By Any Other Name

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Event Story

By Any Other Name is a side story. This was originally a combined story event with the first event in the series So Close and Yet So Far, .

This event is part of the Romeo and Juliet series.

For new players

New Character

Paris (Event)

Site RatingThe character's overall rating out of 10. GrindingThe character's general efficiency in repeatedly clearing menial content with an emphasis on real-time speed.
GW Max Grade: SS
KG Max Grade: SS
Full AutoThe character's general performance in Full Auto parties.
GW Max Grade: SS
KG Max Grade: SS
High DifficultyThe character's capability relative to the game's most difficult content.
GW Max Grade: SS
KG Max Grade: SS
Last Update
GameWith 6.0 N/A N/A N/A 2018-05-22
Kamigame 6.5 N/A N/A N/A 2023-06-08

Event Battles

Story Battles

Occurrences Notes
Ch. 2, Ep. 3
Ch. 3, Ep. 4
Ch. 5, Ep. 1
Ch. 6, Ep. 2
Ch. 6, Ep. 3
Ch. 6, Ep. 4

Solo Battles

Lord Montague's Last Stand
Cost to Host: 20 AP Unlock: Clear Montague Guard Showdown
Start QuestNetwork Errors will appear if the hosting conditions are not met.
(AP, Host Materials, Daily Limit)
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Lord Montague 40 1,800,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Todesstoss
~4000 Water damage to all allies.
Inflicts 20% Charge CutInstantly reduces Charge Bar by 20%
Strength: 20%
and Water DEF DownDEF is lowered for water DMG
Duration: 3 turns
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50, A Toast to My Love!Rewards
Crystal ×50
, Verona Heart (3★)
Every clear: Honor ×75,000
Wooden Silver Gold

Challenge Battle

A King's Determination

  • Party: Guests Juliet, Paris (Event)
  • Completion reward: Blue Sky Crystal, A Name DiscardedRewards
    Crystal ×10
  • Strategy:
    • On Turn 1, use Juliet's  Fulmine BiancoAll allies gain 20% Light ATK UpLight ATK is boosted
      Strength: 20%Duration: 5 turns
      , 20% Dark CutDark DMG is cut 20%
      Strength: 20%Duration: 5 turnsDark Damage Cut.
      , and 1 Aurora CrestLight magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed)
      Duration: Indefinite
      (When 1 SpiritConsumes 1 upon normal attacks (Restored every 5 turns / Can't be removed)
      is consumed:

      Also inflict 25% Light DEF DownDEF is lowered for light DMG
      Strength: 25%Duration: 180 seconds
      on a foe.)
      and Paris'  Pungiglione dell'ApeGain Dodge-and-Counter (5 times)Dodge and counter one-ally attacks
      Duration: 3 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.
      Self-inflict DEF DownDEF is lowered
      Duration: 3 turns
      At level 45:
      Effect enhanced.
    • Attack until Lord Montague is about to use a special attack, then use Paris'  SilenzioGain Dodge AllTakes no DMG or debuffs while in effect
      Duration: 1 turn
      (Consumes 20% of charge bar.)
    • Continue attacking until both their charge bars are at 100%, making sure Juliet has at least 2 SpiritConsumes 1 upon normal attacks (Restored every 5 turns / Can't be removed)
      . Use  Becco di FalcoGain JammedATK is greatly boosted based on how low HP is
      Duration: 3 turns
      At level 65:
      Also gain Critical Hit Rate UpAttacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG
      Duration: 3 turns
      , reuse  Fulmine BiancoAll allies gain 20% Light ATK UpLight ATK is boosted
      Strength: 20%Duration: 5 turns
      , 20% Dark CutDark DMG is cut 20%
      Strength: 20%Duration: 5 turnsDark Damage Cut.
      , and 1 Aurora CrestLight magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed)
      Duration: Indefinite
      (When 1 SpiritConsumes 1 upon normal attacks (Restored every 5 turns / Can't be removed)
      is consumed:

      Also inflict 25% Light DEF DownDEF is lowered for light DMG
      Strength: 25%Duration: 180 seconds
      on a foe.)
      if needed, turn on charge attacks, and attack.

Event Rewards

Event Shop

Item Step Limit

Verona Heart
1 13015
2 16050
3 19075
4 1120100

Verona Bow
1 1155
2 13020
3 15040
4 17560

Verona Kukri
1 15-
2 115-
3 120-
4 125-

Verona Rifle
1 15-
2 115-
3 120-
4 125-

Premium Draw Ticket
1 115-
2 1205
3 13010

Angel Queen
1 303-

Half Elixir
1 20-2

Soul Berry
1 50-1

CP ×10
1 2031
2 1052
3 1083

Champion Merit
1 3155
2 33010
3 35015

Supreme Merit
1 35020
2 310040

Skill Shard
1 5203

Skill Jewel
1 33010


  English Title Japanese Title Step Description Reward Notes
True Patriot 真に国を想いし者 ★☆☆ Get 100,000 honors in By Any Other Name Crystal ×10
Bearer of the Guardian Spirit 精霊の力を纏いし者 ★★☆ Get 500,000 honors in By Any Other Name Crystal ×30
Inheritor of Final Wishes 英霊の遺志を継ぎし者 ★★★ Get 1,000,000 honors in By Any Other Name Crystal ×50
Unrealized Emotions 届かない想い Complete chapter 3 of By Any Other Name Crystal ×10
By Any Other Name この想いを、何に喩えようか Complete chapter 6 of By Any Other Name Crystal ×10
A Name Discarded その名前はもう捨てた Clear the challenge quest A King's Determination Crystal ×10
Exchanged Glances 交差する眼差し ★☆☆ Defeat Montague Guard or Lord Montague a total of 5 times in By Any Other Name free quest Crystal ×10
Memories of a Lost Friend 亡き友の想い ★★☆ Defeat Montague Guard or Lord Montague a total of 50 times in By Any Other Name free quest Crystal ×30
The Kiss of Death 私を殺して、あなたのキスで ★★★ Defeat Montague Guard or Lord Montague a total of 200 times in By Any Other Name free quest Crystal ×50
A Toast to My Love! わが恋人に乾杯! Clear the free quest Lord Montague's Last Stand Crystal ×50


