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Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Recruit 世界の均衡を崩さんとする脅威を滅する調停者、ゾーイだ。さあ、共に戦おう I am Zooey, the peacemaker who destroys any menace which tries to disturb the balance of the world. Now, let us fight together.
Home Screen 銃による遠距離からの圧倒的弾幕…抗いなど不可能な攻撃… 団長、君が望むなら、私はいつだって世界の敵を、君の敵を蹂躙しよう Overwhelming long-range bombardment with a gun... An irresistible offense... Captain, whenever you wish, I will crush the world's enemies, your enemies.
ドラゴンが増えている? ああ、実は私の魔力が高まると、自然と増えていくみたいなんだ。 ふふっ、この子たちの名前は何にしようか、一緒に考えてくれるか? There are more dragons? Ah, actually, as my magical power grows, it seems that they naturally multiply. Haha, what shall these children be named? Shall we come up with them together?
人の姿になって、私は本当に良かったと思っているよ。 これも全部、君が人の喜びを教えてくれたおかげだ。これからも、一緒にいてくれ I really do think it is a good thing to take on a human form. It is truly a blessing, for you to keep teaching me about human delights. Let us keep doing so together.
Add to Party 今日はどこに行くんだ? Where will we go today?
戦いか? それとも遊びに行くのか? A battle? Or will we go out for fun?
どこにでもついて行こう I will follow you anywhere.
Uncap 反撃を許さぬ圧倒的力、見せてあげよう Please, allow me to show you power which allows no counterattack.
Journal 世界の均衡を崩さんとする脅威を滅する調停者、ゾーイだ。さぁ、共に戦おう I am Zooey, the peacemaker who destroys any menace which tries to destroy the balance of the world. Now, let us fight together.
君たちがほめてくれて安心した。この姿も好きになってきたよ When you all came to praise me, it brought me peace. It seems that this form has also come to become fond of you.
ひとつ、わがままを言っていいか? その、シュワシュワのジュースとパイを堪能したくてな、 お店…連れて行ってくれないか? Can you indulge me in just one thing? Um, I'd really like some fizzy drinks and some pie, so, um... could you take me to the shop?
EM Lvl Up I will use this power to protect you.
EM Perk Lvl Up ディとリィも張り切っているな Dyrn and Lyrn are also really worked up, huh?
力が漲ってくるな My power keeps increasing.
This is strength to protect the world, protect my friends.
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack 砕けろ You will crumble.
穿て Pierce!
往け Go!
Enemy Defeated さらばだ Farewell.
Skill 1 蒼き空に散りゆけ Disappear into the blue sky.
Skill 2 風穴を開けてやろう I'll run you through.
Skill 3 さあ、共に行こう Now, let's do this together.
C.A. Ready 覚悟しろ、逃しはしない Get ready, we can't miss this chance.
Charge Attack 抗いなど無意味だ。ガンマ・レイ Resistance is futile. Gamma Ray.
Skip Charge Attack ガンマ・レイ Gamma Ray.
Damage Taken なん…と…! W--what!
Red HP この姿の私が、敗れるだと…! If this form of mine is defeated--!
Knocked Out 今の私では… As I am now...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Was I careless?
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed 君がいて良かった I'm glad you're here.
Join Battle 逃がしはしない。行くぞ I can not let you escape. Let's go.
Victory さて、パイでも食べに行こうか Now, can we go get some pie?
Turn Start 蹂躙しよう I'll crush you.
MC Defeats Enemy やったな Well done.
MC C.A. Ready 世界の敵を滅そう We will destroy the enemies of the world.
MC Red HP さあ、 立て直そう Come on, get up.
MC Knocked Out 私の背に隠れるといい You can hide behind my back.

Final Uncap

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen
Add to Party
EM Lvl Up
EM Perk Lvl Up
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack
Enemy Defeated
Skill 1
Skill 2
Skill 3
C.A. Ready
Charge Attack
Skip Charge Attack
Damage Taken
Red HP
Knocked Out
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Join Battle
Turn Start
MC Defeats Enemy
MC C.A. Ready
MC Knocked Out

Character Banter


Happy Birthday

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Happy New Year

Home Page Voice Lines
Japanese EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Valentine's Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

White Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Trick or Treat

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Happy Holidays

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play


Duel Cosmos

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen 君との旅を経て、一つ学んだことがある。攻撃は時に防御になりうるという事だ。 世界の調停を守るためには、より強力な力を振るう必要があるのかもしれないな There is something I've learned since I've started traveling with you. That sometimes offense can become a defense. In order to protect the balance of the world, there might be a need to wield greater power.
私の剣は自由に形を変えることができるんだ。 銃、槍、斧、弓、短剣、その他諸々…一通り試してみたが、やはり剣が一番馴染む My sword can freely change form. Gun, spear, axe, bow, dagger, and many more... I have tried them all, but the sword is what I'm what I'm most acquainted with after all.
盾はお留守番だ。でも安心してくれ、この剣で必ずや世界と君を守って見せる I left my shield behind. But do not worry, my sword will surely protect both you and the world!
一緒にパイを食べないか? Can we go have some pie?
Add to Party この剣で世界と君を守ろう With this sword, I will protect you and the world!
盾はお留守番だ。 I left my shield behind.
今日はどこに行こうか? Where shall we go today?
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack はぁーっ!
斬り伏せん I'll cut you down.
Enemy Defeated 果てよ Perish.
Skill 1 根絶する Exterminate.
Skill 2 安心しろ。私がついている Do not worry. I'm with you.
Skill 3 滅びの時は来た The hour of ruination is at hand.
Skill 4 さぁ、全力だ Now, with all my strength.
C.A. Ready 終焉へ導こう I herald destruction.
Charge Attack 抗う者よ、裁きを下そう。ガンマ・レイ I shall pass judgement on you, O adversary- Gamma Ray!
Skip Charge Attack ガンマ・レイ Gamma Ray
Damage Taken うっ…やるな… Ugh... You did it...
Red HP やるな… Well done...
Knocked Out 後は…頼んだ The rest... I leave to you.
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
I'm so dizzy...
My body feels strange...
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed ありがとう Thank you.
Join Battle 苛烈に攻め入ろう Let's go on the offense-- no mercy.
Victory 団長、怪我はないか?
Captain, are you hurt?
Well then, shall we depart?
Turn Start 攻撃は最大の防御なり、だな It seems that the best defense can be a good offense.
MC Defeats Enemy やったな Well done.
MC C.A. Ready 世界の敵を、共に滅そう Let's destroy the enemies of the world, together.
MC Red HP さぁ、立て直そう Come on, get up.
MC Knocked Out 守るために剣を振るおう I wield my sword to protect.

Keeper of Balance, Envoy of the Blue

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen
Add to Party
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack Fuh!
Enemy Defeated Scatter and fall.
Skill 1 Try taking this!
Skill 2 Let's stay focused and keep going.
Skill 3 Fall to the sword and return to the azure sky.
C.A. Ready I can't hold back.
Charge Attack Bathe in the dawnlight of creation and become ash! Gamma ray!
Skip Charge Attack Gamma ray! Cut version of The Peacemaker's Wings (Impossible)'s Gamma Ray file.
Damage Taken Ugh!
Red HP Not bad...
Knocked Out It wasn't enough, huh...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed Now I can keep fighting.
Join Battle I am the will of this world.
Victory Let's celebrate with pie and soda.
Turn Start The wishes of all are with me.
MC Defeats Enemy Haha, well done, Captain.
MC C.A. Ready Now then, let's go, Captain!
MC Red HP Are you alright? Don't overdo it.
MC Knocked Out Are you...prepared?

Keeper on a Mission

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen 私と同じように顕現した者…その者が世界に危機を齎すのなら、私がそれを止めなくてはならないな… The person who manifested just as I have... If he will unleash a crisis on the world, then I absolutely must stop him.
あの星晶獣の少女は、姉と再会することが出来たんだな…彼女の笑顔を見ていると、不思議と心が温かくなるよ That primal girl should be able to see her sisters again... When I see her smiling face, it's wonderful, and warms my heart.
弱音を吐くと、果てのない戦いに、ときたま、めげそうになる…だけど、君が傍に居てくれるだけで、私は剣を握りなおせるんだ。これからも背中を預けさせてくれ。団長。 When I falter, in the endless battle, every once in a while I get discouraged... But when you stand beside me, I can grasp my sword once again. Please allow me to keep guarding your back, Captain.
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack やぁ! Yah!
果てよ Perish!
甘い! Not good enough!
Enemy Defeated 使命を果たしたまでだ Until my mission is completed!
Skill 1 すぐに終わらせてやる! I'll finish this soon!
Skill 2 私を頼ってくれ You can count on me.
Skill 3 消し飛ばす! I'll blow them away!
C.A. Ready 殲滅の準備は整った Preparations for annihilation are complete.
Charge Attack 人々の願いによって、今!調停の力を振るおう!ガンマ・レイ! In accordance with the wishes of all people, now! I will wield the Peacemaker's strength! Gamma Ray!
Skip Charge Attack ガンマ・レイ! Gamma Ray!
Damage Taken ぐッ…! Kuh--!
Red HP こんな…所で…! N--now is...
Knocked Out 調停者としての役割を… The duty of the Peacemaker...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under Confuse/Sleep/Sealing Debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under Confuse/Sleep/Sealing Debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Join Battle 君の敵は私の敵だ Your enemy is my enemy.
Turn Start 君と共に戦おう I will fight by your side.
MC Defeats Enemy
MC C.A. Ready よし、そちらは任せたぞ! Right, I leave that to you!
MC Knocked Out