Scenario:Walder - Our Ranger Pose!

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Our Ranger Pose!

While the crew picks through old research records with Halluel and Malluel, Walder is excited to devise the ideal ranger pose to show Jade upon their eventual reunion. They find one book which hints to a primal beast research laboratory beneath the Lumacie ruins they had been to previously. This revelation calls for a return visit.

A few days have passed since the events on Treetop Isle involving Azrael and eggplants.
The archangels of instruction have begun sifting through old records in search of info that might help with Jade's resurrection.
(Captain) and company are organizing those records for them.
While taking a break from this task, they discuss an issue that has been plaguing Walder as of late.
Walder: Vyrn, you gotta see this page! What do you think?
Walder: "Gorge on a cake as big as an airship"! In other words, I'm gonna be a sweets ranger!
Vyrn: That brings to mind one funky picture... Good luck finding a cake that big though.
Lyria: Ahaha... Have you gotten any farther on that new pose you want to show Jade?
Walder: I've got the basic concept down: greatest pose in the history of poses. That's the one requirement it's gotta meet.
Vyrn: You do realize every pose idea you come up with goes in a completely different direction, right? Maybe you can pick up some ideas from your notebook...
Walder: I can't help it. There's just sooo much I want to tell Jade with my pose!
Walder: Aah! To think that all my hopes and dreams as a ranger hero would turn out to be my greatest adversary!
Lyria: Katalina once mentioned that when you're stuck, sometimes it's best to think about the problem from a fresh perspective.
Walder: Okay, I guess that makes sense...
Walder: What do you guys think makes for a cool pose?
Vyrn: Hrm... I picture a hero swooping in to save the day in the nick of time!
Walder: All right, so the surprise element's a must-have.
Lyria: Um, I hope this doesn't take you too off course, but I think something that's easy to mimic would be good.
Lyria: I mean, posing is a lot of fun. So the more of us that can get in on it, the better.
Walder: Yeah, you bring up a really good point! Simple is best, huh...
Walder: Any thoughts from you, (Captain)?
  1. Gotta have that fluttering cape.
  2. Gotta plant your feet firmly.

Choose: Gotta have that fluttering cape.

Walder: Yeah, I hear ya! Bounding in from the skies would really highlight the beautiful flourish of my cape!
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Gotta plant your feet firmly.

Walder: I like that! I can imagine myself leaping in from the skies and making a beautiful landing...

Continue 1

Walder: It'd show that I've journeyed the world as a skyfarer and am totally the stuff of legends... Brilliant thinking, (Captain)!
Walder: Thing is, I'm only more confused now after hearing three completely different takes on the matter...
Azrael: Hey, the bean cakes are ready, everyone. I used the nuts from earlier!
Walder: Gee, thanks! My stomach was just starting to rumble.
The crew takes a breather while enjoying the tasty treats from Azrael.
Walder: Mm... It's so good that I can feel myself becoming a bean cake at heart.
Azrael: Hahaha... I don't call myself the "pink bean cake archangel" for nothing!
Vyrn: Hm? Oh, right, that's the ranger pose you showed off to the islanders.
Azrael: Mm-hm! Thankplant, eggplant to Captain Walder for coming up with it for me.
Lyria: Oh, so it was Walder who thought of the idea?
Vyrn: Whatever the thought process for that was, maybe you can apply it to your new pose.
Walder: That's easy to say, but...
Walder: Just darting through the forest with Rose Quartz was all the inspiranger I needed for that one...
Lyria: I see... I really like Az's pose!
Azrael: Me too! It's so wacky and lovable; I'm going to do all my self-introductions like this from now on!
Vyrn: That could come with its own problems, but whatever works for ya! There's no doubt it gets across who you are though!
Walder: That's what counts, isn't it...
Walder: (Going back to the basics, a ranger pose is supposed to function as a sort of sign, to convey something to the other party...)
After mulling over it for a bit in his head, Walder's eyes begin to sparkle as if having reached an epiphany.
Walder: (There's one thing I want to convey to Jade more than anything else, which is—)
After taking a short reprieve, the crew gets to organizing historical records.
A frown crosses Walder's face when he takes one book from the pile.
Walder: Bleh... Every page is a complete mystery to me...
Azrael: Huh? But Hal said these books are written in the same language we use...
Walder: There's too many big words to go through! Not even my ranger insight can decipher all that gobbledygook...
Lyria: Ahaha... It's almost as confusing as the text you might find on stone slabs.
Vyrn: Thankfully, we've got Hal and Mal to help us out. They just need us to separate the books by genre.
Walder: I know, but when I think of how there might be a hint to Jade's resurrection in here...
Walder: I want to do everything I can! If I can make out the individual letters, then I can definitely make out the whole book!
Lyria: Walder...
  1. I'll help.

Choose: I'll help.

Vyrn: Count me in too! Since we're pretty much done separating by genre, let's try figuring out what's written inside.
Walder: Whoo, you guys are the best! Let's crack the secrets of the world together!
(Captain) and company huddle around a book and attempt to make sense of its contents.
Walder: Whew... I can't believe it took that much time to decipher a single line...
Vyrn: Yeah, we're pretty clueless, aren't we. I get the feeling this one says something about the Lumacie ruins...
Halluel: Did someone just say Lumacie ruins? Can you show me that book?
Lyria: Oh, Hal and Mal! Here you go!
Malluel: Hmm... Bingo—this is the book we were looking for!
Malluel: Great work finding it! If I didn't hear you guys talking, who knows how long it would've taken me and Hal to realize that's the book we need...
Walder: Yeah? Now that's a crazy coincidence...
Walder: Or maybe my ranger insight activated and helped me pick the right book!
Walder: I can hardly believe it! It's like I've got fate on my side!
The twin archangels of instruction leaf through the book beside an ecstatic Walder, confident that they've found something useful.
Halluel: Well, that just confirms my suspicions.
Vyrn: Hm? What might that be?
Halluel: I think we've figured out a place where you're likely to find a substantial lead.
Malluel: There was a laboratory in Lumacie where they conducted research on primal beast resurrection.
Malluel: If we dig through the ruins, we might come across relevant documentation!
Halluel: I know we're making a lot of assumptions here, but if we're right, this could be big...
Walder: Hold on, you two! I'm super appreciative of the info, but we've already been to the Lumacie ruins!
Walder: We boldly descended into the underground space and scoured every nook and cranny, only to find a single slab of stone—
Halluel: The ruins are only there to cover up something much more important—a common trick back in the day. Especially since angels were being created there...
Walder: Holy...
Malluel: Only those who can get past the authentication system are allowed further underground. And we can get you down there!
Walder: Wow! I didn't think we'd be going back to right where we started!
Walder: (Captain), Ms. Halluel, Malluel! Is it cool if we head out right away?
  1. What are we waiting for!

Choose: What are we waiting for!

Halluel: That's what we were thinking, but why do I get a "Ms." attached to my name?
Walder: Er, well...
Vyrn: Haha, Walder's probably still trying to get over that tight hug you gave him.
Walder: B-blegh, never mind that!
Walder: Just you wait, Lumacie! They'll be talking about me in the local legends for generations to come!
Azrael: I'll stay here to take care of the eggplants. Have a safe trip, everyone!
And so the crew makes for the Lumacie Archipelago in search of clues to Jade's resurrection.

Our Ranger Pose!: Scene 2

While moving toward a secret alcove filled with research records on a lower floor of the laboratory, the crew inadvertently activates a trap that causes the ceiling to come crashing down. Walder leaps ahead anyway to grab the relevant stone slabs, only to find himself trapped by the collapsing rubble—despite (Captain) and company's best efforts.

The crew is in the Lumacie ruins once more after some time away from it.
Walder: Whoa! How deep down does this place go?
Halluel: Haha... I'm just glad the path opened up for us. Looks like the system is still working.
Malluel: Stay on your toes, everyone. For an important facility like this, I wouldn't be surprised if there are traps lying in wait for us.
Walder: All right, let's keep our eyes peeled. You guys feel free to run back up should things get dicey.
Vyrn: Course we'll be careful! Besides, for you and Jade, we can handle a bit of danger!
Lyria: That's right! Jade's a friend too, and we do what we can for friends!
(Captain), too, shows no fear and suggests they press on.
Walder: (Captain)... Guys!
Walder: Man, I really appreciate you all! Let's make this worth our while!
As the crew proceeds down the underground path, they come across traces of experimentation and what appears to be remnants of a research lab.
Upon arriving before a series of rooms, they decide to split up and resume the search.
Walder: Ms. Halluel, how 'bout this stone slab?
Halluel: Hm? This is... Oh, my!
Walder: Does it tell us anything big?
Halluel: Haha, not exactly... I find Astral records like this interesting, but it's just a list detailing who's in charge of which experiment.
Walder: Hm, thanks anyway. Seeing as how we ordinary folk can't read the stuff, it sure is great having you two here.
Halluel: No sweat. Although I have to say it saddens me to be called "Ms." It creates distance between us and doesn't exactly help with communication.
Walder: Sorry about that... I'll keep it in mind.
Malluel's Voice: Teehee, you guys need to see this! I found a treasure trove of records!
The others gather beside Malluel, only to find another set of stairs leading to an alcove filled with stone slabs.
Malluel: I managed to uncover the door, but the fact that it was hidden by a spatial distortion makes it seem really fishy.
Lyria: So they went out of their way to hide this. That scares me...
Malluel: Yeah. Whatever's in here must be very valuable.
Walder: Ooh! There's no way I'm turning back from this; I'm definitely not scared!
Vyrn: Walder, you realize your legs are shaking, right?
Walder: Well, yeah, I'm just trembling with excitement! Let's get a move on!
Walder: Huh?
The moment Walder takes a step forward, a clamorous siren sounds, and the very ground they stand on begins to shake.
Malluel: A trap in the passageway? One that affects the whole laboratory?
Halluel: This is bad! It looks like we activated a mechanism that's set to take us out along with the entire facility!
Walder: Yaaargh!
Halluel: You dummy! The whole place is coming apart! Get back here!
Lyria: Lend me your power... Yggdrasil!
Yggdrasil: ...!
Lyria: Thank you! Can you keep the ceiling up until we make it out?
Vyrn: All right, (Captain)! We'd better hop to it and keep that path open for Walder!
  1. On it!
  2. Took the words right out of my mouth!

Choose: On it!
Choose: Took the words right out of my mouth!

Halluel: That's some impressive teamwork!
Vyrn: Yeah, well, Walder's not the type to give up easily, so I half-expected him to pull something like that!
Lyria: Ahaha... I was thinking the same thing actually...
Malluel: So he's going to do what he has to do, huh? In that case, we'll help too.
Halluel: Yeah, let's hold out as long as we can!
Walder: Huff, huff...
Walder: Phew! Too close for comfort!
Walder: But I wouldn't be much of a ranger if I couldn't face a bit of danger!
Intent on seeing this through, Walder rushes down the stairs and reaches the secret alcove.
Walder: Look at all these stone slabs! Which one of these is it?
Walder: ...!
Jade's core is glowing!
Walder: It must be reacting to this set of slabs!
Walder: All right! Now to just get these out safely!
Walder looks up to find his companions calling out to him.
Vyrn: Hurry up, Walder! Before we end up stuck down here!
  1. Shake a leg!

Choose: Shake a leg!

Walder: You guys stayed for me...
Walder: A ranger must answer the call!
Carrying the load of stone slabs in his arms, Walder clambers up the stairs to his friends.
However, his surroundings suddenly turn dark.
Walder: Oh crud! The ceiling's coming down; the way back up is blocked off!
Walder: No! Open up, darn it!
He attempts to push the massive boulder aside, but to no avail.
Walder: I'm not giving up! No way is this gonna be the end of me! My life is not flashing before my eyes!
Walder: Darn it! Darn it! Daaarn it!
His efforts end in vain, as the ceiling directly above him comes crashing down in a torrent of rubble.
Walder: ...!
Just then, a green glow begins to light up his surroundings.
The warm, gentle scent of the forest fills Walder's senses.
Wrapped in this blanket of nostalgia, he slowly loses consciousness.

Our Ranger Pose!: Scene 3

In a dream, Walder sees Jade far in the distance and shows off his new ranger pose, which Jade is quick to mimic. Upon awakening, Walder finds himself back on the ground floor of the Lumacie ruins—presumably saved by Jade's power. With new info about Jade's resurrection gleaned from the newly acquired stone slabs, a hopeful Walder continues journeying with the crew.

Walder: Mng... Where am I...
Walder: The good ol' scent of the forest... Is this Treetop Isle?
Mysterious Voice: Wall... dur...
Walder: Jade! Is that you?
Walder: Isn't that...
Far on the other side of the lake is a small figure bearing a strong resemblance to Jade.
Walder: Jade... Jade! Wait for me, I'm—
Walder: Darn it! I won't be able to get to him in time...
Walder: How am I gonna get my message to him—
Walder: ...!
Young Walder: What do you think of my very first ranger pose?
Young Walder: It started off as a ranger sign but morphed into a signal that you could recognize even off in the distance.
Young Walder: Were you complimenting me? Like it was cool?
Young Walder: Y-yeah! I know, right?
Walder: A ranger pose should do the trick! He'll know!
Walder: Here goes!
Walder: It'd show that I've journeyed the world as a skyfarer and am totally the stuff of legends... Brilliant thinking, (Captain)!
Vyrn: Hrm... I picture a hero swooping in to save the day in the nick of time!
Lyria: Um, I hope this doesn't take you too off course, but I think something that's easy to mimic would be good.
Walder: Cue dramatic entrance as if I've leaped in from the skies, and am wicked cool and wicked friendly...
Walder gathers his thoughts, then takes a deep breath.
Walder: Get ready for the greatest pose ever in the history of poses, Jade!
He presents his exciting new ranger pose, hoping his friend across the lake will take notice.
Jade: ...!
Walder: Jade! He tried to mimic me just now!
Walder: Whoo! My message got through!
Jade: ...!
A green light suddenly envelops Walder once more.
Walder: Mng, Jade...
Vyrn: Good, you're awake!
Walder: Hm? (Captain)... Guys...
Lyria: Um... Just as the ceiling came crashing down on us, a green light filled the surroundings. When I came to, we were all out here.
Halluel: Now that was a close call. If not for your friend's help...
Walder: So... it was Jade who saved us!
Walder: I met him too!
Walder: He was so far away, but I still got to show him my new pose! And he did it back at me...
Vyrn: Seriously? You got to see Jade? Wait, when did you finish that pose...
Walder: I took all your feedback to heart and finally came up with something.
Walder: The thing I wanted to get across to him was that you guys have been fantastic friends...
Walder: No matter how reckless my ranger antics get, you're always willing to see through it all with me!
Lyria: Wow... Walder!
Vyrn: Walder... Heheh, we consider you a best bud too!
(Captain) nods in agreement and flashes Walder a smile.
Walder: I really appreciate you guys!
Walder: So, um...
Walder: Ahem... What happened to those stone slabs?
Halluel: Mal and I finished going through them.
Malluel: Teehee, great job finding the right ones! Now we have more info on primal resurrection.
Halluel: The slabs make up a progress report of an experiment where they tried to see if the regenerative capabilities of angels could be applied to primals.
Halluel: The exact method they used is unclear, but the experiment was a success.
Walder: Meaning reviving Jade is definitely in the cards!
Malluel: Hehe, that's right! Now that we have an idea of what approach to take, I'd say we've definitely made progress in coming out here!
Walder: I owe you one... Halluel, Malluel!
Malluel: Nuh-uh... We're friends now. Besides, you helped Az first; we're just repaying the favor!
Halluel: Finally, no more "Ms." Halluel. That makes my day.
Walder: W-well, yeah, there's no need for the formality, is there.
Halluel: Ahaha, sorry for fussing over that. Anyhow, with the bond that you and Jade share, we just might be able to make a miracle happen!
Walder: Of course! Not even a miracle's impossible for a ranger!
Bursting with confidence, a wide grin crosses his face.
No matter the hardships that await, this brave ranger's unwavering conviction will get him through it all.
After saying goodbye to the archangels of instruction, the crew set sail from Lumacie and head for their next destination.
Though they've made some progress toward Jade's resurrection, Walder's short-term goal remains the same: seek records of Astral research.
Walder gazes at the clear blue skies with his best friend from the Grandcypher's deck.
Walder: Watching the beautiful sky never gets tiring...
As if responding to Walder, the green crystal in his arms reflects the sun's rays.
Walder: So, Jade. About that list of stuff I wanna do with you, showing you my new pose was on the top of the list...
Walder: But since I'm sort of half-done with that, is it cool if I show you the next item on the list?
Walder: That would be traveling with everyone. You, me, (Captain), Vyrn, Lyria, and the rest of the crew...
Walder: They're an amazing bunch! Wicked strong, cool, and just plain awesome!
Walder: Are you hearing this, Jade? I'll get you back with us someday for su—
Walder: Huh? What's this white pattern on the core's surface? I don't remember it being there.
Feeling uneasy, Walder takes a closer look at the core.
As his eyes trace the white lines, he begins to recognize the shape.
Walder: ...!
Walder: Isn't this... the ranger sign for "thank you"?
Walder: Yeah, I knew it! You do hear me after all!
The crystal shows no visible change in response.
Perhaps the ranger sign is a mere coincidence. Regardless, it definitely puts Walder in high spirits.
Walder: Now I'm getting restless! My heart and soul are itching for some action! Watch this, Jade!
He places the crystal beside him, then hypes himself up for what's to come.
Walder: Inhale... Exhale...
Walder: Touring the world from one end of the skies to the other with (Captain) and co. and etching new legends into the annals of history is...
Walder: Jade's bestest, bravest friend: Ranger Hero Walder!
And so the two now have another fond memory to look back on.