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The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains/Story
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The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Opening
Farrah heads into the mountains of Fehrtyl Island in search of the elusive greatshrooms that grow there. Meanwhile, a band of thugs led by a man named Rhens arrives on the island with much more nefarious plans.
(Captain) and the crew arrive at Fehrtyl Island, also known as the "bountiful island" for its fertile and flourishing landscape.
Farrah: According to the villagers, it's a peculiar mushroom that grows alone under fallen leaves...
After getting word of a rare delectable native to this island, Farrah heads alone into the mountains to hopefully procure some for dinner.
She searches around fervently, rooting through the leaves. Finally, her hand brushes against something smooth.
Farrah: Whoa! Could this be it? We've finally found one at last—a greatshroom!
Farrah plucks the prime specimen from the ground and dances with joy. However, her face clouds over.
Farrah: Hmm... I don't know, though. It looks like you could eat it... But then again, it could be poisonous...
Farrah: The villagers did say there were a lot of dangerous mushrooms around here...
???: Blurp...
Farrah: ...!
???: Blurp-blorp...
Farrah: Wh-what is that thing, a mushroom monster? I've never seen anything like this!
???: Furp... Foomp...
Farrah: It doesn't look like a myconid or eyeshroom either... Either way, I'm not about to get taken down by fungi!
???: Blurp-blorp...
Farrah: Huh?
???: Blurp-blorp, blurp-blorp...
Farrah: Uh-oh... This doesn't look good.
???: Furp fooomp!
Farrah: Gyaaah! Katalinaaa!
Surrounded by bizarre fungi, Farrah finds herself in a most sticky situation.
Meanwhile, trouble begins to brew at the foot of the mountain as well.
Thug 1: You there! The hell you lookin' at?
Village Boy: Eeep! M-me? B-but... You're the one who was looking at me!
Thug 2: What was that? You talkin' back to me? Don't make me give it to ya!
Village Boy: G-give what, now? Try anything and I... I'll call the guards!
???: Enough!
Thug 1: What? You got a problem too? Oh, Rhens. It's just you.
Rhens: Listen here, kid. Mess with bad guys like us, and you're gonna get it. Know what I mean? Trust me—when we give it to ya, you'll know just what I mean.
Rhens: So you'd best be headin' back where you came from... Before someone gets hurt, ya know? Good, now scram!
Village Boy: Eeep!
Thug 2: Heh-heh... Letting him go! Look at you, mister nice guy.
Rhens: Use your heads, idiots. What if he actually called the guards? Don't you remember why we're here?
Thug 1: Yeah, of course. The thing.
Thug 2: That's right... The, uh, what again?
Rhens: Listen close, 'cuz I'm not gonna tell you again. If we just do that, we'll get the you-know-what here on this island... and then it's all that, all day!
Thug 1: Wait, uh... What was the last thing again?
Rhens: Domination of the skies, of course! Come on, move it!
Thugs 1 & 2: Yes boss!
These shady characters have also made their way to Fehrtyl Island around the same time as (Captain) and the crew.
Their ambition to dominate the skies will undoubtedly lead them to cross paths with (Captain), for better or worse.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 1: Fantastic Mountain Dwelling - Episode 1
Farrah is saved from the mysterious mushroom monsters by Yodarha, who has come to the mountain seeking the same greatshrooms as Farrah. They reunite with (Captain) and the crew, and head deeper into the mountains in search of the elusive mushrooms.
???: Furp fooomp!
Farrah: Gyaaah! Katalinaaa!
Surrounded by bizarre and violent fungi, Farrah fights for her life.
While normally capable of holding her ground, the sheer numbers threaten to overwhelm her.
Farrah: Grrr... Looks like I've got no choice but to charge through!
Farrah: Hyaaah!
Farrah: Huh?
???: Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk! Not hurt, are you, lass?
Farrah: Master! What're you doing here?
The mysterious old man who rescues Farrah is another member of (Captain)'s crew.
His name is Yodarha: An elderly harvin who claims to be a simple fisherman.
His advice can be cryptic and obscure, but it has helped the crew on numerous occasions. Farrah has taken to calling him "Master."
Yodarha: Me? Same as you—I'm here to find me some greatshrooms.
Yodarha: Once you've had them, their sublime flavor stays with you forever!
Farrah: So that's why... Anyway, I'm just glad you showed up!
Vyrn: Heeey! You okay?
Lyria: Farrah!
Farrah: Oh! Are you guys here for mushrooms too?
Vyrn: Nah, we heard you went off on your own into the mountains, so we hurried after you.
Vyrn: Seriously... At least tell us where you're going!
Farrah: Heh-heh... I guess I just wanted to surprise you all with a greatshroom, that's all.
Lyria: A greatshroom? What's that?
Yodarha: Oh, you haven't heard of them?
Yodarha explains the bounty of flavors this mountain has to offer to (Captain) and the crew, who have newly arrived at this island.
Lyria: A gift from the gods, the sweetcap greatshroom...
Yodarha: Yep... They're known to grow in seclusion, rather than in clusters, making 'em tough to find.
Farrah: But they taste and smell incredible! As soon as I heard that, I just went on my own without thinking...
Vyrn: Sheesh... Can't you just buy some in the village?
Farrah: No, actually! They're only selling dried ones from last year. Not to mention that they were crazy expensive!
Vyrn: So your plan was to come out here all alone into the mountains without a guide...
Lyria: That's right... The villagers told us that this area is full of dangerous mushrooms during this time of year.
Farrah: Haha... I thought they only meant to watch out for poisonous mushrooms!
Vyrn: Those were some nasty looking monsters. I hear there are more of 'em this year than ever, too.
Vyrn: I'm cool with picking mushrooms, but shouldn't we go back to the village and find a guide or someone?
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk! No worries... I know this mountain quite well, actually!
Farrah: Master, you were saying something about that just earlier. Have you been here before?
Yodarha: Yep... Back in the day this mountain here used to be a stomping ground of sorts for me.
Yodarha: Do tell, lass. Who told you exactly where to find these greatshrooms?
Farrah: No one, actually... I just started looking around spots that looked like they'd have some.
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk! Not bad! Those monsters just now are known as fog fungi. They're often found where greatshrooms grow!
Farrah: Fog fungi? Those horrible mushrooms? What are they, master?
Yodarha: Parasitic mushrooms, I guess you could call them. They grow on living creatures on this mountain.
Yodarha: They come from beyond the mountain fogs and bring forth ruin wherever they go... At least that's what they say here in these parts.
Lyria: Um... So are you saying that we're in danger by being on this mountain?
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk! No need to worry! It'll take a lot more before they'll grow on a person.
Yodarha: And they're not all bad, either. Think of 'em like messengers, letting us know that the bounty of greatshrooms is ready.
Yodarha: After all, they're both fungi, meaning they like the same kind of conditions.
Yodarha: So if there's a lot of fog fungi, that means lots of greatshrooms for the taking too!
Vyrn: Easier said than done... I dunno about you, but I wouldn't want to fight a horde of those!
Yodarha: They can be a bit of a pain to deal with, but with all of you here it shouldn't be a problem at all! Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk!
Yodarha: So what do you say? Tonight, we dine on the rare and elusive greatshroom!
Yodarha leads the crew into the autumn tinted mountains, where a trove of flavors and adventure await them.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 1: Fantastic Mountain Dwelling - Episode 2
Rhens and his comrades find a guide in the village to take them through the mountains. Meanwhile, Yodarha ties Farrah and (Captain) to a tree by their legs.
As (Captain) and the others head deeper into the mountain, Rhens and his crew arrive at Fehrtyl island.
They wander the village in search of someone that can guide them through the mountains.
Woman: You're heading into the mountains? It's dangerous this time of year, you know?
Rhens: Yeah, I know what you're gonna say. Those myconid-lookin' monsters, right?
Woman: You know about them? Then you should know that no villager would dare to go up there during fog fungus season.
Woman: If you want some greatshrooms, it would be wise to wait until they're gone.
Rhens: Heh! Sorry, but we don't got that kind of time! I think we can handle a few monsters!
Thug 1: Got that right! You know where we can find us a guide then?
Woman: Well, if that's the case, I suppose I could guide you for an extra fee... But I still don't recommend it.
Rhens: Ya don't say? Go on then.
Woman: Well, let's see... For half a day in the mountains, you'll be looking at...
Rhens and his men's jaws collectively drop upon seeing the price offered by their prospective guide.
Rhens: Sure... You might have us over a barrel, but you're pushing your luck, lady!
Woman: This is the best I can do. All of us qualified guides have been taxed lately, you see.
Woman: Sorry, but you won't find a lower price from the other guides either. I'd charge you less if I could.
Rhens: Damn! Guess we don't have a choice...
Thug 2: Well, if we find the you-know-what, we'll be golden! Let's just pay.
Rhens: All right, lady. We'll take your offer. If we find what we're lookin' for, we'll throw in a little somethin' extra, too.
Woman: If you insist... I just don't wish for the mountain to take any more lives.
Thug 1: Heh-heh! Thanks, lady! We'll handle the monsters.
Woman: Just promise me that if things get nasty, we'll turn back. A horde of fog fungi could be the end of us.
Rhens: Heh... You're workin' with a master swordsman in training, lady! Nothin' to worry about!
Woman: Oh, is that so? I'll be counting on you then, master swordsman.
Woman: I apologize again... I would've given you a discount under different circumstances...
Woman: (Just as planned...)
Having successfully found a guide, Rhens and his cronies begin to head for the mountains.
Yodarha leads (Captain) and the crew through the bountiful mountain trails.
Farrah: So where are we headed?
Yodarha: First things first. We have to prepare.
Lyria: Prepare? To pick mushrooms?
Yodarha: That's right. Picking greatshrooms can be a little tricky, you see.
Farrah: Really? It didn't seem like anything out of the ordinary when I found one.
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk! You'll see, you'll see!
Vyrn: Whew... I still have no idea what this old guy's thinking sometimes.
The crew continues following Yodarha through the mountains, until he suddenly stops in his tracks.
Yodarha: This looks like a good spot.
Yodarha has stopped underneath a single tree.
Yodarha: Right then. (Captain) and you, lass. Come step over here. The lizard and the other lass, over there.
Farrah: What's this all about?
Everyone moves into their positions as instructed. Yodarha has planned a special surprise specifically for (Captain) and Farrah.
Farrah: Huh?
Before they realize, Farrah and (Captain) find their legs tied with rope to the tree.
Yodarha: Right! Let's get started! Hyuk-hyuk!
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 1: Fantastic Mountain Dwelling - Episode 3
Under Yodarha's training, Farrah and (Captain) fight off a cascade of steelnuts while tied to a tree. Meanwhile, Rhens and his mean head into the mountains with the guide, and accidentally reveal that they're here to find the master of the mountain.
Yodarha: Here we go! Watch your head, lass!
Yodarha gives the tree a kick, causing something to fall from above. The tied-up group barely manages to avoid them.
Farrah: Wha... Whoa!
A large, thorny nut lands on the ground by Farrah's feet, barely missing her by a hair's breadth.
Yodarha: They don't call 'em steelnuts for nothing, so don't let 'em hit you on their way down!
Farrah: M-Master! Now just hold on a second!
With no time to get the ropes off their feet, (Captain) and the crew have no choice but avoid the onslaught of nuts from above.
Vyrn: H-hey! What's the meaning of this, old man!
Yodarha: This? Why, training of course! Or would you rather have those fog fungi shred you up?
Farrah: W-wait, master! What does this have to do with those mushrooms!
Yodarha: You'll understand soon enough! Now draw your swords! Get busy slicin' or get busy hurtin'!
Farrah: (He's just as crazy as ever!)
Farrah: (But just because he won't say it directly doesn't mean there isn't a good reason behind this!)
Farrah: (We're just gonna have to do this!)
Recognizing the resolution in Farrah's eyes, (Captain) also prepares to engage.
Farrah: Here goes, (Captain)!
Farrah: Hyaaah!
With a new guide in tow, Rhens and his cronies head into the mountains.
Rhens: Heh-heh... So this is where my domination of the skies begins...
Thug 1: Heh-heh... We'll be on easy street for life if this goes well!
Woman: Tell me, boys, just what are you planning on doing here?
Rhens: (Listen up, guys. Don't let her in on you-know-what. We don't want the villagers to cause a fuss. Got it?)
Thug 2: (You got it, boss!)
Rhens: Why, you ask? We're just three friends lookin' to find some mushrooms. Hear they're mighty tasty.
Woman: Oh? They sell greatshrooms in the village too, you know. Can't you just buy some?
Thug 1: Gahaha! 30,000 rupies for a dried up mushroom is a little steep!
Woman: You boys don't look too strapped for money.
Rhens: Appearances can be deceiving. I always try to look my best.
Woman: Still, I'm sure there are plenty of ways you could make money. You're strong and have a nice face, after all.
Thug 1: Oh? Y-you really think so? Heh-heh!
Woman: I bet the girls in the village can't leave you alone. A little sweet talk and you could eat all the greatshrooms you want.
Thug 2: That ain't gonna cut it. See, we're after the master.
Woman: The master? Are you serious?
Rhens: (Idiot! Just tell her everything, why don't you?)
Thug 2: (This lady... She's got quite the silver tongue!)
Rhens: (What a shame. We can't leave her alive now she knows our plans)
Woman: Hahaha! The master of the mountain? Really? That's just an old wives' tale! You don't really expect to find it, do you?
Thug 1: Huh! What's that supposed to mean?
Woman: Only one person has ever claimed to have seen it, I'm afraid. It must have been decades ago.
Rhens: I... I see...
Woman: Well then. Let's collect some greatshrooms and search for the master... Hahaha! Good one!
Rhens: She's clearly mocking us... We'll show her!
Woman: Once you find the master, what's next? A three-way split of all the lovely proceeds?
Rhens: Huh? Oh, uh... I guess. Heh-heh...
Thug 1: Heh-heh! Let's just get the money first!
Thug 2: You guys, always up to no good.
All Three: (A three-way split? Hah!)
All Three: (After I get rid of you losers, I'm taking it all for myself! Hahaha!)
Woman: Anyways. Let's stay on the path here. It's dangerous to go off on your own.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 1: Fantastic Mountain Dwelling - Episode 4
Farrah and (Captain) finish their training, leaving a pile of freshly cracked steelnuts. After picking up the literal fruits of their labor for himself, Yodarha discards the shells off a nearby cliff.
As Rhens and his thugs scheme at the base of the mountain, Farrah and the crew finish their steelnut training.
Farrah: I gotta say, I feel like I've learned something.
Farrah: Wait, master! What are you picking up those nuts for?
Yodarha: Why not? Waste not, want not as they say, right?
Vyrn: Wait a sec... Don't tell me you made this whole training regimen up just 'cause you wanted some nuts!
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk! Who knows! Come on, let's get moving!
Having finished gathering the fruit of the nuts, Yodarha discards their spiky shells over a cliff's edge.
???: Graaaah!
Lyria: Did you hear something just now?
Yodarha: It must've been a cat or something. Come on, keep up!
Fog Fungus: Fooomp!
Vyrn: Whoa, monsters!
Farrah: The same ones from before! They must've gathered after hearing the noise we were making!
Yodarha: Let's take them on, shall we? Try and put what you learned just now into practice!!
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 1: Fantastic Mountain Dwelling - Episode 4: Scene 2
A barrage of steelnuts begins to cascade on Rhens and his party. With a practiced sword, he slashes them away without a hitch, although his cronies aren't as lucky.
As (Captain) and the crew fight off the monsters, Rhens and his party encounter some new problems of their own.
Thug 1: Ow, ow, ow! What the hell are these?
Thug 2: Damn, I can't get it out! Where'd these spiky nuts even come from?
Woman: Oh dear... Those look like steelnuts. They often grow on cliffs, so watch out when walking below them.
Rhens: Oh, from those trees, huh... Yeah, I can definitely see some big ones up there.
Rhens: Don't let your guard down, boys. This is nothing compared to what's waiting for us ahead!
Rhens chastises the others while sheathing his sword. He was able to react in time to the falling stealnuts and slash them away
Thug 1: Man, you could've at least warned us or something!
Rhens: Heh, sorry. It happened all too fast. I'm just glad they didn't get you too badly.
Thug 2: What's this? Was that a hint of concern I heard in your voice just now?
Rhens: Hey! We're a team guys, a team. At least here on the mountain.
Thug 1: Y-yeah... Still, sounds like you're plannin' something...
Rhens: Haha! Who knows.
Rhens: (I might need these meat-shields if anything goes wrong!)
Rhens's scheme for domination of the skies takes another step forward.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 2: The Master's Ritual - Episode 1
Yodarha seems pleased with the haul of nuts Farrah and (Captain) were able to gather. For their next trial, he tells them to tie themselves to a large tree and cut it down using only their swords.
The crew enjoys a brief respite after taking out the monsters. However, Yodarha is already on the move, preparing for the next trial.
He looks particularly elated, packing away the nuts they've gathered.
Yodarha: Right! Next!
Vyrn: Say, gramps... Do you remember what we came here to do in the first place?
Lyria: Now that you mention it... Weren't we supposed to be collecting ingredients for dinner tonight?
Yodarha: Aye, but that's the issue. Up here on these mountains is something far worse than fog fungi.
Yodarha: Something that seems to always appear in places where greatshrooms can be found. You'll need a little more prep beforehand.
Farrah: Something worse than those horrible mushrooms?
Yodarha: Yep... Something that caused plenty of trouble for me when I was younger.
Farrah: Hmm... I see why we'd need to prepare then.
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk! Honest as ever, aren't ya! Come now, our training isn't over yet!
Yodarha points toward a large, withered tree.
Farrah: That tree? What about it?
Yodarha: Try and chop that tree down just using your swords! Also this.
Farrah: Rope? Are you gonna tie us to the tree again?
Yodarha: Quick on the uptake, aren't ya, lass? That's right, but not too short as to impede your movements!
Farrah: All right... Seeing as this tree is pretty withered, at least nothing can fall on us this time.
Farrah: Okay! Let's give it a shot then! Come on, (Captain)!
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 2: The Master's Ritual - Episode 2
While (Captain) and Farrah continue their training, Rhens and his men are led deeper into the mountains by their guide in search of greatshrooms and the master.
As Farrah and (Captain) continue their training with Yodarha, Rhens continues his pursuit of the island's secrets.
Thug 1: We've been walking for a while now. So how do we get to meet the so-called master?
Woman: Who knows... Perhaps you'll run into it just by wandering around the mountain.
Woman: All I can do is lead you to the greatshrooms.
Thug 2: Well, that's a start, I guess. I'd like to try 'em at least once, yeah?
Rhens: Still, this earth looks pretty dry. Can mushrooms really grow in a place like this?
Woman: You may be able to find them in damper areas as well, but you also greatly increase your chances of encountering fog fungi.
Woman: We mustn't go near places like that! Not only are they dangerous, you won't necessarily find any more growing there.
Thug 1: So you say... But we aren't exactly finding 'em here neither, are we?
Woman: Yes, well... The best mushroom pickers tend to be people who don't bring tourists along with them when they search.
Woman: All I can do is safely guide you through the mountains and back to the village. You'll have to handle finding the mushrooms yourself.
Rhens: Damn... Very well! C'mon guys, start lookin'!
Rhens: We're not going back 'til we find 'em! Both the master and the greatshrooms!
Thugs: Yeah!
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 2: The Master's Ritual - Episode 3
(Captain) and Farrah toil away at chopping into a withered tree as per Yodarha's training regimen. However, they soon find that the tree is hollow and full of monsters.
Farrah: Yaaah!
Farrah and (Captain) diligently swing their blades at the base of the withered tree while Lyria and Vyrn watch them toil away.
Vyrn: Phew, I'm getting tired just watching them.
Lyria: Say, Yodarha... Why aren't they allowed to use axes?
Yodarha: Well, it doesn't count as training if it isn't hard, don't you think?
Vyrn: Yeah... I gotta admit, that looks pretty draining.
Yodarha: Doesn't it? Not to mention chopping at the wrong angle could damage their swords.
Yodarha: So they have to shave at the tree like that, slowly whittling it down.
Lyria: That's really tough...
Yodarha: You think? Those two should make short work of it!
Vyrn: You've got a point there. Why'd ya pick the dead tree anyway?
Yodarha: Well, we wouldn't want to cut down a living tree, would we? Not to mention...
Lyria: Not to mention what?
Farrah: Huh? This tree's all hollowed out!
Monster: Buzzzzz!
Yodarha: Ah, there they are!
Vyrn: Gah! The tree is a nest! Come on! We have to help them!
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk! There'll be no need for that!
Yodarha: Right, you two! No cutting those ropes!
Yodarha: Keep cutting the tree while fighting off those monsters!
Farrah: Gah! This might be a bit too much!
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 2: The Master's Ritual - Episode 4
(Captain) and Farrah fend off the last of the monsters and succeed in cutting down the tree. Yodarha breaks off a single branch and kicks the rest of the tree below, just where Rhens and his men happen to be.
Monster: Buzzzzz!
Monsters swarm the tree as (Captain) and Farrah fight them off with their swords.
Farrah: M-Master! Things are getting a bit dangerous over here!
With no time to free themselves from the ropes, Farrah and (Captain) just try to ward off the monsters.
Vyrn: At least this explains why you had them use their swords.
Seeing the two swing their blades, Vyrn realizes Yodarha's true intentions.
Vyrn: This was your plan from the start, wasn't it, gramps?
Yodarha: You've got a keen eye, lizard! Axes would be too heavy to fight all those monsters!
Yodarha: Warming up by cutting those nuts was the right choice here. Their minds need to be razor-focused to defeat such agile monsters.
Yodarha: Look at that—seems like they're about to wrap things up.
Monster: ...!
Just as (Captain) takes out the last of the monsters, Farrah finishes chopping down the tree.
Farrah: Huff... Puff... It... It's done...
Lyria: G-good job, both of you. Do you need some water?
Vyrn: Phew, you guys look pretty dead on your feet.
Vyrn and Lyria offer their congratulations to the tired pair.
Meanwhile, Yodarha breaks off a single branch from the felled tree.
Yodarha: Hah!
He then kicks the rest of the tree over a nearby cliff.
Farrah: Whoa! Are you kidding me? We just cut that down!
Yodarha: We only need this branch here. Come on, now. Help me start a fire!
Rhens: Hey! Is this what I think it is?
Woman: Oh? It is! Well done, you've found a greatshroom!
Thug 1: Say what? Where? Show me!
Thug 2: Aww, yeah! Finally! I thought we'd be leaving empty handed for a moment!
Woman: There's a trick to picking them. Here, let me show you. Just tug it like this, and... voila!
All Three: Whoa!
Woman: Looks like everything worked out! Plenty of folks come up here and find nothing.
Thug 1: Haha! Great for us!
Thug 2: Our first greatshroom! We did it!
Rhens: Heh-heh... Keep your cool, boys.
Rhens: Huh?
Rhens looks up to see a cloud of dirt descending rapidly from above.
Rhens: Whoooa!
He dashes in a flurry toward their guide.
Thugs: Gyaaah!
Caught by a falling log, the two thugs are sent tumbling into a ravine below.
Rhens: That was close... Just what the hell's goin' on up there? Someone have it in for us?
Despite having saved the guide just in time, Rhens stares hopelessly into the ravine below.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 3: Diabolical Designs - Episode 1
Yodarha lights some wood from the tree, starting a fire to roast some greatshrooms. Farrah is almost overwhelmed by the appetizing aroma. However, he claims that they have yet to find the ultimate flavor, which still lies somewhere on the mountain.
As Rhens stares incredulously into the ravine, further up the mountain Yodarha piles some wood to start a fire.
Farrah: What do we have to do next, Master?
Yodarha: Eat. I've worked up quite an appetite, see? I thought we could share a meal.
He begins to line up mushrooms on spits around the fire and throws in some nuts to roast.
Lyria: Are you sure these are safe to eat?
Vyrn: I guess we can trust your knowledge of the mountain, but I'm still scared of getting poisoned!
Farrah: Hold on... This aroma! Are those greatshrooms, by chance?
Yodarha: Indeed they are. I've picked a whole bunch, so tuck in!
Farrah: When did you have time to pick all of these? While we were working our butts off?
Farrah: If you were able to pick so many already, why'd you need for us to undergo your training regimen anyway?
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk! Don't be like that! What's the point if you don't pick 'em yourself!
Yodarha: These were just easy pickings, too. Nothing special.
Vyrn: Really? They look pretty impressive to me!
Lyria: Me too! The ones on sale in the village were nowhere near this size!
Farrah: That's right. Maybe because they were dried, but they were all small and wrinkly and still sold for 30,000 rupies each!
Yodarha: These are nothing. This mountain is a trove of untapped flavors!
Farrah: Really? Untapped?
Yodarha: Yep! Greatshrooms are all well and good, but don't you wanna give that lass the ultimate flavor?
Farrah: Well, obviously the ultimate flavor would be better...
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk! Well said! That's why you need to follow me! Oh?
Fog Fungus: Furp fooomp!
Farrah: Gash! More mushroom monsters!
Yodarha: Seems the smell of our supper here attracted them. Sorry, but you fellas aren't invited!
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 3: Diabolical Designs - Episode 2
(Captain) and the crew enjoy a meal of roasted greatshrooms and are amazed by their potent flavor. Drawn by the smell of roasting greatshrooms, Rhens finds the crew. After discovering the steelnut and log attack were both Yodarha's doing, he draws his sword in rage.
Yodarha: How's that, lass! Those Fog Fungi aren't so scary anymore, are they?
Farrah: I... I guess not, but having you and (Captain) here was surely the main reason for that.
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk! Don't sell yourself short, lass! Now then... I reckon our mushrooms are done.
(Captain) and the crew take up skewers of the greatshrooms, grilled to perfection. They each take their first bites and are immediately met with pure ambrosia in their mouths.
Farrah: Wow! I've never tasted a mushroom like this before!
Lyria: They smell so good, too!
Vyrn: Nom... Whoa, delicious! The mushrooms (Captain) and I used to pick back home were great, but these are something else!
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk! Right? The greatshrooms on this island really are quite special!
Yodarha: And they're even better with a little bit of this...
Yodarha takes out a small bottle and pours a morsel of the black liquid inside over the mushrooms, bringing out a fabulous aroma.
When combined with the mushrooms, the sauce compliments their natural essence to create a truly incredible flavor.
Lyria: Heh-heh... It's good to be alive!
Vyrn: You said it. Nothing beats a meal made with the freshest ingredients!
Farrah: I want Katalina to eat like this every day!
Yodarha: Easy! Just bring back a whole bunch of 'em and she just might be able to!
The crew enjoy a scrumptious meal of roasted greatshrooms together. The palatable aroma attracts some uninvited guests, however.
Rhens: Damn... I have no idea where the others are, and now I'm starving...
Woman: Do you think the other two are okay?
Rhens: Heh! Those two can survive anything. Wait... What's this? This delicious aroma...
Woman: Sniff, sniff... It smells like someone's roasting greatshrooms somewhere.
Rhens: Damn, I can't stop drooling!
Lured in by the captivating aroma of greatshrooms, Rhens follows his nose.
Rhens: ...
Vyrn: Whoa! Who are you?
Rhens: Huh? Oh, uh... Something smelled really nice, so...
Yodarha: Oh? Do my eyes deceive me?
Rhens: Huh? Gramps! What are you doing up here!
Yodarha: Nothing special. This lass here just wanted some greatshrooms, is all.
Lyria: Nom, nom... Do you know this person, Yodarha?
Yodarha: Yep. Long, long ago this guy was under my care for a bit.
Yodarha: Come now, Rhens! Don't just stand there. Come over and eat!
Rhens: Th-thanks. I appreciate it.
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk! No need to hold back. I've got plenty of mushrooms for everybody.
Yodarha reveals a basket that's still overflowing with greatshrooms.
Woman: ...!
Rhens: Whoa! We've been looking around all day and found pretty much nothing!
Vyrn: This old timer knows all about this mountain—he's been at it here for years, apparently.
Woman: (Could it be? Does this old man know where the secret spot is?)
Rhens: Thanks for the food... I was about to starve out here.
Farrah: You sure look tired... Are you guys lost or something?
Rhens: Not quite, but we've had all sorts of trouble.
Rhens: Steelnuts and logs flying from the sky, not to mention I've been separated from some of my men as a result.
Farrah: Steelnuts... Logs... That sounds like the stuff you've been training us with, master!
Yodarha: Is that right? Now that's quite the coincidence, don't ya think? Hyuk-hyuk!
Rhens: Wait, hold on here... Was that all your doing, you old codger? It was you who dropped all that stuff on us, wasn't it?
Yodarha: Hmm... Was it, now? I certainly can't remember.
Rhens: Hey, don't play dumb! You always "couldn't remember" whenever you did something to us!
Rhens: Now you've really done it, old man! You're gonna pay for this—get ready!
Vyrn: Whoa! Hey, calm down, man!
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 3: Diabolical Designs - Episode 3
Brimming with rage, Rhens swings his sword at (Captain). His boasting of sword talent seems to be more than just bluster, as he strikes with lightning-fast movement.
Rhens: It was all your fault, wasn't it...
Rhens: Of course you'd pull off a stunt like that! I don't know what you're planning, but get ready to answer for it.
Farrah: Hey, relax... Stop swingin' your sword around like that! Maybe eat some mushrooms with us and cool off!
Lyria: That's right! Nom nom... They're really tasty, so—Nom nom... Oh, we have some nuts here too!
Rhens: Cool off? Eat? Yeah, right!
Yodarha: Come now, Rhens. The lass makes a good point—no use talking over empty stomachs.
Farrah: Yeah, it wasn't on purpose. Just an accident, by the look of things.
Rhens: How dare you talk to me like that! Don't you know who I am?
Rhens: Listen up... I've been called a master swordsman in the making. The name's Rhens, and I'm a notorious outlaw!
Lyria: Um... Are you famous or something? Nom, nom...
Vyrn: Nom, nom... I ain't ever heard of you. Siero's never mentioned anyone like you either.
Rhens: Ridiculous! Soon all of the skies will be under my rule!
Lyria: One thing, Farrah. What makes an outlaw "notorious"?
Farrah: Someone who does real bad stuff, I guess. You know... Raiding and pillaging airships, setting them on fire...
Farrah: I've also heard stories of some who make grisly trophies using parts of their enemies, I think.
Vyrn: Ugh... That sounds real nasty...
Lyria: Oh, do you think they perform experiments on people using dark essence?
Farrah: Hmm... I wouldn't put it past a notorious outlaw to go that far.
Rhens: (What's with these guys...)
Rhens: (Sayin' such grotesque things with a smile on their faces...)
Rhens: Heh. Looks like you punks have seen your fair share of danger. In that case!
Rhens draws a bizarrely shaped sword and immediately lunches for (Captain).
Rhens: Heh... The kid knows how to block.
(Captain) is able to parry the attack just in time, despite Rhens's element of surprise and lightning-fast speed.
Rhens: To think you'd be able to defend yourself against a master swordsman in the making... I gotta say, I'm a little impressed.
Rhens: Haha! This might be fun! Come on, then. Let's see what you've got!
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 3: Diabolical Designs - Episode 4
Rhens puts the pressure on (Captain) with his uniquely shaped sword. Just as he's about to draw blood, a giant fog fungus attacks.
Rhens: Hyaugh!
(Captain) barely manages to avoid another swift flurry of attacks. The blades clash again, sparks flying.
Rhens: Say, I've got a pretty cool sword here, don'tcha think? You wanna know why it's shaped like this?
Rhens: So I can... do tricks like this!
The curved blade attempts to strike beyond the sword pressed against it, directly at (Captain)'s face.
Rhens: See that? Pretty convenient, wouldn't you say?
Stopping the curved blade is difficult, and keeping it back takes effort and concentration.
Moving too haphazardly would only create bigger openings. These factors only delay (Captain)'s reactions further against an already fast opponent.
Rhens: Come on, now. You better do something soon... or you'll get more than just a close shave!
???: Frooomp!
Rhens: Gyaaugh!
Yodarha: Oh! Now here's a big 'un!
Farrah: Wh-what is that thing?
Yodarha: Sometimes fog fungi can get big—real big. This is what I've been looking for.
Vyrn: Wait... So this is the big one you're talking about?
Yodarha: Yep!
Lyria: B-but why's it attacking now?
Yodarha: It's searching for the alpha—the strongest being on the mountain, monster or man.
Vyrn: Wait, does that mean...
Yodarha: Well, we have been fighting our way through this mountain all day, after all.
Farrah: Master! You're... You're not thinking of eating that thing, are you?
Yodarha: We can talk details later! Whatever you do, don't touch those spores. The last thing you'd want is to get infected!
Farrah: Infected? What does that mean?
Yodarha: You die... And you'll become a fog fungus yourself, left to wander this mountain.
Farrah: Waaah! Why are you attracting these things here, Master?
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk! What do you mean? You should already know how to take care of this easily!
Yodarha: Come on—don't just stand there! Fight!
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 4: "X" Marks the Spot - Episode 1
As a result of Yodarha's training, Farrah and (Captain) battle the fog fungi with ease. After seeing that Yodarha has collected so many greatshrooms, the guide sets off an emergency smoke signal to the village. After seeing the smoke, the villagers arm themselves and head into the mountains.
Farrah: (It's all clear to me... I can read the movement of the spores perfectly!)
Farrah: (They're so floaty... This is nothing compared to the steelnuts Master dropped on us earlier!)
Farrah dances through the curtain of falling spores, slashing them with her blade and slowly whittling the main body away.
Farrah: Haaah!
Giant Fog Fungus: ...!
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk! Looks like they've noticed the results of their training!
Vyrn: From before? How did chopping nuts and tree trunks help them out here?
Yodarha: It's simple! As long as they stay close and minimize any unnecessary movement, they can maximize the number of strikes when attacking.
Vyrn: Well, they don't seem to have any problem holding 'em off...
Lyria: I see... So the rope was to keep them from moving too far from their target?
Yodarha: Precisely! You've got a pretty good eye, I must say!
Vyrn: In which case, wouldn't it be better to just tell them what they're meant to be learning?
Yodarha: Lessons always stick better when you figure 'em out for yourself. Right? Hyuk-hyuk!
Vyrn: Gotta say, you're pretty twisted, gramps!
Rhens: (Surprising. That old geezer's takin' students again? They ain't half bad either...)
Rhens: (He always had sharp instincts... Did he know I was here? Is he trying to foil my plans?)
As (Captain) and the others continue their battle holding off the fog fungi, the mountain guide's face visibly pales.
Woman: ...
Woman: (I must get that basket from the old man somehow...)
Greatshrooms are a major export of the village. Without enough to export, it could damage the economy.
If the economy is weakened, she will receive much less compensation from the village. She too decides to take action.
Woman: (This cannot be allowed! If they were to find the secret spot...)
Woman: (They can't be allowed to leave the mountain alive!)
Rhens: What's the matter, lady? Your face isn't lookin' so good.
Woman: Oh, i-it's nothing. Nothing at all.
Rhens: You scared? Don't worry, these punks should be able to handle it. You're not backing out on our deal, are you?
Woman: Oh, no. Of course not...
Woman: Ah! I've caught my foot on a rock and tripped!
As the woman staggers theatrically, a ball of paper falls from her clothing...
The paper rolls right into the campfire, releasing a thick trail of smoke.
Rhens: Whoa! Wh-what was that?
Woman: Oh, dear! My perfume must have fallen into the fire! Look at all this smoke!
Unbeknownst to Rhens and the others, the guide is actually setting a smoke signal off to alert her fellow villagers.
Villager: That's a smoke signal from a mountain guide! Has an outsider found the secret mushroom spot?
Village Chief: Impossible... It can't be!
Village Chief: The very existence of our village is in peril! We must protect our profits! To arms!
Villager: H-hold on, Chief! We're in the midst of Fog Fungi season! It's especially bad this year!
Village Chief: I know that! Call in the knights. Everyone, arm yourselves! These outsiders must be stopped!
Villager: Yes, Chief!
The villagers take up their weapons and prepare to move up into the mountains.
(Captain), Rhens, and now the villagers. A three-way rumble for supreme flavor is about to erupt.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 4: "X" Marks the Spot - Episode 2
(Captain) and the crew manage to quell the giant fog fungus. Yodarha hoists it up to carry it on his back, much to the revulsion of his crewmates.
Farrah: Heave... Heave... W-we did it! We won, Master!
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk! Well done, lass. I knew you could do it!
Farrah and (Captain) finally manage to drive off the giant fog fungus.
With their largest obstacle now out of the way, they hope gathering mushrooms from here on out will be easier.
Vyrn: Phew, that looked pretty rough!
Lyria: Good work, both of you!
Vyrn: By the way, I think I saw a plume of purple smoke or something earlier... What was that about?
Farrah: Now that you mention it... I was too caught up in fighting to really focus on it.
Yodarha: Nothing to worry about, I'm sure! Come on, let's wrap this up!
Yodarha takes out some rope and ties the large fog fungus to his back.
Vyrn: Hey, uh... What're you planning to do with that?
Yodarha: What? I'm taking it with us, of course. Waste not, want not!
Vyrn: Don't tell me you're planning to eat that!
Farrah: Gag... You know it was growing on an animal, right?
Yodarha: Yep! From the size, I'd say it was probably a bear!
Farrah: Master! I don't want to eat something like that!
Yodarha: No reason to leave it behind. What a waste that would be! There are plenty of ways to make good use of this!
Yodarha: Come now, lass! There are more greatshrooms waiting to be picked yet!
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 4: "X" Marks the Spot - Episode 3
Rhens has managed to slip away from the crew amidst the commotion and reunites with his cronies. They begin devising a new plot to steal the greatshrooms Yodarha has gathered.
Lyria: By the way... Rhens, was it? Where did he and his friend go?
Farrah: Good question. They've vanished.
Yodarha: Hmm... It looks like they ran off during that whole commotion.
Yodarha: Brought together for the first in years, and he leaves without a word!
Rhens: Damn! Where'd that guide run off to?
Rhens: But still... Bumping into that old goat was a real stroke of luck.
Rhens: Selling his pile of greatshrooms will earn me a pretty penny... We might not even need to bother with that anymore.
Rhens: Just wait, you old codger! I'll show you!
Thug 1: Yo, Rhens! Ditching us like that? You've got stones, boss, I'll give ya that!
Thug 2: Just who the hell do you think we are? Get ready for some pain!
Rhens: Heh-heh... Good timing, guys.
Thug 1: You idiot... You don't think we're serious?
Rhens: Listen up. There's an old man on this mountain with a hoard of greatshrooms. I'd say at least fifty.
Thug 2: What? Keep going.
Rhens: I dunno where he got 'em from... Maybe he knows a secret spot? In any case, his basket was brimming with 'em.
Thug 1: So all we needs to do is attack some old crank and yank his basket?
Rhens: We're gonna be rich, boys!
Thug 2: Keh-heh... You're as slimy as ever, Rhens!
Woman: Ah, there you are!
Rhens: Good, I was hoping to run into you. We're gonna need your services for a little longer.
Thug 1: We've got business with that little old man.
Woman: Oh? You're not looking for the master anymore?
Thug 2: Nope... I think we've found an easier way to cash in here.
All Three: Heh-heh...
All Three: Gwahahaha!
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 4: "X" Marks the Spot - Episode 4
Following the smoke signal, the village chief encounters (Captain)'s crew and offers to show them a secret after seeing Yodarha's basket of greatshrooms. Meanwhile, the village guide stealthily sends one of Rhens's men tumbling into a ravine with her hidden blowgun.
Village Chief: Ah... Hello there.
Village Chief's Guard: So here they are.
Farrah: Hi? Who are you guys?
Village Chief: I'm the chief of the village at the foot of this mountain... Just making my usual rounds.
Vyrn: Oh, gotcha. This is a tourist spot, after all. I guess you need to make sure travelers are staying safe!
Village Chief: Yes, something like that. How is your hunt for greatshrooms going, might I ask?
Village Chief's Guard: I can't imagine you've had much luck without a guide.
Vyrn: Heh! Think again. We've got a master of this mountain here on our side. Right, gramps?
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk! I wouldn't go that far, but we've done okay! Here, take a look.
Village Chief: ...!
Village Chief's Guard: ...!
The two take a look in Yodarha's basket and are shocked to see it packed to the brim with glistening greatshrooms.
Village Chief: Well, well. Quite impressive.
Vyrn: Right? This old guy picked all of 'em up before we even knew it!
Village Chief: I see... Clearly you are people who love this mountain, so how about I share a secret with you?
Vyrn: A secret? Like what?
Lyria: Oh! A place where lots of greatshrooms grow, perhaps?
Farrah: Whoa! Yeah, I'd love to know about a place like that!
Village Chief: Hahaha... You'll see when we arrive. This way, everyone.
Village Chief's Guard: Chief?
Village Chief: Proceed.
After confirming that the smoke signal sent was indeed not a mistake, the chief gives his guard a look of fierce determination.
Rhens: Okay then... How exactly do we take care of the old coot?
Thug 1: Hah! You almost sound scared of him!
Thug 2: We'll crush his old bones with ease, easy!
Rhens: Don't be so sure. He's stronger than he looks, and tough to ambush too.
Woman: You're planning on capturing that old man? He looked pretty familiar with the mountain.
Rhens: Indeed. It won't be easy. We don't even know which way he went.
Woman: That narrow path over there, probably. That's the route someone familiar with the mountain would take.
Thug 2: All right. Rhens, take the lead.
Thug 1: You're the most skilled one among us, after all. We'll need you to face him to see how tough he really is.
Rhens: Seriously? Fine, whatever... Let's get a move on.
When Rhens in the lead, the four make their way down the narrow path in silence for some time.
Thug 2: Hey, miss. Mind yer footing here. Lemme help you.
Woman: You're quite the gentleman... Thank you.
Thug 2: You remind me of my mother back home when she was younger... I have a painting of her at home.
Thug 1: Hahaha! Homesick, are you? Needing mommy?
Thug 2: Shut it! Stay out of this!
Woman: Be careful, dear. I think you need to watch where you're going!
Thug 2: I am, I am... Heh... Feels kinda strange, almost nostalgic...
Woman: I'm sure I'd remember being a mother to such a big boy such as yourself.
Woman: Pfft!
Thug 2: Graaugh!
A dart fired from the woman's hidden blowgun strikes him directly in the neck and quickly paralyzes him.
Rhens: What the hell's he doing?
Paralyzed, the thug tumbles into the ravine as Rhens clutches his head in disbelief.
Woman: Ah, how horrible... His foot must've slipped. From this height, he...
Thug 1: No way. I can't believe he'd do something so careless.
Rhens: Damn... C'mon, let's just keep moving!
Woman: (One down...)
Farrah: Something feels strange here...
Lyria: Strange? Like how?
Farrah: Hmm... I can't really explain it, but it's like, the atmosphere? The smell?
Vyrn: The smell? I'm not getting anything.
Yodarha: Interesting... Almost as if a battle for greatshrooms is about to erupt.
Village Chief: Yes, perhaps.
Village Chief's Guard: ...
Farrah: What's this secret supposed to be, anyway? We've been walking for a while now.
Village Chief: You'll see soon enough. Just wait...
Village Chief's Guard: Kyeargh!
Farrah: Whoa!
The guard suddenly lunges and attacks Farrah, who barely manages to save herself.
Vyrn: Hey! What's the big idea?
Village Chief: The big idea, is to share the secret of this mountain with you.
Farrah: Take this!
Village Chief's Guard: Grngh!
Village Chief: You see, we're the only ones allowed to pick greatshrooms. They're a vital source of income for our village.
Village Chief's Guard: We might let one or two slide, but that old man has clearly picked far too many.
Village Chief: I don't know where you found them, but you aren't going to be telling anyone else about it.
Yodarha: I see. So you turn your weapons on us?
Yodarha: You can't hope to defeat these kids, anyway.
Village Chief's Guard: Heh... You think these little brats can stand up to me?
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk! Judging by how you're holding that sword, I know they can!
Yodarha: This lass here has been trained to a far higher level than you!
Farrah: Bring it on! No one gets in the way of our dinner plans!
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 4: "X" Marks the Spot - Episode 4: Scene 2
(Captain) and the crew manage to drive off the villagers for the time being. Their greed reminds Yodarha of a student he once trained in swordsmanship.
Vyrn: Geez... What's even going on anymore?
Farrah: You tell me! He certainly wasn't holding back!
Yodarha: Of course... It seems that the villagers have been consumed by their greed.
Yodarha: Defending their business is one thing. On the other hand, killing to do so is no good.
Farrah: You said it! You think they've done this before?
Yodarha: Perhaps... Just like with Rhens, this island twists people.
With a twinkle of sadness in his eyes, Yodarha looks off into the distance and begins to mutter a story to himself.
Yodarha: Long, long ago... There was an acclaimed swordsman who trained countless pupils.
Yodarha: However, the betrayal of his best pupil led many of them to turn to the dark, one after another.
Yodarha: What caused their devotion to falter was also their greed.
Farrah: Wait, is this story supposed to be about that Rhens guy?
Yodarha: Maybe... It's a common enough story.
Yodarha: Anyway! Come on, move!
Farrah: Ah! Hold on, Master!
This battle for the prized greatshrooms is far from over. With an enigmatic smile, Yodarha continues onward.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 5: The Villagers Attack - Episode 1
Rhens and his allies are attacked by the villagers as well, leaving Rhens separated and alone. Meanwhile, Yodarha reveals to the crew the ultimate flavor he has been searching for: a fabled golden greatshroom.
(Captain) and the crew manage to drive off the villagers and continue their trek across the mountain. However, Rhens finds himself in a less fortunate situation.
Rhens: Dammit! What's that woman thinking? I've lost both my men!
Rhens: This all feels wrong... It feels like I've got way more than just a single guide goin' against me...
Rhens: Just what's happening on this mountain?
Rhens: Come on, you wench! Come out and face me!
Village Chief: How are you doing with your tourists?
Woman: Out of three, I've successfully taken two of them out. The last one doesn't have long left...
Village Chief: Good. If he knows that old man, he might also know where the secret spot is.
Yodarha: All right then... We should encounter the fabled golden greatshroom any moment now.
Farrah: Master! You keep calling it "fabled," so do you know if it even exists?
Yodarha: That's the whole point! I'll prove that it's not just a fable! Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk!
Vyrn: You said we had to defeat the "master" of the mountain... What's it supposed to be? A primal beast?
Lyria: A mushroom primal? I can't really imagine it... I don't sense a primal on this island, either.
Yodarha: No need to rush into things, lizard. We'll find out soon enough—if we're lucky, that is!
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 5: The Villagers Attack - Episode 2
In order to lure out the fabled golden greatshroom, Yodarha begins preparing a fire to roast the giant fog fungus from earlier. Rhens reunites with his cronies and watches the crew from a distance.
Yodarha: Hmmm... This way perhaps?
Farrah: I can't even tell what he's tracking!
Vyrn: It almost looks like he's hunting down an animal or something...
Yodarha finally finds an adequate spot and stops to sit down.
Yodarha: Okay! This looks like a good spot to do some roasting!
Farrah: Wait, you wanna eat even more greatshrooms? We just had lunch!
Despite the crew's concerns, Yodarha begins to start a fire.
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk! This time we're roasting this one!
Vyrn: You mean the giant mushroom from earlier?
Yodarha: If my instincts are right, this will let us meet the master. Just you watch!
Vyrn: Hmm...
The crew watches Yodarha start another fire. However, they aren't the only ones watching him.
Rhens: Is that supposed to attract the master? Is he serious?
Thug 1: Who knows—ouch! Do you think it'll really work?
Thug 2: Forget this! Let's go back to the village and rest... I'm pretty much on my last leg here!
Rhens: Shut it! Just watch! To think I was almost happy to see you both still in one piece!
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 5: The Villagers Attack - Episode 2: Scene 2
(Captain) and the crew begin to roast the giant fog fungi but are suddenly interrupted by what sounds to be a child's scream. They find a young boy being attacked by monsters, but quickly find out that they've fallen into his trap.
Vyrn: So, uh, we've got the whole island here after us, and you're just gonna start another campfire?
Yodarha: Of course! Only those bold enough will be able to meet the master.
Yodarha: Oh? It looks like we've got some greatshrooms growing here too. Right under those leaves.
Vyrn: Whoa, you're right! You've got sharp eyes!
Lyria: Mmm... They sure do smell nice!
Lyria: I wonder what this fabled golden greatshroom tastes like?
Yodarha: Who knows! It's supposedly the most supreme flavor of all! Or so I'm told!
Monster's Voice: Groooar!
Child's Voice: Waaah!
Vyrn: What was that!
Farrah: A scream—coming from over there!
The crew quickly put out the fire and hurry in the direction of the scream.
Child: H-help me!
Monster: Grr...
Lyria: That boy is under attack!
Monster: Groooar!
Child: Waaah!
Vyrn: Oh no you don't! Come on!
(Captain) and the crew dash in to save the child from the monsters.
Child: ...
Monster: ...
Farrah: Wait, what? What happened?
Child: Get 'em!
Farrah: Guh?
Vyrn: No way! That kid just set those monsters on us!
Yodarha: How cunning... It seems we've been had!
Yodarha: The ol' switcheroo, eh? Well played, I must say! Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk!
Vyrn: This ain't the time to be laughing! Do something about these monsters!
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 5: The Villagers Attack - Episode 3
(Captain) and the crew head to a nearby river to replenish the water used to put out their campfire. At the river they find a man willing to share some of his water with them, but it turns out to be another trap.
Vyrn: What are you playing at, kid?
Child: Eep!
Lyria: Wait! It's dangerous for that kid to be out here by himself!
Yodarha: Oh, he'll be fine! It looks like monsters are defending him!
Vyrn: Seriously. A kid being out here alone like that should have been a red flag from the start.
Farrah: Well, I'm just glad we're all safe. Although we wasted a lot of water putting out that fire.
Vyrn: Yeah... Speaking of which, there isn't much left. We've been up on this mountain for a while, after all.
Yodarha: Oh? Let's go find us a river then. I think there's one... that way!
Yodarha: I'll keep an eye on the greatshrooms. Go and fetch some water, won't you lass?
Yodarha's hunch is correct. The crew find a river shortly after walking in the direction Yodarha suggested.
Vyrn: All right, let's fill up right here.
Man: Oh... Here for water too, are you?
Farrah: Whoa! A-are you one of those crazy villagers too?
Man: I am from the village below, but I don't know about crazy...
Man: I've filled these jugs already. Here, help yourselves.
Farrah: Um... Well, if it's okay with you.
Vyrn: (W-wait. Are you sure we can trust this guy?)
Farrah: (Hmm... He is suspicious, but it doesn't look like he can attack us.)
Lyria: (The other villagers might have told him about us.)
Vyrn: Kay! We'll take your water then. Thanks a lot!
Man: Heh. No need to thank me. Running out of water can be dangerous on the mountain.
Vyrn picks up a water container and begins to pour it into an empty jug.
River Shrimp: Kshraaah!
Vyrn: Gyaaaugh! Another trap!
Lyria: V-Vyrn! Are you okay!
Man: Ngh... My surprise attack failed! No matter! Overwhelm them with sheer numbers, my river shrimp!
River Shrimp: Kshraaah!
River shrimp begin to jump out of the water jugs, attacking (Captain) and the crew.
Vyrn: Geez... This whole island really is out to get us, isn't it!
Farrah: There's definitely something wrong with this place!
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 5: The Villagers Attack - Episode 4
The villagers will do anything to defend their monopology on greatshrooms; Rhens and his men look to defeat the master to earn riches; (Captain) and the crew seek the fabled golden greatshroom. As the three parties prepare to clash, an enormous pig appears.
Village Chief: Hmm... That makes two attacks foiled. They're stronger than I anticipated.
Chief's Guard: Clearly this isn't going to be easy.
Village Chief: But what exactly are they doing out there?
Chief's Guard: I wonder. I can say for sure they're not only picking greatshrooms.
Yodarha: Hmm... Was the river further than I thought? Welp, I guess I'll start a new fire now.
While Yodarha starts his campfire, three sets of eyes watch him with intent from the grass.
Rhens: Finally found you, old goat!
Thug 1: Oh man! He's got even more mushrooms in his basket now!
Thug 2: Heh-heh! All the more for us!
Yodarha appears to be at ease, but doesn't drop his guard. Rhens and the thugs wait for their chance to strike.
Before too long, (Captain) and the crew make their way back to the campsite after taking care of the river shrimp.
Farrah: Sheesh... This mountain is exhausting.
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk! This training's good for ya!
Farrah: Well, I suppose you're right...
Yodarha: Now then! Let's find us some more fog fungi!
Vyrn: What? Not again...
Vyrn: Taking out those mushrooms won't get us anywhere. Can't we just take these greatshrooms and go?
Lyria: ...!
Vyrn, watch out!
Vyrn, watch out!
Vyrn: What's that, Lyria?
???: ...
Vyrn: ...
Vyrn: Gyaaugh! What's this thing?
???: Broooargh!
Chief's Guard: ...!
Chief, could it be?
Chief, could it be?
Village Chief: The master...
Village Chief: The master has arrived!
Rhens: Wait... Is that what I think it is? The master!
Thug 1: Quite a sight, I gotta say...
Thug 2: A real rare experience!
Rhens: Quit your jabbering, idiots! That's what we came here for! Let's get out there and take it down!
Rhens: (On it's back... Now I see. So that's why the villagers put a bounty on it!)
???: Broooargh!
Vyrn: Wh-what was that thing?
Lyria: It looked like... a really big piggy?
Farrah: I've never seen a pig that big before!
Yodarha: That's it... The thing I've been searching for.
Vyrn: Well, it looks like it ran off somewhere...
Yodarha: It'll be back soon. Don't worry! We need to capture it before anyone else gets here though! Hyuk-hyuk!
(Captain) and the crew take a moment to process the sight that showed itself before them, overwhelmed by the pig's massive size.
Yodarha looks at the cloud of dust left behind by the creature and smiles mischievously.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 6: Seeking Fabled Flavors - Episode 1
Everyone in the vicinity realizes that the massive, bizarre pig is the master. The villagers, Rhens, and the crew all set off after it, each for their own reasons.
Rhens: The master...
Village Chief: The almighty master...
Yodarha: That just now was the master of this mountain.
Farrah: The master really exists? I thought it was just a fairy tale...
According to Yodarha, the massive creature the crew has just seen is the master of the mountain.
The news of someone witnessing such a rare and elusive creature is sure to spread quickly, not only across the island but to nearby islands as well.
Lyria: Was that really the fabled... master?
Farrah: It sure showed up pretty quickly for something that's supposedly "fabled."
Vyrn: No kidding. Those villagers looked pretty shocked.
Yodarha: When you go out lookin' for that kind of wild animal, it'll never show itself. The villagers have likely never seen it either.
Yodarha: Anywho. Let's chase after it! Get up and get moving, lass!
Lyria: Wait for us, Yodarha!
Village Chief: He's gone.
Rhens: Come on! After them!
(Captain) and the crew pursue the master, unaware that Rhens and the villagers are right behind them.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 6: Seeking Fabled Flavors - Episode 2
(Captain) and the crew suspect that Yodarha has some history with the master of the mountain. As such, they trust his instincts and race across the mountain in search of it.
Vyrn: But if we try and catch the master, won't it just run off again?
Yodarha: From what I know, it hibernates for half the year, and feeds on fog fungi when it's awake.
Yodarha: Waking up hungry only to find the mountain deprived of food should make it quite furious at us!
Vyrn: How do you even know about this stuff? You don't even live here!
Yodarha: I've heard stories from someone who met the master once before. I can't remember who it was for the life of me!
Lyria: Could that person possibly be...
Yodarha: It was someone who got up to all sorts of stuff on this mountain—decades ago, of course.
Farrah: They did mention someone who met the master before in the village.
Farrah: Don't tell me... Was that you, Master?
Yodarha: Who knows! It doesn't matter who it was anyway. All that matters is that we get that golden greatshroom! Come now, the chase is on!
Lyria: Do you know where it's going, Yodarha?
Yodarha: My knowledge from years of mountain life aren't only for show, you know! Come on, lassies!
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 6: Seeking Fabled Flavors - Episode 2: Scene 2
Rhens and his thugs appear before (Captain) and the crew once again, threatening to take them out in order to secure the golden greatshroom. However, seeing as Yodarha is the only one capable of finding it, they let him lead the way without a fight.
Rhens: Old goat!
Yodarha: Ah! Still alive, Rhens?
Rhens: I never suspected you'd be after the golden greatshroom!
Thug 1: Which means... Well, you know.
Thug 2: You're a rival! And the fewer rivals, the better!
Rhens: Now you're really in for it, you old coot!
Vyrn: I'm guessin' you're somewhat of a city dweller. I bet you don't even have an idea how to chase the master of this mountain down!
Rhens: And? What are you trying to say?
Lyria: So if Yodarha doesn't help you...
Farrah: Yeah, even if you were able to defeat him somehow, how would you find the master?
Rhens: Well... I suppose...
Thug 1: Heh! Very well! We'll let you go!
Thug 2: Go on then! Lead the way!
Farrah: What are you saying? While pointing a sword at Master like that!
Yodarha: Oh, I don't mind. Just try to keep up, won't you?
Rhens: See, he doesn't mind! Now move it!
Vyrn: Hoo boy... Forcing us to guide 'em like this... Talk about nasty attitudes.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 6: Seeking Fabled Flavors - Episode 3
As they make their way through the mountains, Yodarha reminisces about the days when Rhens was his pupil. However, their conversation is interrupted by a deafening roar as the master rapidly charges toward the crew.
Yodarha: A-hyuk-hyuk! This takes me back!
Rhens: Huh?
Yodarha: When you were young we often walked in the mountains like this, didn't we?
Rhens: Who knows. I don't remember.
Yodarha: So? Have you been continuing your training?
Rhens: Why? I already mastered everything back when you trained me!
Yodarha: I see! So you've been wasting your life since!
Rhens: There ain't nothin' left for me to learn from you anyway!
The awkward conversation between the two former companions goes on until they realize the rest of the party has stopped moving.
Suddenly, a booming noise erupts in the distance.
???: Broooargh!
Yodarha: Ah. There we are.
Rhens: What? I thought it ran off?
Yodarha: Didn't I tell you? The master's angry that we've taken its food.
Yodarha: So now we've made it our enemy.
Vyrn: So that means...
Yodarha: It wasn't running off, it was preparing to charge!
Rhens: Heh! So it's coming our way, huh? Perfect!
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk! I'd be careful!
Yodarha: I imagine charging from that distance would generate quite a bit of force!
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Chapter 6: Seeking Fabled Flavors - Episode 4
Rhens reveals to the crew his plans to sell the golden greatshroom to purchase an airship and dominate the skies. However, as he and his men attempt to take on the master, they're immediately sent flying by its raw force. The master then turns to attack (Captain) and the crew.
Farrah: Why do you guys even want the greatshroom anyway?
Rhens: Heh... Let me tell you.
Rhens: To achieve nothing less than dominion of all the skies!
Vyrn: Whoa... You've got some big dreams—that's for sure.
Rhens: You can sell a single golden greatshroom for enough to buy an entire airship!
Thug 1: That's the key to our domination of the skies!
Thug 2: Oh yeah! Future's lookin' bright!
Vyrn: Even with enough money to buy an airship, can you even dominate the skies?
Rhens: It'll be fine! Believe me—that won't even be a problem!
As their discussion continues, the footsteps of the master can be heard rapidly closing in.
Thug 1: So that means...
Thug 2: We'll be taking...
Rhens: What's ours! Later, gramps!
Rhens scatters gunpowder across the ground, igniting it to create a massive cloud of smoke.
As (Captain) and the crew splutter and cough, Rhens and his thugs scramble toward the master.
The Master: Brooorgh!
Rhens: This is it, boys! Our ticket to domination of the skies! Let's do this!
Thugs 1 & 2: Yeah!
The Master: Breergh!
Thug 1: Gotta say, it's tougher than I thought!
Rhens: Don't chicken out now!
Rhens: Hiyah!
The Master: Brooorgh!
All Three: Gaaah!
The three are launched high into the air as their bodies vanish into the clouds.
Lyria: Oh no!
Yodarha: I told 'em to be careful, and they wouldn't listen! Honestly... Idiotic as ever!
Vyrn: Still, that thing does look pretty fierce... As expected of the master of a mountain.
Yodarha: It's our turn! Come on!
Farrah: We're really going to fight this thing?
Yodarha: You bet! The fabled golden greatshroom is growing right there on its back!
Yodarha: However, we can't kill the master! It's the only place the golden greatshroom is known to grow!
Farrah: O-okay, but holding back against that thing is easier said than done...
Yodarha: I've taught you all you needed to know for this. Here it comes!
Farrah: Wait, what? You didn't say anything about that!
The Master: Brooough!
Farrah: Eep!
The Master: Breergh!
Farrah barely avoids the charging boar, and in that moment realizes something.
Farrah: I see now... Just like master said. Minimize movement when evading—while attacking with as many strikes as possible!
Farrah: All of that was training to obtain the mushroom without harming it!
Yodarha: Indeed! It's speed and mass are serious threats, so normally you'd use ranged weapons.
Farrah: But arrows or magic could destroy the mushroom, or even harm the master!
Farrah: So we use swords... In order to minimize movements while accurately cutting the mushroom away!
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk! Full points! Now go get that fungus, lass!
Farrah: Right! Come on, (Captain)! We've got this!
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains - Ending
With their hands well practiced from Yodarha's training, (Captain) and the Farrah successfully harvest the golden greatshroom. Out of concern for Rhens and his comrades, Yodarha takes a detour to talk to the aspiring criminals and reform their ways.
With their hands well practiced from training, (Captain) and Farrah successfully obtain the golden greatshroom from the back of the master.
Farrah: Phew! Master's training is as tough as ever!
Vyrn: Yeah... I'm pooped. I can never tell when he's training us or when he's just messing around!
Lyria: We managed to get the fabled golden greatshroom though, didn't we! Katalina is going to love this!
Farrah: Speaking of which, how should we prepare it?
Lyria: Hmm... Maybe in a soup? Or maybe just grill it... That's a good question.
Farrah: This is the food of legends, so we need to cook it perfectly! But yeah... How would we do it?
Vyrn: Who knows... Just don't ask that in front of Katalina.
Farrah: Good point. She'd definitely try to cook it herself. We'd really be in for it if that happens...
Vyrn: It is the fabled golden greatshroom after all... We have to be super careful with it.
Lyria: By the way... Where's Yodarha?
Vyrn: He said that he needed to take care of something... Maybe he needed to use the bathroom.
Farrah: Hmm... I just hope it doesn't involve springing any more training onto us.
Rhens: Ow... Damn, that really smarts.
Thug 1: Another failure, huh...
Thug 2: When are we gonna ever hit the big time?
Yodarha: Oh, so there you are!
Rhens: Gah! You old goat!
Yodarha: Honestly... It pains me to know I had such a foolish pupil!
Rhens: Tch... Enough lectures!
Yodarha: Looks to me you aren't doing a very good job of being bad, either.
Rhens: ...!
Yodarha: I'm not sure if the life of a bad guy suits you!
Rhens: The hell you mean? I'm as bad as they come!
Yodarha: All I've seen you attempt are some petty robberies.
Rhens: Petty, you say!
Yodarha: You've always been like this. Swept along by those around you.
Yodarha: That same trait led you to take after your brothers and learn the way of the sword, so it isn't all bad.
Yodarha: But say, Rhens. What do you think about having me train you again?
Rhens: Train me? I'm well past that now!
Yodarha: Are you? You honestly believe you've nothing to learn?
Yodarha: Your blades may be sharp, but how is your mind? Your heart?
Rhens: My... heart? You always were corny, gramps, but seriously!
Yodarha: Yep. I think it's time for a do-over, before you do something you can't come back from.
Rhens: A do-over? After everything I've done? I'm almost thirty!
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk! Thirty, shmirty! You idiot!
Yodarha: I mean, I'm still not done with my own training yet!
Rhens: ...!
Yodarha: Domination of the skies is all well and good, but evil can never prosper! It can never last!
Yodarha explains how allies in good will stay allies until the end, whereas allies in evil eventually turn to betrayal.
Citing (Captain)'s crew as an example of those who do good, Rhens and his men listen intently in silence.
Yodarha: If you aim to dominate the skies, then let the skies know your name—for good, not evil!
Rhens: M-ma...
All Three: Master!
Lyria: Yodarha sure is late...
Vyrn: Well, he told us to go on ahead, so let's do that!
Farrah: Hmm... I think Lyria's right. He's taking a little too long.
Farrah: He's got another trick planned for us, I'm sure! Watch yourselves!
Yodarha: So that's what you think of me, is it?
Farrah: Whoa! Master, where have you been?
Yodarha: Just picking these.
Yodarha takes out some fruit and throws them to the crew.
Vyrn: All right, apples! What's this for, gramps?
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk! A little reward for helping me pluck the golden greatshroom!
Lyria: Oh, was this why it took you so long to come back?
Yodarha: Who knows! They might not be as good as greatshrooms, but the apples here are also mighty tasty. Take a bite!
Vyrn: Munch, munch... Wahaha! It's really good!
Lyria: Hehe, sounds like Vyrn's a fan!
Yodarha: You betcha! Nothing goes unseen through my eyes! So eat up, lass!
Farrah: It's kinda rare for you to do something like this for us, Master.
Farrah: Heh-heh... But I'll take it!
Farrah: ...!
Farrah: Master! What exactly were you doing before picking these apples? I hope you washed your hands!
Yodarha: Hmm? I can't quite remember...
Vyrn: Whoa! You're kidding!
Vyrn: Wait. Wh-what did I just eat?
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk! I jest, I jest! I've got a bladder of iron! Eat up!
Vyrn: Give me a break already...
Farrah: Geez, you really do like messing with people, Master!
Unaware that Yodarha had set some young rogues straight, (Captain) and the crew enjoy the various flavors the mountain has to offer.
Elsewhere on the mountain, Rhens and his comrades prepare for their next venture with a newfound purpose.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Mountains
The End
The End