.: Yo! Yo! Say yo! Hey...
J.J.: ...?
Just as J.J. really starts to feel the soul of the music, something catches his attention.
???: ...
The sound of sweet singing cascades into his ear drums, causing him to stop dead in his tracks.
J.J.: Whoa! That's dope!
The voice, clear and well trained, glides through a beautiful melody.
Finding himself vibing with the tune, J.J. can barely stop his feet from stepping toward the source of the music.
Elta: Hehe... It sure feels great to sing on the beach in the morning...
With the vast sea before him, Elta arches his back and takes a big stretch.
A figure slowly approaches him from behind.
J.J.: Yo, man! A crazy tune so early in the morning; talent like that should come with a warning.
Elta: Aaah! D-don't come any—
Elta: Wait, J.J.?
Even though J.J. and Elta belong to the same crew, they've never had an opportunity to jam together.
Elta: A-heh... You, um, didn't hear me just now, did you?
J.J.: Most def.
J.J.: Check it. It's my ears you can't underestimate. They catch songs at an Astral's pace.
J.J.: I can tell you've got music to protect, and that's why you've got all my respect.
J.J.: When two genres meet on the beach, it's angelic, baby—you better preach.
J.J.: The way you handle that cello, making everybody at the beach so mellow.
J.J.: Yeah, classical vibes so addictive, so delicious. Food for your soul—that's heart-nutritious.
J.J.: And, yeah, I feel that passion: a free bird, a cool cat, one helluva mash-up.
J.J.: You're the realest, dealest skyfarer that ever did fare. The meanest, cleanest cellist that ever did... cell.
J.J.: Props to you, bard! You da real MVB!
Elta: Um... Did you make that song for me?
Elta: Wow... Such a fiery performance! Th-thank you so much!
Elta's cheeks flush at J.J.'s show of zealous respect.
J.J.: Hey man, I just rapped what I felt, okay?
Elta: Um... O-okay?
Elta: So did you just improvise that tune?
J.J.: Yep. One-hundred. Freestylists just spit out their emotions.
Elta: Still, it's amazing you can come up with a rhyme at the drop of a hat!
Elta: And the rhythm—your music is so exhilarating!
J.J.: Hey, much love. If it vibed with you, then I'm more than happy.
J.J.: But it's not magic. Anybody can wield the power of hip-hop.
Elta: Huh? Really? I don't think I could ever...
J.J.: No worries, man! Hip-hop is freedom.
J.J.: Yo, like, your identity is the ship and the beat is the skies. You use 'em both to go when you need to reach new heights!
Elta: Um... Drive... with my identity? You mean say a self-introduction?
J.J.: Hey! We can tay-tay-take that for a first shot! Now turn to the sea and let the ocean know who you are.
Elta: Wait, no practice first?
Elta wilts at the thought of the lyrical challenge, but J.J.'s expression is serious.
J.J.: Elta, my man, it's your time! Let your soul loose and give us a rhyme!
Elta: Fine, fine! You've convinced me! I'll give it a fair shot.
Elta takes a deep breath before his first foray into the rhyme dimension.
Elta: Elta is my name! I don't know where I'm from, um, I exclaim!
Elta: No memory of my parents and all on my own, the only thing I have is a very old song.
Elta: Yo! Eventually I became a musician. Singing songs and playing instruments is my mission.
Elta: Yeah! Music is really fun, I can feel it in my heart. We may be different people, but we can play the same part.
Elta: Yo! Whether you're a kid in a church choir or an old man waiting to retire—
Elta: Everybody put your voices together, and let's spit some hot fire!
Elta: And um... Th-thank you very much!
Elta: Hahaha... That was fun, but it barely had a rhythm. I shouldn't quit playing the cello just yet, huh?
J.J.: Man, cut it with the negativity.
Elta: Huh?
J.J.: Yo, hip-hop isn't just about how slick your rhymes are.
J.J.: Hehe... What really matters is how much of your soul you put into it.
Elta: Soul...
J.J.: Yeah, man! Your raps, they pierced straight through my heart.
J.J.: You were enjoying the jam, or were my eyes deceived?
Elta: No, you're right! I loved it!
Elta: When I was trying to put the words together, the ideas for where to go next just kept coming and coming!
Elta: Hehe. I guess hip-hop—well, all music really—is pretty great.
J.J.: That's the stuff. Now let me respond properly!
J.J.: Yo, yo! Check it!
Moved by Elta's rap prowess, J.J. begins to return a verse of his own.
J.J.: J.J.'s back, rockin' on the track! Everybody movin', how 'bout dat!
J.J.: You and I, we're much the same. Childhood spent wandering in pain.
J.J.: Spent some days laughing, some days crying, but all that bad ish is behind us.
J.J.: Because, yo, once you've got hip-hop—whether for richer or poorer—the good times don't stop!
J.J.: Yeah! Music, resounding through the streets! A social movement made of sick beats!
J.J.: Put down the sword, do battle with lyrics; no matter if it's love or war, music is the mission.
J.J.: Yo! Cut bad ties, raise your voice loud; give 'em that beat, bring in the crowd!
J.J.: This is my vision of a world changed through rap. Laugh at a dream? Now who's wack.
J.J.: Your criticism is bricks on my road, and after everyone knows my songs, it'll be paved in gold!
J.J.: One man! One vision!
Elta bursts into reflexive applause, his eyes alight with glee.
Elta: Oh my gosh! "Put down the sword, do battle with lyrics..."—that's what you truly believe, isn't it?
J.J.: Yeah! Change beating for beats, you know what I mean? That's hip-hop. You dig?
Elta: Haha... J.J., I can tell you're passionate from your lyrics. I really felt the soul you were talking about!
J.J.: Much love, much love. Hearing you rap your truth made me want to rap mine too.
Elta: It did? I think I'm starting to understand you a little bit better, J.J.
Elta: At first I thought we were totally different people, but we actually have a lot in common.
J.J.: I feel the same way...
J.J.: It's like, your music digs its way into my heart.
Elta: Yes! Your songs really resonate with me too!
Elta: It just reminds me how big a part music has come to play in my life.
Elta: Not to mention how a big a part it's yet to play too!
Elta: Heh... Sorry... I guess that got personal...
J.J.: Hahaha! Nah, man. No personal talk? No personal rap. Just shows you've got what it takes to be an MC.
J.J.: Which gets me thinking... Why don't we have a rap battle?
Elta: Wha! A b-battle? I really don't like fighting!
J.J.: Sorry, bro! Was just joking.
A grin crosses J.J.'s lips.
J.J.: Man... It's like we've just become each other's inspirations. Kinda wild how it happened just like that.
Elta: Haha... If you say so.
Now that J.J. and Elta have exchanged raps, they find a bond rapidly solidifying between them.
And as they ride this same brain wave, a thought simultaneously occurs to them.
J.J.: Yo... Even though our genres are like night and day, we both wanna make music, yeah?
Elta: Absolutely! You can say so much more with song than words, after all...
Elta readies his instrument.
J.J.: Yep! I feel it! Here comes the beat!
J.J.'s grin gets wider even as his eyes lock into a focused gaze.
J.J.: Let's go!
Elta hits this cue playing a percussive melody, creating the background track for yet another improvised performance between himself and J.J.
Vyrn: Geez... Where'd those two get off to anyhow? We're gonna take off soon.
Lyria: Wait, do you hear something? It's coming from the beach!
(Captain), Vyrn, and Lyria head toward the noise, where they discover a massive crowd.
Lyria: Whoa! I wonder if someone famous is here!
Elta: ...
J.J.: Say heeeey! Say hoooo! C'mon, c'mon, say oh-yo-yo!
Vyrn: Huh? Is that Elta... and Hip-Hop Head?
(Captain) begins to push through the crowd to chastise the pair, but the excited audience proves too enthralled.
Vyrn: Hehe... Look around! Everyone is lovin' Elta and Hip-Hop Head's show!
Lyria: Say, (Captain)... Why don't we enjoy their performance with the rest of the crowd too?
With the musical mastery of two crew members on display, (Captain) happily assents and pulls back to listen with Lyria and Vyrn.
Elta and J.J. finish their impromptu concert just as the sun starts to set into the sea.
Loud, unbroken applause erupts from their onlookers.
Man: Yo, yo! That was a dope show, rapper-guy!
Girl: Yeah! How about an encore, singer-man!
Eventually the congregation of new mash-up appreciators parts, leaving only (Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn with their musical crewmates.
Vyrn: Seriously, you guys, you could've told us you planned to put on a beach concert...
J.J.: Whoa, not our fault. We just started jamming and people showed up.
Elta: I'm sorry. We must've forgotten about the time while we were playing.
Lyria: No, it's okay! It was wonderful watching you both perform!
Vyrn: Yeah, it was rad! Watchin' you guys have fun made us have fun too!
Elta: Haha... Well, thank you then.
J.J.: Yo, Elta! Let's make music with the church kids next time.
Elta: That's a great idea! And then we can go to your home turf and do the same!
J.J.: Yes! Best idea! Sounds like our next concert is set!
J.J.: Yo, DJ (Captain)! You better get off this airship and come watch us play again!
(Captain) promises the duo that come primal attack or high water, they'll have their captain in the crowd.
After that, J.J. and Elta continue practicing their act in the comfortable belly of the Grandcypher.
Although their styles may differ, their souls beat to the same drum and dance to the same tune—a tune that when they play together, they share with any who care to listen.