Alexiel (Summer)/Voice

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Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Recruit 青い海、白い砂浜、そして灼熱の太陽……絶好のバカンス日和だな。ふふ、心ゆくまで共に楽しもう The blue sea, the white sands, and the red burning sun... Perfect weather for a vacation. Haha, let's enjoy this as much as we can.
Home Screen 穏やかな波の音、吹き抜ける潮風……この空間にいるだけで心が和らぐな……  人間がビーチでバカンスを過ごす理由が良く分かる The calm sound of the waves, the sea breeze blowing... I only come here, and my heart is at ease... I can well understand why mortals spend their vacations at the beach.
ああ、特異点。日焼け止めを塗ろうと思ったんだが、  背中がどうしても上手く出来なくてな……手を貸してくれないだろうか? Ah, Singularity. I thought I would put on sunscreen, but I just can't get it on my back very well... Would you lend me a hand?
流石はウリエル様……休暇を遊び楽しみながらもあれ程の鍛錬を取り入れるなど、  見事としか言いようが無い。我も見習わねば…… Just what you'd expect from Uriel... To train so hard, even as he enjoys his vacation so... All I can say is that it's magnificent. I must learn from his example...
Add to Party よし、ひと泳ぎするとしよう Alright, let's try going for a swim.
バカンスの続きといこう Let us keep enjoying this vacation.
時には息抜きも必要だ It's necessary to take a break sometimes.
Uncap ああ……清々しい気分だ Ah... What a refreshing feeling.
Journal 青い海、白い砂浜、そして灼熱の太陽……絶好のバカンス日和だな。  ふふ、心ゆくまで共に楽しもう The blue sea, the white sands, and the red burning sun... Perfect weather for a vacation. Haha, let's enjoy this as much as we can.
見るがいい、この水着を! どうだ、中々良いだろう。  機能性、着心地、あらゆる面に優れた逸品だぞ Behold, my swimsuit! Is it not excellent? A masterpiece, excellent in functionality, in comfort, in every aspect!
うむ……実際に海で過ごしてみると水着は便利な物だな。  水に濡れても動きが鈍らないというのは有り難い Indeed... A swimsuit is actually quite practical when spending time by the sea. I appreciate how it does not hinder my movements when wet.
EM Lvl Up ふむ……少し焼けたか…… Hmm... I got a little sunburned...
EM Perk Lvl Up 新たに得た力で皆を護り抜こう I shall protect you with this newly-gained strength!
鍛錬の成果を見せる時だな It's time to show you the results of my training.
刃鏡よ、輝け! Shine, my mirror-blades!
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack そりゃ! There!
いやあっ! Yaah!
覚悟っ! En garde!
Enemy Defeated この程度か! Not enough!
Skill 1 我が不可侵の守りを! My impregnable defense!
Skill 2 その身に刻むがよい! Engrave this upon your body!
Skill 3 刃鏡よ、輝け! Shine, my mirror-blades!
C.A. Ready 刃鏡よ、悪しきを映せ! My mirror-blades, reflect their wickedness!
Charge Attack 我が切っ先から逃れられると思うな! 刃鏡螺旋! Don't believe that you can escape my sword-point! Mirror-Blade Helix!
Skip Charge Attack 刃鏡螺旋! Mirror-Blade Helix!
Damage Taken くっ……やるな! Ah... Don't!
Red HP 気が緩み過ぎたか…… I was too relaxed...
Knocked Out どうやら、浮かれ過ぎたようだ…… I seem to have enjoyed myself too much...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Such underhanded behavior...!
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Ugh... Gaha, hah...!
Healed この恩、必ず返すぞ I will repay this debt!
Join Battle 皆の休息を乱す不届き者め! You villain, who dares to disturb our rest!
Victory さあ、バカンスの続きといこう Now, let us keep enjoying this vacation.
Turn Start 準備運動には丁度良い I'm all warmed up.
MC Defeats Enemy ああ、我も続こう Ah, I'll carry on!
MC C.A. Ready 汝の力を見せる時だ It's time to show your strength.
MC Red HP これ以上手出しはさせん! You must not let them interfere!
MC Knocked Out これ程までの力とは…… So this is all my strength is...

Character Banter


Happy Birthday

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
特異点の誕生日か…。めでたいな So it's your birthday, Singularity. How auspicious.

Happy New Year

Home Page Voice Lines
Japanese EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Valentine's Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
何やら、甘い似合いが? What is this, a well-matched sweetness?

White Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Trick or Treat

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Happy Holidays

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
ほぉ、これが雪だるまというものか。はっ、人間は面白いことを考えるのだな Wow, is this the so called snowman? Humans do think about amusing things.
