"You'll have to beat it out of me... If you can."
— Mirror match
"You'll never win with an attitude like that, Gran! Get rid of it, and anything else that holds you back!"
— VS Gran
"You're quite calm for a knight so young. That's something that only comes with experience. Zeta could learn a few things from you."
— VS Katalina
"Stature has nothing to do with it. You see, when it comes to pure fighting skill, no one has reached greater heights than you."
— VS Charlotta
"Heh, countless times. Lady Luck's a fickle mistress, but she's become a powerful ally."
— VS Lancelot
"You're giving me too much credit young knight. But if you insist, I've got time for a round or two."
— VS Percival
"Well, I speak it best over a drink or two. Why don't we knock back a few after this?"
— VS Ladiva
"I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you... This helmet comes off for no one."
— VS Metera
"I don't think I'm the best role model for you three. But I guess you could do worse. Show me what you've got. Let's do this!"
— VS Lowain
"If you need help improving your skills, Ferry, then consider me your next sparring partner. Here I come!"
— VS Ferry
"Simmer down. You can't hope to beat me."
— VS Zeta
"You'll have to beat it out of me... If you can."
— VS Vaseraga
"I'd like to see you try. Bring it."
— VS Beelzebub
"It's not that I want to oppose you. But I won't let such menacing skill go unchecked."
— VS Narmaya
"Seems that confidence isn't just for show. When I release my true power, however, even you won't go unscathed."
— VS Soriz
"Let's not speak of my past—not much to learn from it anyway. My own hardships are trifling, compared to the ordeals you've faced."
— VS Djeeta
"Indeed. So when the time comes, I trust you'll know what to do. Now, Arbiter, witness my strength!"
— VS Zooey
"For all your cunning, it seems you don't know the first rule of battle. Never turn your back to the enemy."
— VS Belial / Avatar Belial
"Your confidence is well-earned. But don't get a big head. I haven't regretted a fight in ages."
— VS Cagliostro
"Pay no mind to the runt—it poses no threat. Unlike myself."
— VS Yuel
"Hah. Once you've struck your path, it's hard to stray. That's all."
— VS Anre
"By all means. It won't be enough to break me down."
— VS Eustace
"I know... But there was a time I thought no price too dear for power."
— VS Seox
"I hope she warned you what happens when I get serious."
— VS Vira
"You bastard... You're gonna tell me where you got that scythe, or else!"
— Mirror match
"Gran... Your refusal to give up is one of your strengths... But not knowing when to give up is foolish. You are weaker for it."
— VS Gran
"If you want to protect the girl in blue... You should be more careful about the company you keep. Understood?"
— VS Katalina
"To face this scythe is no small feat, Charlotta. Your courage is impressive."
— VS Charlotta
"You cannot even fathom the amount of pain this body can endure. Come."
— VS Lancelot
"A scythe that cleaves darkness versus a flame that illuminates it. Let's see which wins out."
— VS Percival
"Think you can unmask me? Good luck. I'd give it up if I were you."
— VS Ladiva
"I've heard a lot about you and those magic arrows. I wouldn't mind testing that reputation of yours."
— VS Metera
"Beat me, and I'll grab a drink with ya'. How's that sound?"
— VS Lowain
"There's something off about you and your pets... Hm. From the Otherworld, are you?"
— VS Ferry
"I don't have time to play."
— VS Zeta
"It's not every day I meet someone as twisted as you. I'll carve out your death with my scythe."
— VS Beelzebub
"I'm not going to hold anything back. I suspect, knowing your technique, that's my only option."
— VS Narmaya
"You have vast reserves of power. But I warn you... You'll need every drop for this battle."
— VS Soriz
"Djeeta. The bond you share with your crew is at once a blessing and a burden. Do you not worry about one day suffering defeat and losing everything?"
— VS Djeeta
"I've been itching to test this out... Perhaps with your assistance, I'll finally known for myself just how far I can bend the moon's power."
— VS Zooey
"Fallen angel Belial... Your evil eats at the sky like a scourge. But when Grynoth cuts you down, the blight shall spread no further."
— VS Belial / Avatar Belial
"You requested a sturdy participant. I'm all too happy to accommodate."
— VS Cagliostro
"A nimble flame-wielder... Can't say that's my favorite kind of opponent."
— VS Yuel
"Might've bit off more than I can chew... Well, let's see how long this old tank holds up."
— VS Anre
"Daylight's not going to wait for us. Ready to start, Eustace?"
— VS Eustace
"It's going to take more than acrobatics to defeat me."
— VS Seox
"I hear you have quite an impressive grasp of that primal's power. Quite a sight to behold."
— VS Vira
"Who's next?"
"Nothing personal."
"Good riddance."
— Generic
"Well then, back to work."
— VS Zeta
"The skies... Did we save them?"
— VS Beelzebub
"I won't die so easily..."
"Someone has to protect these skies..."
"This used to be easier..."
— Generic
"Rest now, partner."
— VS Zeta
"Where did that bastard come from? Was he an operative from the moon?"
— Mirror match
"You've improved, Gran. And you'll keep improving. You have to."
— VS Gran
"The strength granted by a pact with a primal might even be a cut above what we get from our contract weapons..."
— VS Katalina
"For someone her size to come at me head-on, she must have gone through hellish training."
— VS Charlotta
"No shame in this defeat. You've got the edge as far as swordsmanship and agility. I'm just more durable."
— VS Lancelot
"Even after all the modifications I've made to my body, I still felt the burn from your flames. You've got talent."
— VS Percival
"I don't think I'll be debuting as a masked duelist. I'd turn the arena into a bloodbath."
— VS Ladiva
"With that bow and her flight spells, she's a formidable adversary. I could see her hunting primal beasts."
— VS Metera
"I remember hearing about an indivisible trinity of primals. Maybe you three will be like them one day."
— VS Lowain
"Companions like that are a precious thing. Take care of 'em."
— VS Ferry
"How many times do I have to tell you? You talk too much in battle, Zeta"
— VS Zeta
"Never felt hatred like that before. He cast aside the skies so easily. What has he gone through?"
— VS Beelzebub
"She moved like a butterfly floating across the battlefield. That kind of skill isn't learned in a day."
— VS Narmaya
"Huh... Some people do just get tougher with age."
— VS Soriz
"Heh... Don't need the training wheels anymore, do you? I knew you were a fighter to watch, Djeeta."
— VS Djeeta
"Wait... Was she holding back? What is it like when she fights at full power?"
— VS Zooey
"Tough break, but fortune was bound to betray you eventually. You had to be vanquished. Your powers posed far too great a threat to be left alone."
— 'VS Belial / Avatar Belial
"That's some power you've got there. I've heard you were once able to fend off even Astrals. Let's do this again—until I can hold a candle to your true might."
— VS Cagliostro
"It’s true that not all flames burn equally, and yours blazes with an elegance like few others."
— VS Yuel
"Power is as much a burden as it is a pillar... I'd almost forgotten that. Our match has given me a lot to think about. Thank you."
— VS Anre
"Seems fortune was on my side today. But... I still have a lot to learn from you. Here, same time tomorrow?"
— VS Eustace
"If it weren't for my modifications, there'd be nothing left of me right now. Should've expected as much from an Eternal."
— VS Seox
"Albion's swordplay coupled with Luminiera's power... You don't see many fighters like that every day. Hope I never do again."
— VS Vira
"I have to take care of this first. It might get messy."
— Generic Intro (Ally)
"Sit this one out. I'll take it from here."
— Generic Intro (Foe)