News:GameNews 2021-12-03

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Character Balance Changes

Nina Drango

  •  Crush on YouRaise Blush LvlI blush when cute guys help me!
    by 1 upon being targeted by a male ally's buff or healing skill (Max: 4).
    (When Blush LvlI blush when cute guys help me!
    is at lvl 4:
    Nina turns into a dragon at end of turn. Resets Blush LvlI blush when cute guys help me!
      • Cute guys make me blush when they're kind to me! (When Blush LvlI blush when cute guys help me!
        reaches max, Nina turns into a dragon at end of turn.)
      • Blush LvlI blush when cute guys help me!
        is a value between 0 and 20. It increases when Nina is healed or buffed by male characters or certain female characters.
      • When Nina's Blush LvlI blush when cute guys help me!
        reaches 20, she transforms into a dragon the next turn.
      • At the start of battle, Nina's initial Blush lvl is determined by the total Blush value of all characters in the front line.
      • Raise Blush LvlI blush when cute guys help me!
        by 1 upon being targeted by a male ally's buff or healing skill (Max: Lvl 4). (When Blush LvlI blush when cute guys help me!
        is at lvl 4:
        Nina turns into a dragon at end of turn. Resets Blush LvlI blush when cute guys help me!
      • Gameplay mechanics related to individual character Blush Value have been removed.
      • [Wiki] As a result, Blush Value has been removed from all character pages.
  •  Crush EverythingSharp boost to stats when in dragon form.
    (Self-inflict WeakenedCan't attack (Can't be removed)
    Duration: 1 turn
    for 1 turn after dragon form ends.)
    • WeakenedCan't attack (Can't be removed)
      duration: 4 > 1 turn

Ippatsu (SR)

  •  Ramen ManiaAll allies gain RaaamenDEF is boosted /
    Double attack rate is boosted /
    Triple attack rate is boosted
    (Can't be removed)
    Duration: 5 turnsStacking: Special Buff
    (When RaaamenDEF is boosted /
    Double attack rate is boosted /
    Triple attack rate is boosted
    (Can't be removed)
    Stacking: Special Buff
    Ally self-inflicts AddictionUnable to forget the taste of ramen / Hit to ATK, DEF, and multiattack rate (Can't be removed)
    Duration: Indefinite
      • All allies gain RaaamenDEF is boosted /
        Double attack rate is boosted /
        Triple attack rate is boosted
        (Can't be removed)
        Duration: 5 turns
        . Inflict AddictionUnable to forget the taste of ramen / Hit to ATK, DEF, and multiattack rate (Can't be removed)
        Duration: 5 turns
        and remove all non-permanent buffs on all allies.
      • AddictionUnable to forget the taste of ramen / Hit to ATK, DEF, and multiattack rate (Can't be removed)
        : Body wants nothing but ramen / Buffs don't take effect (Can't be removed)
      • All allies gain RaaamenDEF is boosted /
        Double attack rate is boosted /
        Triple attack rate is boosted
        (Can't be removed)
        Duration: 5 turns
        . (When RaaamenDEF is boosted /
        Double attack rate is boosted /
        Triple attack rate is boosted
        (Can't be removed)
        Ally self-inflicts AddictionUnable to forget the taste of ramen / Hit to ATK, DEF, and multiattack rate (Can't be removed)
        Duration: Indefinite
      • AddictionUnable to forget the taste of ramen / Hit to ATK, DEF, and multiattack rate (Can't be removed)
        : Unable to forget the taste of ramen / Hit to ATK, DEF, and multiattack rate (Can't be removed)
  •  To the Last DropGain Instant ChargeInstantly sets Charge Bar to 100%
    Unaffected by Charge Bar Gain status effects.
    No effect when afflicted with Shorted debuffs or when Charge Bar is above 100%.
    End cooldown for other skills.
      • Remove AddictionUnable to forget the taste of ramen / Hit to ATK, DEF, and multiattack rate (Can't be removed)
        from all allies.
      • Gain Instant ChargeInstantly sets Charge Bar to 100%
        Unaffected by Charge Bar Gain status effects.
        No effect when afflicted with Shorted debuffs or when Charge Bar is above 100%.
        End cooldown for other skills.
      • Skill cooldown: 10 > 8 turns
  •  Extended Mastery Support SkillBoost to C.A. DMG while RaaamenDEF is boosted /
    Double attack rate is boosted /
    Triple attack rate is boosted
    (Can't be removed)
    Stacking: Special Buff
    is in effect.
      • Boost to C.A. DMG while Addiction is in effect
      • Boost to C.A. DMG while RaaamenDEF is boosted /
        Double attack rate is boosted /
        Triple attack rate is boosted
        (Can't be removed)
        is in effect.
