Mikazuki Munechika/Voice

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Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen ふむ…俺の着物が珍しいか?もっと近くで見てもいいぞ。ふむ? どうなっているのかは俺にもよくわからん、っははは Hm... You think my clothes are unusual? Feel free to come take a closer look. Hm? I don't really know how it works either, hahaha. A reference to one of Mikazuki's lines in the game; he doesn't understand fashion very well.
空が青くて心地よい。元の世界でも空はいつも頭上にあったが当たり前になりすぎていた。しかしこうして角度を変えて眺めてみると改めてその存在を新鮮に感じるものだな……ははは、よきかなよきかな The blue sky here is so pleasant. In our world we always had the sky overhead, but it was so natural that one might take it for granted. However, if you try looking at it from a different angle, that same sky seems new and fresh... Hahaha, brilliant, brilliant.
この空を飛ぶ船の名前…何と言ったか……ぐら…さいふぁ…?…っははは、じじいには難しいな This boat of yours that flies through the air... what was its name again? Gra... saifer....? Hahaha, it's a bit difficult to say for an old man like me.
Add to Party あいわかった Understood.
出陣か、わかった An expedition? Understood.
じじいを呼んだか? Looking for me?
Uncap ふむ……これからも頑張らねばならんな Hm... I will have to continue giving it my all from here on.
Journal 俺達の使命は、歴史を守ることだ Our mission is to protect history.
俺の名は三日月宗近、よろしく頼む My name is Mikazuki Munechika. I'll be in your care.
世話されるのは好きだ I do enjoy being taken care of.
EM Lvl Up 祝いに一緒に茶菓子を食べないか? Shall we enjoy some tea and cakes together to celebrate?
EM Perk Lvl Up また強くなるか I have gotten stronger again.
はっはっは Hahaha.
なかなかに見えるな I'm getting there, slowly but surely.
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack ふっ
Enemy Defeated 俺の勝ちだな I won!
Skill 1 これでどうだ? How about this?
Skill 2 まあ、俺の負けでもいいんだが I do not particularly mind losing, however...
Skill 3 さてどうするか Now then, what to do?
C.A. Ready さて、給料分は仕事をするか Now then, I suppose it's time for me to do work befitting of my salary.
Charge Attack 熱いな、本気になるか…せいっ Things are getting intense. Time to go all-out, I suppose... Take this!
Skip Charge Attack 熱いな、本気になるか Things are getting intense. Time to go all-out, I suppose.
Damage Taken
Red HP ふむ… Hmm...
Knocked Out はっはっは、…いや、笑っている場合ではないか Hahaha... no, this is no laughing matter, is it.
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Oh dear...
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed ふむ…世話されるのは好きだ Hm.... I do enjoy being taken care of.
Join Battle Hm... Well, I suppose I'll join in.
Victory はっはっは、よきかな、よきかな Hahaha. Brilliant, brilliant.
Turn Start やるか Shall we?
MC Defeats Enemy いやぁ嬉しいな Ah, I'm so glad.
MC C.A. Ready さて、次はどうする? Now then, what will you do next?
MC Red HP まずいな This is unfortunate...
MC Knocked Out さてどうするか Now then, what to do? This is the same as his third skill line.

Chain Burst

This character does not recite chain burst names with other characters.

Character Banter

This character does not have any banter.


This character does not have any holiday lines.


This character does not have any outfits.