Scenario:Yaia - Yaia's First Errand

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Yaia's First Errand

(Captain) has caught a cold and Yaia volunteers to go to town on her own to buy medicine for the captain. Concerned for her safety, Lyria and Vyrn decide to follow from a distance.

Lyria: A-are you okay, (Captain)?
Lyria calls out to the bedridden (Captain).
Lyria: Oh no... What do we do, Katalina? I don't know if—
Katalina: Don't fret, Lyria. It's only a cold.
Rackam: Just take it easy for the day, Captain. Wouldn't want your symptoms to get any worse.
(Captain) came down with a bad cold while stopping by a nearby town to restock supplies.
Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: Big Brother! Why don't we go ask about the herb togeth—
Yaia: Hm? Is everything okay, Big Brother? Your face is all pale.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: Big Sister! Why don't we go ask about the herbs togeth—
Yaia: Hm? Is everything okay, Big Sister? Your face is all pale.
Yaia: Do you have a fever too? Or is it just a cold?
A rising level of concern colors Yaia's face as she draws closer to (Captain).
  1. I'm okay.

Choose: I'm okay.

With a strained smile, the captain tries to get up...
Only to collapse back onto the bed.
Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: Big Brother!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: Big Sister!
Rackam: Slow down there, (Captain). You need to take it easy.
Katalina: Rackam's right. You should stay well-rested today.
Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: What they said, Big Brother!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: What they said, Big Sister!
Yaia: You need to take your medicine and rest up when you have a cold!
Lyria: Yeah! Yaia knows what's best for you!
(Captain) nods apologetically at everyone's words.
Katalina: Which reminds me, have you taken your medicine yet, (Captain)?
Lyria: Actually, we just ran out of medicine... We really need to go buy some...
Yaia: I'll go!
Katalina: You?
Rackam: Whoa, you know how dangerous it is to go out there alone?
Yaia: I'll be fine! Leave it to Yaia!
Katalina: But...
Rackam: Yeah, I don't know about that...
Katalina and Rackam express their concern.
Katalina: That won't do. We can't have you going out alone.
Rackam: Can't afford the risk...
Yaia: But don't you two have something else to take care of today?
Yaia: You mentioned it yesterday.
Katalina: Yes, we do have other matters to handle... But that doesn't make it okay for you to go out alone.
Lyria: We'll go with Yaia then.
Katalina: Okay. Things should be fine if you two tag along.
Yaia: Nuh-uh, I have to go alone!
Lyria: Huh... But why?
Yaia: Someone has to keep (Captain) company or it'll feel very lonely here!
Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: Lyria, Vyrn, please stay by Big Brother's side, okay?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: Lyria, Vyrn, please stay by Big Sister's side, okay?
Lyria: B-but...
Yaia: It's okay! I can handle a simple errand!
Yaia: Off I go!
Yaia: Phew!
Vyrn: Whoa, hold it!
Katalina: Not so fast!
Lyria: Wait, Yaia!
Rackam: What do we do now?
  1. Go with her to make sure nothing happens!
  2. Tail her from a distance!

Choose: Go with her to make sure nothing happens!
Choose: Tail her from a distance!

Vyrn: On it!
Lyria: Okay, we will!
Lyria and Vyrn follow after Yaia in a panic.
Katalina: Sigh... This worries me.
Rackam: Aye yai yai...
A murky expression clouds their faces.

Yaia's First Errand: Scene 2

Rackam joins Vyrn and Lyria as they tail Yaia. She's managed to get her hands on the medicine, but realizes she's lost her favorite toy, Charley Horse. She finds the toy in the clutches of a monster. That's when Katalina comes to the rescue.

Yaia: Hum-de-dum...
Yaia goes off to town alone for some cold medicine.
Lyria: ...
Vyrn: ...
Lyria and Vyrn, careful to keep their distance, follow Yaia from behind.
Lyria: Sigh... I really hope Yaia is going to be okay.
Vyrn: You worry too much. A walk to town and back is nothing to write home about.
Lyria: But...
Yaia: Tra-la-la...
Vyrn: We can talk later! She's on the move!
Lyria: Ah, right!
Yaia: Hm... Where was the medicine shop again?
Yaia: I think Katalina said...
Yaia: ...
Yaia: Mm, I forgot. What do we do, Charley Horse...
Yaia, holding onto Charley Horse tightly, gets teary-eyed.
Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: Sniff.... I have to get that medicine for Big Brother...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: Sniff.... I have to get that medicine for Big Sister...
Lyria: Erm, I'll let her know the way!
Vyrn: Guess we got no choice...
Vyrn: Hey, wait! Look.
Rackam: Whew, great weather today. I've got more than enough time to finish that job—might as well take a stroll through town!
A voice suddenly calls out from behind. Yaia turns around to find Rackam.
Yaia: Ah, Rackam!
Rackam: Oho! Talk about a coincidence! Whatcha doin' out here?
Yaia: Hey, hey, Rackam. Can you tell me the way to the medicine shop?
Rackam: Hm? Don't tell me you're lost?
Yaia: Erm... I... lost track of where I was. So tell me, pretty please?
Rackam: Sure thing! You're in luck, Yaia!
Yaia: What do you mean?
Rackam: I was just about to go buy some medicine myself! Might as well go together, right?
Yaia: Uh-uh, can you just tell me which way?
Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: I promised to buy medicine for Big Brother.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: I promised to buy medicine for Big Sister.
Rackam: Um, like I said, I'm going the same way you are...
Yaia: Huh? You're not going to tell me where it is?
Rackam: Sigh... Fine, you win.
Rackam very politely instructs Yaia on the directions to the pharmacy.
Yaia: Thank you, Rackam!
Rackam: Yeah, hope you make it this time.
Yaia: Okay! Buh-bye, Rackam!
Yaia: Tra-la-la...
Rackam: Worked out well enough, I guess...
Rackam continues in the direction Yaia rushed off to.
Vyrn: You're out here too, Rackam? Weren't you busy with stuff?
Rackam: I just... couldn't stop worrying about her, you know.
Lyria: Ahaha...
Rackam: Let's go after her. This'll all be wasted effort if we lose sight of Yaia.
Lyria: Right!
Vyrn: Too true!
Yaia: Um... I think it was this way.
Yaia: Ngh...
Yaia inadvertently steps in a ditch, causing her to trip and fall.
Yaia: Ow, that hurts...
Lyria: ...!
Yaia! Are you—
Vyrn: Shh! Quiet! You're gonna give us away!
Lyria: B-but...
Yaia: Lyria?
Yaia stands back up and surveys her surroundings.
Yaia: ...?
Probably just my imagination.
Yaia: Ah, I'd better get going for that medicine! La-di-doo...
Yaia gets back up and continues dashing toward the pharmacy.
Vyrn: Whew, that was a close one.
Lyria: Aah, I hope Yaia's not hurt too bad.
Rackam: She'll be fine. I mean, just look at her go. C'mon, keep up the pace.
Yaia: I found it!
Pharmacist: Welcome.
Yaia: Hello, I'm here for some medicine.
Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: Big Brother caught a cold, and...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: Big Sister caught a cold, and...
Pharmacist: So it's cold medicine you need, is it? I recommend this one.
Pharmacist: Have a safe trip home, miss!
Yaia: Mm-hm!
Yaia waves goodbye to the clerk and walks out the door.
Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: Ehehe, I managed to get some medicine. I hope Big Brother will be happy.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: Ehehe, I managed to get some medicine. I hope Big Sister will be happy.
Yaia: We should get back in a hurry, Charley Horse.
Yaia: Hm?
Yaia: Huh? Wait, where's...
Having come to the realization that Charley Horse is not by her side, Yaia begins searching in a panic.
Yaia: Mm... Charley Horse, come out, come out, wherever you are...
Yaia: Ah, maybe when I tripped...
Yaia: Gotta go find him!
Vyrn: Hm? Where's she off to in such a hurry?
Lyria: Wait, please! Yaia!
Rackam: Oi, hold up!
Yaia: Huff... Huff... It... should be... around here...
Yaia: Ah!
Yaia looks straight ahead to find a monster ready to snatch Charley Horse with its vicious jaws.
Yaia: Nooooo!
The monster turns to Yaia in surprise.
Yaia: Mngh... Please, Mr. Monster... Please don't eat Charley Horse...
Monsters: Graa-ooh!
Yaia: Eep!
Yaia quivers in fear at the monster's roar.
Yaia: I-I won't run away. Charley Horse is family to me.
Yaia: I'm going to save Charley Horse!
Monsters: Graa-ooh!
Seeing Yaia as its new prey, the monster bares its fangs and charges at the little girl.
Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: Eep... Big Brother!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: Eep... Big Sister!
Vyrn: Huff... Huff... Where'd she go?
Rackam: Pant... Wheeze... Keep looking!
Lyria: Hahh... Hahh... Okay...
Lyria: Ah, Yaia!
Lyria's gaze fixes on the monster as it gets ready to pounce on Yaia.
Rackam: Tch, I can't get a clean shot from this distance!
Lyria: Yaia, run!
Lyria and the others rush toward Yaia in a desperate panic.
A shadow flits by them in the next moment.
Lyria: Huh?
???: Haaah!
Monsters: Gragh...
Katalina: Phew... Made it just in time.
Yaia: K-Katalina?
Rackam: Huff... Puff... Geez were we a nervous wreck just now.
Lyria: Pant... Wheeze... Are you okay, Yaia?
Vyrn: Huff-huff... No injuries, I hope.
Yaia: Lyria, Rackam, and Vyrn?
Yaia: Hey, why is everyone here?
Lyria: Erm! Well, about that...
Monsters: Graa-ooh!
The monster who was knocked aside gets back up and charges at Yaia once again.
Rackam: Tsk, we can talk later! Here it comes!

Yaia's First Errand: Scene 3

When Yaia wonders why everyone has appeared before her, Katalina manages to fabricate a plausible enough story for the little girl. Yaia then brings the medicine back to (Captain) and says she'll take care of the captain.

After defeating the monster, Yaia picks up Charley Horse and holds it in a tight, loving embrace.
Yaia: Ahh, Charley Horse!
Lyria: Phew... I'm glad you're both okay.
Vyrn: Definitely!
Rackam: You have any idea how worried we were?
Katalina: Hehe... Be careful not to drop him from now on, okay, Yaia?
Yaia: Okay!
Rackam: All right, how 'bout we head back now?
Lyria: Yeah! (Captain) must be really worried about us! We should get back right away!
Yaia: Yeah, let's do that!
Yaia: How did everyone end up here though?
Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: Didn't you all have something to take care of? And who's watching over Big Brother?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: Didn't you all have something to take care of? And who's watching over Big Sister?
Lyria: Erm, well... We had to run a little errand out here too...
Yaia: All of you?
Lyria: Mm-hm! It's not like (Captain) asked us to come out here to make sure you're okay!
Vyrn: Hey!
Lyria: Yikes! Did I just—
Katalina: Sigh... Our assignment was to rid the town of the monster just now. And it's done.
Yaia: Ah, so that's what it was! Great job!
Katalina: Thank you.
Vyrn: Hey, Katalina. That story for real?
Katalina: Yes, monster clean-up was the mission. That's the truth.
Katalina: Except I was supposed to hear more about the job today before actually carrying it out.
Katalina glances at Yaia with a forced smile.
Vyrn: So that's what went down...
Yaia: Hm? Katalina, Vyrn, what's wrong?
Vyrn: Nah, it's nothin' for you to sweat about, Yaia.
Yaia: ...?
Rackam: More importantly, did you manage to pick up that medicine for (Captain)?
Yaia: Uh-huh!
Yaia: It's right here!
Yaia shows the cold medicine to the others.
Yaia: See? I can run errands too!
Katalina: Yes! You did great.
Yaia: Ehehe...
Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: Let's hurry back to Big Brother!
Yaia: He must be feeling so lonely with no one by his side!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: Let's hurry back to Big Sister!
Yaia: She must be feeling so lonely with no one by her side!
Lyria: Okay. How about we go back together?
Yaia: Yes, let's!
Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: I'm back, Big Brother! With the medicine of course!
  1. You're a lifesaver, Yaia.
  2. Did you enjoy your first errand?

Choose: You're a lifesaver, Yaia.

Yaia: Ehehe... Big Brother just praised me!
Go to "Continue 1"

Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: I'm back, Big Sister! With the medicine of course!
  1. You're a lifesaver, Yaia.
  2. Did you enjoy your first errand?

Choose: You're a lifesaver, Yaia.

Yaia: Ehehe... Big Sister just praised me!
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Did you enjoy your first errand?
Choose: Did you enjoy your first errand?

Yaia: Well, for starters... It was really scary... And my heart was racing!
Yaia: But I had so much fun!

Continue 1

Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: Hey, Big Brother.
Yaia: I'm going to make sure to take really good care of you now!
Yaia: So get well soon.
Yaia: Because seeing you up and about makes me happiest, Big Brother!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: Hey, Big Sister.
Yaia: I'm going to make sure to take really good care of you now!
Yaia: So get well soon.
Yaia: Because seeing you up and about makes me happiest, Big Sister!
A huge grin streaks across Yaia's face.
One look at her loving smile is all it takes for (Captain) to promise to get better soon.