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This page is a Voice stub. Please help us expand it by contributing relevant data.
See Meta:Manual of Style/Character Pages/Voice for more info.
Notes: Missing JP transcriptions for: Some lines in #Outfits.
Missing ENG translations for: Trick or Treat in #Holidays, some lines in #Outfits.
Missing .mp3 files for: EM line in #General, some lines in #Final Uncap, Victory in #Character Banter, Trick or Treat in #Holidays, all lines in #Outfits.


Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Recruit 私の名はユリウス。レヴィオン王国の復興、そのためならば… My name is Yurius. For the restoration of Levin, I'll do whatever it takes.
Home Screen レヴィオン王国の復興。それが私の使命だ。必ず成し遂げてみせるさ The restoration of Levin... that is my my mission. I will see it completed, no matter what.
我が親友殿は顔に出やすいからなぁ、フフ…ババ抜きで彼に負けたことはないよ My old friend is always so transparent about what he's thinking... Heheh. I'm not about to lose to him, either.
団長はまっすぐだなぁ。羨ましいよ、私も君のように振る舞えればいいのかもしれないねぇ You're so straightforward, Captain. It makes me somewhat jealous... I'd like to be able to conduct myself with honesty like yours one day.
Add to Party お呼びとあらば You have need of me?
レヴィオンの名所を案内しよう I'll give you a tour of Levin's points of interest.
さぁ、行こうか! Well then, shall we be off?
Uncap レヴィオン王国に栄光あれ! For the glory of Levin!
Journal 私の名はユリウス。レヴィオン王国の復興、そのためならば…! My name is Yurius. For the restoration of Levin, I'll do whatever it takes. Same as Recruit.
秘密があれば解き明かしたくなる。研究者の性だよ When there's a mystery to be solved, I can't help but want to unravel it. It's my nature as a researcher.
”ひとりですべてを解決できると思うな” 言うは易く行うは難し、だねぇ "You can't solve everything by yourself." Easier said than done, I suppose...
EM Lvl Up 対策本部室長の名にかけて! I swear by my title of Disaster Operations Planning Executive!
EM Perk Lvl Up 私が守ろう I will protect them.
己を鍛えるのも悪くない A little self-discipline isn't so bad.
研究……いや、鍛錬の成果か My research... no, could this be the result of my training?
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack 遅い Too slow.
ふんっ! Hmph!
くらえ! Take this!
Enemy Defeated 次の被験者はどなたかなぁ? Who would like to be my next test subject?
Skill 1 研究の成果だ Witness the results of my research!
Skill 2 プランBだ Time for Plan B.
Skill 3 ふん、その程度か Hmph, is that all you've got?
C.A. Ready この一撃、耐えられるかい? Do you think you'll be able to endure this?
Charge Attack 特別に見せてあげよう!デューク・ラミナ A special gift just for you! Duke Lamina!
Skip Charge Attack デューク・ラミナ! Duke Lamina!
Damage Taken ぐわぁああ…! Guaargh..!
Red HP まだだッ! Not yet!
Knocked Out この敗戦もデータのひとつさ This defeat is just another data point...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Have I been careless...?
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Such a nasty trick...
Healed フンッ!反撃と行こうか Hmph! Time for a bit of payback.
Join Battle さぁあ、実験開始といこうか Now then, let the experiment begin!
Victory おかげさまで、良いデータが採れたよ Thanks to you, I was able to gather some good data.
Turn Start 私が相手になろう I shall be your opponent.
MC Defeats Enemy フンッ!流石だな Hmph! As expected of you.
MC C.A. Ready 私も続こう I will follow behind.
MC Red HP 団長、前に出すぎだ Captain, you're getting ahead of yourself.
MC Knocked Out 団長、あとは私に任せてくれ Captain, leave the rest to me.

Final Uncap

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen 猫の手も借りたいと言うが、私は触手を使役できるからね……おかげで複雑な実験も容易く行えるよ。 フッ……見た目は少々問題だが何とも優秀な研究助手さ "I could use a helping hand" is what they say, but as for me... I use my tentacles. Thanks to these tentacles I have, even complicated experiments are a breeze. Hmph, they may not look the part, but they certainly make great research assistants.
黒く立ち込める暗雲の向こうには、常に青空が広がってる…… 君や親友殿のおかげでそんな当たり前のことにようやく気付けた気がするよ Beyond the dark clouds is the sky that is ever so blue... It took me a while, but I've finally come to realize it. All thanks to my friend and you, Captain.
甘い貴腐ワインはスパイシーなカレーと相性がいい。私と親友殿のマリアージュもそういった類のものだろうね? Sweet noble rot wine pairs very well with spicy curry. Very much like the relationship between me and my dear friend, don't you think?
Add to Party 出来る事ならばなんなりと If there's something I can do, please let me know.
一緒に温泉にでも行くかい? Shall we head to the hot springs?
私に任せたまえ Leave it to me.
Uncap デストルクティオとは切っても切れない……いや、切っても生えてくる縁という言うべきかな? Destructio and I are so strongly bound to each other that I guess I should say we're inseparable no matter what I do.
Journal 不思議なものでね?晩餐会の豪華なフルコースより、炉端で雑談しながら食べるサンドイッチの方が私には格別に美味に思える How strange... the sandwiches I have while chatting by the fire are so much more delicious than any fancy meal at dinner parties.
フフッ、親友殿がビリビリおじさんならば、私はさしずめニュルニュルおじさんと言ったところか? Heh, so if my dear friend is Old Man Sparky, does that make me Old Man Slimy?
レヴィオン南西部の温泉街では雷風呂も盛んでね。団長も一緒に如何かな?疲れが一瞬で吹き飛ぶよ The "lightning baths" offered in the spa district in southwest Levin remain fairly popular. Would you like to join me sometime, Captain? Your aches and pains will melt away in an instant!
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack 甘い! Too soft!
去れ! Out of the way!
はぁッ! Hah!
Enemy Defeated もう壊れたのかい? Already crushed?
Skill 1 実に面白い How truly interesting...
Skill 2 貸したまえ Hand that over!
Skill 3 これが絶望だッ! Have a taste of despair!
Skill 4 ご馳走様 Here, have a treat...
C.A. Ready 蠢くものに恐怖しろ Fear my writhing tentacles!
Charge Attack 絶望に抱かれよ!蠢き絡み、奪い取る!テンタクル・サルタティオ! Succumb to despair! Go, my writhing tentacles, and take what is yours! Tentacle Saltatio!
Skip Charge Attack テンタクル・サルタティオ! Tentacle Saltatio!
Damage Taken 成る程… I see...
Red HP 悪くないッ! Not bad...
Knocked Out やむを得ない…戦略的撤退だ You leave me no choice... I must take a strategic retreat.
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Now you're talking...
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
This is not an issue...
Healed 助かったよ You have my thanks.
Join Battle 絶望に臨む覚悟はあるかい? Do you have what it takes to face despair?
Victory 負けるわけにはいかないものでね I can't afford to lose, you see.
Turn Start 悪いが、手加減は出来ないよ My apologies, but I won't be holding back.
MC Defeats Enemy お見事 Well done.
MC C.A. Ready 任せたよ I'm counting on you.
MC Red HP 援護しよう! I'll provide cover!
MC Knocked Out 許さん…! Unforgivable!

Character Banter


This banter is only available once Albert receives his final uncap.

Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Skill 1 ユリウス「こういうのはいかがかな?」
Yurius: How about something like this?
Albert: An excellent plan.
Skill 2 ユリウス「静かにしてもらおうか」
Yurius: Won't you calm down a little for me?
Albert: I didn't know you had a trick like that up your sleeve!
Skill 3 ユリウス「フフッ、大発見だ!」
Yurius: Heheh, I've made a great discovery!
Albert: Ooh, you should tell me about it after this!
C.A. Ready アルベール「この闘気……ユリウスか!」
Albert: This fighting spirit... is that you, Yurius?
Yurius: I can show off a little every once in a while, can't I?
Red HP ユリウス「フン、我ながら無様だな」
Yurius: Hmph, this is rather unsightly of me.
Albert: Try not to overdo it!
Knocked Out アルベール「っ、ユリウス!」
Albert: Yurius!
Yurius: My dear friend, apologies for slowing you down...!
Join Battle ユリウス「共闘時のデータ採集と行こうか」
Yurius: Shall we collect data as a united front?
Albert: Experimenting as always... Heh, alright then.
Victory 二人「「はぁー、どっこい……」」
Both: Ahh... Whew...!
Albert: Hey--!
Yurius: Oh, dear. It seems I'm picking up your turns of phrase.


Happy Birthday

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
ハッピーバースデイ Happy birthday.
誕生日おめでとう、団長。この一年が君にとって素晴らしいものでありますように。 Happy birthday, Captain. Let this year be a wonderful one for you.

Happy New Year

Home Page Voice Lines
Japanese EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
明けましておめでとう。 Happy New Year.
レヴィオン王国再興のため、今年も身を尽くす所存さ。 For the restoration of the Kingdom of Levin, I will do my very best again this year.

Valentine's Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
ハッピーバレンタイン。 Happy Valentine's.
昔チョコの研究をしていたんだ。軍事行動中の携行食としてね。 Long ago I used to do research on chocolate. As a combat ration during military action, you see.

White Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
ハッピーホワイトデー Happy White Day.
菓子作りは実験に似ているね……。入念に準備し、仮説を立てて検証する。結果、美味しい。楽しくて仕方がないよ。 Making sweets is very much like conducting experiments. Carefully preparing materials, coming up with hypotheses and verifying the results... Delicious. Inevitably fun.

Trick or Treat

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Happy Holidays

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
メリークリスマス。 Merry Christmas.
どうすればサンタが来るか。団長も一緒に研究してみるかい? Interested in joining me on my research to find out how to get Santa to come here, Captain?


Noble Swallowtail

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen 優雅なだけが夜会ではないよ?眩い光に照らされる場所ほど集う人々の影は濃くなるものさ。まぁ、上等な葡萄酒にありつけるのは有難いがね Evening parties aren't just all full of grace and elegance, you know? The brighter the light shines, the darker people's shadows become, after all. Though, I do appreciate that I could finally have the top quality wine I've been looking for.
さぁ、今宵は夜の街の研究といこうか。君には助手をお願いしてもいいかな?ふふ……研究の成果は二人で分かち合うとしよう Now then, we'll be conducting research on the nightlife here. I'd like you to be my assistant, if you'll indulge me. Heh, let's share the results of our research with each other.
知っての通り我が親友殿は純粋かつ鈍感でね?夜会に蠢く強者達からしてみれば飛んで火にいる夏の虫さ。火の粉を振り払うのは誰の役目か……言わずともわかるだろう? As you know, my dear friend is ever so naive and oblivious. To those in power who squirm around in parties, he's very much like a moth to a flame. Now, you understand very well who it is that has to put out the flames, don't you?
Add to Party
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack はっ! Ha!
どうだ! Take that!
甘い Soft!
Enemy Defeated 御機嫌よう Farewell.
Skill 1 静粛に願おう! I ask that you remain quiet!
Skill 2 Shall we dance? Shall we dance?
Skill 3 マナーは守りたまえ Exhibit proper etiquette now, will you?
C.A. Ready 華やかに飾ろう Time to put on a brilliant show!
Charge Attack 蝶のように舞おう、デュークロンド! A dance like that of a butterfly! Duke Rondo!
Skip Charge Attack デュークロンド! Duke Rondo!
Damage Taken
Red HP やるね Not bad...
Knocked Out 騒がしい夜は苦手でね…… I'm not fond of noisy nights like this, you see...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Join Battle さぁ、夜会と洒落こもうか Well then, time to ready myself for the party.
Victory 祝杯をあげよう! Let's raise a glass, shall we?
Turn Start パーティは嫌いかい? You wouldn't happen dislike parties, would you?
MC Defeats Enemy 素晴らしい! Fantastic!
MC C.A. Ready おや?ショータイムかい? Oh? It's showtime, is it?
MC Red HP 足元に気をつけたまえ Watch your step.
MC Knocked Out 後は任せてゆっくり休むといい…… Leave everything else to me and rest up.