Equilibrium Tannenwand

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Equilibrium Tannenwand
Can be uncapped to 4★
Level 1 48 359 400%
Level 100 287 2153 450%
Level 150 347 2602 500%
Character UnlockObtaining this weapon unlocks a character.
Drawing additional copies beyond the first will instead earn a Gold Moon.
Zooey (Holiday)
Unlock Uncap
4★ Complete Zooey (Holiday) Lvl 45 Fate Episode "A Hidden Hope"
ID 1040423800
JP Name 均衡の聖杖
Release Date 2024-12-16
4★ Date 2024-12-16
Other Sites gbf-wiki
(Japanese wiki)
GameWithKamigameHuiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
A staff adorned with a fittingly festive tree design. The lone star attached to its tip gleams as if from up on high, granting its warm glow to the people as they bustle hither and yon—a precious, shining light that fills the hearts of all with the spirit of the holiest of nights.
Charge Attack
Sweeping Illumination Massive Light damage to a foe.
Restore Light allies' HP.
Additional effect at 4★:
All Light allies also gain ATK Up (Stackable)ATK is boosted while active (Stackable)
and DEF Up (Stackable)DEF is boosted while active (Stackable)
Weapon Skills
Thunder's Auspice Medium boost to light allies' max HP and healing cap
Thunder's Garrison Medium boost to light allies' DEF based on how low HP is
▶ 120 Unlocks at level 120: Unlocks at level 120:
Glimmer's Crux Supplement light allies' C.A. DMG
4★ Uncap
Rupies ×10,000

Gameplay Notes

Glimmer's Crux

  • Supplemental damage for Light allies' charge attacks.[1]
    • Strength is 5% of a foe's max HP (Damage cap: 400,000).
      • Damage cap stacks up to 1,000,000 when equipping multiple copies.
      • Damage and cap are unaffected by skill lvl and summon aura.
      • Damage and cap are affected by Seraphic boost where applicable.
