EXP Reserve

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The EXP reserve feature allows the EXP from surplus weapons and summons to be saved for future use. This EXP is stored in a vessel until reaching 30,000 EXP. A Lazuline Vessel power-up is granted upon reserving 30,000 weapon EXP, and a Scarlet Vessel power-up is granted upon reserving 30,000 summon EXP.

Lazuline Vessels can be used to upgrade weapons, and Scarlet Vessels for summons. They each give 30,000 EXP.

Unlike other power-ups, vessels have the chance of triggering a Grand Success when used to upgrade items. (The chance of Grand Success is the same as weapons or summons.) Normal power-ups won't trigger a Grand Success.

How to Reserve EXP in a Vessel

  • Tap Menu, Supplies, Consumables, and then one of the vessel icons. EXP can be reserved from their respective details screens.
  • Tap Menu, then Inventory, and then the Reserve button at the bottom. Multiple weapons can be selected to be reserved in a vessel.
  • Tap the Reserve button found on any weapon or summon details screen to reserve the weapon or the summon's EXP in a vessel.
  • You can also automatically reserve EXP of items obtained from quests to a vessel by enabling the auto EXP reserve feature. To enable, go to Settings, tap Miscellaneous, go to EXP Reserve Settings, and set the criteria.


  • Bonus EXP won't be given for upgrading an item with another of the same weapon group or the same element when a lazuline or scarlet vessel is used.
  • 999,999 lazuline and scarlet vessels can be held. No more EXP can be reserved past this limit.
  • Journey drop boosts or boosts from other campaigns will not take effect when reserving EXP in vessels.
  • Plus mark bonuses will be automatically stocked when items with them are reserved.
  • EXP from some weapons and summons can't be reserved.

Auto-Reserving Weapons with Skills

Weapons with skills can be individually set to be auto-reserved by toggling the feature from your field notes, inventory, stash, battle log, or the quest results screen.

How to Set Auto-Reserve Criteria

  • From your field notes, inventory, or stash: toggle auto-reserve for a specified weapon by tapping the Auto-Reserve button at the bottom of the weapon details screen.
  • From the battle log or quest results screen: toggle auto-reserve by tapping on the desired weapon's thumbnail, then tap the Auto-Reserve button.

Confirming Auto-Reserve Settings

Weapons set to be auto-reserved can be confirmed from your field notes, inventory, or stash by tapping the Auto-Reserved Weapons button toward the bottom of the screen.


  • Weapons of rarities that have not been set to be auto-reserved from Settings > Miscellaneous > EXP Reserve Settings cannot be auto-reserved, regardless of each weapon's auto-reserve setting.
  • Weapons with AX skills will not be auto-reserved.
  • Certain weapons cannot be set as criteria for the auto-reserve function.
  • Auto-reserved weapons cannot be retrieved once reserved.

Craftsman's Anvil

See: Craftsman's Anvil

When the EXP reserve feature is used to save EXP from surplus weapons in a lazuline vessel, you can also store the weapons' skill lvl points in a craftsman's anvil.