Red-Wing Soul

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Red-Wing Soul
ID 1040022200
JP Name 烈弩宇威愚魂
Release Date 2021-05-28
Other Sites gbf-wiki
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GameWithKamigameHuiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
This is the Red-Wing Soul. The boys march out to the final battle, fists clenched and at the ready, in order to protect what's important to them. The crimson flag flutters in the wind, a symbol of their pride and undying spirit as it cleaves a path through the darkness.
Charge Attack
Dear Perfume Massive Earth damage to a foe.
Gain 10% UpliftedCharge bar is boosted on every turn
Strength: 10%Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
Weapon Skills
Hot Blood's Might Big boost to earth allies' ATK
▶ 100 Unlocks at level 100: Unlocks at level 100:
Delinquent Heart When main weapon (MC only): 20% boost to C.A. DMG.
Sword Master Skills
Effect Cooldown Duration Cost
Awaken All allies gain Earth ATK UpEarth ATK is boosted
Duration: 3 turns
10TAs Sword Master / 8TAs Glorybringer / 6TAs Master Lvl 30
3T -
Resonance Earth damage to foes. 5T - Costs 2 energy
Attack ~16% Bonus Earth DMG effect. - - Costs 1 energy
Defend - - - -
Base Reduction Materials
This weapon is safe to reduce or use as fodder.