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Level 1 30 449 ??
Level 100 177 2701 ??
Character UnlockObtaining this weapon unlocks a character.
Drawing additional copies beyond the first will instead earn a Gold Moon.
Ilsa (Light)
ID 1040512100
JP Name タケミナカタ
Release Date 2020-01-31
Other Sites gbf-wiki
(Japanese wiki)
GameWithKamigameHuiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
With its blade attachment, this rifle is well suited to long- and close-range combat. It instills in its wielder the unflinching resolve and valor to reduce any obstacle to dust.
Charge Attack
Focal Ray Massive Light damage to a foe.
Boost to all allies' skill DMG and skill DMG cap.
Weapon Skills
Thunder's Primacy Medium boost to light allies' ATK and double attack rate
Golden Arts Boost to Light allies' skill damage cap.
Base Reduction Materials
Save for potential 4★.

Gameplay Notes

Golden Arts

Skill Level Skill DMG Cap Up
1 5.5%
10 10%
15 15%
20 20%
  • Boosts skill damage cap of Light allies' skills.
    • Stacks additively with other weapon skills that boost skill damage cap, up to a maximum of 100%.
    • Stacks additively with Skill DMG Cap UpMaximum amount of skill DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted

