Scenario:Granblue Shodown - In Nature's Service - Episode 3

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Granblue Shodown - In Nature's Service - Episode 3

The crew arrives at Shimabara, source of the miasma, but still has some distance to cover before they reach Amakusa. Nakoruru tells the crew about Amakusa as they press into the heart of the storm.

(Captain) and company finally arrive at Shimabara Isle, the source of the miasma and stronghold of Amakusa.
The crew enters a deep forest, plunging ever deeper into the increasingly thick miasma.
Vyrn: I've been wondering about this for a while, Little Miss Nature, but what's the deal with this Amakusa thing you keep mentioning?
Nakoruru: His full name is Shiro Tokisada Amakusa. He once wrought great destruction upon the world, only to be slain in the end.
Lyria: Oh my gosh! Does that mean he's a ghost?
Rimururu: It's okay, Lyria. My sister's super powerful. Amakusa doesn't stand a ghost of a chance!
Lyria: Wow, really? Thank goodness...
Vyrn: I never would've guessed that just looking at you, Little Miss Nature.
Nakoruru: Everything is for the sake of Mother Nature. As long as Amakusa exists in this world, nature will be drawn ever closer to destruction.
Nakoruru: As shrine maidens of Kamuikotan, we cannot allow that to happen. Even if it comes at the expense of my life.
Vyrn: Let's not get carried away now.
Lyria: Don't worry about it, Nakoruru! You're not alone this time. (Captain) and the rest of us are all behind you.
Nakoruru: Hee hee... You're right. I'll be counting on you, (Captain).
Rimururu: Are you sure about this, Sis? I'm gonna be real ticked off if they get in your way!
Vyrn: Says the girl who couldn't even handle some dumb thugs earlier.
Rimururu: That does it! One freeze-dried lizard coming right up!
Vyrn: No, please! Anything but that!
Though the climactic battle is fast approaching, (Captain)'s crew feels no fear.
Whatever obstacles arise, they'll face them together. Nothing will stand in their way.
Monster: Groaaar!

Granblue Shodown - In Nature's Service - Episode 3: Scene 2

As (Captain) and company press deeper into the miasma, the poison grows thicker, and the shrieking voice of nature grows louder. Nakoruru steels herself to do what must be done.

Nakoruru: The poison just keeps getting thicker.
Rimururu: This is horrible... The shrieking of the forest feels like it's going to split my head open.
Nakoruru: Just a little farther... It should thin out once we leave the forest.
Vyrn: Gulp... Amakusa's dead ahead. We're gonna need to give this everything we've got, (Captain)!
Lyria: Please be careful, everyone! Don't do anything reckless, Nakoruru!
Nakoruru: (I'm going to end things for good this time, Shiro Tokisada Amakusa...)
Nakoruru: (And I'm going to make sure you can't come back... Even if it costs me my life.)
Lyria: Um... Is everything all right, Nakoruru? You look like you've got something on your mind.
Nakoruru: Huh? Oh, I'm sorry. Just thinking something over.
Vyrn: Better keep it together! We're just about at the final battle!
Rimururu: (I knew it. You were planning this from the beginning, Sis...)
Only Rimururu understands what Nakoruru's intentions are, but she lacks the courage to speak up.