The Inner Light/Story

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These tabs contain full Event cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the plot and characters. View these tabs at your own discretion.

The Inner Light - Opening

After falling victim to a trick, (Captain) and Lyria are kidnapped and taken to the Sidheros Pits. There they befriend a young boy named Syr.

Eugen has brought (Captain) and the crew to an island in the Epice Trading Federation to stock up on airship maintenance supplies.
There Lyria is drenched in the downpour of a severe storm and begins to feel under the weather.
Lyria: Cough, cough... Sorry, I think I've caught a cold.
Eugen: The wind wasn't that strong, but damn, that rain was somethin' else.
Eugen: And all those monsters! We deserve a break!
Eugen: You stay here at the inn and rest up, Lyria.
Eugen: I'll handle the shopping. (Captain), you should stay here with her.
Lyria: Thanks, everyone!
Any version of Mary is a crew member

Mary: You sound pretty bad! You better get in bed ASAP!
Mary: In the meantime I'll tag along with you, Eugen. I'll take care of the haggling!
Lyria: Thanks, Mary. Have a good time!
Eugen: People are constantly coming and going from this town. You never know what types will show up.
Eugen: So I don't want you two suddenly deciding to wander off by yourselves or anything while we're gone. Right then, we won't be long.
Lyria: Oh... I feel dizzy. I'm going to go lie down.
Lyria: (Captain), thanks for staying here with me.
While dutifully watching over a sleeping Lyria, (Captain) begins to relax and eventually nods off.
But the brief respite is abruptly interrupted by the sound of urgent footsteps.
Lyria: Yawn... What's that sound? (Captain)?
Innkeeper: Oh, how terrible! Just awful! Skyfarers, I just received word that one of your friends has been seriously injured!
Lyria: Wha—cough... Wh-who's been injured?
Innkeeper: I'm sorry. I haven't been told the details, but there's someone waiting for you outside! Hurry!
(Captain) stands ready to rush out of the room but pauses as Lyria reaches out.
Lyria: (Captain), I'm coming with you. Th-this is no time to sleep!
Lyria's complexion turns even paler as she frets about the idea of an injured friend. (Captain) gently grabs her hand, and they exit the room together.
Suave Man: Ah, (Captain)! Come! There's no time!
Before they can say anything else, the dashing man whisks (Captain) and Lyria out of the inn.
Eventually he leads them to an airship moored outside the town.
Suave Man: Don't just stand there staring! Quickly, get on, get on!
Lyria: Wait a minute. Erm... Where is everyone?
Lyria: Cough. They were injured, so they should be in a hospital.
Lyria: (Captain), this feels strange, like there's been some sort of mix-up.
Suave Man: Shut your trap and get on the airship already!
Lyria: ...?
Lyria draws back, intimidated by the man's yelling; (Captain) steps in to shield her from further abuse.
Two Men: ...
Lyria: Wh-what's going on? Where are our friends!
Suave Man: Haven't you worked it out yet? Ain't exactly streetwise are ya, kid?
(Captain) readies a weapon and takes a stand against the men.
But the ruffians' numbers prove too great for one person to manage.
Not-So-Suave Man: Just behave, and we'll play nice. You wouldn't wanna do anything dumb now would ya?
Lyria: (Captain)!
Not-So-Suave Man: Wh-what the hell! A black dragon?
???: ...
Lyria: Please! Lend us your pow—cough, cough...
Lyria: No, no—I've got to keep it together. Cough, cough...
Lyria: ...!
Having run from the airship, Lyria's condition worsens, and she collapses in a severe coughing fit.
???: ...!
Lyria slips out of consciousness, causing the figure of the black dragon to dissipate.
Not-So-Suave Man: Enough with the tricks! Men, get these pipsqueaks—now!
Unable to resist, (Captain) and an unconscious Lyria are taken captive by the men.
Not-So-Suave Man: Now do as you're told and stay in this room!
The ruffians have locked (Captain) and Lyria in a dark, windowless room somewhere aboard an airship.
Lyria: ((Captain)! (Captain)! Cough... Did they leave?)
Lyria: (I'm sorry... You let them hit you like that just to protect me...)
Lyria: Cough... If it were just you, (Captain), you could have gotten away.
Lyria: But I promise we'll escape together!
(Captain) and Lyria quietly sit in the room, waiting for an opportunity to make a break for it.
But their captors keep a vigilant watch until the ship arrives at the Sidheros Pits.
Mine Guard: I wanna hear that rock sing, criminals! Keep diggin'!
Convicts and other more dubiously-sourced workers are forced to do punishing labor in the mines of the Sidheros Pits.
(Captain) has been biding time, looking for a chance to escape. But a rise in recent breakout attempts has made the guards more vigilant.
Mine Guard: You there! What're you doing! Stop slackin' off!
???: I'm not slacking! There's a stone in my boot! I was just getting it out is all!
Mine Guard: Shut up! I wont take cheek from the likes of a criminal like you!
???: Criminal? You idiots brought me here for no reason!
Mine Guard: You're in the pits, ain'tcha? That makes you a criminal!
???: But I'm not! Honest!
Mine Guard: Convicts will say whatever they need to get out of a hard day's work, won't they! Maybe you need some remindin' of why you're here!
???: Wince...
???: Huh? What the... Nothing hurts?
Mine Guard: Why, you! You're gonna be sorry you was interferin'! Hey, boys, we got a criminal who don't like to listen to direction over 'ere!
???: Stop! That person's not a part of this! A-ahh!
(Captain) stands between the boy and the assembling guards but is quickly overtaken and thrown into the dungeons along with the youth.
Lyria: (Captain)! Are you okay? You're covered in bruises...
Lyria: Oh, and you're the one that brought (Captain) back.
Lyria: Thanks—cough... I'm Lyria, by the way.
???: Nice to meet ya, Lyria!
Syr: Call me Syr. Thanks for having my back out there.
Syr: I'm sorry... I wish I could give you something as thanks, but they don't let you keep much in here.
Lyria: Hehe... Don't worry about it. (Captain)'s a great person who's helped me out a lot, too.
Syr: Ah! The guard's coming back! Lyria, hide!
Lyria: R-right! Syr, (Captain), be careful!
Mine Guard: Convicts! Pipe down! Unless you wanna double your time in there!
Imprisoned in their dungeon cell, (Captain), Lyria, and Syr begin working on an escape plan.
But will this newly-formed trio manage to get out of the mines unharmed?

The Inner Light - Chapter 1: Well-Sought Friends - Episode 1

Eugen successfully tracks down the kidnappers and, after some careful interrogation, learns the whereabouts of (Captain) and Lyria.

(Captain) and Lyria have been kidnapped, and the remaining crew is desperately trying to determine their whereabouts.
Thanks to Eugen's investigations and some information offered by the innkeeper, they eventually capture the kidnappers.
Suave Man: Eek!
Eugen: The blue-haired girl and the skyfarer who was with her... You were the ones who led them from the inn, right?
Not-So-Suave Man: So w-what if we are!
Eugen: My ears aren't what they used to be. So you'd better answer me nice and clear: yes or no.
Suave Man: P-pops here's got a screw or two loose!
Eugen: And just who do you think unscrewed 'em, punk!
Eugen: I ain't got all day! Hurry up and answer before we all go gray!
Not-So-Suave Man: Hey! B-back off and we won't have to h-hurt you!
Suave Man: Let it go! We're no match for the old man.
Yeah, we took 'em!
Eugen: That's more like it. Now, where did you take them?
The ruffian begins to respond, but he stutters over his answer as he explains that (Captain) wound up on Sidheros.
Eugen: Sidheros! The mining island in the Epice Trading Federation?
Suave Man: Erm... Y-yeah! They're always looking for fresh muscle. Can't find good help these days, am I right?
Eugen: I know exactly what you mean.
Suave Man: They p-pay for an honest day's work! W-why are you pointing your g-gun at us?
Vyrn: Eugen! I called the town guard!
Not-So-Suave Man: The town guard! Why you...
Suave Man: Damn it, pops! We told you everything you wanted to hear! Why get the guard involved?
Eugen: What can I say? Reporting crime is the duty of every good citizen.
Suave Man: Sigh...
Eugen: Yeah, yeah—the town guard will hear all about it. Let's get out of here.
Vyrn: Right.
Vyrn: So (Captain) is in this Sidheros place?
Eugen: It seems so. Looks like we've got a little bit of liberatin' to do.
Any version of Mary is a crew member

Eugen: Damn it... Why'd I have to leave those two kids by themselves...
Mary: It's not like you can just go back in time, so complaining about it now won't change a thing.
Mary: Besides, we've got bigger fish to fry—like how to get our friends back! Come on! Let's get to planning!
Eugen: Good point, Mary. Sorry for losin' focus there.
Vyrn: All right, let's chart a course for Sidheros Island!
Vyrn: Our friends are waiting on us! Full speed ahead!

The Inner Light - Chapter 1: Well-Sought Friends - Episode 2

Eugen and the crew encounter a setback when they unsuccessfully demand (Captain)'s release at a government outpost. The crew resolve to find their missing members themselves and sneak onto a ferry heading to Sidheros.

Eugen and the others arrive in the Sidheros airspace.
The crew learns that (Captain) and Lyria are being held in a secret restricted area somewhere on the main island. They head to a local government outpost on an outlying island to advocate for their friends.
However Eugen quickly finds that the bureaucrats of Sidheros are not so easy to negotiate with.
Smarmy Clerk: Sidheros law prevents us from releasing laborers from their posts until they've fulfilled their contractual obligations.
Eugen: I've already told you! They weren't hired! They were brought here!
Smarmy Clerk: Even if that were the case, a contract is a contract.
Vyrn: You gotta be kidding me! Hand over (Captain)!
Smarmy Clerk: Sidheros Quarry respects the privacy of its employees, so we're unable to delve too deeply into the histories or circumstances of our staff members.
Smarmy Clerk: Furthermore, regulation forbids me from confirming or denying if a particular individual is employed with us.
Smarmy Clerk: Might I add that we are also under no such obligation to assist in such a search.
Now I must ask you to leave the premises.
Vyrn: Fine! We'll just go to the pits and get 'em ourselves!
Smarmy Clerk: I must remind you that the mines of Sidheros, or "pits" if you prefer, are one of the most valuable facilities in the entire commercial empire of Epice.
Smarmy Clerk: Trespassing is a felony we take quite seriously. I do hate to repeat myself, but now I must ask you to leave the premises.
Vyrn: Just you wait! You think you can just brush us off like this!
Any version of Mary is a crew member

Mary: We're getting nowhere, guys. Let's just go.
Vyrn: Mary, what are you saying!
Mary: It's fine. Let's just talk outside for a minute.
Vyrn: H-hey! Don't leave me behind!
Eugen: What's going on, Mary? That look on your face says you're hiding something.
Mary: Well... I kind of grew up here—in Sidheros.
Vyrn: What! Why didn't you say so earlier?
Mary: Look, I had my reasons. For starters I never thought I'd set foot back here...
Mary: Back again... What a mess...
Eugen: Surely that's not all you wanted to say?
Mary: You get right down to business, don't you, Eugen? To make a long story short, Epice has been squeezing everything outta Sidheros for a long time.
Mary: You saw how that government guy treated us. We'll get nowhere going that route.
Vyrn: So what do we do? (Captain) and Lyria are depending on us!
Mary: They'll just have to rely on each other until we can get to them! There's a ferry that connects this island to the main island.
Mary: We stow away on that baby, get to the main island, and all that's left is finding our friends!
Eugen: Not a bad plan. We would stick out like a sore thumb if we took the Grandcypher...
Mary: This island was made for those bureaucratic types from Epice, so it should be safe enough to leave the Grandcypher here.
Vyrn: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's put this plan into action!
Mary: Not so fast. We might've attracted too much attention when we were dealing with that government guy.
Mary: As for stowing away on the ferry—I've got a few tricks up my sleeve.
Mary: Heh-heh. But it's been a few years, so I'll go check it out first to jog my memory.
Eugen: Be careful out there, Mary. We've come too far to fail now.
Vyrn: Hang in there, guys! We're comin' to rescue you!

No version of Mary in crew

Eugen, Vyrn, and the official glare at one another. The deadlock is interrupted by a clamor of voices and footsteps.
???: That hurts! Let go of me! I didn't do nothin'!
Tense Guard: You are guilty of arousing suspicion!
Tense Guard: State your reason for coming to Sidheros! Are you a spy?
???: What? That's ridiculous! Just let me go already!
Eugen: Hmm...
Eugen: What did you do this time?
???: (Why's this guy talking to me?)
Eugen: Pardon me, officer. This brat's my granddaughter.
Eugen: I told her to wait in the airship, but it seems she got impatient and wandered out here to find us.
Eugen: I think she's learned her lesson, so we'll get her back to the airship immediately.
Tense Guard: Sir, Sidheros is not some tourist attraction. She can't just saunter around as she pleases.
Eugen: Sorry, sorry. Vyrn! We're leaving!
Vyrn: W-wait for me!
Vyrn: Why does no one ever tell me what's going on?
Eugen: Are you all right? That outpost was pure mayhem.
???: Thanks, grandpa.
Eugen: Don't mention it. No one likes those pencil-pusher government people, and that guard was especially uptight.
???: Hmph... All the officials on Sidheros are corrupt to the core. Even the guards are rotten.
Eugen: That may be so, but why did he arrest you?
???: Whew... Get ready. I was standing in front of the ferry, thinking about whether I wanted to go to the main island or not, and then BAM! Arrested!
Vyrn: Hah! So there is a way to get to the main island!
???: Eek! A talking lizard!
Vyrn: I ain't no lizard! And anyway we want to get to the main island too!
Vyrn explains to the red-haired girl that (Captain) and Lyria were captured and taken to the mines on Sidheros.
???: Hmm... That's some terrible luck.
Eugen: Would you tell us how to get to the main island?
Eugen: Those two are like family. We can't afford to waste another second.
???: Family...
???: You know what? Sure, let's go to the main island. But prepare yourselves for the worst.
???: The only way to get there is to take the ferry from the government outpost.
???: If we're caught, you'll get to see your friends again, all right. But with a pickaxe in hand! No talking our way outta that one!
???: So do exactly as I say. Got it?
Vyrn: Roger that!
Eugen: We appreciate your help, miss... Miss... Sorry, what was your name again?
Mary: Mary. Pleasure's all mine.
Vyrn: Can't wait to see how you get us on that ferry, Mary!
Continue 1

The Inner Light - Chapter 1: Well-Sought Friends - Episode 3

Clayus, a shady man from Syr's past, pays a visit to the pits. He announces that soon the mafia will be conducting a roundup of squatters illegally residing in Sidheros.

Lyria: (Captain), are you all right? You don't look so good.
Syr: They don't feed us enough here. Even if I gave you my share too, it still wouldn't be enough.
Lyria: I'm sorry, Syr. You've been sharing your rations with me this whole time...
Syr: Huh? Don't worry 'bout me. I'm fun size, so I don't eat much!
Syr: But I'm growing! One day I'll be as tall as Gramps.
Mine Guard: Pipe down, runt!
Syr: Ah! The guard's coming!
Mine Guard: Can't believe I'm the one that's gotta come all the way down here for the runt...
Come on! Out!
Syr: Huh?
Mine Guard: Just shut up and get out here! You've got a visitor!
Syr: A visitor? Who?
Mine Guard: Shut up! You're a lucky little runt, you know that! We don't normally allow this kinda thing!
Syr: What's going on?
Hold down the fort for me, (Captain).
Syr is led through the compound, eventually arriving at a deserted mine shaft.
Mine Guard: No slackin'!
Syr: You try walking when you're tied up and dragged through a mine!
???: Kehehe! You haven't changed a bit! Looking well, Syr.
Syr: You... Clayus! Why are you here?
Clayus: Kehehe! I came to see your pathetic face of course!
Clayus: You're just like that damned, insolent old fool—those eyes, burning with such anger!
Mine Guard: Get on with it! Time's almost up!
Clayus: What's the rush? Here's some rupies for the trouble. Go on, then—pick them up!
Mine Guard: Grrr...
The guard begrudgingly gathers the coins from the ground before making himself scarce.
Clayus: Kehehe. Being sent here all alone. Must be pretty depressing.
Syr: Not at all. All the others got away, so it was worth it in the end.
Syr: H-how are they by the way? Are they safe?
Clayus: Kehe... Worried?
Clayus: Don't be. You'll be reunited with them soon enough.
Syr: N-no! They've been captured? We were so careful up until now...
Clayus: Now, now, let's not get upset. The fun will start soon after all.
Clayus: All the squatters infesting Sidheros will be driven from their nests during the roundups!
Clayus: When the mafia goes rat-hunting, we look through all the little vermin and pick out the promising ones from the litter. How else would these pits get mined?
Clayus: Kehehe... Who knows? Maybe Galthazar'll be the next rodent to be thrown down here with a shovel!
Syr: How could you!
Clayus: Kehehe! That look! There's the look I wanted to see!
Clayus: I just came to deliver a message to our people on the inside.
Clayus: But seeing that look! What a treat!
Clayus: I hope you're looking forward to seeing your friends again, Syr!
Clayus: Kehehehe!
Syr: (This is serious... I've gotta let Gramps know the roundups are coming!)

The Inner Light - Chapter 1: Well-Sought Friends - Episode 4

Syr reveals more of his past and present worries to (Captain) and Lyria. The trio then resolve to escape the pits as soon as possible.

Syr: ...
Lyria: Cough... Syr, what's wrong? You're frowning really hard.
Lyria: Resting might help if you're tired? Oh, or does something hurt?
Syr: No... Nothing hurts. It's just...
Syr: I told you guys how I got thrown in here, right?
Lyria: Let's see... You said that no one is allowed to live on Sidheros unless they're working in the mines.
Lyria: But you were living in one of the abandoned towns outside of the pits. And that's where they found you.
Syr: Yeah, that was all true, but...
Syr: Argh, I gotta come clean with the rest of it!
Syr: The man who took me in and raised me, Gramps—uh, I mean Galthazar... H-he's a criminal!
Lyria: You mean like a thief?
Syr: Yeah... B-but before that he was just a farmer tilling the fields on Sidheros!
Lyria: I haven't seen anything outside of the pits, so I had no idea there were any fields on Sidheros.
Syr: Well there aren't any left. Not since they found ore here.
Syr: The snobby merchants of Epice smelled a profit and just bought the entire island.
Syr: Then they drove the farmers from their homes to set up the pits...
Syr: And even worse their mineral refineries created a lot of smog, basically killing all the land.
Lyria: So that's how it happened...
Syr: Sorry, back to the point.
Syr: Anyway, after this 'n' that, Gramps became a criminal, sneaking into the pits and rescuing children that had been brought there.
Lyria: Even thieves can be good people.
Syr: Well, to be honest, he's not one of those steal from the rich and give to the poor types...
Syr: I mean it's not like he's a bad person. But the authorities don't care what type of person you are.
Syr: There's this thing called a roundup, where large squads of Epice goons go around and force good people out of their homes.
Syr: Normally they bring the people here, but if Gramps is caught, they'll make him worm food!
Syr: The old man's been avoiding the authorities for years, but still...
Syr: A-and there are lots of kids littler than me living with Gramps...
  1. Then we have to get out of here fast!
  2. Working with everyone sounds like fun.

Choose: Then we have to get out of here fast!
Lyria: You're right! We have to tell Syr's family about the roundups!
Syr: I bet we could slip outta here if we catch the guard by surprise...
Syr: Oh, but they let monsters roam around the mineshafts, so we'll have to do something about them too.

Choose: Working with everyone sounds like fun.
Syr: (Captain), this place's gone to your head!
Lyria: He's right! We're going to get out of this place, and then join up with the others!
Syr: If we can just get out of here then we can send word to the other skyfarers!
Syr: All right, gang! It's time to make our escape!
Continue 1
(Captain), Lyria, and Syr continue discussing their plan to break out of the pits.
Meanwhile, outside of the compound, the rest of the crew works toward freeing their captive friends.

The Inner Light - Chapter 2: Soot-Covered Skies - Episode 1

While investigating how to break into the pits, Mary bumps into Altos. They decide to put aside their past problems and join forces to try to rescue (Captain), Lyria, and Syr.

Eugen and the others, stowed away on a ferry, finally reach the main island to search for (Captain) and Lyria.
Vyrn: Phew! Glad we made it here without the authorities noticing us!
Mary: Don't start celebrating just yet. Next we have to get into the pits.
Mary: The authorities here are especially wary—always looking for spies, fugitives, and the like.
Any version of Mary is a crew member

Eugen: Aye. We'll let you lead the way.
Mary: I remember hearing about a route to the mines... But I've never actually been there...
Mary: I'll do some scouting. Can you guys wait up for me?

No version of Mary in crew

Eugen: Roger. Can we trust you to lead the way?
Mary: Well, we can't go back now, and there's someone I need to see.
Mary: I remember hearing about a route to the mines... But I've never actually been there...
Mary: I'll do some scouting. Don't worry—I'm not gonna ditch you guys.
Continue 1
Vyrn: We're counting on you, Mary!
Mary: Hmm... The guards seem a little shorthanded over here... But we'd still have to figure out when they change shifts...
Mary: Is someone—eek!
Mary is stealthily doing reconnaissance on the compound when suddenly something covers her mouth, muffling her surprised scream.
???: Shh. I'm not going to harm you. For now.
Mary struggles but soon becomes calm after recognizing the composed voice.
The hand that had been restraining her releases its grip.
Mary: Altos...
Altos: Not a face I wanted to see. What are you doing here?
Mary: Back atcha, buddy. What're you doing here?
Mary: Wait, I get it. Did they finally get the old codger? Hah! Deserves him right!
Altos: You don't have the right to talk about Grandfather like that, backstabber!
Mary: ...!
Mary: Big words for a thief! No—a thief's lackey!
Mary and Altos are still glaring at one another when they hear the shuffling of guards' footsteps in the distance.
Altos: We've wasted too much time. The guards will change soon.
Mary: You're going to sneak into the pits?
Altos: What's that got to do with you?
Mary: You didn't bring anyone to help?
Seriously though... Did they get the old codger?
Altos: Galthazar hasn't been caught yet. It's Syr they've caught.
Altos: But it seems he hasn't told them the location of the safe house.
Mary: Huh? But at Syr's age he wouldn't have started stealing... Well, not that the authorities care either way.
Mary: We've got to get to him fast...
Any version of Mary is a crew member

Mary: Ugh, meeting you here was either a blessing or a curse...
Altos: What are you muttering about?
Mary: My friends also got caught and thrown in the pits. Just like Syr.
Altos: Friends! A backstabber like you with friends?
Mary: Enough, Altos.
Hmm... Even you would have a hard time getting into the mines, right?

No version of Mary in crew

Mary: Enough, Altos.
Hmm... Even you would have a hard time getting into the mines, right?
Continue 2
Mary: Why don't we join forces? I know some skyfarers who've said they want to get into the pits too.
Mary: You be the brains; we'll be the brawn. You know, in case things go down. How about it?
Altos: ...
Altos: Fine. But if I decide that you or these skyfarers are slowing me down—that's where we part.
Mary: It's a deal.
Mary leaves Altos and soon returns with Eugen and the rest of the crew.
Eugen: Sounds like you're gonna get us into the pits, eh?
Vyrn: But he's just a kid, isn't he? Is it all right to take him on a mission as dangerous as this?
Altos: Mary and I are the same age.
Vyrn: No way! Reeeally?
Altos: There wasn't enough food to go around when I was an infant. My height is the result of that.
Altos: To be honest being compact makes my line of work easier than if I were some muscle-bound oaf.
Altos: We've spent enough time on frivolities. Come. We move.
Vyrn: Ah, right!
With Altos at the helm, the crew begins their operation to infiltrate the pits.
Meanwhile (Captain), Lyria, and Syr have already begun executing their own escape plans.
Syr: We're in luck! The guards are changing at the same time today!
Syr: All right, Lyria! Get ready!
Lyria: Right! While you and (Captain) distract the guard, I'll grab the key hanging on the wall!
Lyria: Cough...
Operation Bye-Bye Pits! Start!

The Inner Light - Chapter 2: Soot-Covered Skies - Episode 2

After breaking into the pits, Eugen and the others run into (Captain), Lyria, and Syr mid-escape. Although they are happy to be reunited, Eugen reminds everyone that they're not out of the pits yet.

Altos: Syr would have been assigned to work in this block.
Vyrn: (Captain) and Lyria might be there too! B-but we can't know for sure...
Altos: (Captain) would be around the same age as me, correct?
Altos: If so, there's a high chance they're in the same block. Newbies are generally given the same tasks.
Vyrn: Okay, that's good to know.
Slipping past the guards, Altos, Vyrn, and the others advance into the mine shaft.
Mary: Altos! Footsteps!
Altos: So I hear. Quick, into this mine cart! We'll hide under this sheet.
Following Altos's quick direction, Vyrn and the others conceal themselves.
???: Erm... I was sure it was this way! This should lead to the abandoned mine shaft.
???: Okay... Cough...
Vyrn: That voice!
Upon hearing the familiar tone, Vyrn leaps out from under the sheet.
Vyrn: (Captain)! Lyria!
Lyria: Huh? Vyrn!
Lyria: Vyrn is that really you? This isn't a dream?
Vyrn: It's me! It's me! We came to rescue you!
Vyrn: We were all so worried, (Captain)!
Syr: Altos! You're here too! Uh-oh...
Altos: Idiot! Always pulling this crap! When're you gonna—
Syr: S-sorry, Altos! Ouch! Stop squeezing so hard!
The crew members are delighted at being reunited. Eugen, as the senior member of the group, is the first to regain his composure.
Eugen: I hate to break up this emotional reunion, but right now we gotta make a break for it.
Eugen: If we get spotted now, it'll turn our celebration here a little sour.
Mary: You're right. Let's get outta here.
Syr: Mary! You came back?
Mary: Well, I wouldn't say I'm back... More like I'm just stopping by...
Syr: You went missing. Then we didn't hear from you... Everyone was so worried!
Mary: Okay, okay. But now's not the time. You heard Eugen. We've gotta get out of here. Let's get a move on!
Syr: Mary...
Vyrn: Altos, Mary, Syr... What's up with you guys?
Altos: I don't mind banter but let's stay focused, Lizard.
Altos: Guards don't usually patrol the abandoned mines, but there are plenty of monsters down here.
Altos: We were lucky not to encounter any on the way down. I doubt fortune will favor us on the way back.

The Inner Light - Chapter 2: Soot-Covered Skies - Episode 3

Altos and Mary get into a confrontation, alerting a patrolling guard. They defuse the situation by bribing the guard with a jewel, but Altos recognizes the trinket and becomes even more irate.

Syr: How about it, Mary? Don't you think I'm way stronger than before?
Mary: Yeah. You're stronger than before, I guess.
Syr: ...
Syr: S-so what have you been up to all this time?
Mary: Treasure hunting.
Syr: Treasure hunting! Wow, so you've fulfilled your dreams!
Syr: That's awesome, Mary! You've been saying you wanted to be a treasure hunter for forever!
Mary: Syr.
Syr: Yes?
Mary: What are you planning on doing once you get out of the pits?
Syr: What am I doing? Umm... Well, I was gonna go back to Gramps's place...
Mary: Don't. Come with me, and we'll leave Sidheros together.
Syr: Huh?
Mary: If you go back to the old codger's place, it's only a matter of time before he'll have you pickpocketing things again.
Mary: You've gotta get out of there before it comes to that.
Syr: B-but the roundup is coming! I have to warn him!
Mary: Who cares if that old codger gets caught?
Altos: Mary!
Altos: Our brothers and sisters are in that safe house. Would you make a backstabber of Syr?
Mary: I'm not—
Eugen: Pssst, keep your voices down! Otherwise the guards will hear!
Syr: Ah...
Mine Guard: Huh? Was that a voice? Someone's slackin' off in the mines...
Vyrn: This looks bad! There's no time to hide! What do we do?
Mary: Wait. I'll take care of it.
Mary: Yo, officer! Hard at work I see!
Mine Guard: C-convict! Which block do you belong in?
Mary: So quick to question! I could give you this if it would make you less curious.
Mary rummages through her bag with a profound grin on her face, eventually pulling out a beautiful jewel.
Mary: (Most of the low-ranking goons on Sidheros are connected to the mafia...)
Mary: (Not a one of them would mind getting a little incentive under the table.)
Mine Guard: I believe I'm all out of questions. Just put that on the floor over there.
Mine Guard: I found this jewel and didn't see nothin' else. Got it?
Mary: Thanks! Always nice to run into sensible people.
Mine Guard: Agreed. Now get outta my sight!
What did we get—oh! This rock is so fancy!
Mary: That's one down! Nothing to it.
Lyria: Cough... Thank you, Mary.
Lyria: But should you really have given him such a valuable thing?
Mary: It's all good. I hunt for treasure; I don't sell it. You'd get way more than you could handle if you didn't give it away!
Altos: Y-you... That jewel... It was from—
Altos: When you went with the older kids... When you all got captured and we never heard from you again... You took it!
Eugen: Calm down, Altos! You want to deal with more guards like that last one? Save it for outside!
Eugen: Let's just deal with whatever monsters we come across and focus on escaping.

The Inner Light - Chapter 2: Soot-Covered Skies - Episode 4

The crew escapes from the mines and decides to head to Galthazar's safe house after Lyria's condition worsens.

Eugen: Somehow we managed to get out of the pits in one piece. Well, most of us anyway...
Eugen: Lyria, how are you holding up? Your face looks terrible.
Lyria: Cough-cough... Sorry. After meeting up with everyone, it's just—I'm feeling a little faint.
Mary: There's no guarantee the ferry's going to come back here any time soon.
Syr: Altos, we could take Lyria and the others to the safe house. They could get some shut eye there.
Syr: They both looked after me in the pits. I want to return the favor.
Altos: Fine. Galthazar probably won't object.
Syr: Yay! This way, (Captain)! Follow me!
Altos: Most of the towns on the main island of Sidheros have been abandoned—well, except those that serve the pits.
Altos: Epice authorities released monsters into the towns hoping to get rid of any remaining squatters. That includes this one.
Altos: It beats the mines, but stay on guard.

The Inner Light - Chapter 2: Soot-Covered Skies - Episode 4: Scene 2

Mary explains the relationship between her, Altos, and Galthazar to a keen-eared Vyrn.

Mary: ...
Vyrn: Mary, what's up with you and Altos?
Mary: It's not that... It's just that we...
Vyrn: Did somethin' happen? Did you guys have a fight?
Mary: Fight? Yeah, I guess we fought a lot. But that has nothing to do with why he's angry now.
Mary: Me and Altos, we were picked up and raised by this old thieving codger, Galthazar.
Mary: One time, under the old man's orders, I went off thieving with a bunch of older kids.
Mary: But some Epice authorities caught us red-handed and all of us were captured...
Mary: We had been going after a jewel that day. The older kids told me to take it and run.
Vyrn: Wait! That shiny rock you gave away...
Mary: Yeah... I decided a long time ago I would never go back to see that old codger.
Mary: I had to cut all ties with my past. I never would've been able to become a treasure hunter, you know? I've wanted this life for so long...
Mary: Altos has... Well, he's never forgiven me for leaving.
Mary: I never would have thought I'd come back here... Especially with you, (Captain)...
Mary: Sigh... I really thought I never would have had to come back here...

The Inner Light - Chapter 2: Soot-Covered Skies - Episode 4: Scene 3

(Captain) and the crew arrive at Galthazar's safe house where Syr is shocked to see Clayus. Galthazar reveals his connection to the mafia, but the crew gains the old man's permission to settle in for the night.

Lyria: Cough... Cough...
Mary: Hang in there, Lyria! Just a little further to the safe house.
Lyria: Okay. Thank you...
Altos: Enter through here. Watch your head—low ceiling.
Mary: I see nothing's changed...
Mary: Well, there's a few unfamiliar faces.
Syr: I'm hooome!
Heletina: Syr! Altos! You're back! I'm glad you're safe.
Socolata: What's with all the people?
Grass: I'mma get Grandpa!
Vyrn: Is everybody here a kid?
Heletina: Grandpa Galthazar said he don't like to see kids gettin' hurt.
Socolata: Yeah. He got us this house! And gives us lotsa help!
Mary: Hmm, giving help huh? More like making you help him out with his crimes. Real noble.
???: If you're going to badmouth me, you'd better be prepared to say it to my face.
Mary: Galthazar!
Galthazar: You've got some nerve, turning up here with all these people.
Galthazar: This is a safe house! Not a refugee camp! You've got some explaining to do, Altos.
Altos: They had friends taken to the pits too. So I accepted their help.
Galthazar: Accepted? You sure you don't mean offered them help?
Eugen: You're not wrong there. Altos was great.
Eugen: Thanks to him we were able to rescue our crew members, (Captain) and Lyria. Galthazar, is it?
Galthazar: Yeah.
Good to hear! We'll bill you for the fee later.
Syr: Gramps! I heard something terrible!
Galthazar: Mmm? What is it? I'm always telling you to stop being so vague.
Syr: Just listen! The guards are going to have a mass roundup in Sidheros!
Galthazar: Huh? Oh, that. I already heard about that from Clayus.
Syr: Huh? From Clayus?
Clayus: Kehehe... Greetings, Syr.
Syr: Y-you came here?
Galthazar: Of course he did. How else would we trade info with the mafia?
Clayus: ...
Galthazar: I pay the mafia a full airship load and a half for tip-offs like this.
Syr: So that's how it is...
Syr: You really did come to the pits just to watch me suffer!
Clayus: Kehe! Of course! I wouldn't lie to you, would I?
Syr: Aaargh! What's the matter with you?
Galthazar: Sorry, Syr. Clayus's got a rotten sense of humor, but we need him.
Lyria: Cough... Cough-cough!
Syr: Lyria, are you all right?
Galthazar: You brought a sick person here? What an annoying cough...
Vyrn: How can you say something so mean to a sick person!
Galthazar: I can't have you fritterin' around—not when your face is so red.
Galthazar: My bed's just through there. Best in the safe house. Take it but don't mess it up.
Eugen: We owe you one. All right, Lyria, let's get you in that bed.
Lyria: Cough... Thank you...
Galthazar: Altos, fetch the medicine box! We've gotta have something to get a fever down.
Altos: Understood. (Captain), grab a towel and bucket.
(Captain) and Lyria have successfully escaped the grim surroundings of the pits to be reunited with their friends.
The crew end up taking refuge at Galthazar's safe house, nervously waiting for the next ferry to arrive.
In this brief but liberating break, no one expects that the worst is yet to come.

The Inner Light - Chapter 3: Weary-Eyed Respite - Episode 1

Galthazar flies into a rage when Mary reveals what happened to the jewel. Seeing that her former caretaker values the jewel more than human life, Mary's resentment grows stronger.

Although being reunited with her friends brings her some relief, Lyria's fever worsens, leaving her bedridden in Galthazar's safe house.
Galthazar: Honestly I give you my food, I give you my bed—I need them back!
Vyrn: Geez, we know! We'll give you something for your trouble later! Right, (Captain)?
Eugen: Anyone else bothered by the fact the ferry hasn't come for a while now?
Syr: And yet the ports seem even busier than usual—cargo ships coming and going non-stop.
Altos: But those freighters don't stop at government outpost islands.
Eugen: Poor ol' Grandcypher... All alone at that outpost...
Galthazar: You'll have to make yourselves useful until the ferry returns.
Grass: Oh! So (Captain) and his fwiends are gonna get to stay longer now?
Heletina: Hey, hey! Don't leave me out! Mr. Lizard, tell me what's going on!
Vyrn: I ain't no lizard!
Socolata: Yeah, lizards don't fly!
Vyrn: Haha! Stop tickling! Hahaha! No—stop it!
Altos: He'd make a good babysitter...
Eugen: No kidding.
Mary, keen to stay detached, watches the crew over the next few days as they grow closer to the children.
Mary: ...
Galthazar: Mary. We have something to discuss. Come.
Mary: Fine...
Altos: ...
Heletina: Altos, what's wrooong?
Altos: Nothing. Go. The dishes need washing.
Grass: Okie-dokie!
Mary: So?
Galthazar: Don't play dumb with me. You know what's up!
Galthazar: When you ran away and went into hiding—that jewel I told you to steal!
Galthazar: No one's seen it since it vanished that night.
Galthazar: A clever girl like you—you took it, didn't you?
Mary: The older kids gave it to me. T-they told me to take it and run.
Galthazar: Who cares about them! Where's the jewel?
Mary: Your eyes change when you talk about jewels even now. You haven't changed a bit.
Mary: Those children trusted you until the very last. They never betrayed you!
Galthazar: I don't have time for this! What did you do with the jewel?
Mary: Pfft! I don't have it anymore! A guard in the pits took it off my hands for me!
Galthazar: Y-you damn idiot! Do you know how much I've been through to get my hands on that jewel?
Galthazar: Gone—just like that... To a guard!
Galthazar: A brat like you...
Mary: If you're gonna hit me, go ahead and do it! You don't scare me anymore!
Galthazar: ...!
Just as Galthazar is about to swing a clenched fist, a small figure appears between the pair.
Altos: Galthazar! I let her hand it over.
Galthazar: This keeps getting better and better... So you betrayed me too, Altos?
Altos: Betray you? Galthazar, think about what you're suggesting.
Altos: I'm not saying this to cover for Mary. I don't trust her either.
Mary: ...
Altos: But handing over that jewel is what allowed us to get Syr back here unharmed.
Galthazar: You think one brat is worth a jewel like that!
Galthazar: ...
Syr: Um... Altos? Mary? We're finished with the dishes.
Altos: Syr! Did you hear what we were saying just now?
Syr: Y-yes.
Altos: Galthazar has his moods. You know that. Don't let it get to you.
Syr: S-sure...
Mary: Hmph. I know what the old codger's tone of voice meant.
Mary: I should've told him I never laid eyes on the stupid rock!
Mary: I should've just thrown it into the bottom of the sky!

The Inner Light - Chapter 3: Weary-Eyed Respite - Episode 2

Galthazar demands the crew repay their debt by retrieving the jewel from the pits. The crew is reluctant to get involved with a theft, so Altos accompanies them to do the actual stealing.

Galthazar summons (Captain) and the others to the dining room.
Vyrn: A jewel?
Galthazar: Yes, that's right. I told you: you'll have to make yourselves useful.
Galthazar: Retrieve the jewel that Mary gave to that guard.
Galthazar: Get it back for me, and I'll help you get aboard the ferry.
Galthazar: You'll get back to your ship, and we'll call it even. Not a bad deal, eh?
Vyrn: B-but that's stealing! No, worse—robbing!
Galthazar: And what of it? You want a job done cleanly, then you've gotta get a little dirty—gotta sacrifice something.
Galthazar: Whether that's your time, your life, money, or honor... It makes no difference to me.
Eugen: We can't change your mind, can we?
Galthazar: How could you? You guys owe me, and this is your chance to make good on your debt.
Galthazar: Or I could've just let you get caught by the Epice authorities. Would've made no difference to me.
Vyrn: What should we do, (Captain)?
  1. I don't want to steal.
  2. Sounds like good payback...

Choose: I don't want to steal.
Galthazar: Oh? So how do you plan to repay your debt?
Vyrn: Grrr...

Choose: Sounds like good payback...
Galthazar: It does indeed! After what they put you through, revenge doesn't sound so bad, does it?
Mary: What are you saying, you stupid old codger!
Continue 1
Altos: If this is how it's going to be... I'll do it. I'll go and get the jewel back.
Altos: But it'll be up to (Captain) and the crew to take care of any monsters we encounter.
Altos: How about it, Galthazar? At the end of the day, you'll get your jewel either way.
Syr: And me! I'll help (Captain) too!
Galthazar: Hmm... Not a bad call. Amateurs would probably just ruin things anyway...
Altos: (Captain), I hope you understand.
Eugen: We've got no choice. This old man won't let up.
Eugen: Sigh... Let's get ready.
Lyria: (Captain), I'm coming along too!
Lyria: My fever has mostly died down... I want to help too!
Eugen: Not even a chance... is what I'd normally say, but under the circumstances I think you'd be safer coming with us.
Lyria: I won't get in the way!
At the behest of Galthazar, the crew sets out to retrieve the jewel from the pits.
Syr: Sigh... Sorry about all this, (Captain). Gramps is weird when it comes to jewels.
Eugen: Oh? He's got an obsession or something?
Syr: You could say that. He keeps a collection in the chest back at the safe house.
Syr: They're pretty, I guess. But I'd take a slice of lard pie over a jewel any day of the week!
Altos: Did you seriously just compare a jewel to lard pie...
Syr: Hehe, yup!
Mary, you're a treasure hunter, so you've found all sorts of treasure, right?
Syr: There are tons of things that are better than this dumb jewel that Gramps wants so bad, right?
Mary: Caves full of stuff! Is this thing really that important to him?
Mary: He's wading into deep water, letting the mafia so close to the safe house—what a stupid man!
Altos: Stop picking fights with Galthazar. You've always been like this...
Mary: Oh sure, because you always do what you're told!
Eugen: Enough, both of you! We've got a job to do!
Altos: ...
Mary: Humph!

The Inner Light - Chapter 3: Weary-Eyed Respite - Episode 3

Clayus betrays (Captain) and the others to the mine guard at the pits.

Mine Guard: What! Seriously?
Clayus: You doubt me? Have you ever been misled by any of my information?
Clayus: As we speak, Galthazar's little rodents are on their way here to steal that jewel you have.
Mine Guard: Those damn criminals! Even after I let them escape!
Mine Guard: I'll catch them, and damn it, they'll never leave the pits again!
Clayus: Kehehe! Yes! That's exactly what those vermin deserve!
Syr: It's this way. The guards take their breaks in that room in the back.
Eugen: Got it. First we've gotta cut through these monsters. Weapons drawn, (Captain)!

The Inner Light - Chapter 3: Weary-Eyed Respite - Episode 3: Scene 2

Altos is preparing to steal the jewel from the guard's quarters when suddenly a group of guards appear, forcing (Captain) and the party to flee.

Altos: I see it. That shed is the guard's quarters.
Altos: Wait here. I'll be back soon.
Mary: Wait, I'm coming—
Eugen: Shh! I hear someone!
As if Eugen's warning had been a perfect cue, a small stampede of footsteps reverberates around the mine shaft.
Mine Guard: Welcome back, criminals! Looks like we caught the whole herd!
Eugen: Tch! Surrounded! Can't get the jewel now...
Eugen: (Captain), let's take care of this crowd and get back to the safe house!

The Inner Light - Chapter 3: Weary-Eyed Respite - Episode 4

(Captain) and the crew flee to the abandoned town, mine guards still in hot pursuit. Lyria distracts the guards by summoning a primal beast and buys enough time for the crew to shake the guards off.

Mine Guard: Halt!
Mary: You guys are pretty persistent, huh! Haven't you got better things to do—you know, like guarding the actual mine!
Altos: We can't lead them to the safe house.
Altos: I'll act as a decoy. Syr, follow (Captain) and the others. Do as they say.
Syr: B-but what will happen to you, Altos!
Altos: Do as you're told. I'll split from you at the coming corner.
Lyria: Wait!
Lyria: Altos, there's no need for you to take such a risk.
Lyria: If all we need is a decoy...
Altos: ...!
???: ...
Mine Guard: Wh-what is that monster!
Lyria: Quick, while the guards are distracted, let's get out of here!

The Inner Light - Chapter 3: Weary-Eyed Respite - Episode 4: Scene 2

Clayus, mesmerized by Lyria's primal beast, grows envious of her power.

Clayus: Wow...
Clayus: W-what is that... Its presence—so ominous, so divine...
Clayus: This overwhelming power!
Clayus: Marvelous! Simply marvelous!
Clayus: I simply must have it as my own...
Syr: At the far end of this alley there's a hidden entrance to the safe house—ahh!
Monster: Graaaargh!
Eugen: Guards, then monsters! It never ends! Get ready, (Captain)!

The Inner Light - Chapter 3: Weary-Eyed Respite - Episode 4: Scene 3

Galthazar is furious when he hears that the crew failed to procure the jewel. But when he sees Clayus pestering Lyria about her ability to summon primal beasts, he protects her. Lyria then notices something strange about Galthazar's gemstone.

Galthazar: You're telling me you didn't even touch the jewel!
Eugen: Sorry. It was unusually well guarded. They surrounded us, and we had no choice but to flee...
Galthazar: Silence! Enough of these tired excuses!
Galthazar: Dammit, you screw up once and security gets even tighter! That was the last one I needed too...
Galthazar: What can I... How can I...
Syr: Gramps...
Galthazar: Not now, boy!
Syr: ...
Eugen: You know, that gang acted like they knew we were coming. Like somebody told 'em beforehand...
Mary: Beforehand...
Mary: Just like back then...
Lyria: Cough... Cough...
Vyrn: Lyria, are you okay? Don't tell me your fever's back.
Vyrn: You must be beat after summoning that primal beast. Get some rest.
Lyria: I'm sorry. I've caused nothing but trouble of late...
Eugen: Don't be ridiculous! Everyone needs a little extra help when they're sick.
Lyria: You're right. Thank you.
Lyria lies sleeping quietly in bed when she is woken up by a snake of a man whispering in her ear.
Clayus: Misssss... Misssss...
Lyria: Yawn. Huh? Where am...
Clayus: Rise and shine. Feeling better now that you've slept?
Lyria: Eek! Y-you're that man Clayus! I think...
Clayus: Hehehe... It is an honor that you would remember my name.
Clayus: That black dragon. You were the one who summoned that destructively beautiful creature. Am I wrong?
Clayus: Teach me. How does one call such a gorgeous specimen?
Lyria: Black dragon... Oh! You mean when we were running from the guards.
Lyria: Yes, I can summon primal beasts, but...
Lyria: I don't know why I have this power.
Lyria: That means... So that's... I can't explain how to do it. I'm sorry.
Clayus: Oh my, how selfish.
Isn't that just so selfish?
Lyria: What do you mean?
Clayus: Hoarding it all to yourself! A power as magnificent as that!
Lyria: Cl-Clayus? C-calm down. Aaah!
Clayus's hand extends toward Lyria, but before he can seize her, an aged hand blocks him.
Galthazar: She's resting, Clayus. What were you doing bothering her like that?
Clayus: Kehehe... Just a little chat...
Clayus: Just a merry, merry little chat!
Lyria: Huff... Why was Clayus acting like that?
Galthazar: That's just how spoiled brats are. Don't worry about it. Go back to sleep.
Lyria: Okay... Thanks, Galthazar...
Galthazar makes sure Lyria is lying down comfortably and then takes a seat at a table to the side. He plops a chest on the table and gingerly flips its latch open.
The old man retrieves a gemstone from the chest, and a jewel from his pocket, and starts methodically polishing them.
Lyria: Wow... Wait. That gemstone—it's different from the jewel...
Hesitant to yield to exhaustion, Lyria addresses Galthazar.
Lyria: Galthazar, um...
Lyria: How come you love jewels so much?
Galthazar: Jewels? Why...
Galthazar: That—well... For me, it's...
Lyria: Th-this feeling!
Lyria's gaze gravitates to one jewel that is sparkling with a conspicuous luster.
The chill that comes over Lyria is just a hint of the troubles that will soon engulf the crew.

The Inner Light - Chapter 4: Long-Missed Fields - Episode 1

Lyria speculates that Galthazar's moods are caused by a primal crystal. Syr hopes to find out the true nature of Galthazar's jewel by sneaking into the old man's room.

(Captain) and the crew continue to bear Galthazar's wrath after failing to procure the jewel.
Syr begins to talk to Altos and the other children about the situation.
Syr: It's only jewels that get Gramps so riled up like that, making him say strange things, right?
Syr: I can see where Mary was coming from, giving the jewel away.
Heletina: B-but! Grandpa loves the pretty jewel!
Socolata: Throwing it away—that's real, real bad. I think...
Grass: But Gwandpa's so scawy when he's angwy! I agwee with Syr!
Socolata: I guess...
Syr: What do you think, Altos?
Altos: I think—No, I couldn't take Galthazar's very reason for living away from him like that.
Altos: We owe him for taking us in and raising us. The very least we can do is overlook a fault or two.
Syr: Yeah... But... you know the way he gets angry just isn't normal.
Lyria: Oh, Syr! There you are!
Lyria: I need to talk with you. Do you have some time now?
Syr: Sure! What is it, Lyria?
Lyria: It's about Galthazar's jewel collection. And a gemstone...
Altos: A gemstone? The jewels I know about, but I've never heard of a gemstone.
Lyria: Yesterday I happened to see him take the gemstone out of his chest.
Lyria: The only time Galthazar gets angry is when jewels are involved, right?
Syr: Yeah. He's always been strict, but normally he wouldn't start suddenly yelling like that.
Lyria: Ah... I thought it might be like that...
Heletina: What, what? Tell me, Lyria!
Lyria: I think that Galthazar's gemstone might be a primal crystal.
Syr: Huh? Primal crystal... Wait, so it was originally a primal beast?
Lyria: Yes. I felt it... In fact I'm certain it was.
Altos: How can you be sure?
Lyria: I can sense primal beasts. I can't explain it though...
Syr: I believe you! After all, I saw you summon that enormous monster.
Lyria: That's right—that black dragon was also a primal beast.
Altos: So that was a primal beast. I knew they weren't anything like regular monsters...
Lyria: Sometimes a primal beast can change a person's feelings and control them.
Lyria: I think it's the primal crystal's fault that Galthazar seems like he's changed.
Lyria: And those jewels... How can I put it? I get a strange sense from them too.
Lyria: I'm certain there's some kind of connection between the jewels and the primal crystal.
Mary: Are you sure?
Syr: Ah! Mary! Did you overhear?
Mary: Was I not supposed to?
Altos: Mary, don't eavesdrop. If you want to join in the conversation, then join in.
Mary: Geez. Stop constantly talking down to me, Altos.
Altos: Then stop acting like a child. Heletina and the others are more reasonable than you.
Syr: Enough! I'm sick of you two bickering all the time!
Syr: What's more important? Your stupid little fight or saving Gramps from his jewels?
Syr: Lyria, will you help me sneak into Gramps's room when he's not there?
Syr: You're probably the only one that can actually spot the primal crystal in his collection.
Lyria: Of course!
Syr: Gramps has an errand to run this afternoon. Let's aim for then and strike while the iron is hot!

The Inner Light - Chapter 4: Long-Missed Fields - Episode 2

Lyria is able to confirm that the gemstone is a primal crystal. Suspecting that Galthazar is being influenced by the crystal, Lyria directly confronts him about his obsession with jewels. The old man reveals his painful past in response.

Syr: All right, Gramps's out. This is our chance!
Heletina: The pretty jewels are on the back shelf. He'll get angry if you touch 'em, but they're not hidin'.
Syr: The problem is finding the primal crystal. I don't have any clue where it could be.
Grass: Lywia, did you see it when Gwandpa got his chest out?
Lyria: I think he took it out from under the floor somewhere around here. But I don't see a handle or switch...
Mary: Over here, right? Hmm... I don't see any breaks in the grain of the wood... Aha! Here!
Mary slides her fingernail into a barely visible gap in the floor, prying a panel up and revealing a hidden recess.
Lyria: Wow! Mary, you're amazing!
Mary: It's this chest, right? Oh, it's unlocked.
Reaching into the box, Mary pulls out a gemstone so large that she finds it hard to grasp with one hand.
Grass: Wow! That's huge! Th-that's gotta be worth at least ten wupies!
Heletina: Grass! Don't say stupid things when we got visitors!
Syr: Lyria, what do you feel?
Lyria: ...
Lyria: It has the same aura as a primal crystal. I'm sure.
Syr: These primal crystals, they actually have primal beasts sealed within them?
Syr: And what about these jewels. What are they?
Lyria: Hmm, those jewels are like lumps of magic.
Lyria: I think the magic of the primal beast was broken up and sealed in them. Maybe they keep it under control.
Syr: The primal beasts are incredibly strong.
Syr: This one was so strong it couldn't be sealed in a primal crystal alone, huh?
Heletina: But if that's the case, isn't it dangerous to store pray mail crystals together with those jewels like this?
Grass: Uh-oh! If we bwought back a pway mail beast, that'd be bad, huh?
Lyria: I think... I think that might be the point.
Syr: Huh? What are you saying, Lyria?
Lyria: Maybe he's gathering all of these jewels to restore a primal beast to its original form...
Grass: You can do that?
Syr: That reminds me—Lyria, didn't you say earlier that some primal beasts have the power to influence people's feelings?
Heletina: So the pray mail beast is making Grandpa get more jewels!
Lyria: That's one explanation. It's probably not that much of a stretch at least.
Syr: Man, it's just like I thought. We've gotta get Gramps away from his jewel collection...
Socolata: Oh heck! Grandpa's back!
Syr: What! Already? Everybody, hide!
Syr: Lyria, (Captain), over here! This way!
(Captain), Lyria, Mary, and the children return the chest to its hiding place and conceal themselves in various places around the room.
Galthazar enters the room, plucks the primal crystal from the chest, and gazes into it.
Galthazar: ...
Syr: Ungh... I hope Gramps leaves soon... Huh? Lyria!
Lyria: So, um, Galthazar...
Galthazar: How long have you been in here!
Galthazar: I won't give up this gemstone! It's my treasure, my very life!
Lyria: Your life... That gemstone means a lot to you. But why is it so important?
Galthazar: Why, you ask? What does that have to do with you!
Lyria: I need to know what kind of person you are, Galthazar!
Galthazar: ...
Galthazar: You're a bizarre girl. But—what is it about you—whenever I look at you...
Galthazar: I'm reminded of Sidheros's skies from back in the day. No smoke. Just an endlessly stretching blue...
Lyria: Syr told us that the town became polluted when the factories first appeared.
Galthazar: That's right. The damn fumes appeared when they started refining the ore.
Galthazar: Imagine if they had never come—maybe the skies would still be blue.
Galthazar: When I was young the whole of Sidheros was still covered with fields.
Galthazar: I thought I'd spend my entire life working the land.
Galthazar: But then the ore was discovered, the merchants of Epice bought Sidheros, and the entire island transformed beyond recognition.
Galthazar: The merchants brought convicts to Sidheros to work in the mines.
Galthazar: The land and peace we had known went to tatters overnight.
Lyria: How awful! They didn't think about the people who had been living here originally at all?
Galthazar: We just—all we wanted to do was take back our hometowns peacefully.
Galthazar: But that wasn't effective, so we organized an uprising in resistance to Epice. At first it went well.
Galthazar: But then Epice got serious and started investing heavily in their assault. A farmer's resistance... Pfft, to them we were little more than an itch that needed scratching.
Galthazar: Some got sent to the pits. Others turned to crime. The rest were chased out of Sidheros.
Galthazar: My family, my cousins, my friends and their families—who knows where any of 'em ended up.
Lyria: You've gone through something s-so terrible...
Galthazar: Sigh. But you wanted to hear the story behind this gemstone.
Galthazar: When the rebellion was going well, we smashed up a warehouse that the Epice authorities were using to stockpile money.
Galthazar: We gave the money to the injured and sick people working in the pits on the island.
Galthazar: But there wasn't time to track down a merchant who would buy the other loot from the warehouse, so I kept this leftover gemstone as a momento.
Lyria: I see. You've got memories connected to that gemstone.
Galthazar: With just a glance all the old sights come back to me...
Galthazar: A farmer's life is just struggle after struggle, but there was meaning in it at harvest time. There was so much joy.
Galthazar: When the wind sends waves rippling through a great golden field of wheat...
Galthazar: That's what I really want to see again. And if I could do anything to show that scene to the runts... I'd do it.
Lyria: Galthazar...
Galthazar: I've let my tongue get too loose. You seen Altos?
Lyria: Er... No. No, I haven't.
Galthazar: All right. We've gotta discuss our next move.
Galthazar: No matter, I'll just have to go and look for him.

The Inner Light - Chapter 4: Long-Missed Fields - Episode 3

Knowing that Galthazar's obsession stems from the primal crystal, Syr resolves to separate the old man from his jewel collection. They decide the most effective course would be to have Lyria try to persuade him to give up the gemstone.

When Galthazar leaves the room to look for Altos, everyone emerges from their respective hiding places.
Socolata: Grandpa... His family and friends...
Heletina: The field! Did you hear the way he explained it? I bet it's so pretty!
Lyria: The way that he was describing how things used to be on Sidheros—he was so gentle. That's definitely the real Galthazar.
Syr: Then it's just like we thought. We've gotta get him away from the primal crystal and those jewels!
Mary: Humph, I wonder if it would change anything. The old codger lost the battle to the crystal himself.
Mary: Forget about him! Shouldn't you guys be thinking about what you're going to do with yourselves?
Syr: Mary, why are you so cold to Gramps?
Mary: If you'd seen what I've seen, you'd know why.
Lyria: Ahem!
Lyria: Why don't we explain to Galthazar that the gemstone is a primal crystal?
Lyria: If we could persuade him that he's being controlled, maybe he'd understand...
Lyria: And maybe then he would decide to give up the gemstone and the jewels.
Syr: You're right. Stealing them behind his back would just upset him—better to let him have a say.
Grass: But, but! Would Gwandpa weally listen to us?
Heletina: Yeah. Up to now he's always got so angry when he talks about jewels!
Syr: ...
Syr: Lyria. It's gotta be you to persuade him.
Syr: Just now when the old man was reminiscing, it was you that he opened up to.
Syr: I've just got a feeling that he'd listen to you more than us.
Lyria: All right. I'll try to persuade Galthazar!
Syr: Thanks, Lyria! A-and sorry to put you through the trouble.
Lyria: I want to help! I'll do whatever I can!
Altos: ...
While Syr and the others share in the excitement of potentially getting the old Galthazar back, Altos gazes off, a troubled expression on his face.
As the crew discussed their plan, a slithery figure had been eavesdropping on (Captain) and the others.
Clayus: Galthazar's gemstone is a primal crystal...
Clayus: That poor thing...Trapped all alone with that dirty old rat.
Clayus: I'll be the one to show you who's worthy of wielding a primal beast, Galthazar!

The Inner Light - Chapter 4: Long-Missed Fields - Episode 4

Lyria tries to persuade Galthazar to part with his collection. This enrages the old man, and he kicks everyone out of his safe house in retaliation.

Syr: Gramps, can I talk to you?
Galthazar: Syr, Heletina, Socolata, even Grass—and you've brought Lyria. What's this about?
Lyria: The gemstone...
Galthazar: You're after my gem!
Galthazar: All of you, know this! I won't hand that gemstone over to anyone!
Lyria: Calm yourself please! That's no ordinary gemstone! It's a primal crystal!
Galthazar: A primal crystal? Absurd!
Lyria: It's making you seek out jewels, I think!
Lyria: Syr and the others are so worried about you. So please, just give them up—the crystal and the jewels!
Syr: Come on, Gramps! You'd be better off without them!
Heletina: Please, please, please, Grandpa! I'm tired of seeing you all weird from the pray mail crystal!
Grass: Gwandpa...
Galthazar: Shut up! All of you!
Socolata: Eek!
Galthazar: All of you thought you could pull one over on an old man, didn't you! You thought you'd spotted your chance—hah!
Galthazar: I'll never give the jewels up! If you don't like it in the safe house, then get out of my sight, you ungrateful brats!
Syr: B-but, Gramps!
Galthazar: Get out!
Galthazar's eyes seem to change color as he drives Lyria and the children out of the safe house.
Socolata: Sob... Sob...
Altos and Mary arrive to see the dejected children on the street corner and Galthazar in a rage.
Altos: Syr! Heletina! Socolata! And Grass! Is someone hurt?
Syr: Altos...
Altos: Ah, I see what's happened... Brush it off. He's just in a mood. He'll calm down soon enough.
Altos: He had the same reaction when I tried to talk about the jewels with him.
Grass: I hate angwy Gwandpa...
Lyria: I'm so sorry... When you were all relying on me to persuade him...
Mary: What have you got to apologize for, Lyria?
Mary: It would have been a miracle if you had been able to convince him.
Syr: But, Mary...
Mary: I didn't want to get any of you in trouble, so I didn't say anything earlier, but...
Mary: When I was with the older kids stealing that jewel, it's like the Epice authorities knew we were gonna be there.
Mary: Just like when we tried to get the jewel back from the pits.
Mary: There's definitely someone tipping them off beforehand!
Mary: I bet Galthazar worked with the mafia to sell us out to the authorities!
Syr: Gramps wouldn't!
Altos: Mary... So that's the reason you never returned.
Mary: It's not just that. I thought the future looked pretty bleak here.
Altos: Do you really believe Galthazar sold you and the older kids out?
Altos: Jewels are the most important thing to Galthazar. But he's not the kind that would forsake us like that.
Altos: Have you forgotten that he's the one that took us in?
Mary: Oh, you mean the same man that just kicked Syr and a bunch of children out of his house!
Altos: Galthazar's no backstabber, not like you!
Syr: Altos, Mary, stop!
Syr: W-why... Why do you two always have to fight?
Syr: Aren't we a f-family?
Heletina: Sniffle... Sniffle... Waaaah!
Altos: I'm sorry...
Mary: ...
Mine Guard: Argh! Stop! Stop, I beg you!
Mine Guard: Y-you can have it! Take it! Just don't kill me!
Clayus: Hmm? The acoustics in these mines are just abysmal! What's that you said?
Mine Guard: Aaaaah!
In one corner of an abandoned mine shaft, the sound of screaming followed by a blood splatter tint the otherwise placid air.
Clayus, drenched in fresh crimson, cracks a wide grin as he plucks a jewel from the prone body.
Clayus: This... The magical power of a primal beast given form!
Clayus: Kehehe! Just a few more of these and I'll finally be able to summon it!
Clayus: That power—I'll make it mine!
Clayus: Look at me now, all of you vermin who underestimated me! I'll exterminate every last one of you!
Clayus: Kehehehehe!

The Inner Light - Chapter 5: Well-Found Family - Episode 1

Galthazar uses the power of the primal crystal to fend off an attack on the safe house. Rebuffed by the show of force, soldiers set fire to the safe house.

The children have been let back into the safe house, but the mood in the room is bleak.
Vyrn: I wish we could find a way to cheer these kids up, Eugen.
Vyrn: Just seeing them so down like this... It's tough.
Eugen: I know what you mean.
Eugen: But it's not like there's a magic word that can make everything all better.
Vyrn: I guess you're right.
Eugen: They're a family...
Eugen: Just facing everything together. Man, these kids are somethin' else.
The door abruptly opens, and the sound of footsteps penetrate the gloomy atmosphere of the safe house.
Syr: Huh, who could that be?
Clayus: Greetings, Syr. I came to see that pathetic face of yours again!
Syr: Clayus? I don't have time for your dumb humor right now.
Clayus: Oh, Syr, how unkind of you!
Clayus: And here I've come with a present for you! You should show some gratitude!
Socolata: Present?
Galthazar: What's going on? What's all that racket?
Soldier: Galthazar! You and your lackeys are all under arrest!
Galthazar: The authorities! Clayus! What's the meaning of this?
Clayus: It's not so complicated really! The mafia has made the roundup quite a fair game: everyone gets their turn. Yours just happens to be now!
Galthazar: What the hell! What was all that protection money for!
Clayus: Hmm? Did you really think you, a petty thief, meant anything to us?
Clayus: Quite the miscalculation, Pops!
Galthazar: Damn it!
Soldier: At last, the rat and his nest! We've finally got you!
Heletina: Yaaah! Let go, let go, let go!
Altos: Heletina!
Galthazar: My family...
Clayus: Huh? Did you say something, Galthazar?
Galthazar: Don't you dare lay a finger on my family!
Soldiers: Whoa!
A torrent of magical energy rips through the hideout as if riding on Galthazar's enraged bellow.
Clayus: Aargh!
The surging magical storm smashes into Clayus and the soldiers but leaves the children and the crew unscathed.
Lyria: This sense... A primal beast! Is it reacting to Galthazar's feelings?
Soldier: To hell with this! Fall back!
Galthazar: Huff... Huff...
Grass: Yay! Go, go, Gwandpa!
Galthazar: Gah!
Syr: Gramps!
The magical storm subsides after Clayus and the authorities make their retreat. Galthazar, drained from his attack, collapses to the floor coughing up blood.
Altos: Galtha—Grandfather!
Lyria: That power... The primal beast's power is sealed away, so it must have used Galthazar's energy instead!
Lyria: It was an enormous amount of energy! It must have strained his body so much!
Altos: Please say the worst will be fatigue... O-or temporary weakness...
Syr: Whatever! Someone get the medicine chest!
Soldier: Resisting like that... Now we've gotta go through all this extra trouble.
Soldier: Let's see if rats are allergic to smoke.
Soldier: Nock your arrows! And... Fire!
From a nearby alleyway, a line of Epice soldiers fire flaming arrows toward the safe house.
Eugen: Really? They'd set fire on a house full of children! Grab Galthazar and let's get out!
Socolata: Get out? Where're we goin'?
Altos: The emergency hideout on the other side of town.
Grass: B-b-but the soldiers are wight outside!
Altos: We're not leaving the from the front. Come, there's a secret passage this way.
Syr: Whoa, an entrance even I didn't know about!
Mary: The old codger would keep it a secret. Would probably use it to save his own skin over everybody else...
Eugen: At any rate, I'm grateful we've got somewhere to go.
Eugen: I've got Galthazar. Let's get out on the double, (Captain)!

The Inner Light - Chapter 5: Well-Found Family - Episode 1: Scene 2

Passing through a crumbling neighborhood, the crew make their way to the safe house.

Altos: The hideout's this way.
Eugen: I guess the safe house's neighborhood was falling apart too...
Eugen: But this area is doing even worse.
Altos: It appears like this block was damaged during the uprising and then left to deteriorate.
Syr: Monsters live in this area now! Keep your guard up as you walk, (Captain)!

The Inner Light - Chapter 5: Well-Found Family - Episode 2

The children are put to bed after arriving at the hideout. They rest peacefully while Eugen and Altos discuss a potential future for them.

Vyrn: This place is just plain creepy, like a ghost could pop out at any moment...
Lyria: A g-g-ghost?
Grass: It's okay, Lywia! Ghosts are better than soldiers!
Galthazar: Ungh...
Syr: Gramps! Gramps, are you okay?
Altos: How do you feel? Do you have any pain?
Galthazar: Muh...
Syr: Hang in there, Gramps!
Galthazar: My jewels... Where are my jewels...
Syr: H-how could you be worried about them now?
Galthazar: Jewels... My jewels...
Mary: You dumb old codger! You're so—
Galthazar: Ungh...
The delirious Galthazar rambles incoherently about his jewels before slipping out of consciousness again.
Mary: We shoulda left the codger back in the safe house!
Heletina: S-so Grandpa cares more about the jewels than us...
Syr: No! That's not true! Didn't he just save us?
Grass: Waaah! Gwandpa, Gwandpa! Wake up alweady!
Altos: Heletina, Socolata, Grass, Syr—you're all exhausted. Get some rest.
Syr: I'm fine! The soldiers could come back any minute. We have to keep watch!
Eugen: No. You kids go sleep, all of you.
Eugen: So much has happened today. You're all much more tired than you think.
Eugen: If you can't run when it comes time to run again, well, let's just say it won't be pretty.
Altos: Eugen's right. They're a little musty, but here are some blankets. Go to sleep now.
Syr: Altos...
Mary: I'll be watching for the authorities from outside.
Vyrn: Oh! We'll give you a hand! Wait for (Captain) and me!
Altos, (Captain), and the crew take turns keeping watch.
While Mary, Vyrn, and (Captain) are patrolling the premises, Atlos retires to the room where the children are fast asleep.
Altos: ...
Eugen: Hey, Altos. Something I thought was a little odd earlier today...
Eugen: How come you've never tried to take Galthazar's shiny little collection?
Altos: Everyone hates it when Galthazar gets in one of his moods. I'm no exception...
Altos: But under regular circumstances, I'm completely satisfied with him as a leader.
Altos: Sigh... I'm just scared that if he were separated from his precious jewels, his mood swings would get more severe.
Eugen: Ah...
Altos: Even if it is the primal crystal that drives him to steal jewels...
Altos: Stealing is a crime. And no crime goes unpunished.
Eugen: I guess you can't just run away from your actions.
Altos: If the primal crystal were taken away and he returned to his senses, what would he think of his life—what he's become?
Altos: Not to mention Galthazar's connected to the mafia now. Getting the crystal out of the picture wouldn't absolve him of that particular relationship either.
Altos: We're thieves. That's reality. There's nothing we can do to change that now.
Eugen: How about the children, then? You know they'll grow up in your footsteps...
Altos: I never meant...
Eugen: Look, Altos. Let me help you out here.
Eugen: You've done well. You've certainly got more of your marbles together than a lot of the adults we've been dealing with.
Eugen: And you've earned Galthazar's trust and the kids' affection.
Altos: Cut it with the flattery.
Eugen: I'm serious. Look, why don't I contact some craftsmen that I know?
Eugen: I'll ask them if they'd take the kids on as apprentices. Start their training young, y'know. Make something of themselves.
Altos: ...!
Eugen: There are a lot of paths on this map called life. And you're still young; you're still at the crossroads. You can choose whatever path you want.
Eugen: Take one the same as me or one like the old man. Just think about it and let me know.
Altos: Hah. I will. Thanks, Eugen.
Eugen: Haha. Least I can do.
It's almost our turn for guard duty. Shall we head outside?
Altos: Ah, right. Let's.

The Inner Light - Chapter 5: Well-Found Family - Episode 3

A deranged Galthazar sneaks out of the hideout to find his jewels. He then runs into Clayus who announces his plans to wipe out Galthazar and his adopted brood.

Vyrn: Looks like the Epice authorities don't come through this neighborhood!
Mary: That's because they think the monsters roaming around here are enough to keep people out of the area.
Mary: But don't get too comfortable. Those soldiers may be rotten to the core, but they're not stupid.
Syr: Mary! (Captain)! Help!
Mary: Syr? What's the matter? I thought you were asleep!
Syr: We can't find Gramps anywhere in the hideout!
Mary: Seriously?
Heletina: Where's Grandpa?
Socolata: The safe house? For his jewels? Maybe?
Grass: Weally? B-b-but! There's gonna be lotsa soldiers there!
Altos: Tch!
Vyrn: Wait, Altos! (Captain) and I'll help with the search too!
Galthazar: Jewels... All of my jewels...
Having snuck out of the hideout, Galthazar ambles down the road back to his burning safe house and his jewels.
Galthazar: I have to have them... The jewels... The power...
Clayus: Pleasure to see your face, Galthazar!
Galthazar: ...
Clayus: Kehehe... You can ignore my greetings, but can you ignore this?
Clayus produces a jewel from his pocket and taunts Galthazar with it.
Galthazar: Th-that... You took that from me!
Clayus: Kehehe! Not bad is it? The jewel you just couldn't get your hands on—the final piece of the puzzle. It's all mine!
Clayus: A rat like you isn't fit for such beautiful power! No! I will wield it!
Galthazar: Hand it over! That belongs to me.
Galthazar, body still reeling with pain, reaches for the jewel, but Clayus kicks him away.
Galthazar: Ugh!
Clayus: Oh, I'm sorry. This is what you want?
Galthazar: I need it... I need it! Th-that's all I have left!
Clayus: So... kill them.
Clayus: Kill all your little baby vermin, and you can take the jewel!
Clayus: Kehehehehe!
Galthazar: ...!

The Inner Light - Chapter 5: Well-Found Family - Episode 4

Clayus manipulates Galthazar into attacking Syr. After an altercation, Altos is wounded, causing Galthazar to snap out of his trance while freeing the primal beast from its gemstone prison.

Mary: Ah, there's the old codger!
What're you doing wandering out here?
Altos: Galthazar, you can't keep yourself steady! You should be in bed!
Galthazar: ...
Syr: Gramps? What's the matter?
Clayus: Kehehe...
Altos: Clayus! What have you done to Galthazar?
Clayus: Who, me? We were just having a merry little chat is all.
Clayus: Just a nice chitchat!
Syr: ...
While Syr's attention is still on the smirking Clayus, Galthazar rises to his feet behind the boy.
The old man seizes Syr by the neck with a massive hand.
Syr: G-Guh-ram...
Mary: Syr! Galthazar, what do you think you're doing!
Mary panics, ramming into Galthazar and freeing Syr.
Syr: Cough! Cough!
Lyria: Are you all right, Syr? Hang in there!
Clayus: Kehehe... Did you see that! Did you see that?
Clayus: Galthazar would literally do anything for those jewels! This is going to be quite the spectacle!
Altos: Clayus, you viper!
Altos swings a rage-filled fist at Clayus.
But Clayus neatly sidesteps the blow and runs a knife into Altos's abdomen.
Mary: Altos!
Altos: Urgh...
Galthazar: Al...
Galthazar: Altos!
Seeing the wounded Altos collapsed on the ground, a flicker of consciousness returns to Galthazar's gaze.
Galthazar: Altos... Altos! Open your eyes! Don't die!
Altos: Hah-hah... You... You're back...
Galthazar: Don't talk! I'm going to dress your wound now!
Clayus: Oh? Are you sure you want to be doing that Galthazar?
Clayus: While the baby rats are alive, you don't get your jewel back! Remember?
Galthazar: Stuff it!
Galthazar: That thing... Take it! Take it and get out of here!
Syr: Gramps!
Galthazar: Ugh!
???: ...
Lyria: That's a primal beast! Why is it showing itself now?
Galthazar: Cough... Wh-what is this monster?
Galthazar: This is... Lyria, is this the beast you warned me about?
Clayus: Kehehe! It was I who gathered your jewels—not Galthazar!
Clayus: I beckon thee! Come to your rightful master!
???: ...
Galthazar: So that's... That's its true form...
???: You would renounce me?
Galthazar: That's right! I don't need you!
???: Then you renounce your life.
Galthazar: Wh-what's happening... I feel... weak...
Clayus: Kehehe! You served your purpose, you old rat!
Clayus: Over here! I've got all the energy you want in these jewels! I'm the one who finished your collection!
Clayus: Come forth! Come to your new master!
???: ...
Galthazar: Argh...
Drained of his energy, Galthazar falls atop of Altos.
Syr: Gramps! Gramps, say something!
Clayus: Yes! Yes, just like that! I am the one befitting of your power!
Clayus: Kehehe! Power! Beautiful power!
Clayus: With this power, I'll crush all the rodents that have ever looked down on me!
Clayus and the primal beast vanish as his proclamation rings in the air.
Sidheros, which had borne so much conflict in the past, would soon see a new age of chaos ushered in by Clayus's sheer madness.

The Inner Light - Chapter 6: Hope-Filled Future - Episode 1

Altos's life has been spared, but when he comes round and begins speaking, Galthazar is unable to answer him. Altos takes this news hard.

(Captain) and the crew hurry back to the hideout, carrying the unconscious Altos and Galthazar.
Thanks to (Captain) and the crew's swift actions, Altos has narrowly avoided death.
Altos: Ungh...
Syr: Altos! C-can you hear me?
Altos: Syr, I...
Heletina: I'm s-so happy! You're a-alive!
Grass: Awtos, Awtos! You're gonna make it, ain'tcha! You're not gonna die!
Socolata: Don't jinx him...
Altos: Haha... Sorry t-to... worry you all...
Mary: You better be!
Mary: You always, always, always do this! Shooting your mouth off! Acting like a big shot!
Mary: Always trying to carry the world's problems on your shoulders!
Altos: Mary?
Mary: Idiot! You really could've been killed...
Mary: Seriously! Killed!
We were so—sniffle—worried! Sniffle... Sniffle...
Altos: Mary? Mary, cut it with the tears...
Don't cry—I'm okay...
Altos: I'm so sorry, really. Making you all worry...
Mary: Sniffle... Sob...
Waaah! You big idiot!
Eugen: Mary hasn't eaten a thing she's been so worried about you.
Eugen: Goes to show you should keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and your siblings closest!
Lyria: Altos, we're all so relieved. I-I really thought the worst was going to happen.
Altos: I'm sorry. (Captain), I've caused you and your crew a lot of grief.
Altos: Where's Galthazar?
Altos: Did... Did he pursue Clayus to reclaim the jewels?
Mary: N-no. But, um...
Syr gets up from his chair, takes Galthazar's hand, and brings him to Altos's bedside.
Altos: Galthazar. You finally gave up the crystal.
Galthazar: ...
Altos: Galthazar, what's wrong?
Syr: Gramps won't answer you.
Eugen: The power of a primal beast is too much for an ordinary person to take.
Eugen: And to be continuously possessed by such a power for as long as Galthazar was, well...
Altos: But the primal beast is gone now, isn't it?
Lyria: The shock created the moment they separated—it must've been enormous.
Altos: What? Then what will become of Galthazar now?
Lyria: I'm sorry. The truth is... even I don't know...
Altos: That crystal... We were just being used this whole time...
Altos: Damn it!
Galthazar: ...

The Inner Light - Chapter 6: Hope-Filled Future - Episode 2

(Captain) and the crew declare their intention to find the primal beast. When Galthazar awakens and begs not to be left alone, Altos agrees to stay back with him and the kids.

Lyria: That primal beast... All I know is that it's really powerful. I have no idea what it will do.
Vyrn: It just threw the old man away when it was done with him!
Eugen: Don't forget about Clayus. He was fanning the flames of this little disaster.
Lyria: (Captain), let's look for the primal beast!
Syr: Wait! I'm coming too!
Mary: And me. Now that Altos is awake and all.
Vyrn: All right! Let's move out, (Captain)!
Galthazar: Ah...
Altos: Galthazar!
Galthazar: Ungh... W-wait...
Syr: Gramps! You've come round!
Galthazar: Don't leave me by myself... Altos, Mary, Syr...
Galthazar: I don't have a home to go back to. If I lose you all too—I would...
Mary: Galthazar...
Altos: ...
Altos: Grandfather, I'm here. You're not alone.
Heletina: Me too, me too! I'm here, Grandpa!
Grass: Me thwee!
Socolata: Me four! Grandpa, we're all here!
Galthazar: Sniffle...
You brats...
Altos: Mary, Syr, I'll stay here and keep an eye on Galthazar and the kids.
Altos: I'm afraid I'll have to leave it to you guys to deal with the primal beast.
Syr: We won't let you down!
Mary: Hah! You take care of those bruises and we'll take care of the primal beast.
Lyria: Let's go, (Captain)!

The Inner Light - Chapter 6: Hope-Filled Future - Episode 3

(Captain) and the crew find Clayus on a path of destruction. When Mary confronts him, Clayus reveals that he was the one who betrayed her all those years ago.

Soldier: Aaah!
Clayus: Kehehe!
Clayus: Now this is the power I've been longing for!
Clayus: The mafia, the Epice bureaucrats—I'll have them all wrapped around my finger!
???: ...
Clayus: Isn't that right, my beloved? I will smash everything—everything—that fails to please me!
The power of the primal beast surges out of Clayus, toppling buildings as he proceeds through the abandoned town.
(Captain) and the others follow a trail of destruction to its source, Clayus.
Syr: Stop right there, Clayus!
Clayus: Huh? Syr, should you really be taking that tone with me?
Mary: Yeesh! Who do you think you are?
Clayus: Kehehe! Oh Mary! I see your eyebrows still furrow so beautifully when you're upset!
Clayus: Oh, that rage of yours...
Clayus: Even when I sold your friends out to the Epice authorities, you escaped the cage! What a clever little mouse!
Clayus: I made mincemeat of your fellow rats, but even when it seemed that they were about to reveal where you were, none of them squeaked.
Mary: You... You were the one who tipped off the Epice authorities!
Mary: You'll pay... I'll make you pay!
Clayus: Oh, I'm afraid you'll be the one that pays!
Clayus: An angry little mouse daring to defy me...
Clayus: It's just against the natural order of things! I'll exterminate you with my own hands!
Clayus: My beloved! Fill me with your power!
???: ...

The Inner Light - Chapter 6: Hope-Filled Future - Episode 4

The primal beast assumes its own will and casts Clayus off. (Captain) and the crew face the entity to seal it once more.

Clayus: Fill me with your power, my beloved!
The primal beast floats listlessly, unheeding of Clayus's command.
Clayus: Huh? Wh-why! Why do you not respond!
Despite its awesome display mere moments ago, the primal beast keeps its power contained.
It then turns to Clayus, and by some magical force, seizes the jewels from his palm and smashes them one by one.
Clayus: N-no! The jewels!
Vyrn: Wait, what just happened!
Lyria: Until now the primal beast's power was sealed within those jewels, but the set of jewels was incomplete.
Lyria: But now that all of the jewels have been gathered, it can absorb the energy sealed within them...
Lyria: I-it's trying to reawaken!
Clayus: Go ahead! Turn the jewels to dust! You're under my control!
Clayus: You will do as I say! Now, fill me with your power!
Clayus: Abide me!
Clayus draws his knife and points it at the primal beast.
???: ...!
Before the blade can find its target, Clayus is blown away by the primal beast's blast.
???: ...
Clayus: Aaah!
???: ...
Syr: This is the primal beast that controlled Gramps for so long...
Syr: To Gramps... How could it do that to Gramps! It's gotta pay!
Mary: Right there with you, Syr...
Mary: Our lives were just your playthings! Now we're going to return the favor, you sad sack of marbles!

The Inner Light - Ending

Galthazar has been committed to a prisoners' hospital, and the children have received apprenticeships with various craftsmen. The family of thieves shares a tough goodbye.

Primal Beast: ...!
Lyria: ...
Lyria absorbs the last of the primal beast's power, sealing it away.
Eugen: Phew! I guess that's that...
Syr: Mary... Let's head back. Altos and Gramps're waiting.
Mary: Yeah, we should...
Lyria: Ah!
Mary: You've gotta be kidding! This neighborhood was already crumbling, but the primal made it so much worse with its rampage!
Mary: These buildings could fall on top of us at any moment!
Eugen: Tch! This primal beast, a thorn in our side even after it's a memory in our heads.
Eugen: (Captain)! This is definitely our cue to leave!
(Captain) and the crew make haste for the hideout.
Clayus watches them flee from the shadows, his eyes full of spite.
Clayus: They're all just rats... They're all just rats!
Clayus: I'll exterminate them all!
Clutching the knife he used to stab Altos, Clayus begins to slither toward (Captain).
Clayus: Eh?
His movements disturb the rubble, causing an enormous slab of concrete to fall and pin him to the ground.
Clayus: N-no... No! I'm meant for more!
(Captain) and the others return to the hideout to find that it's already surrounded by soldiers.
Mistaken for Galthazar's accomplices, the crew is detained for questioning.
Fussy Official: First, we apologize for taking up your valuable time.
Fussy Official: The appearance of this primal beast came as a great surprise to the people of Epice.
Fussy Official: I must offer you our sincerest thanks for subduing the primal beast on behalf of all the citizens of Epice.
Eugen: We can have (Captain) back then?
Fussy Official: Why, of course!
But to think of how sloppy our Sidheros management infrastructure has become...
Fussy Official: I shall prepare an executive summary of the key failings and present it back in the capital.
Eugen: I'm sure you will. Otherwise your people'll be found at fault.
Fussy Official: Epice is a complex federation composed of a number of commercial enterprises. The merchants bearing the deed to Sidheros will bear responsibility.
Fussy Official: Furthermore we will recompense you for your—ahem—services rendered.
Vyrn: Recompense? That means rupies, right? Ka-ching!
Lyria: But, um... What will happen to Galthazar?
Fussy Official: Although he has lived half his life in the most pitiable circumstances, crimes are crimes. We cannot strike them from his record.
Lyria: Ah... I suppose that's justice.
The chief official sent to investigate the issue on Sidheros confirms that (Captain) is free to go.
Galthazar and the children, on the other hand, remain in custody.
Galthazar: Ahh... What good weather...
Heletina: Yeah, Grandpa! The laundry's gonna dry in no time flat!
Uptight Soldier: All right, you two, it's almost time...
Socolata: Um... But... I'm not ready...
Uptight Soldier: I know how you feel... But rules are rules...
Syr: Don't give Gramps a hard time.
Uptight Soldier: You've got nothing to worry about. This place is just called a prison, but it's really more of a hospital.
Syr: Thanks.
After a review of Galthazar's personal history and physical condition, it was decided that he would be committed to a prisoners' hospital.
Galthazar: Heletina, what's with the sad look?
Galthazar: Grass too. You're both the smiley type. Those frowns don't look right!
Grass: Gwandpa... Gwandpa, I wuv you!
Galthazar: Huh... What's this? Are you buttering me up because you stole a lard pie again?
Socolata: Sniffle... Grandpa, we'll be good, okay...
Eugen: I know it's tough, but it's almost time to say bye to Grandpa, kids.
Eugen: You've all got apprenticeships to start! You don't want to be late to the workshops on your first day, do you?
Galthazar: ...?
Grass: Bye-bye, Gwandpa!
Socolata: Get better... Sniffle...
Syr: ...
Altos: Come on. Let's get going.
Galthazar: Mmm? Where are you kids off to?
Heletina: We're gonna go learn from craftsmen, Grandpa... We're gonna be apple princes.
Grass: We'll get lotsa wupies! And then when Gwandpa's better, we'll be together again!
Galthazar: No...
Galthazar: No, no, no—please don't go! My children! My family!
Galthazar: I'm begging you, please don't go! Don't leave me!
Socolata: Sniffle... Grandpa, don't cry...
Galthazar: Oh, Socolata...
Galthazar: My dear children... Why are you leaving Grandpa alone?
Altos: Heletina, Socolata, Grass. On board the Grandcypher! Now!
Heletina: B-but!
Mary: It's okay. Come on. Watch your step when you get on the airship!
Mary leads the children by the hand to the Grandcypher waiting outside.
Galthazar: Sob...
Syr: Gramps...
Altos: Syr, get a move on.
Syr: But... Just look at Gramps...
Altos: You want to follow your dreams like Mary, right?
Syr: ...!
Altos: So go for them. That's what Grandfather would say.
Syr: Sniffle... Sob...
Altos gives Syr a reassuring grip on the shoulder and guides him aboard the Grandcypher.
Eugen: Everyone aboard? All riiight! Lift off!
Altos: ...
Mary: A-Altos! Eugen, hold it! Altos got off the ship!
Eugen: What!
Mary: Aaaltos! Aaaltos, cooome baaack!
Altos: Maaary! Syyyr! Just go without meee!
Galthazar: Altos... Oh, Altos... My children!
Altos: Grandfather, don't cry. We've got to see them off with a smile.
Altos: I'll be with you, Grandfather, while we atone for our crimes.
Galthazar: Altos...
Galthazar: Altos, please... Please bring back my children...
Galthazar: I was wrong! I was a terrible grandfather! Is there anything we can do?
Galthazar: Please... Sob...
Altos: Grandfather...
Galthazar: That's right... We'll-we'll eat! We'll eat like kings, just like we did during the harvest festivals!
Galthazar: Roast chicken, cream and honey pie... I'm sure the kids will love it.
Galthazar: Ain't that right, Altos! Altos?
Altos: Y-yeah... You're right! They're going to love it!
Galthazar: Heletina, Socolata, Grass...
Galthazar: Syr... Syyyr... Sob... sob...
Mary: That idiot Altos... Always taking things too seriously...
Syr: Altos! Gramps!
Syr: This isn't goodbye! We're family! Even when we're apart, we're still family!
Syr: So...
Syr: Just wait! We'll meet again!
From the deck of the Grandcypher, the children wave with all their might to Galthazar and Altos.
Children: Bye-bye, Graaandpaaa!
This farewell would become the first step toward a bright new future for the children.