Autograph Art Sketchbook

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Autograph Art Sketchbook
ID 1040419200
JP Name スケブ練習帳
Release Date 2021-10-29
Other Sites gbf-wiki
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KamigameHuiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
At book fairs, many visitors like to bring a sketchbook to collect doodles from their favorite artists. Lunalu—hoping to become so famous one day that everyone will want a doodle from her—practices with this sketchbook daily, striving to strike the perfect balance between speed, quality, and personal satisfaction with each doodle.
Charge Attack
I Stan for the Best! Massive Light damage to a foe.
Inflict CharmedAttacks are slightly limited
Duration: 180 seconds
Weapon Skills
Armed Shine Big boost to light allies' ATK
▶ 100 Unlocks at level 100: Unlocks at level 100:
Covert Artistry When main weapon (MC only): Boost to C.A. DMG.
Base Reduction Materials
This weapon is safe to reduce or use as fodder.