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Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Recruit アルビオン士官学校から参りました、タイアーと申しますッ!  あの方が団長から受けた薫陶を、自分にも、ご教授くださいッ! My name is Tyre, late of Albion Military Academy! I beg you, Captain--that which she has learned from you, allow me to learn also!
Home Screen 手の足りていないご用事など、ありませんか?  遠慮なく、このタイアーにご用命下さいッ! Are there no tasks for which you need a helping hand? Please, feel free to give me orders!
あの方が領主を務めておられた頃は、いずれアルビオンの軍に入隊することを望んでいたのですが……  今は! 団長殿の下で、自らの未来を考え直したいと思っておりますッ! When she was the Lord Commander of Albion, I desired to enlist in Albion's army... But now! Under you, Captain, I believe I wish to reconsider my future!
え? あっ……あの方の、どこを、尊敬しているか……ですかぁ?

 それはですねぇ! 賢く、美しく、凛々しくお強く、自ら騎士としての模範を示し!

 アルビオンという島を背負って尚、それを気負わず! さらに――
Eh? H--how much do I reverence her, you ask?

Why, exceedingly so! Her wisdom, her beauty, her gallantry and her strength--to me, she serves as the very model of chivalry!

Besides that, the manner in which she bears the burdens of the isle of Albion upon her back sets my heart alight! Furthermore--
Add to Party お供いたしますッ! Let us proceed together!
お呼びですか、団長殿ッ! You called, Captain!
雑用係の仕事も、楽しいものです Even in menial duties do I find enjoyment!
Uncap 少しはあの方に近づけただろうか Might this bring me even a little bit closer to her?
Journal アルビオン士官学校から参りました、タイアーと申しますッ!  あの方が団長から受けた薫陶を、自分にも、ご教授くださいッ! My name is Tyre, late of Albion Military Academy! I beg you, Captain--that which she has learned from you, allow me to learn also!
自分は、騎空士としてはド素人ですので……  どうか、ご指導ご鞭撻の程、よろしくお願い致しますッ! As a skyfarer, I am nothing but a dilettante... I beg you, please give me whatever guidance and encouragement you can!
諦めの悪さは、筋金入りですッ! The evil of despair is strong indeed!
EM Lvl Up
EM Perk Lvl Up
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack ふっ! Hoo!
っはっはー! Hah hah!
ほぉらほぉーら! Now, look at this!
Enemy Defeated 止めだ! This is the final blow!
Skill 1 邪魔立ては許さんッ! This is a mere obstruction!
Skill 2 気合を入れて参りましょうッ! I shall stir up my passions and go forth!
Skill 3 時に、気力が勝敗を左右するといいます I say that sometimes, one's resolution determines victory or defeat!
C.A. Ready 気分が高揚しますッ! My spirit is roused!
Charge Attack 我が活躍、ご覧ください。ウーララー! Please, witness my deeds! Oh là là!
Skip Charge Attack
Damage Taken ぐぁーっ! Gah!
Red HP ま……まだ戦えますッ! I--I can still fight!
Knocked Out なっ……!? くっ、無念ッ! Wha--? Ah, the shame!
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Join Battle このタイアーにお任せくださいッ! Please, allow me!
Victory 雑用係も、なかなかやるものでしょう? Do I not perform my labors just as well?
Turn Start
MC Defeats Enemy
MC C.A. Ready
MC Knocked Out

Awed and Inspired

When Tyre is under the effect of Awed and Inspired, Vira's lines (VA: Asami Imai) will replace those of all other allies.

Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack そこです!
This is the end!
Now, then...
Enemy Defeated 次! Next!
うふふ…私が一歩リードですね Teeheehee... I'll take the lead for a step.
ちゃんとついてきてくださいね Please, follow along carefully!
Skill 1 さて、一息に決めてしまいましょう!
Now, this will be decided in the space of one breath!
Here I am!
I shall make your legs unable to stand!
Skill 2 楽しませてくださいね……
Please, entertain me.
Tyre, you're falling behind!
Skill 3 容赦はしません!
You will not be forgiven!
It's gotten so hot...
I shall lead the charge!
Skill 4 私が道を切り拓きます!
I'll cut a path!
Still not enough... More! More!
C.A. Ready 私に続いて下さいますね、タイアー Please follow after me, Tyre.
Charge Attack 不埒者は、この私が容赦しません!
Insolent churls, I will not forgive you!
With this, I shall end it. Haaaaaaa!
Skip Charge Attack
Red HP タイアー、少しだけ背中を借ります…… Tyre, I will borrow your back for a moment...
Knocked Out うっ……タイアー、後は頼みます……
Ohh... Tyre, I entrust the remainder to you.
You alone are trustworthy... I leave this position to you.
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under Confuse/Sleep/Sealing Debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under Confuse/Sleep/Sealing Debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Join Battle
Victory さぁ、参りましょう、タイアー! Now then, let us go, Tyre!
Turn Start

Character Banter

Vira (SSR)

Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack
Skill 1 ヴィーラ「少しは楽しませてくださいね!」


Vira: Please, won't you entertain me, just a little?
Tyre: Un, deux, trois. Hoo hoo!

Vira: If you're going to interfere... I'll show no mercy!

Tyre: Ahh, that gallant face... Haaaa!
Skill 2 ヴィーラ「ぁはっ……お姉様ぁ……」

ヴィーラもっと! もっと私を楽しませてください!」

タイアー「ええ? いいんですか?ひっ!ヴぃら様!」
Vira: Ahh... Katalina...
Tyre: Even her sigh is lovely...

Vira: More! Please, entertain me more!

Tyre: Huh? Really? Hee! Viraaa!
Skill 3 ヴィーラ「あっはははは! あっは! あっはははは! アフェクションオース!」
タイアー「すごく…… 凛々しく…… 美しい!」


Vira: Ahahahaha! Ahaha! AHAHAHAHAHA! Affection Oath!
Tyre: How incredibly... gallantly... lovely!

Vira: Shall I personally teach you about this delight?

Tyre: S-S'il vous plait!
C.A. Ready ヴィーラ「斬り刻まれたいのはどの子でしょう!」
タイアー「はーい! はいはーい! 自分を、自分を斬り刻んでくだしゃーい! ふはぁァ!」
Vira: Who wants to be cut to pieces?
Tyre: Yeees! Yes, yeees! I do! Cut me to pieces, pleashe! Fwaaaah!
Charge Attack ヴィーラ「我が道を切り開けシュヴァリエよ、ドミネイトネイル!」
Vira: Cut open our path, Chevalier! Overpower!
Tyre: Vira...
Damage Taken
Red HP ヴィーラ「そんな……馬鹿な……」
タイアー「命が欲しくば自分のを取れ! ヴィーラ様には触れるなぁ、下衆めぇ!」
Vira: How... foolish...
Tyre: If you desire a life, take mine instead! Don't you dare touch Vira, you scum!
Knocked Out ヴィーラ「うぅ……あぁっ! そんな! どうして……!」
Vira: Ugh... Ah! But--why...!
Tyre: Viraaa!
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under Confuse/Sleep/Sealing Debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under Confuse/Sleep/Sealing Debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Join Battle
Turn Start


Happy Birthday

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
ハッピィー、バァースデイッ! さっ、ロウソクをフーフーしてくださいッ! Happy birthday! Now, blow the candles!
お誕生日、おめでとうございます! 団長殿に、敬礼ッ! Happy birthday! A salute for our captain!

Happy New Year

Home Page Voice Lines
Japanese EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Valentine's Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

White Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Trick or Treat

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Happy Holidays

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
