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Characters, weapons, and summons can all be upgraded by absorbing materials to gain EXP and level up.

About Upgrading

  • When upgrading weapons, using weapons of the same group as materials confers an EXP bonus when absorbed.
  • For characters and summons, using weapons and summons of the same element confers an EXP bonus when absorbed.
  • Once a weapon is fully upgraded to its max level cap, it can only absorb weapons that have skills.
  • Duplicate copies of the weapon or summon you are currently upgrading can't be used as upgrade materials.
  • Absorbed materials disappear after use.

Grand Success

  • There is a 10% chance that any attempt at upgrading a character, weapon or summon can result in a Grand Success, which doubles the total amount of exp earnedVerification needed. during the attempt.
  • This chance can be increased by Wonders, the player account's Elemental Skill, Journey Drops and the player crew's Quarry level.
  • Grand Success only affects EXP-based level gains and has no effect on weapon skill levels.

Upgrading Weapon Skills

Main article: Upgrading Weapon Skills

By using weapons with skills as materials, it's possible to level up the skill of another weapon through upgrades. Using a weapon without a skill will not level up the skill of another weapon.

Only one skill level can be gained at a time when feeding weapons. The Craftsman's Anvil allows for bulk upgrading.

Elemental Skill

Main article: Elemental Skill

Elemental Skill (called "Upgrade Skills" in-game) represent your overall upgrade mastery. Each element has an upgrade skill and associated level, which can be viewed on the Profile screen from the menu. Upgrade skills can be leveled up by upgrading weapons and summons.

When an upgrade skill's level exceeds a certain threshold, it grants bonus EXP to weapons, summons, and characters of the same element when they're upgraded. In addition, the grand success rate will be boosted. The required upgrade skill level to receive these bonuses varies between each weapon, summon, and character.

An upgrade skill's level can be raised by gaining EXP through upgrading weapons and summons. EXP for upgrade skills' levels can't be gained when power-up items are used to upgrade them, with a few exceptions.


Main article: EXP Reserve

The EXP reserve feature allows the EXP from surplus weapons and summons to be saved for future use. This EXP is stored in a vessel until reaching 30,000 EXP. A Lazuline Vessel power-up is granted upon reserving 30,000 weapon EXP, and a Scarlet Vessel power-up is granted upon reserving 30,000 summon EXP. When a weapon with a weapon skill is reserved, it becomes a single Craftsman's Anvil point of the same rarity as the weapon.

Lazuline Vessels can be used to upgrade weapons, and Scarlet Vessels for summons. They each give 30,000 EXP.

Unlike other power-ups, vessels have the chance of triggering a Grand Success when used to upgrade items. Normal power-ups won't trigger a Grand Success.


Power-up Items grant a set amount of EXP when used to upgrade weapons, summons, and characters, and can be used in bulk for faster upgrading.

  • Lazuline Vessel and Scarlet Vessel can have Grand Successes, gain bonus EXP from Upgrade Skills, Crew Skills and Journey Drops, and grow the Upgrade Skills, but do not benefit from same-type or same-element bonuses as they do not have a type or element.
  • Craftsman's Anvil points always guarantee skill level ups, and the points used are automatically optimized for the skill upgrade mechanics.
    • Certain special weapons, like Bahamut Weapons, have a different cost formula and are sometimes best upgraded manually. See Upgrading Weapon Skills for details.
    • Skill level ups do not benefit from Grand Success, Upgrade Skills or bonuses.
  • Grand Successes cannot occur when upgrading with any other Power-up Items, nor do they grant bonus EXP from Upgrade Skills and Crew Skills.
    • Weapon Skills and Upgrade Skills don't receive EXP, either.


See: Weapon Skills#AX Skill Inheritance

Weapons with AX skills can be selected as a base weapon to inherit weapon level, skill level, and uncap status from a selected source weapon. The source weapon needs to have the same name as the base weapon.

  • The base weapon will only inherit stats that are higher than its own.
  • The base weapon will not inherit the source weapon's AX skill.

Select a base weapon on the Weapon Upgrade screen to perform inheritance.

Plus Marks

Main article: Plus Mark

Characters, weapons, and summons can be upgraded using Weapon Plus Mark or Summon Plus Mark, which can be obtained by several methods.