Category:Dark Enforcement Skill Weapons

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Icon Name R El Type ATK HP Skills
Forsaken Agastia 2790 333
Graphite Enforcement: Boost to Dark allies' ATK and DEF (Activates when either Dark Omega or Dark Optimus weapon skills have a boost of 280% or above)
Zenith Strike: Dark: Boost to Dark allies' C.A. DMG cap and normal attack DMG cap
Agastia Beam: Massive Dark damage to a foe.
All Dark allies gain 10% Bonus Dark DMGDeals bonus dark DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks
Strength: 10%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.
4★: Effect increased to 20% Bonus Dark DMGDeals bonus dark DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks
Strength: 20%
Forsaken Agastia Mk II 3030 362
Graphite Enforcement: Boost to Dark allies' ATK and DEF (Activates when either Dark Omega or Dark Optimus weapon skills have a boost of 280% or above)
Zenith Strike: Dark: Boost to Dark allies' C.A. DMG cap and normal attack DMG cap
Neo Agastia Beam: Massive Dark damage to a foe.
All Dark allies gain 20% Bonus Dark DMGDeals bonus dark DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks
Strength: 20%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.
and Charge Bar +15%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 15%
Strength: 15%

Pages in category "Dark Enforcement Skill Weapons"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.