Scenario:Yaia - Yaia and Me

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Yaia and Me

Yaia finds a stray cat in a park. Just when she's about to take it back to the Grandcypher, the cat's parents appear. With the cat reunited with its family, (Captain) asks if Yaia misses her own. She answers that, with (Captain) and the crew around, it's not so bad.

The crew makes landfall near a busy town in hopes of gathering info about the miracle herb needed to cure Yaia's father.
Vyrn: Shucks, can't find word of it anywhere.
Yaia: Yeah, no one's heard of it...
Unfortunately they manage to glean only the smallest snippets of information regarding the herb.
Exhausted from a tour around town, the crew decides to take a break at a nearby park.
Yaia: Eek!
Lyria: ...!
Wh-what's wrong, Yaia?
Yaia: Nnn... I'm getting this really warm, fuzzy feeling around my feet...
(Captain) and company turn their gazes downward to find a kitten pushing its head against Yaia's foot in a circular rubbing motion.
Lyria: Ooh, a kitten!
Yaia: Ahaha! Stop it! That tickles!
Yaia holds up the kitten and gently pets it on the back.
Kitten: Meow.
Yaia: Teehee, I could almost get lost in your warmth and fuzziness!
Kitten: Meow!
Yaia: Hm? What's wrong?
Yaia: Aaah! Hey, no licking my face!
Kitten: Meow.
Yaia: Your tongue is all rough... I can't stand the tickles!
Vyrn: This kitty cat really warms up to people, eh? Look how relaxed it is around us.
Lyria: Teehee... That's for sure.
Yaia: Grr, that does it! You've made me angry, and now I'm going to cuddle you up like you've never been cuddled before!
Kitten: Meow.
Yaia doubles over with mirth as she frolics with the cat.
(Captain) and the others view the spectacle with sparkles in their eyes.
Lyria: Oh, it's getting late. Maybe we should get going soon?
Vyrn: Ah!
Vyrn: C'mon, Yaia! Time's a-wastin'!
Yaia: Oh... Okay!
Yaia returns to (Captain)'s side with the cat still in her arms.
Vyrn: Erm... Yaia? What do you plan on doing with that kitty-cat?
Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: Um, Big Brother... Is it okay if we keep the kitten on the airship?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: Um, Big Sister... Is it okay if we keep the kitten on the airship?
Yaia and the cat give (Captain) a pleading look.
  1. Sure.
  2. As long you'll take good care of her.

Choose: Sure.

Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: Really? Yaaay! Thank you, Big Brother!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: Really? Yaaay! Thank you, Big Sister!
Vyrn: Sigh... You're too easy on her, (Captain).
Lyria: Ahaha... This is great. Look how happy Yaia is.
Yaia: Hee hee. Lucky for us, Hernia.
Vyrn: H-hernia? Did you just call that cat Hernia?
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: As long you'll take good care of her.

Yaia: Of course! I promise to take good care of Hernia!
(Captain) smiles at first, but then suddenly realizes something is awry.
Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: Thank you, Big Brother!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: Thank you, Big Sister!
Vyrn: Wait, is that cat's name supposed to be Hernia?

Continue 1

Yaia: Mm-hm! Isn't it an adorable name?
Vyrn: Whoa, how'd you even come up with a name like that?
Yaia: Dad would always yell.
Yaia: "Ngh! Hernia's acting up again!"
Yaia: And that's that!
Lyria: Ahaha...
Hernia: Rgh!
Hernia leaps down from Yaia's arm in response and runs straight off.
Yaia: Wait, Hernia! Where are you going?
They give chase and come upon her snuggling up to two other cats.
Lyria: Could that be Hernia's parents?
Yaia: I think they might be...
Yaia: Really now, Hernia. You shouldn't just leave your parents' side like that!
Yaia: You can't imagine how worried that can make them!
Hernia: Meow.
Hernia purrs as if in apology before departing with her parents.
Yaia: ...
Yaia watches Hernia's every little movement.
Lyria: Umm... Yaia? Would you... like to return to your home?
Yaia: Huh? Why do you ask?
Lyria: Well, you've been away from your dad for so long, I thought you might be getting lonely...
Yaia: Nuh-uh. I'm not feeling lonely at all!
Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: Because I have Big Brother and all of you by my side!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: Because I have Big Sister and all of you by my side!
Yet Yaia's gaze remains fixed on the departing cat family.
(Captain) gently pats Yaia's head.
Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: Hm? Big Brother, what's the head pat for?
  1. You don't like it?

Choose: You don't like it?

Yaia: I love it actually! Especially coming from you, Big Brother.
Yaia: It feels just like the head pats my dad used to give!
Go to "Continue 2"

Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: Hm? Big Sister, what's the head pat for?
  1. You don't like it?

Choose: You don't like it?

Yaia: I love it actually! Especially coming from you, Big Sister.
Yaia: It feels just like the head pats my dad used to give!

Continue 2

The glowing appreciation on her face speaks volumes.
(Captain) vows deep down to never leave Yaia feeling lonely ever again.

Yaia and Me: Scene 2

One day (Captain) and company find themselves walking through an eerie forest. Yaia sees how afraid Lyria is and tries to comfort her despite being rather frightened herself. In the end she holds hands with (Captain) for comfort.

Having completed their assignments on this island, the crew traverse through the dense woodlands on their way back to the Grandcypher.
Lyria: Nnn...
The darkness of the area, brought on by the thick shrubbery blocking out the sun, makes it a difficult trek.
The misty fog pervading the environs doesn't make matters any simpler.
Lyria: Brr... What's this on my neck?
Vyrn: Probably just drops of water.
Lyria: Mm... Um, Yaia, let's hold hands!
Lyria latches onto Yaia's hand before she can even respond.
Yaia: Lyria, you're not scared, are you?
Lyria: Yikes... Erm, well...
Yaia: Yes, Lyria?
Lyria: I-it's true... I mean, it looks like ghosts could pop out at any second...
Yaia: We'll be fine. Because I'll be right beside you, Lyria!
Yaia: Ah, Lyria! Could you bend down a little?
Lyria: Huh? Um, okay.
Lyria: Like this?
Yaia: Yes! Here, Lyria, what a good girl you are!
Yaia gives Lyria a head pat.
Lyria: Erm... Yaia?
Yaia: Head pats always make things less spooky, don't you think?
Yaia: Dad used to give them to me all the time whenever I got scared!
Lyria: I'll admit your touch definitely eased the anxiety, but that was so embarrassing...
Vyrn: Bwahaha! Yaia could pass for Lyria's big sis at this rate!
Yaia: Oh, do I seem like a Big Sister now?
Vyrn: More than Lyria at least.
Lyria: Hey, I can't help it if creepy things creep me out!
Vyrn: You're not getting any of the willies, Yaia? I'd take you for a—
Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: With Big Brother and Charley Horse close by, I have nothing to be afraid of.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: With Big Sister and Charley Horse close by, I have nothing to be afraid of.
Despite her bold words, Yaia holds Charley Horse very tightly against her chest.
Vyrn: I hope I didn't spark any spooky vibes by asking that question. If I did—
Yaia: No! I'm not spooked at all!
Yaia: Aaah!
Lyria: Eeep!
Startled by the rusting of leaves, they let go of each other's hands and fling themselves at (Captain) in a sudden panic.
Lyria: Mng...
Yaia: Urgh...
Vyrn: Sigh... I'd say you were scared stiff just now.
Yaia: But, but...
  1. Would you feel better if we held hands?
  2. Relax. I'm here to make sure you're okay.

Choose: Would you feel better if we held hands?

Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: Yay. I get to hold hands with Big Brother...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: Yay. I get to hold hands with Big Sister...
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Relax. I'm here to make sure you're okay.

Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: Big Brother. Is it okay if we hold hands?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: Big Sister. Is it okay if we hold hands?
Yaia: No?
(Captain) squeezes Yaia's hand tightly.

Continue 1

Lyria: Um... (Captain)... Can you hold hands with me too?
Vyrn: Whoa now, we can't have both of (Captain)'s hands occupied now, can we?
Lyria: But I...
Vyrn: Hey, don't forget I've got your back too, Lyria. We're almost there anyway.
Lyria: Hrm... Thanks, Vyrn.
Lyria clutches Vyrn with both arms in a warm embrace.
Vyrn: Ack, Lyria! Cut that out! I ain't no teddy bear!
Lyria: But you said...
Vyrn concedes to the pleading look in Lyria's eyes.
Vyrn: Sigh... If it'll make you happy...
Lyria: It will, thanks.
Yaia: Eep!
Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: Mmn... Big Brother...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: Mmn... Big Sister...
Lyria: Yikes, what was that sound just now?
Vyrn: Guh... Probably just the wind. More importantly, Lyria... I can't breathe...
Lyria: Oh no! I'm so sorry.
Vyrn: Oh boy, I thought I was a goner for a second.
Yaia: Eaaagh!
Vyrn: You okay, Yaia? What's with the sudden squealing?
Yaia: Over there...
A frightened Yaia points ahead, directing the crew's attention to a seemingly endless number of hands poking out from the ground.
Lyria: Yi-yi-yikes!
Vyrn: Egh...
The monsters that those hands belong to crawl out of the ground and lurch toward the crew.
Yaia: Eaaagh!
Yaia trips and falls from the shock.
Lyria: Yaia! Are you okay?
Yaia: M-my feet won't move...
Vyrn: Bad timing! C'mon, (Captain)!

Yaia and Me: Scene 3

(Captain) and company return to the Grandcypher. Afraid of sleeping alone, Yaia asks if she can sleep in (Captain)'s room that night. The captain tucks her in, and she soon falls fast asleep.

After vanquishing the monsters, the crew returns to the Grandcypher, carrying Yaia by piggyback.
Vyrn: Phew, we ought to hit the hay soon, (Captain).
Vyrn and (Captain) prepare for a good night's rest.
Vyrn: Hm? Who could it be this late in the day?
(Captain) opens the door to find Yaia with Charley Horse snugly in her arms.
Vyrn: You still up at this hour?
Yaia: Erm, well...
Vyrn: Yeah?
  1. Lemme guess: you're afraid to sleep alone?

Choose: Lemme guess: you're afraid to sleep alone?

Yaia: Mm-hm...
Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: Um, Big Brother... Is it okay if I sleep in your bed tonight?
The puppy dog look on her face is impossible to ignore.
  1. But of course!

Choose: But of course!

Yaia: Yaay! Thanks, Big Brother!
Go to "Continue 1"

Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: Um, Big Sister... Is it okay if I sleep in your bed tonight?
The puppy dog look on her face is impossible to ignore.
  1. But of course!

Choose: But of course!

Yaia: Yaay! Thanks, Big Sister!

Continue 1

Vyrn: Sigh... Fair enough. Ready to hit the sack, guys?
Yaia: Uh-huh.
They slip into the bed.
Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: Ehehe, I get to be with Big Brother!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: Ehehe, I get to be with Big Sister!
Vyrn: You look happier than a dragon with two magic wands.
Yaia: Teehee.
Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: Being with Big Brother reminds me of Dad.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: Being with Big Sister reminds me of Mom.
Yaia: Mmn...
Vyrn: Gettin' ready to count those sheep?
Yaia: Yawn... I'm feeling... sleepy...
Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: Good... night, Big Brother...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: Good... night, Big Sister...
Yaia: Zzz...
Vyrn: Whew, she went to dreamland pretty fast. Just goes to show how relaxed she is around you, (Captain).
Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: Mng... Zzz... Big Brother, together... Forever...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: Mng... Zzz... Big Sister, together... Forever...
(Captain) is all smiles at Yaia's words while gently petting her head.
Yaia: Nng... Ehehe...
Vyrn: We'd better get in our share of winks too. Nighty-night, (Captain).
They all let the drowsiness wash over them, welcoming a good night's rest.