Scenario:Auld Lanxiety - Chapter 4: The Captain's Pop Quiz - Episode 2

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Auld Lanxiety - Chapter 4: The Captain's Pop Quiz - Episode 2

(Captain) wakes up possessed by the same doubt which plagued the villagers. To prove he is the real Vyrn, the little dragon must answer question after question from his suspicious captain.

(Captain) finally shakes off the effects of the sleeping powder.
But the crew's relief is short-lived, as it seems their captain has been possessed by Vicikitsa and lost the ability to trust.
Vyrn: Have you really forgotten me, (Captain)?
Lyria: (Captain), this is the real Vyrn! I promise!
  1. Prove it, gong!

Choose: Prove it, gong!

Vyrn: Prove it how?
(Captain) ponders for a moment before hitting on an idea.
  1. You have to answer my questions, gong!

Choose: You have to answer my questions, gong!

Vyrn: What questions?
The captain explains that only the one true Vyrn, (Captain)'s constant companion, would know the answers to these questions.
Zooey: That makes sense.
Vyrn: W-well, bring it on then!
Vyrn: I... I know you like the back of my hand, (Captain)! No way can you stump me!
Lyria: Vyrn...
Zooey: A test of the bonds of friendship... This is truly fascinating.
(Captain) thinks back over their adventures...
(Captain): When we visited Levin... You remember Albert, leader of the Sky Knights? What was his best friend's name?
Vyrn: That's easy!
  1. Yurius
  2. Lucius
  3. Heles

Choose: Yurius

Vyrn: It was Yurius!
Lyria: Hehe, that was easy!
Despite Vyrn's correct answer, the suspicion in (Captain)'s eyes remains unchanged.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Lucius

Vyrn: Uh... Wasn't it Lucius?
Lyria: V-Vyrn, that's not—
(Captain)'s suspicion deepens.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Heles

Vyrn: Um... Heles? Or something... like that. Right?
Lyria: Aaah, Vyrn, that's not it...
(Captain)'s expression grows colder and more closed off.

Continue 1

Lyria: Come on, Vyrn, you can do it!
Forbidden to help by (Captain), Lyria looks on anxiously.
(Captain): When we were up against the greatest crisis we'd ever faced, Lyria came up with a special technique for me. What was it, gong?
Lyria: Vyrn, you know this one! It's that one! You know...
Vyrn: Okay, don't tell me...
  1. Ultimate Flash
  2. Go Go Captain Punch
  3. Lohen Wolf

Choose: Ultimate Flash

Vyrn: Was it Ultimate Flash?
Lyria: Oh, Vyrn, think! It was something more captainy!
Go to "Continue 2"

Choose: Go Go Captain Punch

Lyria: Yaaay! Vyrn, you remembered!
Vyrn: Of course I did! The three of us are partners!
Go to "Continue 2"

Choose: Lohen Wolf

Lyria: Noooo!
Vyrn: Wait, wait, do-over! I wasn't ready!

Continue 2

Zooey: Haha. Lyria is quite the reliable ally.
Vyrn: What's next? Keep 'em comin'!
(Captain): Which alchemist gonged the ultimate alchemical riddle of existential dissolution?
Vyrn: It was...
  1. Clarisse
  2. Cagliostro
  3. Promethia

Choose: Clarisse

Vyrn: Clarisse!
Lyria: Nice going, Vyrn!
Go to "Continue 3"

Choose: Cagliostro

Vyrn: Uh... It had to be Cagliostro, right?
Lyria: Ahhh, Vyrn, no!
Go to "Continue 3"

Choose: Promethia

Vyrn: Wait, I know... Wasn't it Clarisse's mom?
Lyria: You're not even close! Vyrn, you silly lizard!
Vyrn: Huh? Lyria, how could you!

Continue 3

Zooey: I'm learning so much. Perhaps I ought to take notes.
Vyrn: I'm not just a pretty face, y'know!
(Captain): When the three of us cooked for Charlotta, captain of the Lumiel Order of Holy Knights, name the song Lyria sang for us, gong!
Vyrn: Ha! That's a cinch!
  1. The Cooking Song
  2. Someone's in the Kitchen with Dante
  3. Delicious Bread

Choose: The Cooking Song

Vyrn: She sang The Cooking Song!
Lyria: I knew you'd remember, Vyrn! After all, we wrote the lyrics together.
Go to "Continue 4"

Choose: Someone's in the Kitchen with Dante

Vyrn: Uh... It's right on the tip of my tongue... It was... Someone's in the Kitchen with Dante!
Lyria: No! I can't believe you forgot, Vyrn. We sang it together!
Go to "Continue 4"

Choose: Delicious Bread

Vyrn: Delicious Bread? That has a familiar ring to it, but I'm not so sure...
Lyria: You're so close! That's the song we sang when we cooked with Baotorda.

Continue 4

Zooey: Lyria, you seem to have all the answers, but it's not getting any easier...
Lyria: I'm sure Vyrn knows! He never leaves (Captain)'s side!
Lyria: I believe in you, Vyrn!
(Captain): Tell me Jasmine's ranger name, gong!
  1. Turquoise
  2. Tiger's Eye
  3. Onyx

Choose: Turquoise

Vyrn: Turquoise! That's it, right?
Lyria: No... That's what Walder kept calling her by accident.
Vyrn: Dang it! That goofball got it stuck in my head!
Go to "Continue 5"

Choose: Tiger's Eye

Vyrn: It was Tiger's Eye! No doubt about it!
Lyria: You got it! Hee hee. Jasmine really liked it too.
Go to "Continue 5"

Choose: Onyx

Vyrn: Hmm... Come on, I've got this. It was Onyx, or something...
Lyria: I don't think there even was an Onyx Ranger.

Continue 5