Scenario:Yggdrasil - Change and Growth

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Change and Growth

On a day like any other, Yggdrasil joins (Captain) and company on a shopping trip. When she drinks the apple juice they bought, her body unexpectedly flares with power. Rosetta notices that the surge resembles the power Yggdrasil possessed when she was driven mad by dark essence and became Yggdrasil Malice. Concerned, she privately sends a letter to Pommern and asks for his assistance in investigating the matter.

Some time has passed since Yggdrasil joined the crew on their journey through the skies.
Her fervent curiosity for the world never fading, today too she joined (Captain) and friends when they went out to purchase supplies.
Lyria: Yggdrasil, thanks for helping us with the shopping.
Vyrn: Yggs never passes up a chance to stroll outside and shop with us, eh?
Lyria: I understand how she feels. Arriving on a new island is always exciting, isn't it?
Both (Captain) and Yggdrasil smile and nod at Lyria's words.
Yggdrasil: ...!
In high spirits, Yggdrasil reaches into one of their bags and pulls out a package of drinks.
She removes one juice box for herself, then hands out the rest to everyone else.
Lyria: Hehe, already bringing out the apple juice?
Vyrn: It's just that good! I can't blame ya for bustin' it out early.
Rosetta: My, that looks great. I take it you're all done shopping for the day?
Lyria: Oh, Rosetta! Yes, but we also took a small walk before coming back here!
Rosetta: I must admit, I'm a little jealous that you took Yggdrasil along without inviting me.
Yggdrasil: ...!
Eyes going wide, Yggdrasil hastily tries to hand Rosetta her juice box.
Rosetta: Hehe, I'm kidding. As long as you're happy, I'm happy.
Rosetta: Don't mind me and enjoy your juice, my dear.
Yggdrasil: ...
Yggdrasil hangs her head in apology for a moment, then returns her lips to the straw.
Yggdrasil: Slurp, slurp, slurp!
Rosetta: (She's gulping it down with such a smile. I've never seen her so happy before, and I know I should be glad to see it...)
Rosetta: (A part of me is concerned that she's evolved far past her role as a primal beast... But I could be worrying over nothing.)
Excited exclamations come from the juice-drinking group, interrupting Rosetta's thoughts.
Vyrn: This apple juice is outta this world!
Lyria: Yeah, you can really taste the apple!
Yggdrasil: ...!
Rosetta: Is it really that good? Maybe I should also—
As Rosetta approaches her friends, something strange happens to Yggdrasil.
Yggdrasil: ...!
Vyrn: Whoa, Yggs! The heck was that light?
Yggdrasil: ...?
The light coming from Yggdrasil lasts only for a flash. Once it clears, she appears unaffected by any change.
Lyria: For a moment there, it felt like Yggdrasil's power spiked to a new level...
Vyrn: Seriously? I-is she okay?
Lyria: I'm not sure what happened exactly... She seems normal now at least.
Yggdrasil: ...!
Rosetta: She says the juice was just too good.
Vyrn: Huh? She literally lit up 'cause her taste buds were tickled?
Rosetta: Remember when she had apple juice for the first time? Her power overflowed then as well.
Lyria: Now that you mention it...
Yggdrasil: ...
Vyrn: Can't say I wouldn't do the same. This stuff is pretty applelicious.
Vyrn: Actually, we should go back to the store and get a round for everyone!
Lyria: That's a great idea! We'll make sure to get you your own box this time, Rosetta!
Rosetta: Thanks, Lyria. I can't wait.
Yggdrasil: ...!
Rosetta: Oh, you're going as well, dear? Have fun out there.
Rosetta bids (Captain) and friends farewell as they disembark and leave for town once more.
Watching them crest the horizon, she crosses her arms and frowns.
Rosetta: The surge of power passed too quickly for Lyria to notice, but...
Rosetta: I sensed Malice in it... I need to look into this.
She returns to her room, a plan in mind.
In Agastia, former capital of the Erste Empire, a single soldier enters the army general's office.
Helpful Soldier: Pardon me, General! Mail's arrived for you!
Pommern: Leave it over there. I do say, the paperwork never ends for one in my position.
Helpful Soldier: Hahaha... We all appreciate your hard work. I think you might even have an admirer, judging by the handwriting on this envelope!
Pommern: An admirer? I believe I told my wife not to contact me with private matters while I'm at work...
Helpful Soldier: Well, it has to be her, don't you think? Who else would send such a beautiful rose-patterned envelope?
Pommern: Hm... She is not the type to be interested in this kind of decoration.
Helpful Soldier: Perhaps it's a fan letter then? The citizens do adore you.
Helpful Soldier: Why, the oden stallkeeper the other day was grumbling about how he hasn't seen you lately.
Pommern: A fan letter wouldn't be out of the question... As for the stallkeeper, I'm sad to say that I haven't had the time to stop by.
Pommern: Regardless, it is my duty to hear the voices of our citizens.
Trying to contain his delight, Pommern neatly opens the envelope with a letter opener.
His expression immediately grows serious as he takes in the contents of the letter.
Pommern: I do say...
With furrowed brow, he grumbles to himself and reads further.

Change and Growth: Scene 2

Pommern travels to Lumacie Archipelago to look into any changes in its environment following Yggdrasil Malice's rampage. There he meets with Rosetta and Yggdrasil to learn more of the issue that ails them and promises his help. In the midst of their conversation, they hear one of Pommern's soldiers scream from nearby ruins and rush over to find him being attacked by monsters.

On the deck of a battleship anchored near Lumacie Archipelago, Pommern addresses his platoon of soldiers.
Pommern: Ahem. Now that we've arrived, I would like to go over the mission one more time.
Pommern: Our main objective is to investigate any lasting environmental effects that followed in the wake of Yggdrasil Malice's frenzy.
Pommern: The dark essence which the Erste Empire employed was not well studied, meaning we do not have information on its aftereffects.
Pommern: It falls to us to research this field. We need to be prepared should the day that dark essence is once again used against the greater good!
Pommern: Are you all ready to get to work?
Erste Soldier 1: Yes, sir! Our dark essence detecting gear is prepped to go!
Pommern: Very good! To the island we disembark!
Pommern: But remember—keep out of the deeper thickets of the forest!
Pommern: Monsters and other dangers lurk within. There is no need to tempt fate by venturing farther than we need to probe.
Instructions given, the soldiers salute and march off the ship.
Helpful Soldier: ...
Pommern: (Hm? He's been rather quiet since we arrived.)
Pommern: (It's a bit worrying, but there are other matters that take priority.)
After confirming that his soldiers are heading the right way, Pommern leaves in a different direction.
Pommern: I do say, despite my own warning, one needn't even venture into the thickets to encounter misfortune...
Pommern: Eep!
???: Oh my, sorry for the fright. It wasn't my intention to surprise.
From the shadows of the foliage emerge Rosetta and Yggdrasil.
Yggdrasil: ...
Pommern: Goodness... You might have just taken a few years off my life.
Rosetta: You're not the only one who's surprised. Aren't you a general now? I thought a man of your station would be quite busy.
Rosetta: I don't believe I shared my location with you either. My letter only asked for an audience to discuss dark essence.
Pommern: As you've just said, I am a very busy man!
Pommern: I'm here today on official Erste business, investigating whether or not dark essence has a lasting effect on the environment.
Pommern: It just so happens that your request happens to align with my own task! Do remember this fact!
Pommern: Ahem. What is it you wish to discuss exactly? I don't see hide nor hair of your typical companions...
Rosetta: I kept this trip a secret from the crew to save them needless worry.
Rosetta: Returning to the topic at hand... What I wish to discuss concerns my dearest Yggdrasil.
Pommern: Hmm, is it only me, or does she appear different than when I first met her?
Rosetta: Her current form is for ease of travel aboard (Captain)'s ship. But never mind that. Something strange happened to her recently...
Rosetta begins to explain the changes she observed in Yggdrasil.
Rosetta: The power I felt from her strongly resembled that of Malice. Coincidentally, she also became interested in the outside world after her Malice transformation...
Rosetta: I don't have any evidence backing my claims, but I'm concerned she might lose control like she did in the past.
Yggdrasil: ...
Rosetta: She says she's fine, but I can tell a bit of doubt lingers in her mind.
Rosetta: I was hoping that you'd have a clue as to what's going on, considering your experience with dark essence.
Pommern: I see... Please, pardon me a moment.
Pommern removes the tool attached to his belt and approaches Yggdrasil.
Yggdrasil: ...
Pommern: Why are you reacting in that manner! I assure you I am doing nothing untoward!
Rosetta: What is that?
Pommern: A portable dark essence measuring device I brought along for our research expedition.
Pommern: Hmm... It appears that my device does not register a trace of dark essence inside Yggdrasil.
Rosetta: Is that so? Then perhaps we can rest easy. The power surge only lasted for an instant, after all...
Pommern: If I may... We know even less about primal beasts than we do dark essence, do we not?
Pommern: There are many aspects regarding Malice that we're not aware of.
Pommern: It's entirely possible that Yggdrasil has nullified every trace of dark essence in her system. I will do what I can to investigate further.
Pommern: Worrying after a comrade's well-being is never pleasant, after all.
Rosetta: Thank you.
Yggdrasil: ...
Pommern: Our business is concluded for now, yes? If so, I must return to work—
???: Aaaahhhh!
Rosetta: What was that?
Yggdrasil: ...!
Rosetta: It came from near the ruins!
Helpful Soldier: D-damn it! I'm surrounded!
Monster: Grrrr...
Monsters close in on Pommern's soldier, baring their fangs at him.
Helpful Soldier: Brother...
The soldier cowers in a desperate attempt to shield his body.
Yggdrasil: ...!
Yggdrasil rushes to the man's defense before the monsters can dig in.

Change and Growth: Scene 3

Yggdrasil chastises the monsters attacking the soldier, but as she does so, another surge of power fills her body and drives them away. The attacked soldier explains that he had gone off on his own to search for any remnants of his brother, a soldier who was tasked with bringing dark essence to Yggdrasil Malice but passed away during that duty. Other soldiers join him in the search, but they end up leaving Lumacie without finding anything. Later, Yggdrasil decides to conduct her own search, and Rosetta joins her.

Yggdrasil: ...!
As Yggdrasil waves her hands in a chastising manner and scolds the monsters, another flash of light envelops her body.
Yggdrasil: ...!
The monsters whimper in fright and scamper back into the forest thicket.
Helpful Soldier: Wh-who are... you?
Yggdrasil: ...
Yggdrasil gives him a shy smile, then disappears.
Pommern's Voice: I do saaaay! If you can hear me, tell me you are unharmed!
Helpful Soldier: G-General!
Pommern and his soldiers burst onto the scene where Yggdrasil just stood.
Pommern: Oho... You appear hale and hearty enough.
Helpful Soldier: I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to cause concern...
Pommern: But caused concern you have! Did I not instruct everyone to stay away from the deeper parts of the forest?
Pommern: A small force like this one must always remain disciplined for its own safety! Tell me there is a reason why you disobeyed.
Helpful Soldier: That's... because I found abnormal vegetation growing around here.
Helpful Soldier: The records state that the same vegetation appeared when Malice lost control, so I figured it might be worth a closer look.
Erste Soldier 1: I think I know the plants you're talking about. Found some on my own, actually, but my scan didn't reveal any dark essence...
Pommern: Hmm... I can understand why you felt the need to explore.
Pommern: But that can't possibly be the only reason, can it? You could have reported your findings later once we regrouped.
Helpful Soldier: The truth is... my older brother belonged to the unit that served under Prime Minister Freesia.
Helpful Soldier: His final post was in Lumacie.
Pommern: He was one of the soldiers tasked with supplying Malice with dark essence, wasn't he?
The soldier gives a small nod, his gaze falling to the forest floor.
Helpful Soldier: A small part of me hoped I'd find a trace of him.
Pommern: I see... Many a good comrade were lost to the soil here...
The other soldiers in the platoon grow silent at Pommern's words.
One of them steps forward after a beat.
Erste Soldier 2: The empire is no more, but none of us have forgotten our fallen comrades. Finding them would mean a lot.
Erste Soldier 2: General, please. Would you grant us permission to search for their remains?
Erste Soldier 1: Our chances of finding anything are probably next to none, but I know I'm willing to try. Please, General.
Pommern: Sigh... Far be it from me to refuse a request like that. Very well. Travel in pairs and avoid the more dangerous areas, understood?
Helpful Soldier: U-understood, thank you!
Pommern's troops all express their thanks, before forming pairs like they were told and spreading out into the forest.
Pommern: This abnormal vegetation... Combined with what I've just been told about the primal's condition, surely there must be something going on...
He stares at the twisted vine-like greenery nearby, wearing a somber expression.
Yggdrasil: ...
Rosetta: So he was looking for something belonging to his brother?
Rosetta: They're pulling out for now. Must be tired, I imagine. Searching these woods is no easy task for ordinary skydwellers.
Rosetta: As for you, your power's grown stronger again, hasn't it?
Yggdrasil: ...
Rosetta: You scolded the monsters? Judging by this incident and the last, perhaps it's your emotions that are causing it...
Yggdrasil: ...?
Rosetta: We don't have enough proof to go off though. For now, let's wait for the general to contact us.
Yggdrasil nods, then claps her hands together.
Yggdrasil: ...!
Rosetta: Oh? You wish to help the soldiers search these woods?
Rosetta: Haha... You're a kind one, my dear. All right, I'll lend you a hand too.
Yggdrasil: ...!
A wide smile spreads across Yggdrasil's lips. She pulls Rosetta along as they begin to comb the forest floor.
All the while, an uneasy feeling remains in the Rose Queen's chest.

Change and Growth: Scene 4

One day, (Captain) and company learn of Yggdrasil's search for remnants of the soldier's brother and pledge their help. However, their search in Lumacie proves perilous as the ground opens up beneath them. To save her friends, Yggdrasil's power grows and allows her to pull (Captain) to safety, but the dark essence waiting in the earth activates in response. The island's vegetation turns wild and violent, forcing Yggdrasil to send her friends back to the Grandcypher while she remains behind to quell it as best she can.

(Captain) and friends return from another supply run, absent their familiar arboreal companion.
Vyrn: Anyone else notice that Yggs hasn't been joining us lately?
Lyria: I have... We haven't really seen Rosetta around much either.
Vyrn: Speakin' of, look there!
Lyria: We should ask them if everything's all right.
(Captain) agrees, and the trio approach their friends across the deck.
Rosetta: Hello there, (Captain). Have you just returned from shopping? I'm sorry we couldn't assist.
Vyrn: Hey, help's always appreciated, but never required. 'Sides...
Vyrn: We're more worried about you guys. Is there a reason you haven't been taggin' along lately?
Rosetta: Oh my, so our absence has been noted.
Rosetta: Yggdrasil, what would you like to do?
Yggdrasil: ...
With troubled eyes, Yggdrasil shakes her head from side to side.
Lyria: Um, if there's anything wrong, you can let us know! We want to help!
  1. This crew looks out for each other!

Choose: This crew looks out for each other!

Yggdrasil: ...!
Rosetta: Yes... I suppose so. (Captain) is right.
Rosetta: I'll explain everything from the top then.
Rosetta shares her apprehensions about the changes occurring within Yggdrasil's body, and how she has asked Pommern for his assistance.
Lyria: Now that you mention it... The power that came out of Yggdrasil felt similar to when she was taken over by dark essence.
Vyrn: Kinda hard to believe General 'Stache is willin' to chip in—not that he's a bad guy. Just that it feels weird.
Rosetta: I understand what you mean. Still, we thought we'd show our appreciation—though not out of obligation—by helping him search for something.
Lyria: What are you looking for?
Rosetta: Do you recall the soldiers that had to supply Yggdrasil with dark essence and were left behind?
Rosetta: One of the general's men had an older brother who served in that platoon.
Vyrn: So that time we came back to save you and Yggs...
Rosetta: To control Malice, you have to keep pumping a primal full of dark essence.
Rosetta: Maybe these soldiers were ordered by the prime minister to continuously supply the core with dark essence.
Katalina: But they were too deep in the forest to escape when things got bad...
Lyria: Orchis mentioned that she felt something strange before... I think it's these people...
Rosetta: It pains to me say, but I think Yggdrasil might've... Well, the dark essence might've caused Yggdrasil to corrupt these poor souls.
Rosetta: If so, then they are now nothing more than puppets being used by Yggdrasil's core to protect itself.
Rosetta: That's why our dear Yggdrasil wishes to search for them. Together we've been combing through the forest.
Rosetta: I'm sorry we went off without telling you what was going on. We didn't want to mix you up in this mess, but it seems we've only caused you worry instead.
Yggdrasil: ...
Lyria: It's okay, you don't need to apologize! You were only thinking of us...
Vyrn: Lyria's right! And hey, it's not too late for us to join the search, yeah?
(Captain) and Lyria nod along to Vyrn's offer.
Rosetta: But...
Lyria: I know you're worried for us, but I might be able to help with my power if anything happens.
Vyrn: And if there's trouble, you can count on me and (Captain) to protect ya!
Yggdrasil: ...!
Rosetta: Haha, I'd almost forgotten how strong you all are.
Rosetta: Yggdrasil says she's completely on board with taking everyone with us. Would you mind setting a course for Lumacie?
In no time at all, the Grandcypher makes its way toward Lumacie Archipelago.
The crew disembarks into Lumacie's thick foliage and travels to a ruin deep within the forest.
Rosetta: Yggdrasil has a grasp of everything in Lumacie, so she knows where to look.
Rosetta: But with how much time has passed, it's been difficult to spot any objects through the overgrowth.
Yggdrasil: ...
Lyria: It'll be okay! With all the pairs of eyes here, we'll definitely find a hint!
Rosetta: Stay alert. This area is still heavily affected by the dark essence incident. I myself have barely avoided a few dangerous scrapes.
Lyria: O-oh, the ground does feel a little unstable! We definitely need to be careful!
Watching their steps, the crew scour the forest floor.
Lyria: Ah! Look, over there! That shiny silver metal is a piece of armor, right?
Vyrn: By that weird root? Yeah, think so!
(Captain) tells Lyria and Vyrn to stay put, then slowly approaches the metal.
Upon closer inspection, the metal is a piece of armor, just as Lyria thought.
Nearby, other skydweller-made items are buried in the dirt as well.
Rosetta: Well done, everyone! My dear, it seems they've found it.
Yggdrasil: ...!
Triumph fills the air. But their joy is short-lived as the earth beneath them trembles.
Lyria: Is it just me, or is the ground shaking more and more?
Vyrn: (Captain)! You gotta get outta there!
Nodding, (Captain) crouches down and reaches out for the objects in the ground—
But the earth completely crumbles, opening a hole beneath (Captain) and Lyria.
Lyria: Ahhhh!
Rosetta: (Captain)! Lyria!
With a skillful, quick maneuver, (Captain) grabs Lyria and launches her toward their friends.
Rosetta: Are you okay?
Lyria: I'm fine, but...
Lyria: Bahamut, lend me your strength!
Vyrn: No good! (Captain)'s fallin' too fast!
Yggdrasil: ...!
Yggdrasil's heart aches hearing the despair in Vyrn's voice. She clasps her hands together.
In her heart, she prays for only one thing—the strength to save her friend.
Lyria: Th-this overwhelming power! It can't be...
A fierce power wells up not only inside of Yggdrasil, but also in the nature surrounding the group.
The primal beast unleashes it all in an attempt to rescue (Captain).
With one wave of her hand, roots poke through the earth and stretch across the chasm in the ground, halting (Captain)'s rapid plummet.
They then stretch upward and carry the captain back to safety.
Vyrn: Phew... That was one heckuva scare.
Lyria: Oh, thank you, Yggdrasil!
Yggdrasil: ...!
Yggdrasil smiles, but her expression soon twists into one of intense pain.
Yggdrasil: ...!
Rosetta: Yggdrasil? What's wrong?
Lyria: Rosetta, I sense dark essence!
The air grows oddly heavy around the group, becoming harder to breathe in.
Rosetta: There's so much... How did we not notice it until now?
Lyria: A bunch of it is going into Yggdrasil too!
Rosetta: What did you say?
Rosetta: We need to get away from this place. The faster, the better!
Vyrn: Gah! The heck are these gnarly roots grabbin' at us for!
Yggdrasil: ...!
Rosetta: When you were corrupted by dark essence, the land of Lumacie was polluted too, wasn't it?
Vyrn: Wh-what are you goin' on about?
Rosetta: Yggdrasil Malice controlled the vegetation in a similar manner back then.
Rosetta: Dark essence must have seeped into the very depths of the earth... Which is what has been amplifying her powers.
Rosetta: It seems that just as the land responds to her emotions, so too does the dark essence.
Rosetta: Up until now, her outbursts have been negligible, but that last powerful surge was so great it triggered the dark essence to magnify!
Yggdrasil: ...!
Rosetta: She's desperately trying to free nature from the dark essence's grasp...
Vyrn: H-hey, more and more weird plants are poppin' up!
Varying sorts of plant life creep in from all around and attempt to wrap themselves around the crew.
Yggdrasil: ...!
A rumble runs through the ground, and (Captain) and friends are lifted into the air.
Vyrn: Gyahhh! Everybody, hold on!
Lyria: Don't panic! Yggdrasil has us, not the dark essence, but...
Rosetta: Wait, my dear, we can still—
Yggdrasil: ...!
Yggdrasil gives her friends one last, sad glance before the ominous vegetation completely covers the area she stands in.
Unable to resist, (Captain) and the others are carried away from the ruins by the roots Yggdrasil had summoned.
Soon after, the roots dump them onto the deck of the anchored Grandcypher.
Rackam: Wh-where the heck did you all come flyin' in from?
Rosetta: Talk later, liftoff now!
Rackam: O-okay!
In a frantic flurry of activity, Rackam gets the airship going right before the entire island is wrapped in menacing roots.
The group can only stare in shock as they are carried farther and farther away from their friend...